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What is Isotonic?

Isotonic is a word, and that's all, to a lot of people. What does it mean? Broken down to its roots, "iso" means "the same" and "tonic" means "pressure" or "tone." When isotonic is used to describe solutions for human consumption, it means having the same fluid pressure as body fluids. Tears, blood plasma, lymph and other body fluids are all isotonic. When we ingest food, gastric (or stomach) juice is secreted onto the food, and muscular contractions of the somach mix the contents until a reasonably uniform solution is achieved. The solutions of food (or chmyme)that enter the small intestine for absorption are made isotonic by the action of the stomach in a time-consuming process.

The fluid pressure of food or Isotonic solutions across semi-permeable membranes, such as the walls of the small intestine, is generally referred to as having a particular osmolarity or tonicity. For the purposes of this discussion, osmolarity is measured in units referred to as milliosmoles/kilogram (mOs/kg). It can be said that when solutions on opposite sides of a membrane have the same osmolarity, they are 'iso-osmotic' or 'isotonic.' Normal human blood serum ( the fluid portion without cells and platelets) has an osmolarity of 288 mOs/kg, as do most other fluids in the body. Therefore, in physiologic terms when a solution's osmolarity is the same, or nearly the same, as that of normal human blood serum, it is referred to as isotonic.

Isotonic products are formulated with the proper balance of fructose, d-glucose, citric acid, potassium bicarbonate and other key ingredients to assure that they are isotonic when properly prepared. This combination of ingredients is necessary to maintain the flavor, isotonic character, pH, and delivery efficiency of these fine nutritional supplements.

Because these products are powders, none of the fillers, binders, coatings, and lubricants that are common to tablet manufacturing is found in Isotonix. There are no gelatin capsules or the fillers to make things fit the capsules. All that is in them is what is necessary to make Isotonix work, and nothing extra.

Gastric Emptying Time
Concentration and Absorption
What's All This About pH?
The Isotonic Base
How to Order
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