Have What You Say”,
Things That We Say ~ “Spoken Out Loud)
You Have To Mix Faith With Your Words “Spoken Out Loud,
(Mark 11:23; Matthew 17:20; Matthew 21:21; Luke 6:43-45; Romans 10:9-10; 2 Corinthians 4:13).

For Most Certainly I Tell You, (Some Translations Read “I Say To You”), Whoever Says This Mountain, ‘Be Taken Up And Cast Into The Sea,’ And Doesn’t Doubt In Their Heart, But Believes That What They Say Is Happening; They Shall Have Whatever They Say, {Mark 11:23}.

Why We Declare Things Out Loud With Our Have What You SayMouth

“If You Abide In Me, And My Words Abide In You, You Will Ask What You Desire, And It Shall Be Done For You”, (John 15:7).

Whoever Guards Their Mouth And Their Tongue Keeps Their Soul From Troubles, But They Who Open Wide Their Lips Comes To Ruin, (Proverbs 13:3).



Proverbs 6:2

You Are Trapped By The Words Of Your ‘Mouth.
You Are Ensnared With The Words Of Your ‘Mouth’.

However; The Way That Things Come From Heaven To The Earth Is Through Us, So It Does Matter If You Talk Bad About What’s Hoped For?  Yes, It Does~!  Faith Has To Be In Two Places.  First, Faith Has To Be In Your Hear†, And The Second Place, Faith Has To Be Coming Out Of Your MouthYou Have To Talk Faith To Expect Faith Results~!   But, You Can’t Just Talk It, or, “Name It—Claim It”, “Blabb It—Grab It”, “Confess It—Possess It”, Because Just Speaking Alone Won’t Work.  You Have To Mix Faith With Your Words “Spoken Out Loud,

(Mark 11:23; Matthew 17:20; Matthew 21:21; Revelation 8:8; Luke 6:43-45; Romans 10:9-10; Psalm 106:24; 2 Corinthians 4:13).

{Faith Resides In Your Heart},

(Deuteronomy 1:32; Psalm 106:24; Hebrews 4:2).

UnBelief Is Called An Evil Heart, (Hebrews 3:12-Hebrews 4:2).

One Of The Strongest Evidence That You
Have What You Say”,
 Was When Joshua Told Yahweh, For The Sun To Stand Still, And The Sun Stood Still For A Whole Day~!

Joshua 10:12-14
12 Then Joshua Spoke To Yahweh In The Day When Yahweh Delivered Up The Amorites Before The Children Of Israel.  He Said In The Sight Of Israel, “Sun, Stand Still On Gibeon~!  You, Moon, Stop In The Valley Of Aijalon~!
13 The Sun Stood Still, And The Moon Stayed, Until The Nation Had Avenged Themselves Of Their Enemies.
Isn’t This Written In The Book Of Jashar?  The Sun Stayed In The Middle Of The Sky, And Didn’t Hurry To Go Down About A Whole Day.

And The Army Of Joshua Whooped d—Evil One Completely And Joshua Had The Israelite Leaders Stand And Put Their Foot On Each Of The King’s Necks, And Then Joshua Killed The Five Kings Who Had Been Hiding In A Cave And Tossed Their Bodies Into The Cave~!  What d—Evil One Meant For Evil, Yahweh Turned It Around For The Good Of The Israelite Folks~!  ~ (Genesis 50:20).  It’s A Pretty Amazing Story And I Encourage You To Read The Original Account At Joshua 10:1-43.



Confession ~ Does What We Say Really Matter?

Confess Means To Say The Same Thing As Yahweh Has Already Outlined In His Word or His Will,
(Strong’s Concordance #3670).
Mark 11:23; Matthew 17:20; Matthew 21:21 Shows The Importance Of Watching What You Are, “Saying”,
(This Is Called Confessing, or Confession).

Count The Word, “Say” or, “Tell” And Count The Word, “Heart” Below.

For Most Certainly I Tell You”, {Some Translations Read “I Say To You” ~ Yahoshua Never Wasted Words So The “For Most Certainly I Tell You”, Must Have Been Just As Important As What He Telling Them}, “Whoever Says To This Mountain, ‘Be Taken Up And Cast Into The Sea,’ And Doesn’t Doubt In Their Heart, But Believes That What They Say Is Happening; They Shall Have Whatever They Say, {Mark 11:23}”.

Notice There Are Three, “Say’s”, (For Now, Not Counting The First “Tell”, Yahoshua Said); And Only One, “Heart”, So The “Saying” Is Going To Be Three Times As Important As Coming From Your, “Heart”.  The Heart Is Important, You Can’t Just Say It And Expect It To Happen.  Faith Has To Come Out Of Your Heart, (Romans 10:8-10), But That’s Not Where We Miss It Most.  It’s Our ‘Mouth’ That Keeps Turning The Tide Against Us~!

Now, Right After Yahoshua Tells Us That You Have What You Say, Yahoshua Said, In Mark 11:24, Therefore, (Indicating What He Is Going To Say Is Based On The Foundation Of What He Just Said… If There Is A Therefore”, Look To See What It’s There For~!”), Therefore”, I Say To You”… And Uses The Very Pattern Of Having What You Say As Yahoshua Goes Further To Explain “Therefore I Say To You, Whatever Things You Ask, When You Pray, BELIEVE THAT YOU RECEIVE THEM, AND YOU WILL HAVE THEM~!

For You “Have What You Say”, {Hwys}

Enter Here To See More On Confessing.



Confessing And Possessing

Psalm 91:9-14

9 Because You Have Made Yahweh, Which Is My Refuge, Even The Most High, Your Dwelling Place, (Your Habitation);
10 No Evil Shall Happen To You, Neither Shall Any Plague Come Near Your Dwelling.
11 For He Will Put His Angels In Charge Of You, To Guard You In All Your Ways.
12 Then Will Bear You Up In Their Hands, So That You Won’t Dash Your Foot Against A Stone.
13 You Will Tread On The Lion And Cobra.  You Will Trample The Young Lion And The Serpent Underfoot.
14Because You Have Set Your Love Upon Me, Therefore I WILL Deliver You;
I WILL Set You On High, Because You Have Known My Name~! *
15 You Shall Call Upon Me, And I WILL Answer You; I WILL Be With Them In Trouble; I WILL Deliver You And Honor You~!
16 With Long Life I WILL Satisfy You, And Show You My Salvation
”.  * [Have A Personal Knowledge Of My Mercy, Love, And Kindness—Trusts And Relies On Me, Knowing I Will Never Forsake Him, No, Never].

It Is Not Saying That I Am Going To Be Healed, But Saying, “I Am Healed”, When You Are Hurting And In Pain.  It Is Saying, “I Am Rich And Out Of Debt” When You Don’t Even Have Two Nickels To Rub Together, (2 Corinthians 8:9).  It Is Saying When Your Another Woman Catches Your Eye, “My Wife’s Bosom Satisfies Me At ALL Times, And I Am Enthroned By HER Love”, (Proverbs 5:19; Matthew 19:4-6).  It Is Saying That My House Is Paid For When You See A 30 Year Mortgage Looming At You, (Psalm 118:25; Mark 10:30).

Yahoshua Told Peter To Go Get A Coin Out Of The First Fish’s Mouth To Pay Taxes, (Matthew 17:30).  Enter Here To Read More On Prospering In Yahweh’s Kingdom.  If There Was A First Fish, That Means That There Was More Than One Fish.  Then Why Did Yahoshua Specify That The Coin Be Taken Only From The First Fish’s Mouth.  Perhaps, The First Fish Might Look A Little Scrawny And Would Normally Be A Throw-Back?  Or Was It Because At Least Another Fish Also Had Money In Its Mouth As Well?  Mark 10:30  ~ But He Will Receive One Hundred Times More Now In This Time, Houses, Brothers, Sisters, Mothers, Children, And Land, With Persecutions; And In The Age To Come Eternal Life.



Question: When Does Yahweh Deliver?”


Psalm 91:1 ~ He That Dwells In The Secret Place Of The Most High Shall Abide Under The Shadow Of The Almighty.
Psalm 91:2 ~ I Will Say Of Yahweh
, He Is My Refuge And My Fortress, My God; On Him I Lean And Rely, And In Him I [Confidently] Trust~!
Psalm 91:3 ~
For [Then] He WILL Deliver Me From The Snare Of The Fowler And From The Deadly Pestilence.


When I, “Say” What Yahweh Says About Me, (For [Then] He WILL Deliver Me”)
{Confess Means To “Say The Same Thing” As Yahweh Has Already Outlined In His Word or His Will},
(Strong’s Concordance #3670).

What Is The Catalyst That Causes Yahweh To Deliver Us?  Is It Our Words~!   Psalm 91:2 Just Got Through Saying, “I Will SAY Of Yahweh”, And Then Psalm 91:3 Reads, “For [Then] He WILL Deliver Me~!




I Did Some Research On The “For [Then] He WILL Deliver Me”; As Some Scripture Translations Say, “Surely”, And Also Because The “Then” Is In Brackets.  However, “Surely” Is Not A Great Translation Of This Word.  It Means That Whether We Do Something or Not, Then Surely He Will Deliver Us.  He Will Deliver Us Regardless.  I Think That The Translators Didn’t Want To Say Under Any Circumstances That Yahweh Would Not Do Something, So They Just Put In Surely, “Surely, He WILL Deliver Me”.  Making The Outcome Of The Sentence A Matter Of Fact.

What I Found Is That This Hebrew Word, (Strong’s Concordance #H3588), Is A Little, “If-ee”, And I’ll Explain What I Mean By The Following Definitions.   The Strong’s Concordance Says, That It Is, “Indicating Causal Relations Of All Kinds, Antecedent, ({Precursor, Forerunner, Predecessor}, Something That Came Before Something Else And May Have Influenced or Caused It), or Consequent; (By Implication)”.  The Complete Word Study Bible By Spiros Zodhiates Says, “A Demonstrative Particle Meaning Because, For, That, When, Whenever”.  The Brown-Driver-Briggs Hebrew And English Lexicon, (BDB); Defines This Word, (Kee) As, “That, For, Because, When, As Though, As, Because That”.   In Other Words, Something Causes Something Else To Happen.  Like If I Had A Small Child With Me And They Turned To Me And Ask Me A Question, I Would Turn My Head Back Toward Them And Answer Them, (Their Asking A Question Is What Caused Me To Want To Reply), Otherwise I Would Have Just Continued On With Whatever I Was Doing.

