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The Isotonix Base

Pure crystalline FRUCTOSE is a naturally occurring nutritive sweetener. Fructose is present in almost all sweet fruits, berries, vegetables, and honey. It is synthesized in the human body. Fructose is the sweetest of all natural sugars, and for this reason, it was chosen as the sweetener for Isotonix. Unlike ordinary table sugar or sucrose, the consumption of fructose does not produce extreme "highs" and "lows" in blood sugar levels. In particular, many experts consider high blood sugar and insulin levels to be risk factors in the development of certain disease conditions. Since blood sugar and insulin levels are far lower after eating fructose than after eating ordinary sugar (or sucrose), fructose offers a clear alternative to people concerned about their health. It contributes to the isotonicity of Isotonix.

d-GLUCOSE, also known as grape sugar and blood sugar, is the main source of energy for living organisms. It occurs naturally and in the free state in fruits and other parts of plants. Normal human blood contains 0.08-0.1% d-glucose. It is included to (1)stimulate the sodium pump mechanism of active transport, (2)help maintain the isotonic character of the products, and (3)cover the bitter tasteof certain micronutients and plant extracts.

CITRIC ACID is widely distributed in plants, especially citrus varieties, and in animal fluids and tissues. Citric acid is a necessary ingredient for pH stability of the product in solution. It contributes to the osmolarity of Isotonix and is a flavor enhancer.

MALIC ACID is a mild, food grade organic acid that acts as a flavoring agent. It helps achieve a clean, pleasant taste. Malic Acid, when reacted with calcium carbonate, also helps produce calcium malate, which helps provide maximum effervesence.

POTASSIUM BICARBONATE makes the slight effervescence ("fizz") which helps distribute all components of the product uniformly in the solution for consumption. It also contributes to producing the isotonic state in solution and plays a role in stimulating absorption.

SILICA (food-grade, amorphous) has been included to help prevent product caking in high moisture situations. Crystalline silica is the most abundant mineral in the earth's crust. It is essential to human nutrition and contributes to bone and cartilage formation, collagen synthesis, and skin elasticity.

MALTODEXTRIN, a natural polymer of d-glucose or a nutritive polysaccharide, is used to coat the citric acid crystals to keep them from reacting with other ingredients if the product is exposed to excessive moisture. Maltodextrin has been shown to enhance the absorption of other nutrients, particularly calcium.

The 100% NATURAL FLAVOR is an extract containing the natural essence from lemons, limes, oranges, and other fruits.

These ingredients, carefully balanced and adjusted to accommodate the active ingredients, help comprise the delivery vehicle, which leads to the rapid assimilation of Isotonix. These ingredients, as well as all our other ingredients, are from the finest and most natural sources available. They have been obtained from some of the world's foremost manufacturers and meet the rigorous standards of the United States Pharmacopoeia, the National Formulary, and the National Research Council's Food Chemical Codex.

What is Isotonic
Gastric Emptying Time
Concentration and Absorption
What's All This About pH?
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