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Preparation of Isotonix Solutions

Isotonix nutritional supplements are packaged ready-to-use and easy to take. Just follow these simple directions:

1. Remove the overcap from the bottle and remove the plastic safety seal.
2. Unscrew the bottle cap and remove the second safety and freshness seal.
3. Fill the bottle cap level with Isotonix powdered nutrients (3.3g)
4. Pour the contents of the bottle cap into the overcap or a glass.
5. Fill the overcap up to the line with cold tap water (2 fl. oz. or 60mL)
6. Overcap Method: Allow the Isotonix solution to fizz for 15-30 seconds.
Glass Method: Pour water from the overcap into glass containing Isotonix nutrients. Allow solution to fizz for 15-30 seconds. You may mix different Isotonix products, but be sure to keep the water volume in proportino to the powder (2 fl. oz./60 mL water/level capful/3.3g)
7. Drink the Isotonix nutrient solution.
8. Replace the bottle cap tightly.
9. Do not replace overcap on bottle. Instead, save it for daily use.

For best nutritional results:

Take Isotonix on an empty stomach, preferably 15 to 20 minutes before eating your first meal (or any meal) of the day. The exceptions to this suggestion are Vitamin B-12 Special Formula and Digestive Enzyme Formula with Probiotics, which should be taken during or immediately after meals.

Keep container tightly closed and in a cool, dry place.

Measure both Isotonix and water carefully to assure an isotonic solution.

Remember these three things as you enjoy the benefits of your Isotonix:
1. Isotonix products deliver high quality, all naturally derived nutrients into your system faster, using nature's own nutrient delivery system.
2. With Isotonix, your body actually uses more of the nutrients you take because fewer of them are lost in the stomach's digestive process.
3. Isotonix products taste good, but they're even better for you.
Isotonix: Simply the best way to give your body nutritional support. That's the advantage of nature's own nutrient delivery system - isotonics

Isotonix: The fresh and natural choice for you health.

What is Isotonic?
Gastric Emptying Time
Concentration and Absorption
What's All This About pH?
The Isotonic Base
How to Order
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