That Probably Muddled Up The Definition Some, So, In Regard To The Above Definitions, I Think This Is More A Conditional Promise, {Like We Tell Our Children If You Clean Your Room Tonight, Then We’ll Go Out To Eat Ice Cream}.  So, It’s A Little, “If-ee” To Me.  A Little Questionable And I’ll Explain Below. 



For Then…

I Think, “For Then” Is A Better Translation, “Surely Has A More UnConditional Permanence About It And That Just Doesn’t Match The Rest Of The Scriptures, (Generally, There Is A Condition That Has To Be Met ~ See Deuteronomy 28:1 For Just One Example).  Like, If We Turn On A Light Switch, Surely The Light Will Come On.  A Computer Programmer Might Write Code Better In A “For-Next” Loop As, “For ~ If Condition Exists Then Do An Action ~ Next” … {The Words, “For” And, “Then” Are Actually Used In Microsoft Excel’s Visual Basic Coding), “For Then” … A Conditional Response.

Or If We Turn On A Water Faucet Then Water Will Come Out.  Or If We Jump Out Of An Airplane, Then Surely We Will Fall To The Ground, Unless That Law Is Preempted By Another Force Such As “You Have A Parachute”, (The Law Of Gravity Is Still In Effect And You And The Parachute Would Float In Space And Not Descend Without Gravity.  You Still Are Falling But At A Much Slower Rate Because Of Air Resistance, {Drag}, Inside The Parachute).  But, Even So; When You Pull The RipCord, Surely The Parachute Is Supposed To Open.

But, Yahweh Has A More Sure Word Of Promise Than The “Made By Human Hands” Parachute, or Lights or Electricity, or Air or Even Water.  Yahweh, Your Word Is Settled In Heaven Forever, (Psalm 119:89).  The Word Of Promise In The Covenant Made In Heaven Is Sure To ALL The Seed; Everyone Of The Promises Is Yea And Amen In Christ, (2 Corinthians 1:20), And As Stable As The Heavens.  So, If Yahweh Said That He Will Do Something, Then He Will Do It, (Word).  So, How Can It Be That, “Surely” Yahweh Will Do Something, But At The Same Time It Be A Little, “If-ee?”  The Deliverance Is A More Sure Thing Based On A ‘Causal Relationship, (* See The J. B. Phillips Translation At This Link ~ Romans 4:16).  Let Me Explain This Below.



A Sure Thing

The Best Illustration That I Can Think Of Is When It Rains Hard, And The Ground Gets Wet And A Tree That Is In That Soft Ground Tilts And Falls Over, And The Tree Becomes unRooted, As A Consequent To The “Soggy Bottom” Condition Of The Ground.  {By The Way, “I Am Not A Person Of Constant Sorrow”}.  “I Am Blessed All The Time”, (“I’m Blessed By The Best And He’s Taking Care Of The Rest”).  The Tree Won’t Fall Unless The Conditions Are Met.  Okay, That’s On The Negative Side Of A, “Surely”.

Suppose There’s A Fire In An Apartment Complex, And An 8 Year Old Child Is On The 2nd Story Looking Out A Window With Smoke Billowing Out Behind, And I Shout To Them, “Jump” And I Will, “Surely” Catch You.  I Will Surely Catch You.  Is My, “Surely”, A “Sure Thing?”  It Is, As Long As I Don’t Fall, or Trip On A Garden Hose On The Way To Catch Them.  I Would Never On Purpose, Let Them Drop, And I’ll Do My Best To Catch Them, And So Would You.  My Eye Would Be Glued To Their Every Move So That I Can React In An Instance In Case They Jump~!



Our Part

However, My Catching Them Is Consequential, {Happening As A Result}, or Conditional To Their “Leap Of Faith”.  If They Don’t Jump, I Still Will Keep My Part Of The Bargain And I Would Be Desiring To Catch Them… But, There Will Be Nothing To Catch~!  In Algebra Terms We Would Say f(x) = 0, So That Whatever Times ‘x’ = 0.  Therefore, What Is The Catalyst That Causes Yahweh To Deliver Us.  Is It Our Words~!  Psalm 91:2 Just Got Through Saying, “I Will SAY Of Yahweh”, And This Is Where The “If-ee” Part Comes Into Play Where Some Folks Have Translated This As Surely And Others Translated This As For [Then] … Then Psalm 91:3 Reads, “For [Then] He WILL Deliver Me”.  And I Will Add This In So That You See More Of The Whole Picture.  How Does Yahweh Deliver Us?  By The Use Of Angels Responding To Our ‘Words Of Faith.  {Click or Tap Here To Read More About Angels}.

So, “Surely, He WILL Deliver Me”…

When I, “Say” What Yahweh Says About Me, (For [Then] He WILL Deliver Me”)
{ Means To “Say The Same Thing” As Yahweh Has Already Outlined In His Word or His Will},
(Strong’s Concordance #3670).

Psalm 91:2 ~ I Will Say Of Yahweh, He Is My Refuge And My Fortress, My God; On Him I Lean And Rely, And In Him I [Confidently] Trust~!
Psalm 91:3 ~ For [Then] He WILL Deliver Me From The Snare Of The Fowler And From The Deadly Pestilence

There Is Something That We Must Do, And I’m Not Adding To The Finished Work That Yahoshua, (Jesus), Did On The Cross, As His Part Is Done.  However, It’s Our Part To Mix Faith, (Hebrews 4:2) With What Yahweh Said, {To Believe And Then To Speak It}.  When WE SAY, Is When We, Leap Out In Faith Trusting Yahweh To Catch And Deliver Us, For Out Of The Heart TheMouth’ Speaks, (Matthew 12:34-37).  This Is Why I Said That The “Surely” Is “If-ee”.  It Is A “Sure Thing” On Yahweh’s Part, But If-ee On Our Part.  If There Are No Words Of Faith, Then The Angels Have Nothing That They Can Hearken / Respond To.  This Isn’t “Works”, This Is Faith~!  Enter Here To See More How Faith Works.

Compare This To This Verse.  (Mark 16:17-18) ~ And These Signs Shall Follow Them That Believe … They Shall Lay Hands On The Sick, And They Shall Recover.  Is There A Condition That Must Be Met For Hands Laying On The Sick To Recover?  Them That Believe.

1 Now It Shall Come To Pass, IF You Diligently Obey The Voice Of Yahweh Your God, To Observe Carefully ALL His Commandments Which I Command You Today, That Yahweh Your God WILL Set You High Above ALL Nations Of The Earth.  2 And ALL These Blessings Shall Come Upon You And Overtake You, Because You Obey The Voice Of Yahweh Your God (Deuteronomy 28:1-12).

I Hope That I Have Successfully Hammered Into Your Brain The Truth About Psalm 91:2-3.  So, When You Are Faced With A Crisis Of Health, Or Wealth, Or Just Plain Safety, That Instead Of Crying Out The Problem, That You Will Shout Out Yahweh Will Deliver Me~!’ 

Recently, We Were Advised That Some Bad Weather Was Definitely Coming Our Way Later That Day and Would Most Definitely Strike Our Town.  It Was Such A Threat, That They Let Children Out Of School Early.  Then Later On That Day, Just As Was Forecast, Sharon and My Cell Phones Were Going Off Every 5 Minutes With Tornado Alerts Advising Us to Seek Shelter Immediately.

So, I Did As I Was Advised and Sought Shelter In Psalm 91:2-3, And I Said,

Psalm 91:2 ~ I Will Say Of Yahweh, He Is My Refuge And My Fortress, My God; On Him I Lean And Rely, And In Him I [Confidently] Trust~!
Psalm 91:3 ~ For [Then] He WILL Deliver Me From The Snare Of The Fowler And From The Deadly Pestilence.

When I, “Say” What Yahweh Said, (For [Then] He WILL Deliver Me”)

… And I Didn’t Even Worry or Check the News Anymore.  The Tornado That Was Predicted Never Happened In Our Area, {It Did Damage In Another Area North Of Us, For Which I Didn’t Declare Safety Over As I Know I Have Jurisdiction Over My Area, And Unfortunately, Someone In Their Area Didn’t Do The Same… My People Perish For A Lack Of Knowledge, (Hosea 4:6)}.  But For Us, It Was A Non-Event.  In Fact, It Passed Directly Over Our House, But Did Not Land.  It Couldn’t.  Angels Were At Work, (Psalm 34:6-7).

Bonus: Because I Stood My Ground, And We Were Blessed and Spared, So Was Everyone Else In My Area.  I Blessed My Neighbors, As I Am Blessed To Be A Blessing And That I Am Called To Bring A Blessing To ‘Every Place’ I Go, (2 Corinthians 2:14).  [We Are Blessed… So That We Can Bring A Blessing, (Genesis 12:3; Galatians 3:14
), And So Are You, If You’ve Declared Yahoshua To Be Your Lord.




The Surely Is A Conditional, Surely, Not Conditional On Yahweh’s Part: But, Conditional On Our Part;

And, “I Will SAY Of Yahweh”, “For [Then] He WILL Deliver Me”.

Can You Imagine A Bear Rushing At Us And My Father Tucking Tail And Running…. And I Will Say Of Yahweh, Because He Has Set His Love On Me…. My Daddy Loves Both Of Us.  If There Was A Bear Coming At Me or At You.  My Earthly Father To This Day, And As Old And Frail or Feeble As He Was Just Before He Passed, Would Have Stood Fast Against A Bear.  I Just Know He Would, Just As He Really Did Do This For Me When I Was About Eight or Nine And We Were In North Carolina And Cars Were Stopped To See A Mother Bear And Her Cubs, And My Father And My Two Brothers And I Got Out Of The Car And Went To See The Bears.  Apparently, The Mother Bear Felt Threatened As We Were Too Close To Her Cubs And She Rushed Us.

