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Frequently Asked Questions

Q. Are Isotonix FDA approved?
A. Isotonix and all vitamin supplements fall into a general category known as "dietary supplements" and are regulated under the terms of the Dietary Supplements Health and Education Act of 1994.

Q. How many calories are in Isotonix?
A. A single level capful of any of the Isotonix products contains about 8 calories. This would be equivalent to the fructose in two to three grapes or one-half teaspoon of honey.

Q. Why is fructose in Isotonix?
A. Fructose is the sweetest of all naturally occurring sugars and helps make Isotonix pleasant tasting with fewer calories. The consumption of fructose does not produce the extreme "highs" and "lows" in blood sugar levels like ordinary table sugar might. Some experts consider high blood sugar and insulin levels to be contributing factors in the development of certain diseases.

Q. Are Isotonix products hypoallergenic?
A. Current scientific literature cites no known instances of "vitamin allergies." Many vitamin tablets available include dyes, fillers, binders, coatings, and extenders which may cause allergic reactions in some people. The exclusion of these substances in Isotonix products was carefully planned: therefore, no reports of allergic reactions are expected.

Q. What is the best time to take Isotonix products?
A. Basically, any time the stomach is empty is a good time, in order to take advantage of the "isotonic state", and the processes of gastric emptying and absorption of nutrients. The products may be taken in any combination as long as the amounts of powder and water are proportional. Two Isotonix products, Vitamin B-12 Special Formula and Digestive Enzyme Formula with Probiotics, should be taken during or immediately after meals. The uptake of vitamin B-12 is greatly aided by the presence of a special binding protein called Intrinsic Factor that is secreted by the stomach during digestion. Digestive enzymes in Isotonix work well over the pH ranges found in the gastrointestinal tract, and so it is important to allow the enzymes to begin working as soon as possible in the digestive process in order to supplement our own salivary, stomach, and pancreatic enzymes.

Q. What are Daily Reference Intake values?
A. Daily Reference Intake (DRI) values for essential nutrients are established by the Committee on Dietary Allowances of the Food and Nutrition Board of the National Academy of Sciences. These "recommendations" are based on the judgement of the Committee as to available scientific knowledge regarding the known nutritional needs of almost all healthy individuals. Since the RDIs are defined for "almost all healthy persons", there is no consideration given to special needs that require special nutritional attention. Whereas the older term "Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA)" defined the minimum doses of vitamins and minerals derived from all dietary sources that should be taken daily to prevent nutritional deficiencies, the newer term "DRI" defines adequate doses of micronutrients that contribute positively to a state of good health. Typically Isotonix products meet or exceed DRI values.

Q. What are some of the special needs Daily Reference Intake values do not address?
A. Many factors such as physical activity, climate, aging, chronic disease, dieting, smoking, alcohol, and prescription drug use constitute "special needs". It is difficult to assess exactly how any one of these "special needs" may affect nutrient demand for an individual. However, an increased requirement for some nutrients would certainly be indicated for many individuals with "special needs."

Q. Do Daily Reference Intake values pertain to vitamin and mineral supplements only?
A. No. The Daily Values are designed to reflect ALL of the vitamins and minerals consumed in one day, including those nutrients which occur in foods or are added to foods as fortification and dietary supplements. The use of multi-vitamin/multi-mineral products offering 100% of the USDRI serves as excellent insurance that at least the basic needs are met.

What is Isotonic?
Gastric Emptying Time
Concentration and Absorption
What's All This About pH?
The Isotonic Base
How to Order
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