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        The participants in this experiment were told that they would be participating in a memory
        experiment and were given a consent form to sign.  Each person was given a copy of a
        Visual Basics program to run at their own leisure which included a series of exercises.

        During the first task, the participants were presented with a series of 72 words which were each
        flashed on a computer screen for about 1.5 seconds.  After each list, the participants were given
        a set of simple math problems to solve for 2 minutes. When time ran out for the math solving task,
        the next list immediately followed.  This part of the experiment took approximately 10 minutes to

        The second task was the recognition test in which the subjects were given instructions on making
        old-new and remember-know judgments on the words they had previously seen. They were told that
        they would see 4 lists of words and they were to choose and check between the appropriate boxes, which
        were "Old or New," and "Know and Remember".  The "Know" and "Remember" options were visible
        only if the participant chose "Old" for that particular word.  If the participant chose "New," the "Know"
        and "Remember" options were not possible to choose.

Main Page | Abstract | Introduction | Methods | Results | Discussion | References | Table 1 | Table 2