My Younger Brother And I Were On Dad’s Left With My Other Younger Brother On My Left And We Fled Fast, And I Am Pretty Certain I Slid Over The Hood Of The Car As My Younger Brother Told Me That I Did, {I Was So Frightened, That I Didn’t Remember Doing It}; All I Recall Is That He Was In My Escape Path.  But, When We Poked Our Heads Back Up Over The Car, There Was My Father Still Standing Firm With My Other Younger Brother On The Right Side Of Dad.  I Always Joked With That Brother And Said, He Too Went To Flee, But Ran Smack Into Dad On His Left And It Knocked Him Unconscious For A Moment And Then He Was Too Frozen To Move.  But, He Told Me That He Didn’t See Dad Run, So He Stood His Ground.

Wow, Such A Powerful Example Of Impartation.  The Same Thing Is True With Our Heavenly Father… “Therefore, Put On The Complete Armor Of God, So That You Will Be Able To [Successfully] Resist And Stand Your Ground In The Evil Day [Of Danger], And Having Done Everything [That The Crisis Demands], To Stand Firm [In Your Place, Fully Prepared, Immovable, Victorious]”, (Ephesians 6:13).

I Will SAY Of Yahweh”, “For [Then] He WILL Deliver Me”, (Psalm 91:2-3).

{Any Time There Is A ThereFore, Stop And See What It Is There For}… “Because You Have Made Me Your Habitation, And Set Your Love On Me, Therefore, I WILL Deliver You~!  I Will Set You On High, Because You Have Known My Name~!(Psalm 91:14).

Bonus: Amen Defined, (Strong’s Concordance #’s ~ Hebrew: H0543; Greek: G0281 ~ Means, “So Be It Unto Me According To Your Word”, {Same Thing Mary Said To The Angel Gabriel In Luke 1:38}.
As Captain Jean-Luc Picard Says On, “Star Trek, Next Generations”, “Make It So Number One ~ Engage~!”



Have What You Say”, (Hwys),
(Mark 11:23; Matthew 17:20; Matthew 21:21),

Everyone Should Know This Verse, Joel 3:10 ~ Let The Weak SAY, “I AM STRONG”. 
Ephesians 6:10 Also Instructs Us To Say, “I AM STRONG

The Only Thing Yahweh Is Going To Hear From A Saved Person Is A Faith Cry, (Romans 4:17; Hebrews 11:6).  Calling Those Things That Be Not AS THOUGH THEY WERE.  Don’t Let The Weak Say, “We’re Still Sick, or Injured, or Have A Disease In Our Body”.  That’s Not How You Come Out Of That Mountain Of Problems.  The Greek Word, “Tetelestai”, Used In John 19:30 Is Translated, “It Is Finished”, (Tetelestai ~ G5055), Is An Accounting Term That Means, “Paid In Full”}.

Tetelestai Was A Greek Word That Was Used In A Business Context On Ancient Receipts In The New Testament Bible Times,
To Indicate That A Literal Debt Had Been Paid In Full~!
And In A Judicial Context In Court ~ A Particular Sentence Had Been Fully Served~!
And In A Military Context Meaning That A Battle Has Been Won~! Like Triumph And Victory~!

Your Debt Of Sin Is Fully Paid, The Judgment For Your Sin Has Been Fully Served~! And The Spiritual War Against Death, Debt, Sin And Satan Has Been Completely Won~!  In Christ The Work Of Salvation, Healing, Victory, Reconciliation And New Life Is Fully Yours~!  It Is Finished~!

Notice What Matthew, {A Tax Collector Who Was Used To Reconciling, [Another Accounting Term]; Outstanding Balances With Money Paid And Checking Them Off The List}, Said.  Matthew Wrote In Matthew 8:17,That It Might Be Fulfilled Which Was Spoken Through Isaiah The Prophet, Saying: ‘He Took Our Infirmities, And Bore Our Diseases’”.  Matthew Didn’t Say, Which Was Written By Isaiah The Prophet But That Which Was Spoken~!

Here Matthew Was Quoting Isaiah 53:5 And Saying When Isaiah Wrote, “That It Might Be Fulfilled Which Was Spoken Through Isaiah The Prophet He Took Our Infirmities, And Bore Our Diseases”, That There Was An Unfulfilled Prophecy Like A Debt Owed Column, ~ That Had Been Fulfilled.  The Debt Has Been Satisfied, [Realized, Accomplished, The Bill Has Been Paid], And That Column Has Now Been Reconciled Today, {‘And Healed ALL Who Were Sick’, (Matthew 4:23; Luke 4:40; Acts 10:38)}~!

By His Stripes, You WERE Healed, (Isaiah 53:5; Matthew 8:17; 1 Peter 2:24)~!  This Debt Has Been “Paid In Full”.  Notice Isaiah Says, “And With His Wounds We Are Healed”, [Generic “We” Present Tense “Are”] And Peter, {After The Crucifixion}, Records It This Way, “You Were Healed”, {KJV}, or “You Have Been Healed”, {ESV} [Past Tense “Were” With A Personal Pronoun “You”]

For I Will Restore Health To You, And I Will Heal You Of Your Wounds, Says Yahweh, (Jeremiah 30:17).  This Means You’re Going To Have To Stop Saying, “I’ve Got …” And Then … “Naming The Problem”.  The Only Thing That You’ve Got If You Are A Child Of Yahweh Is; “Himself Bore My Sickness & Disease And By His Stripes I Am Healed”.  The Bill Has Been Paid In Full~!

On The Way Up & Back From A Road Trip, I Felt Led Of Yahweh To Listen To A CD By Keith Moore Called, “We Have Authority”, (Tap or Enter Here); And, “Watch Your Mouth”, (Tap or Enter Here) And The Sermon That Keith Moore Preached At The Afternoon Session On 08/18/2008 At The Great Lakes Believers’ Convention Called, “Let The Weak Say I Am Strong In Yahweh”, (Click or Tap On The Link Below,
or Right-Enter Here And Select Open In A New Tab, {or Open In A New Window}

For A Testimony About The Power Of Our Words, or On The Link Below~!

Click On The Arrow On The Control Below To Hear, “Let The Weak Say I Am Strong In Yahweh” Referenced Above~!

Notice The Many Times That Matthew Recorded That…
This Was Written ‘That It Might Be Fulfilled, or It Is Written, or Have You Not Read, or Have You Never Read
{Matthew 1:22; 2:15, 17-18, 23; 3:3; 4:4, 7, 10, 14-16; 8: 17; 12:17-21; 13:14-17, 35; 15:7-9; 19:4; 21:4-5, 16,
42; 22:31, 43; 26:54-56; 27:9-10




So It’s Not Your Responsibility To Wonder ‘How It’s Going To Get Done?’, (Whether It’s Sickness, or Money, It All Works The Same Way).  It’s Your Part To Believe In Your Heart, And Then Confess With Your Mouth, (That’s How You Got Saved ~ Romans 10:9-10}.

For Me Also.  As Folks Turn Over 45, Their Eyes Are Not As Flexible, And Sometimes Prefer To Have Reading Glasses.  I Can Say, (And So Can You), And Get A Laugh If I Say, “Just Put It On The Floor Where I Can Read It”.  But That Is Not What I Want.  So, Instead, I Say, “Moses Was One Hundred Twenty Years Old When He Died: His Eye Was Not Dim, (Deuteronomy 34:7), And Neither Will My Eyesight Be Dim”.

I Could Also Say, “Yahweh Said, “Be Bold”, (Joshua 1:9; 1 Chronicles 28:20), And I Thought He Said, “Be Bald”.  {Ha, Ha, Ha}.  I Said That For Years, And Now I Seem To Be Balding.  However, I Have Been Saying Instead, (Matthew 10:30; Luke 12:7) ~But The Very Hairs Of Your Head Are All Numbered.  Therefore Don’t Be Afraid.  You Are Of More Value Than Many Sparrows”.

I Didn’t Catch On To, You Will Have What You Say~!, (Hwys), Until Later On After I Had Already Lost Some Hair.  So, Now, I Am Saying, “Folks Are Going To Say To Me, “Weren’t You Bald?  What Are You Doing To Your Hair?  Are You Using Rogaine?”  I’ve Been Saying, I’ll Reply, “No, I’ve Just Been Applying The Word Of Yahweh To My Hair”.  Well, Guess What?  Two Weeks Ago, My Hair Stylist Said, You Are Growing New Hair In Two Spots, And She Showed Me In The Mirror And Said This Is New Hair.  Astounding~!  Our Words Matter~!

Joshua 1:9; 1 Chronicles 28:20; Isaiah 41:10-12; Joel 3:10; 1 Corinthians 16:13; or Ephesians 6:10.

Says To, “Let The Weak SAY”, “I Am Strong~!” Anytime You Hear Yourself, ‘Talking The Problem’, Then You’re Going In The Wrong Direction, (How Are We Ever Going To “?????”).  Start Talking The Answer, Which Is The Word Of Yahweh.  Say, “I’m Excited To See What Mysterious Way That Yahweh Is Going To Act On His Word”. As We Get Older Let Us Say What The Scriptures Like 2 Corinthians 4:16 ~ Say, “Therefore We Don’t Faint, But Though Our Outward Man Is Decaying, Yet Our Inward Person Is Renewed Day By Day”.

Here’s Our Part, “I Will SAY Of Yahweh” Or You Might Say, “I Was Just Joking”.  Like A Madman Who Throws Firebrands, Arrows, And Death Is The Man Who Deceives His Neighbor And Says, “I Am Only Joking~!(Proverbs 26:18-19).  Nor Filthiness, Nor Foolish Talking, Nor Jesting, Which Are Not Appropriate; But Rather Giving Of Thanks, (Ephesians 5:4).



Faith Works By Love
(Galatians 5:6)

I’m Talking A Lot About Faith, But Don’t Be Shocked When I Tell You That Even Though You May Know How To Use Faith; Faith Will Do You No Good, IF There’s No Love Involved~!   But That Measure Of Faith Has To Operate In Love or It Is Null And Void~!  Yahoshua Was Often Moved With Compassion And Healed The Sick.  For Even Yahoshua Operated In Compassion, {Enter Here To See Most Of The Scriptures About Yahoshua Walking In Love By Compassion Before He Ministered In Faith, For Faith Works By Love, Galatians 5:6}.

  And 1 Corinthians 13:1-3 Shows Us That Although We Have All Faith, So That We Could Remove Mountains, But Have Not Love, We Are Nothing.

