SOS? Who Needs Ya?!
Dedicated to ending the illusions of Save Our Sailors

Konnichiwa, minna-san! Welcome to SOS? Who Needs Ya?!,
the Anti-SOS HQ. Why would I make such a page, you ask? Because I've been to the SOS (Save Our Sailors) page,
and I finally got disgusted enough to do something. I'm taking action and informing you all of the evils of SOS!

overview of the sos page + reasons to hate/dislike sos + show your support

anti-sos people unite + mission statement/allegiance thing + members

sign/view g-book

P.S. The picture isn't mine. Thanks Bianca!

Disclaimer: Sailor Moon and her affiliates belong do not belong to me. Nor does SOS. I claim the ideas on this page, for I thought them up. This is an "anti" site, so if you like/support SOS, I suggest that you leave. Or else I'll have to set my Hairless Chinchillas on you.