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THe DBGT Super 17 Saga

Trunks in Various stages

After the defeat of Baby, Dr.Gero and Dr.Myuu join forces to create artificial android 17 in hell.Their plan was to release artificial 17 through the portal of hell and have it fuse with android 17 on Earth. Thus, creating the mighty Super 17. Dr.Gero insisted that they would have to get Goku out of the way in order for their plan to work. Dr.Myuu decided to give all the enemies that Goku and his friends defeated a second chance by releasing them to Earth along with artificial 17. This includes the Ginyu Force, Freiza's minions, Napa, etc. Dr.Myuu and Dr.Gero's ultimate goal is to gain absolute control of Earth and hell. Shortly android 17 finds Trunks and beats him till he was really weak, and tells Trunks about Dr.Gero and Dr.Myuu's plans. Now that artificial 17 is a remote of android 17, fusing together will not be a problem once they meet on Earth.

As the portal of hell starts to open and the enemies from the past escape, Goku senses that Cell and Frieza are in hell waiting for his arrival. Pan tries to reason with Goku about not to go through the portal but Goku wanted to know how strong Frieza and Cell are after all these years. Without hestitation, Goku flies off. Meanwhile, Trunks gets recovered and heads out to the city where chaos was being formed, along with Goten, Gohan, Uboo, Pan and Vegeta. One of the android 17s find 18 and Krillin, then decides to fight them. The evil android gets the upper hand quickly and fires a powerful Ki at Krillin, which sadly kills him.18 charges towards the android but gets herself badly hurt and wounded. 17 leaves once again to find his fusion partner.

Back in hell, Goku gets teased by the upgraded versions of Cell and Frieza (upgraded by Dr.Myuu and Dr.Gero), mainly because of his child size and his tail. After the talking, Goku enters an amusing battle with Cell and Frieza. Having to dodge and reflect Cell and Frieza'a projectiles, such as bouncing Cell's Kamehameha and sending Frieza's energy disks which eventually cuts him in half once again. Since Cell and Frieza are already dead, theres no point in dying again in hell, so they would always remain alive there. Cell and Frieza tricks Goku, and he is forced to go through the many obstacles of hell. Piccolo immediately knows of this from heaven and forces himself to hell just to rescue Goku and open up the portal again since its closed right after the enemies have escaped.

While on Earth, Vegeta goes on a mano a mano with android 17, but then gets shocked by knowing that there are two 17s. Watching in amazement as artificial 17 and android 17 fuses together to form Super 17, the sayians have no choice but to transform in super saiyans! As punches, kicks and tackles were like whiping feathers against Super 17, Gohan gets angry and decides to use a huge and powerful Kamehameha at Super 17. Super 17 felt nothing and bends down to polish his shoes. It's Vegeta's turn as he powers up and brags about him being the best and all. Dr.Myuu and Dr.Gero laughs and could not believe what they were seeing are super sayians, weak and pathetic as they say. Immediately, Dr.Myuu issues out the first order to Super 17 to attack. Super 17 effortlessy throws around the warriors and sending lethal punches and kicks to their bodies.

Piccolo arrives in hell and finds Goku where he just backfired the trap on Cell and Frieza, then calling telepathecally to Dende to have him concentrate his powers along with Piccolo to open up the portal of hell and let Goku back out on Earth. Many attempts were made but none were successful. Goku then tells Piccolo and Dende to yell out dishes instead of counting 1,2,3. The plan works and Goku thanks Piccolo and Dende, then he rushes to the battle field where Super 17 is located. Meanwhile, Vegeta is ticked off, and launches his Big Bang attack on Super 17. Super 17 gets hit but stares back at Vegeta with ad odd grin and sends Vegeta flying in miles.

Goku finally arrives and gives Super 17 a heavy punch in the stomach which lets Super 17 orbit the Earth a couple of times. Goku goes into super sayian mode and fights fiercely with Super 17. Dr. Gero and Dr. Myuu have no other choice but to watch and shout out commands to Super 17. The android tells Goku that he has calculated everyone of his next moves and will also be able to tell where his instant trasmission trick will land by the gravitational forces and such. Goku gets sent to the bottom of the ocean and returns in Super Sayian 4 mode. Now the action really starts. Goku sends rounds after rounds of Ki energy to Super 17 and many of it hits him. Super 17 pummels Goku and retreats having Goku once again to fire energy blasts to the android. Goku then notices that Super 17 wasn't getting hit by his blasts in accident but on purpose. Dr. Gero reveals Super 17's secret that he is able to absorb Ki energy and produce them to form his own energy, this included Vegeta's full powered Big Bang and Gohan's Kamehameha. This means trouble for Goku, because he knows that hitting Super 17 is pratically useless and using Ki will just make it stronger. Goku then comes up with a plan to use his newly developed 10x Kamehameha on Super 17. Knowing that this could cause Super 17 to become stronger, but Goku assumes that Super 17 will soon overload and explode of too much energy in his system. Goku performs the new attack and Super 17 absorbs it like there is no tommorow. Now Super 17 looks bloated and Goku attacks Super 17 physically to weaken him. But Super 17 deals more damage to Goku and Goku starts to get weak and tired.

Goku decides not to give up and grabs onto Super 17. Dr. Gero thought that Goku was going to selfdestruct but Goku only intended to weaken him. Goku still holding onto Super 17, Dr. Gero shouts out Super 17 to get away from Goku but Super 17 ignores. Dr.Myuu tells Dr. Gero that he planted a device on artificial 17 which when fused along with android 17, Super 17 will only listen to Dr.Gero for a limited time and the rest are up to Dr.Myuu's commands. Dr.Myuu tells Super 17 to get away from Goku and send Dr.Gero back to hell. Super 17 attacks with an energy blast and kills Dr.Gero. Goku couldnt believe his eyes and once again fights with Super 17. Dr.Myuu starts calling Super 17 useless and a waste of a creation because he couldnt even kill Goku. Super 17 ignores about what Dr.Myuu said and starts fighting Goku again. Dr.Myuu continues calling Super 17 pathetic and a defect. The android gets mad and charges toward Dr.Myuu and kills the sorry scientist.

Out of nowhere, 18 appears and wants revenge for killing krillin. Goku is extremely tired and turns back to normal state. 18 starts firing dozens of Ki energy blasts at Super 17, but Goku warns 18 of what would happen to Super 17. 18 dosn't care and continues to blast Super 17. The evil android goes insane of energy and at the same moment, Goku charges up his Dragon Punch technique. Without knowing of what Goku were to do next, he performs the Dragon Punch and is able to rip through Super 17,(since now Super 17 is overloaded with energy and has become fragile) while 18 was still firing. Goku then turns around and launches a devastating Kamehameha at Super 17 at his now busted body. Super 17 disinigrates and a huge explosion occurs. 18 realizes why Super 17 didn't attack her, since she was 17's twin sister and he wouldnt want to hurt her. 18 feels sorry in a way and leaves the scene with Goku. A clip is then shown with Vegeta hanging onto Trunks and mumbling,"He did it again......"

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