First And Foremost, We Must Learn To Abide In Love, (John 15:4-12), Walk In Love, (Ephesians 5:1-2), Talk In Love, (Ephesians 4:15), And Edify One Another In Love, (Ephesians 4:29); For Our Faith To Be Effective~!

If We Don’t Abide In Love, We Can Forget About Having What We Say. ¤

¤ Following Mark 11:23-24 Is Mark 11:25-26; And It Reads: 25 “And Whenever You Stand Praying, If You Have Anything Against Anyone, Forgive Them, That Your Father In Heaven May Also Forgive You Your Trespasses. 26 But If You Do Not Forgive, Neither Will Your Father In Heaven Forgive Your Trespasses”.

I’m Speaking The Truth In Love, For If I Just Speak The Truth, Well The Letter Of The Law Kills, (2 Corinthians 3:6)… And If I Just Speak In Love, Then There Is No Growth As We Must Do Both And Speak The Truth, But Done In Love, (Ephesians 4:15).

By The Way, A Hard Day For Yahoshua Was When He Was Crucified Of Course, But Also The Day Before.  In Such Agony That He Sweated Great Drops Of Blood And His Disciples Could Not Stay Awake And Pray With Him.  Then Right Smack In The Middle Of All Of That, Judas Comes With The Roman Soldiers And Betrays Him.  Then He Gets Whipped And Has To Carry A Very Heavy Cross, And Then To Be Crucified On That Same Cross.  A Bad Hair Day For Sure.  Now, This Might Be A Tempting Time To Say To Yahweh, Look, I Don’t Deserve All This.  I Did Nothing To Warrant This, And Other Woe Is Me Statements From The Heart… But, Instead Yahoshua Says, “Father Forgive Them, For They Know Not What They Do”, (Luke 23:34).  In Fact, This Was The Very First Thing Yahoshua Said From The Cross, {So, This Is Important}.  And By Doing This, He Did Not Get Offended… *If Yahoshua Had Gotten Offended, Then It Would Have All Been All She Wrote, And He Would Still Have Laid Down His Life; But Not Get The Opportunity To Be Raised From The Dead.

Suppose, You Are Driving Through A Small Town, And You’re Just Following The Traffic, Not Really Trying To Think About Anything.  And You Look To Your Left And A Local Police Officer Is Aiming A Radar Gun Your Way.  And You Look Down And You’re Doing 40 mph, And Instantly You Notice That The Speed Limit Was 35 mph.  Awwwwh Snap~!~!!  And Sure Enough, He Singles You Out Because You Have Out Of State License Plates.  Even Though Everyone Else Was Doing The Same Speed, And Pulls You Over And Now You’ll Have To Pay A $195 Fine And Your Insurance Rates Will Go Up.  You Might Think, “But, I Was Only Doing 5 Mph Over The Speed Limit.  Aren’t They Supposed To Give You Grace For 5 Miles or Less Over The Speed Limit?”  No, They Don’t Have To Give You The 5 Mph Over The Speed Limit.  That’s The Grace That’s Discretionary On Their Part.  However, If You’re Breaking The Law, Then You’re Breaking The Law And Opening A Door For The Devil To Legally Attack You.

So, When They Come Up To The Window Is The First Thing That Enters Your Mind, “Thank-You?

Romans 13:1-5, {Common English Bible ~ CEB} ~
1 “Every Person Should Place Themselves Under The Authority Of The Government.  There Isn’t Any Authority Unless It Comes From God, And The Authorities That Are There Have Been Put In Place By God.
2 So Anyone Who Opposes The Authority Is Standing Against What God Has Established.  People Who Take This Kind Of Stand Will Get Punished.
3 The Authorities Don’t Frighten People Who Are Doing The Right Thing. Rather, They Frighten People Who Are Doing Wrong.  Would You Rather Not Be Afraid Of Authority?  Do What’s Right, And You Will Receive Its Approval.
4 It Is God’s Servant Given For Your Benefit.  But If You Do What’s Wrong, Be Afraid Because It Doesn’t Have Weapons To Enforce The Law For Nothing.  It Is God’s Servant Put In Place To Carry Out His Punishment On Those Who Do What Is Wrong,
5 That Is Why It Is Necessary To Place Yourself Under The Government’s Authority, Not Only To Avoid God’s Punishment But Also For The Sake Of Your Conscience.”

Or Does It Occur To You That “My Child, Don’t Reject Yahweh’s Discipline, And Don’t Be Upset When He Corrects You.  For Yahweh Corrects Those He Loves, Just As A Father Corrects A Child In Whom He Delights”, (Proverbs 3:11-12; Hebrews 12:5-6).

Or As The Message Reads, “But Don’t, Dear Friend, Resent God’s Discipline; Don’t Sulk Under His Loving Correction. It’s The Child He Loves That God Corrects; A Father’s Delight Is Behind All This”.  By Speeding, You Are Breaking The Law, (Even If It’s Accidental, and You Are Opening Up A Legal Avenue For The d—Evil One To Have A Raccoon, Or A Rabbit Or A Deer Or Other Animal Jump Out In Your Path And Cause You Swerve And To Have A Wreck And Possibly Injure Or Kill Someone Or Yourself Or A Passenger In Your Vehicle).

So, Wouldn’t You Rather Have The Father’s Discipline Than For That Scenario To Take Place And Thank The Officer That Recognized You Are “The Preacher’s Kid” … “Yahweh’s Child”, And All Those Others Drivers Aren’t The Father’s Children And Since They Are Not A Threat To Satan, May Not Be A Target For The Devil, But You Are And There May Have Be Trouble Planned For You, Just Waiting For A Legal Opportunity To Entrap You In Months In The Hospital Or Legal Battles To Throw You Off Course.  Like Rising In A Hot Air Balloon Where You Can See The Whole Picture Including Wile E. Coyote With His Ambush Planned For You Just On The Other Side Of Town.

{Wily ~ Like Wile E. Coyote & The Road Runner
~ Beep~! Beep~!

This Changes Your Whole Perspective, And So When The Officer Approaches Your Window, Perhaps, You’ll Say, Thank-You Officer For Bringing That To My Attention, I Didn’t Realize I Was Speeding.  Now, You Are Walking In Love And Faith Can Operate, And Even Though You Got A Ticket In Your Hand, And A Fine To Pay, And Insurance Rates To Possibly Go Up, Ask The Officer If There Is Something You Can Pray For, (Their Safety, Their Family Relationships As Divorce Happens A Lot To Police Officers, Or Maybe A Child Sick In The Hospital).  Beep~! Beep~!



Sure Word Of Prophecy

“So We Regard The Words Of The Prophets As Confirmed Beyond All Doubt.  You’re Doing Well By Paying Attention To Their Words. Continue To Pay Attention As You Would To A Light That Shines In A Dark Place As You Wait For Day To Come And The Morning Star To Rise In Your Hearts”, (2 Peter 1:19).

Actually, Not Many Have Known How Faith Works, (But That’s Changing).  I See People Come To The Front To Be Prayed For And The Preacher Is Shouting Out, “Pray People, Pray”, But Seldom Do You Ever See Someone Just Quietly Open Up The Scriptures To James 5:13-18 And Say According To This New Contract, (New Testament).

But, I Seldom See Where Someone Says, “The Scriptures Says ‘Such-n-Such’, And I Am Not Moved By What I See…” And Then To Follow Each Step, (While Binding The Devil Is Good, Just Hollering Louder Is Not Really Faith In The Word Of God, It Is More Like ‘Faith In Faith’, Or Worse Like ‘Faith In Ourselves’, {Which Also Won’t Work ~ And It Is More Like Pride}).  And Of Course, We Don’t Want Anyone To Dare Say That We Don’t Have Faith.  But, The Truth Of The Matter Is “To Each Of Us Has Been Given A Measure Of Faith”, Romans 12:3 ~ For Through The Grace Having Been Given To Me, I Say To Everyone Being Among You, Not To Be High-Minded Above What It Behooves You To Think, But To Think So As To Be Sober-Minded, As God Has Allotted To Each A Measure Of Faith).  So, Instead Of Hollering Or Shouting, Instead All We Have To Do Is Believe and Receive The Sure Word Of Prophecy; *, And Believe That It Will Work For This Time And For This Hour.  The Word Of Yahweh Is Prophesying…

Here Is Another Example.  Despite The Fact That The Scripture Says “All Of My Needs Are Met According To His Riches In Glory By Christ Jesus~!”, (Philippians 4:19); When We Go To The Grocery Store And We Look At The Price Of Eggs, Or The Price At The Gas Pump; We May Be Found Saying, “If Things Just Keep Going Up I Don’t Know What We’re Going To Do?”  However, I Would Like To See Someone Stand On The Word Of Yahweh, And Say, “We Don’t Look At The Things Which Are Seen, But At The Things Which Are Not SeenFor The Things Which Are Seen Are Temporal”, {Subject To Change}, (2 Corinthians 4:18).  “Regardless Of What It Looks Like In The Natural, I Don’t Walk By Sight, I Walk By Faith”, (2 Corinthians 5:7).  It Doesn’t Matter If The Prices Have Gone Up, Or Keep Going Up, The Word Of God Still Says That “All Of My Needs Are Met According To His Riches In Glory By Christ Jesus~!”  The Doctors May Be Saying That You’re Not Going To Live Long, But The Word Of Yahweh Is Prophesying…

Psalm 106:10 ~ So He Saved Them From The Hand Of The Foe And Redeemed Them From The Power Of d—Evil One.
Psalm 107:2 ~ Let The Redeemed Of Yahweh Say So, Whom He Has Redeemed From The Hand Of d—Evil One,
Psalm 118:17 ~ You Will Live And NOT Die And Declare The Works Of Yahweh~!
Psalm 68:20 ~ God Is To Us A God Of Deliverance. To Yahweh, The Lord, Belongs Escape From Death.
Psalm 107:20 ~ He Sends His Word, And Heals Them, And Delivers Them From Their Graves~!
James 5:15 ~ The Prayer Of Faith Will Heal Them Who Are Sick, And Yahweh Will Raise Him Up}.



The Word Will Prophesy, (Prophesize), A Positive OutCome

If You’ll Pray The Prayer Of Faith, {To Believe}.  Not The Man Of Faith And Power, {Elijah Was A Man With A Nature Like Ours}, But The Believer And The Receiver, Rehearsing Yahweh’s Word In Our Hearts.  The Gift Of Healing Works Differently, But If You Don’t Have The Gift Of Healing, {And Usually There’s A Feeling Of Heat In Your Hands, If You Have That Gift}, And If You’re Standing Around Waiting For A Nail Gun, When You Have A Hammer In Your Hand, Pick Up The Word Of God For You As You Always Have “The Sure Word Of Prophecy”; *(’9)The Word Will Prophesy, (Prophesize), A Positive OutCome… If You’ll Believe & Receive No Matter What The Doctor Has ForeCast, {As In To Casting A Spell, (Psalm 107:2)}.  “He Sent His Word And Healed Them~!”. (Psalm 107:20).  “You Will Live And NOT Die And Declare The Works Of Yahweh~!(Psalm 118:17).

James 5:13-18
13 Is Any Among You Suffering?  Let Them Pray.  Is Any Cheerful?  Let Them Sing Praises14 Is Any Among You Sick?  Let Them Call For The Elders Of The Assembly, And Let Them Pray Over Them, Anointing Them With Oil In The Name Of The Lord, 15 And The Prayer Of Faith Will Heal Them Who Are Sick, And Yahweh Will Raise Him Up.  If They Have Committed Sins, It Will Be Forgiven Them.  16 Confess Your Offenses One To Another, And Pray One For Another, That You May Be Healed.  The Effective, Earnest Prayer Of A Righteous Person Is Powerfully Effective. 17 Elijah Was A Human Being With A Nature Like Ours, And He Prayed Earnestly That It Might Not Rain, And It Didn’t Rain On The Earth For Three Years And Six Months. 18 He Prayed Again, And The Sky Gave Rain, And The Earth Brought Forth Its Fruit.

I’m Not The Healer; None-the-Less, The Scriptures Said, “Yahweh Will Raise Him UP~!”.  However, I Am The Believer, (And “The Prayer Of Faith WILL Heal Them That Are Sick”).  d—Evil One Will Try To Convince Us Over And Over And Over Again Repeatedly, That We Must Have Done Something Wrong To Have This Ailment or Disease or Infirmity, So Our Infirmity Is Talking To Us Reminding Us That We’re Going To Die, or We Need To Go To The Doctor Again And Again ~ Thoughts To Ponder, If The d—Evil One Is All That, Just Why Is The Devil Talking To Us So Much Trying To Get Us To Try To Take A Thought And Succumb To This Fate?

If d—Evil One So Powerful, Why Doesn’t He Just Give Us A Sickness, And Be Done With It?



Forgiven”, We Can Be Forgiven

(Isaiah 43:25-26; Jeremiah 31:31-34; 1 John 1:9)

We May Have Symptoms, But Until We Take A ‘ThoughtSayingd—Evil One Hasn’t Got A StrongHold On Us And We Could Slip Away And Be Healed.  (1) We Can Not Trust d—Evil One.  He Is A Liar And The Father Of Lies.  (2) The Truth Is That We Probably Did Nothing To Cause This Sickness.  It’s A Misconception On Our Part To Believe That God Is Putting This On Us.  That’s A Lie As Yahweh Is A Good God, And This Is Not Good, {“The Blessing Of Yahweh Makes A Person Rich, And He Adds No Sorrow With It” ~ (Proverbs 10:22)}.  We’ve Got To Know That Yahweh Is Love~! (1 John 4:8, 16). Yahweh Is Not Putting This Sickness On Us~!  It’s Just That There Is A Mean Devil And Now He’s Lying To Us About How We Deserve This, or That We Did Something Wrong.

So What If We Believe We ​Did Something Wrong?  (Hebrews 10:16-17).  Tell The Devil We’ve Repented Of That, (Perhaps, We Ate or Drank Something That We Felt That We Shouldn’t Partake, or We Judged Someone And Now We’re Being Judged For That; or Perhaps We’ve Taken A Thought, “Saying”… (Matthew 6:31) … Things Like, “Heart Problems Run In Our Family”.

Yeah, It Runs Alright… It Was Touch And Go There For A Minute, But Yahweh Touched Me And The Devil Has To Go~!

Perhaps, You Did Such-n-Such, {Like Smoking That May Have Contributed To Lung Cancer or Emphysema; or By Drinking To Cirrhosis Of The Liver or Overeating Leading to Diabetes; Repent and Start Confessing That You Are Delivered of Whatever Non-Productive Habits That You Had Been Doing}.  And You May Think That You Made Your Own Bed; So You Got To “Lie” In It, And That Is Just A “Lie”.  If You Are One Of Those Folks Check Out Psalm 107:17-21 Below.  Yahweh Says Right Here That Even If You Have Made Mistakes That Have Impaired Your Health To The Point Where You Are Knocking At Death’s Door; That He Sent His Word And Delivers You From Death’s Doorstep.

Psalm 107:17-21 (NLT/AMPC/WEB)
17 Some Are Fools [Made Ill] Because Of The Way Of Their Rebellious Transgressions And Are Afflicted Because Of Their Sins, {Iniquities}.
Verse 17, (Multiple Translations);
18 They Couldn’t Stand The Thought Of Food, And They Draw Near To The Gates Of Death, {They Were Knocking On Death’s Door}.
19 Then They Cry To Yahweh In Their Trouble, And He Delivers Them Out Of Their Distresses.
20 He Sent Out His Word And Healed’ Them Snatching Them From The Door Of DeathVerse 20, (Multiple Translations);
21 Oh, That Folks Would Praise [And Confess To] Yahweh For His Goodness And Loving-Kindness And His Wonderful Works To The Children Of Human Beings~!

He Sent Out His Word And Healed Them, And “Delivered Them From The Grave” or “Delivered Them From Their Graves”, “Delivered Them From Their Destruction”.  The NLT Reads, “Snatching Them From The Door Of Death; The Amplified Bible Classic Edition Reads, “The Pit And Destruction” ~ (Psalm 107:20).  This Is Reiterated In Psalm 68:20 ~ God Is To Us A God Of Deliverance. To Yahweh, The Lord, Belongs Escape From Death.

But Deserve It or Not, Yahoshua Paid The Price For That Sin.  1 Corinthians 6:20 ~ For You Were Bought With A Price.  For Me To Still Feel That I Deserve To Be Punished For A Crime That Was Already Paid For, or To Believe I’m Broke When The Scriptures Says That I’m Rich. or To Believe What The Doctor’s Say Over The Word Of Yahweh, Is To Trample UnderFoot The Finished Work Of The Cross, (*Hebrews 10:26, 31).  Yahoshua Said, “It Is Finished”. 

It Doesn’t Matter What We’ve Done or Perceived That We Have Done As This Is Also Covered.

And The Prayer Of Faith Will Heal Them Who Are Sick, And Yahweh Will Raise Him Up.

{Tap or Click Here To Read More On Healing}



The Prayer Of Faith
(James 5:15)

One Of The Most Advantageous Results Of Doing Things The Way That Yahweh Outlined It In His Word Is So That Later On When The Infirmity, (or d—Evil One), Is Talking To Us or Them; We Can Say, “Hey, Look-A-Here, Devil, Did Not The Word Say, And Then Name Such-n-Such With ‘Chapter And Verse’, And We Did That—So There”.  We or They May Have To Make This Stand, And Will Probably Have To Take This Stand Over And Over More Than Once A Day, (Having Done All To Stand, Stand ~ Ephesians 6:13).  Doing These Procedures As Outlined By Yahweh Gives The Recipient Of These Prayers Something To Hang Their Hat On~!  They Can Say,

Being Anxious For Anything WILL NOT Change The Matter One Ounce, And Only Weighs Us Down, As We Are Not Properly Built To Endure That Anxiety.  However, Yahweh Is, For He Said In (1 Peter 5:6-7; James 4:6-7), Cast ALL Your Anxiety / Worries On Him, Because He Cares For You.  Yahweh Is The “CareTaker”, So Let Him, “Take Your Cares”~!

You May Have To Continuously Roll This Over On To Yahweh 490 Times A Day.  So, That When The Evil One Brings Up and Tries To Get You To Take A Thought, You Can Say I Have Rolled The Care Of This Matter Over To Yahweh, And Devil If You Want To Talk To Someone, Talk To Him About This Because It’s His Concern Now, {He’s The ‘Caretaker’, So I Let Him ‘Take This Care’”}.

Doing This Yahweh’s Way Also Takes The Onus Off Of The Person Being Prayed For.  If They Had Enough Faith Of Their Own, Then They Could Have Used Other Scriptures To Make Their Stand On.  Scriptures Like Mark 11:24, or If They Didn’t Have Enough Faith, To Combine With Someone Else Using Both Their Faith And Possibly Yours, (Matthew 18:19).   But, In This Case, We or They May Feel Overwhelmed.  Therefore, We or They Have Been Instructed To Call Forth The Elders And To Be Anointed With Oil And Someone Else Prays The Prayer Of Faith.  Why The Oil?  It’s A Whole Lot Like The Snake On A Pole That Moses Was Instructed To Have The Folks Look Upon When They Had Gotten Bitten By A Snake, Numbers 21:8-9 ~ It Is A Point Of Reference Where They Stake Their Flag In The Ground And Take Their Stand, (It’s Their Iwo Jima).

And Here’s A Clue.  It Will Help You Three Times More If You Say Your Response To The Accuser Of The Sisters And Brothers Out Loud… Let You Hear Your Confession.  Don’t Just Tough It Out, But Use The Word Of Yahweh And Let The Redeemed Of Yahweh Say So, (Psalm 107:2).  “Let It Be So”, In My Life, (And Say “Amen And Refer Back To This Point In Time If d—Evil One Tries To Bring It Up, He Won’t Do This Long As He Has Pride And Hates To Lose).  And This Is How Faith Will Come, (For Faith Comes By Hearing And Hearing The Rhema’, <4487> or Revealed Word From Yahweh ~ Romans 10:17).

Notice How Closely These Two Scripture References Are To Each Other:

Psalm 107:2 ~ Let The Redeemed Of Yahweh Say So, Whom He Has Redeemed From The Hand Of d—Evil One,
Psalm 107:20~ He Sent His Word And Healed Them~!

They’re In The Same Chapter, This Is Talking About The Same Subject~!

We’ve Been Redeemed~!  So, What’s Our Part? “Let The Redeemed By Yahweh Say So~!”  Our Part Is To Say So~!  Enter Here To See For Yourself That This Is The Way That Faith Works.  You Have To Say So.  What If You Don’t Know If It Is God’s Will To Heal You?

Well, It Would Be A Great Idea To Memorize These Five Scriptures,

Psalm 103:3; Romans 8:28; Galatians 3:13-14; Ephesians 1:3,7; 2 Peter 1:3.

Folks Have Wondered Saying I Know God Heals, But Is It God’s Will To Heal Me?

With Respect To Jesus From Nazareth, That Yahweh Anointed Him With The Holy Spirit And With Power.  He Went Around Doing Good And Healing All Who Were Oppressed By The Devil, Because Yahweh Was With Him, (Acts 10:38).  Healing All~!  Not Just Healing A Few Here and There That Were Righteous Or That Deserved It, But Healing All~!

He Said, “If You Will Diligently Obey Yahweh Your God, And Do What Is Right In His Sight, And Pay Attention To His Commandments, And Keep All His Statutes, Then All The Diseases That I Brought On The Egyptians I Will Not Bring On You, For I, Yahweh, Am Your Healer.” (Exodus 15:26).

And A Leper Approached, And Bowed Low Before Him, Saying, “Lord, If You Are Willing, You Can Make Me Clean.”  He Stretched Out His Hand And Touched Him Saying, “I Am Willing.  Be Clean~!”  Immediately His Leprosy Was Cleansed; (Matthew 8:2-3).

Yahoshua Ha Mashiach, (Jesus Christ), Is The Same Yesterday And Today And Forever~! (Hebrews 13:8).

(John 4:34; John 5:30; John 6:38; Hebrews 10:7).



The “Saying” Part Is Important~!

(Proverbs 18:21; 1 Peter 3:10
Romans 4:17

Sometimes, We Really Miss The Fact That The “Saying” Part Is Important, Based On The Translation Of The Bible That Like In Matthew 6:31 And Often The Translators Will Interpret The Word Thought, [From The Greek Word “Merimnaó”], {And I Understand Why They Did It, But They Will Translate The Word As ‘Anxious’ And That’s A ¼% Fair Translation, And The New American Standard, (NAS), Will Translate “Merimnaó” As ‘‘Worried’ And To Me ‘‘Worried’ or ‘Anxious’ Would Be … The Same-Same}.  Maybe, In 1920’s ‘Worried’ And ‘Anxious’ Might Have Meant Different Things,  And Back In The 1920’s, They Would Not Even Have Known The Word, “Cool”.  So, I Want To Ensure That The Words That Yahoshua Spoke In His Day, Mean To Us The Same Things That They Meant When He Spoke Them And That Might Require Changing The Words To Our Day And Time’s Vernacular, Dialect, Slang, or Colloquialisms.  In The South, We Say “Y’all”, And In The North They Say “Youse Guys”, So If I Were Preaching I Might Change My Speech To Better Communicate With The Audience In Whatever Region I’m In.  Is That Cool?, (‘Neat’ For The Folks In The 50’s; ‘Niffy’ For The 60’s; ‘Groovy’ For The 70’s; ‘Far~Out’ For The 80’s; And For The 90’s Still ‘Cool’, But Pronounced ‘Kew~EL~!’ And after 2000, For A While It Was ‘‘Totally Awesome Dude~!’, And For Our Day, ‘We’re Down With That’, Unless You Live In The South Where It Has Always Been ‘Honky-Dory~!’ … They All Mean About The Same Thing).

But, Some Words Are Better Left Not Altered And When Changed Take Away From The Intended Meaning.  For Example, The Word Thought.

I Don’t Know About You, But If I Read “Do Not Be ‘Anxious’, Saying” or If I Read “Do Not Be ‘Worried’ Saying”… Then All I Hear Is Don’t Be ‘Anxious’ or Do Not Be ‘Worried’, And I Completely Overlook The Part About “Saying”.  It’s Like To Me The New Yorker’s In The Bronx Saying, “Forget About It”.  But, On The Other Hand, I Used To Drive For Lyft And I Went To A Very Prominent Gated Hotel To Pick Up A Passenger, And The Security Guard At The Gate Asked Me Why I Need In And I Said, I Drive For Lyft And I Have A Passenger To Pick Up.  He Said, “What”. So, I Just Said, “Uber” And He Replied, “Why Didn’t You Say So?” {I Didn’t Actually Drive For Uber, But He Was Unfamiliar With Lyft, But The Word “Uber” Conveyed The Right Message That I Was A Ride-Share Driver Here To Pick Up A Passenger}.  So, I Am Sort Of Like The Amplified Bible, And I Like More Adverbs And Adjectives To Define A Word, And Notice How You Understood Better What I Meant When I Included More Words Such As Vernacular, Dialect, Slang, or Colloquialisms And So The Amplified Translation With More Words Would Have Included,

To Care, Be Anxious, Troubled, To Take ‘Thought”)

(From The Complete Word Study Dictionary: New Testament © 1992 By AMG International, Inc. Revised Edition, 1993) And I Think ‘Worried’ As The NAS Interpreted The Word, Would Be Our Modern Way Of Expressing This Also.

So, At Least For Me, If We Put The Legitimate Translation Of Thought  Back In This Sentence, “Take No Thought’, Saying”.  It Conveys A Completely Different Set Of Images Inside My Mind.  ’Thoughts Are How Words Are Formed That We Used To Carry The Message Inside Our Minds To Others.  If I Read, “Do Not Be ‘Anxious’, Saying” or “Do Not Be ‘Worried’ Saying”; And One Could Argue That d—Evil One Is Trying To Get Us To Be Anxious’, or ‘Worried, So That We Would ‘Speak The Wrong Things That We Do Not Want, And That’s Not Cool.  Let’s Get To The Core Of Anxiety’ or ‘Worrying.  It Is ‘Fear-Based’, [You Might Hear The Acceptance Of This Fear Expressed As “I’m Frightened”, or “I Don’t Mean To Frighten You, But…” ~ Make No Mistake, These Folks Are Only Repeating What d—Evil One Wants You To Grab A-Hold Of… A Thought Of ‘Worry’, ‘Fear’, ‘Anxiety’, ‘Doubt’ or ‘Unbelief’], And It Is Not ‘Faith-Based’) And Where Does Anxiety’ or ‘Worrying Start?  It Begins With A ‘Thought’.  So, Let’s Get Right To The Heart Of The Matter And As Barney Fife Says, “To Nip It In The Bud”.  Knowing That d—Evil One Will Try To Superimpose Thoughts Inside You And Even Try To Sound Like You, (So That You Think That It’s Your ‘Thoughts’, Such A Sneaky Rascal), And Get You To Say Them Out Loud, As That’s Where We Speak Things Into Existence, Even Bad Things…, If We Allow Our Mouth To Speak It Into Existence~!

  Proverbs 18:21; 1 Peter 3:10; Romans 4:17.

This Is Precisely What I Believe Jesus Meant When He Said That It Is “Not What Goes Into The Mouth That Defiles A Person; But What Comes Out Of The Mouth, This Is What Defiles A Person”,  (Matthew 15:11,18; Mark 7:15).  Perhaps, If You Had A Son or Daughter In A Car Accident And Now In The Emergency Room And The Preacher Comes In To Check On “Youse Guys”, And What Will Be Your First Response?  Will It Be To Quote What The Scriptures Said, or Will It Be To Say, “The Doctors Say”…

Take All ‘Thoughts’ Captive,
(2 Corinthians 10:5),

“Not Take All ‘Anxieties’ Captive”, Nor Take All ‘Worries’ Captive”, But “Take All ‘Thoughts … “I’m Just SAYING

If You Count The Number Of Times, Yahoshua Mentions, “Take No Thought”, Five Times In Only Ten Verses In Matthew 6:25-34, {2 To 1 Ratio or Half Of What He Spoke In These Verses Spoke On Our Substance}.  So, This Must Be Important~!  But The Cornerstone Building Block Was To, “Take No Thought, Saying”.  d—Evil One Would Like Nothing More Than To Convince Someone That He Is Going To Die, And Put Up Posters With People Pointing Guns At The Proposed Victim And Anything Else d—Evil One Can Do To Get A Bona Fide Believer To Believe It And To Say It With Their Mouth~!

So, Here Are Two Translations, (There Are Many More, But To Make This Link Mobile Phone Friendly, I Limited It To Two), That Read, Enter Here To See That The Scriptures Correctly Read, “Take No Thought, Saying



Following Instructions Precisely

Mark 11:24 Says The Same Thing… Therefore I Say To You, ALL Things Whatever You Ask, (Demand ~ Strong’s Concordance # (G0154) In Pray, Believe That You Have Received Them, And You Shall Have Them~!   The Weapons Of Our Warfare Are Not Carnal, But Mighty Through Yahweh To The Pulling Down Of Strongholds, (2 Corinthians 10:4).   But They Have To Be Acted On By Faith, (Hebrews 4:1-2).

Therefore I Say To You, Whatever Things You Ask, {Strong’s Concordance # G0154; Most Translations Interpret This Word As “Ask” As It’s Definition Means To Ask, Beg, Call For, Crave, Desire, Require, or ‘Demand}, When You Pray, {Strong’s Concordance #G4336}, Believe That You Receive Them, And You Will Have Them”, (Mark 11:24).  This Is Like When You Are At The Supper/Dinner Table And You Say, “Please Pass The Salt”.  It Could Be Interpreted That You Are Begging Because You Said ‘Please’, But It Would Be Understood That You Are Really ‘Calling For, Desiring, Requiring’, Making A Request With The Understanding That They Will Do What You Are Asking For, {This Is The Same Word Used In Luke 1:63 When Zechariah Asked For A Tablet To Write On}.

Mark 11:24 Comes After Mark 11:23, (Have What You Say), And Before That Mark 11:22, (Have Faith In God), But Squeezed In Right Before Mark 11:25-26.  And It Reads: 25And Whenever You Stand Praying, (*Referring Back To v.24), If You Have Anything Against Anyone, Forgive Them, That Your Father In Heaven May Also Forgive You Your Trespasses26 But If You Do Not Forgive, Neither Will Your Father In Heaven Forgive Your Trespasses”.

Now, I’d Be Willing To Say That You Might Say, You Know He’s Got A Point There, Let’s Do It, And Yet You Will Probably Not Hear The Person Being Prayed For Singing.  Normally, They Just Keep Quiet And Hanging Their Head Down And Are Hoping That A Miraculous Bolt Of Lightning Will Pop Through The Ceiling, But They Don’t Sing.  They Ought To Be Shout’n For Joy~!  They’re About To Be Healed~!

James 5:13 ~ 13 “Is Any Among You Suffering?  Let Them Pray.  Is Any Cheerful?  Let Them Sing Praises”.

Yahweh Gives Grace To The Humble.  Please Don’t Assume That You Know This, But Read It Again And Again And Ask The Holy Ghost Are You Following Yahweh’s Word Precisely.

Remember That Small Town Police Officer That Gave You A Speeding Ticket, {How Could You Forget?}.  Suppose, You Walk Into A Restaurant And There Sits This Police Officer.  Would You Walk Over To Him or Her And Thank Them For Pulling You Over, Because After All You Were Doing 40 In A 35 mph Zone, And You Need To Keep Your Head In The Game And Not Be Mindlessly Wandering In Your Thoughts While Driving, And Chances Are That He or She Might Have Saved You From Running Over Someone Walking To The CourtHouse Talking On Their Cell Phone While Not Paying Attention.  How Awful That Would Be~!  So, Thank Him, (or Her), And Even Offer To Buy Their Meal~!  And Forgive Them, As All Your Needs Are Met In Christ Jesus, (Philippians 4:19), Including The Speeding Ticket Fine, And Even If The Insurance Rate Does Go Up, (It Probably Won’t).  Mark 11:22, (Have Faith In God).



How Faith Operates

Do You Even Have Oil?  I Hear Folks Say That We Don’t Believe In Anointing Them With Oil.  Do You Believe The Scriptures?  So, Do You Want To Do Things The Way That Yahweh Outlined For Success?  Did You Ask The Person To Pray?  (If They Don’t Pray Themselves, It Might Be Because They Think That They Deserve This For Something That They’ve Done In Their Past.  Or Possibility That They Have unForgiveness In Their Heart, (Mark 11:25-26) ~ Enter Here To See Proof That UnForgiveness Is The Leading Cause Of Cancer).  And You’re Wasting Your Time Praying At This Time For Them Until They Get This Resolved, And It Will Make It Look Like The Word Didn’t Work, When The Word Was Never Applied.

So, It’s Important To Find Out This BackGround Info So That You Can Meet Them In Faith, But More So That They Can See From The Scriptures That Their Sins Are Forgiven, And To Forgive Others, And Then They Can Be Completely Restored To Health, {See Also 1 John 1:9}.  {See Also: http://www.alternative-cancer-care.com/cancer-Anger-link.html} ~ James 5:13 Is Any Among You Suffering?  Let Them Pray.  Is Any Cheerful?  Let Them Sing PraisesJames 5:15 And The Prayer Of Faith Will Heal Them Who Are Sick, And Yahweh Will Raise Him Up.  IF THEY HAVE COMMITTED SINS, IT WILL BE FORGIVEN THEM.

In Every Thing Give Thanks: For This Is The Will Of God In Christ Jesus Concerning You 1 Thessalonians 5:18

Notice That This Scripture Instructs Us To Give Thanks In All Things, Not For All Things.  When Tragedy or Temptation Strikes, We Are Not To Thank God For Them.  He Is Not Their Author.  He’s The One Who Provides Our Way Of Escape From Them, And That’s What We’re To Thank Him For.  If You Read The Four Gospels, You’ll Find That Jesus Never Gave Thanks For Sickness or Death.  Instead, When He Encountered Tests Of Faith Involving Seemingly Impossible Situations, {Like Feeding 5000+ With Only Five Loaves And Two Fishes}, His Response Was To Overcome Them By God’s Power.  So Give Thanks As Jesus Gave Thanks —Not For Satan’s Activities But For The Victory God Has Given You Over Them.



The Specific Mechanics Of Faith [Part 1]

  1. Faith Comes By Hearing and Hearing By The Word Of Yahweh, (Romans 10:17).

  2. Hear And Receive The Word, (Mark 4:20).

  3. Mix Faith With The Word Heard, (Hebrews 4:2).

  4. Don’t Get Offended And Lose Your ‘Joy (Mark 4:13; Mark 11:25-26; Galatians 5:6).

  5. Realize That You Have What You Say, {Good or Bad}, (Mark 11:22-24).

  6. Speak The Word Over The Situation, {Fight The Good Fight Of Faith, (1 Timothy 6:12).

  7. Angels Are Responding To The Voice Of Yahweh’s Words That You Are Speaking, (Psalm 103:20-21).

  8. Corresponding Actions, (James 2:14-24), {Which Might Just Be Speaking The Word Over The Situation}.

  9. Hold Fast To Your Confession, (Hebrews 3:1; Hebrews 4:14; Hebrews 10:23; 1 Timothy 6:12; Ephesians 6:12).

  10. Walk In Love, (Galatians 5:6).  What If Someone Wrongs You?  Or Robs You?  Are You Going To Let Satan Steal Your ‘Joy’ Also?

Mark 11:23
20 For Assuredly, I Say To Whoever, If You, Say To This Mountain, ‘Be Removed and Be Cast Into The Sea,’ And Doubt Not In Your Heart, But Believe That Those Things You Say WILL Be Done, You WILL Have Whatever You Say.

Isaiah 55:11 (NKJV)
11 So Shall My Word Be That Goes Forth From My ‘Mouth;
It Shall Not Return To Me Void,
But It Shall Accomplish What I Please,
And It Shall Prosper In The Thing For Which I Sent It.

We Return Yahweh’s Word Back To Him Mixing Faith, (Hebrews 4:2); With His Word With Our Voice~!
{So That The Angels Can Obey The VOICE Of His Word~!}

Hebrews 10:23 ~



The Specific Mechanics Of Faith [Part 2]

Hebrews 10:23 ~
23 Let Us Hold Fast The Confession / Profession, (Strong’s Concordance # G3671), {To Say With Our ‘Mouth’ ~ What One Professes [Confesses]}, Of Our Faith, Of Our Hope Without Wavering, For He Who Promised Is Faithful~!, (Hebrews 10:23).

(Strong’s Concordance # G3671) ~ To Agree, Confess, Say The Same {Thing As Yahweh Says}.

Psalm 107:20 (NIV)
20 He Sent Out His Word and Healed them;
He Rescued Them From The Grave, (Death’s Doorstep).

Psalms 103:20-21 (WEB)
20 Praise Yahweh, You Angels of His, Who Are Mighty In Strength, Who Fulfill His Word, Obeying The VOICE Of His Word.
21 Praise Yahweh, All You Hosts of His, You Servants of His, Who Do His Pleasure, (His Will).

Early One Morning, My Wife and My Cell Phone Were Going Off Every 5 Minutes With Noisy Tornado Alerts Advising Us to Seek Shelter Immediately.  So I Did As I Was Advised and Sought Shelter in Psalm 91:2-3 And I said,

I WILL SAY of Yahweh, He Is My Refuge and My Fortress: My God; In Him Will I Trust.
For [Then… When You Say … He Is My Refuge …] He WILL Deliver Me.

… And I Didn’t Even Worry or Check The News Anymore and The Tornado Passed Directly Over Our Home, But Did No Damage.

I Did Not Command Angels.  However, Their Responsibility Is To Heed The Voice Of Yahweh’s Word, So When I Spoke Yahweh’s Word, The Angels Encamped Around Us And Protected Us~! (Psalm 34:6-7).  The Angels Do The Work and We Can Not Directly Command Angels As They Only Respond To The Voice Of Yahweh’s Word, So When We Voice Yahweh’s Word In Faith, Then The Angels Of Yahweh ‘Hearken’ To That Voiced Word Of Yahweh’s, {Notice That The Word ‘Hearken’ Has The Word ‘Hear’ Within It.  ‘Hearken’, {Strong’s Concordance #: H8085) Means To ‘Hear’, And The Angels Cannot Hear What Is Not Uttered.  So, Again This Means That You Must ‘Voice’ What Yahweh Says About The Problem And When You Voice The Word Of Yahweh The Angels Hear And Respond ~ And ‘Hearken’ To Your Beck And Call Being Already Dispatched By Yahweh To Obey The Voice Of Yahweh’s Words}.  You Don’t Command The Angels, But Understanding That They Obey The Voice Of Yahweh’s Words Spoken In Faith, Then You Also Know That The Angels Are Responding And Acting.



The Specific Mechanics Of Faith [Part 3]

I’ve Heard Psalm 34:7 About “An Angel Of Yahweh Encamps Around Those Who Fear Him” Quoted Often And From The Way It Is Said, It Appears That There Is Nothing More The Person Needs To Do Other Than Rest In Confidence.  However, No One Quotes The Previous Scripture That Says 6 This ‘Poor Person’ ‘Called And ‘Yahweh Heard’, And Saved Him From Out Of All His Troubles. So, Let’s Take A Look At This Verse.

Notice Below The Words ‘Poor Person / Suffering Person’ and ‘Call / To Declare / Cried Out / While We Pray’ … With FootNotes Afterwards.

Psalm 34:6-8 {LEB / WEB / } ~
6 This ‘Poor Person¤Declared’ ~ ‘Called And ‘Yahweh Heard’, And Saved Him From Out Of All His Troubles.
7The Angel Of Yahweh’ Encamps Around Those Who Fear Him, And He Rescues Them.
8 Oh Taste And See That Yahweh Is Good~!  Blessed Is The Person ‘Who Takes Refuge In Him’.

Psalm 34:6-7 {LEB / CEB / MSG / } ~
6 This ‘Suffering Person¤Cried Out: Yahweh Listened And Saved Him From Every Trouble.
7An Angel Of Yahweh’s Army ~ Host’ Sets Up A Circle Of Protection Around Us While We Pray.

¤ OT:H6041 ~
An Adjective Meaning Poor, ‘Afflicted’. It Refers To ‘Those Who Are Suffering’, In A State Of Poverty, Oppression, ‘Misery From Various Causes’: From Being Poor, ‘Needy’, (From The Complete Word Study Dictionary: Old Testament Copyright © 2003 by AMG Publishers. All Rights Reserved).

OT:H7121 ~
A Verb Meaning To Call, ‘To Declare’, To Summon, To Invite, To Read, To Be Called, ‘To Be Invoked’, To Be Named.  The Verb Means To Call or ‘To Summon’,
(From The Complete Word Study Dictionary: Old Testament Copyright © 2003 by AMG Publishers. All Rights Reserved.)

Those Who Are ‘Afflicted’ ~ ‘Those Who Are Suffering’ And They ‘Called / Cried Out / Summoned / Declare’ … {So, There WAS Something That They Needed To Do}, And Note That ‘Yahweh Heard’ And The Next Thing We See Is That Yahweh Sends His Angel To Intervene.  The Word ‘Angel’, {OT:H4397 Means A Messenger; Meaning To Dispatch As A Deputy}.  There Is Nothing In The Original Hebrew Languages To Indicate That This Is “The” Angel Of Yahweh.  There Is No "The" In The Hebrew.  I Think ‘There Are Many Angels Ready To Respond / Hearken’.  So I Don’t Think This Means The Same Angel Every Time As It Could Be A Different Messenger, There Would Only Need To Have One Angel Per Trouble Spot, As You Might Recall That It Only Took One Angel To Wipe Out 185,000 That Came Against Hezekiah, (2 Kings 19:35:And That Night, An Angel Of Yahweh Dispatched For This Task Went Out, And Struck 185,000 In The Camp Of The Assyrians~!).  I Think It Should Read, ‘An Angel Of Yahweh’, {Not The Angel Of Yahweh, As The ‘The’ Was Added By The Translators}.

So It Turns Out That Psalm 34:6-7 Is Saying Precisely What Psalm 91:2-3 Is Saying.  The Person In Distress Calls Or Declares and Yahweh Hears and Angels Are Dispatched To Deal With The Problem~!

Psalm 91:2-3 ~
2 I Will Say Of Yahweh, He Is My Refuge And My Fortress, My God; On Him I Lean And Rely, And In Him I [Confidently] Trust~!
3 For [Then] He WILL Deliver Me From The Snare Of The Fowler And From The Deadly Pestilence.


Proverbs 18:20-21
20 A Person’s Stomach Is Filled With The Fruit Of Their Mouth, With The Harvest Of Their Lips They Are Satisfied.
21 Death And Life Are In The Power Of The Tongue, And Those Who Indulge In It Shall Eat The Fruit Of It [For Death or Life].



Singing Is Speaking With Power~!

I Think We May Have Underestimated The Power Of Singing.  Yahweh Rejoices And Sings Over Us~!  “Yahweh, Your God, Is Among You, A Mighty One Who Will Save.  He Will Rejoice Over You With Joy.  He Will Calm You In His Love.  He Will Rejoice Over You With Singing~!”, (Zephaniah 3:17).  Even Yahoshua Sang…Then They Sang A Hymn And Went Out To The Mount Of Olives, (Matthew 26:26-30; Mark 14:18-26).

Ephesians 5:19 ~ Speaking To One Another In Psalms And Hymns And Spiritual Songs, Singing And Making Melody In Your Heart To The Lord,
Colossians 3:16 ~ Let The Word Of Christ Dwell In You Richly In All Wisdom, Teaching And Admonishing One Another In Psalms And Hymns And Spiritual Songs, Singing With Grace In Your Hearts To The Lord.  {Teaching = Instruct By Word Of Mouth, Admonishing Is A Synonym Of Exhort}.

Sing A New Song Unto Yahweh, (Psalm 96:1-4)

I Listened To, “Money, Money Cometh”, From Stan Pody Over And Over And Over And Over And Would Sing Along Until Faith Arose In My Heart, As Faith Comes By Hearing And Hearing The Rhema’, <4487> or Revealed Word From Yahweh, (Romans 10:17), (The Lyrics Are Supported By The Scriptures At

Deuteronomy 8:18; 2 Chronicles 26:5; Psalm 35:27; Psalm 84:11; Psalm 118:25; Isaiah 45:3

& More Places In The Scriptures).

And I Would Sing This Song Over And Over And Over
It Wasn’t Manifest Then, But It Is True And When That Truth Got Down In My Heart, It’s Manifest Now.
My House Is Paid For And We Are Out Of Debt~!

Right-Click On Money, Money Cometh, And Select Save Target As.
I Implore You To Listen To It Also To Establish Faith In Your Heart,
{For The Word Is Near You, In Your Mouth, Then The Word Gets In Your Heart, (Deuteronomy 30:14; Romans 10:8)}.

Click On The Arrow On The Control Below To Hear, “Money, Money Cometh”, By Stan Pody Referenced Above~!

Money Money Cometh
Chorus 1
Money Money Cometh
Money Money Cometh
Money Money Cometh
Money Money Cometh
For The Sake Of The Gospel
Money Cometh To Me

Verse 1
I’m Blessed In The City
Blessed In The Field In The Fruit Of My Body
And All Of Its Yield
Money Cometh Money Cometh To Me
For The Sake Of The Gospel
Money Cometh To Me
I’m Blessed Coming In
Blessed Going Out
Sometimes I Get So Happy
I Just Want To Shout
Money Cometh Money Cometh To Me

Verse 2
My Father Is Rich
In Houses And Lands
He Holds All The Wealth
Of The World In His Hands
Money Cometh Money Cometh To Me
For The Sake Of The Gospel
Money Cometh To Me
Houses And Lands
Coming Into My Hands
For These Are The Hands
Of A Very Rich Man
Money Cometh Money Cometh To Me
For The Sake Of The Gospel
Money Cometh To Me

Verse 3
I Don’t Have To Beg Steal Our Borrow
The Lord Maketh Rich
And He Addeth No Sorrow
Money Cometh Money Cometh To Me
For The Sake Of The Gospel
Money Cometh To Me
Taking Off The Limits
Tearing Down The Walls
This Is A Day Of Double
Coming Out Of The Stall
Money Cometh Money Cometh To Me
For The Sake Of The Gospel
Money Cometh To Me

Misc 1
Double In The Morning
Double In The Evening
Double In My Giving
Double In My Receiving
Double Money Cometh To Me
I’m Leaving The Land
Of Doubt And Circumstance
It Makes Me Want To Shout
It Makes Me Want To Dance
Money Cometh Money Cometh To Me
I’m Gonna Dance That Money In
Gonna Dance That Money In
I’m Gonna Dance That Money In
Gonna Dance That Money In
For The Sake Of Gospel
Money Cometh To Me

Verse 4
I’m Leaving The Land
Of Barely Enough
Moving Into A Land
Of More Than Enough
Money Cometh Money Cometh To Me
We’re Walking By Faith
And Not By Sight
We’re Moving Up Higher There Is No Doubt
Money Cometh Money Cometh To Me
For The Sake Of The Gospel
Money Cometh To Me

Deuteronomy 8:18 ~ But You Shall Remember Yahweh Your God, For It Is He Who Gives You Power To Get Wealth; That He May Establish His Covenant Which He Swore To Your Fathers, As It Is Today.



For She SAID~!

Notice How The Woman That Touched The Hem Of Yahoshua’s, (Jesus’), Garment Got Healed.

Mark 5:27 ~ 27 Having HEARD The Things Concerning Yahoshua, (Jesus), Came Up Behind Him In The Crowd, And Touched His Clothes, (WEB).

28 FOR SHE SAID, “If Only I May Touch His Clothes, I Shall Be Made Well”.

30 And Yahoshua, (Jesus), Immediately Knowing In Himself That POWER Had Gone Out Of Him, Turned Around In The Crowd And Said, “Who Touched My Clothes?”
31 But His Disciples Said To Him, “You See The Multitude Thronging You, And You Say, ‘Who Touched Me?’ ”



Her Faith

If I Were There, I’d Be Like Peter Who May Have Said, “Who Hasn’t Touched You?  Hey, Everybody Raise Your Hand That DID NOT Touch Yahoshua?” …Because The Crowd Thronged Him… (Mark 5:24).

But, Yahoshua Implied By Looking Around, Knowing In Himself That Power, (Virtue, Dunamis Power ~ Strong’s Concordance #G1411; From Where We Get Our Word Dynamite), Had Gone Out Of Him.  So, We Now Know By Yahoshua’s Words That This Was Not Yahoshua’s Faith That Healed This Woman~!



YOUR Faith Has Made You Well

In Fact, The Scripture Makes It Plain In Mark 5:34 That It Was NOT Yahoshua’s Faith, But It Was Her Faith~!   34 And He Said To Her, “Daughter, YOUR FAITH HAS MADE YOU WELL.  Go In Peace, And Be Healed Of Your Affliction”.  Wow~! That’s An Eye Opener~!  Did I Read That Right?  YOUR FAITH HAS MADE YOU WELL.

This Is Not The Only Time That YOUR FAITH HAS MADE YOU WELL Is Mentioned In The Scriptures.  Ephesians 3:20 Tells That Yahweh Is Able To Do Exceedingly Abundantly Above All That WE ASK OR THINK, [Implied As, “WE THINK”}; {However There Is A Restriction Which Is}, “According To The Power That Works In Us~!
The Common English Bible, (CEB), Reads In Colossians 1:29, “I Work Hard And Struggle For This Goal With His Energy, Which Works In Me Powerfully”.  And The Easy-to-Read Version, (ERV) Puts It Like This In Philippians 2:13, “Yes, It Is God Who Is Working In You.  He Helps You Want To Do What Pleases Him, And He Gives You The Power To Do It”.

You Are Of God, Little Children, And Have Overcome Them, Because He Who Is In You Is Greater Than He Who Is In The World, (1 John 4:4).



For She Kept Saying

Now, Take A Closer Look At The Woman That Touched The Hem Of Yahoshua’s Garment.  She Was The One Who Dictated The Way In Which She Was Healed.  Her Faith Said, (Yahoshua’s Words, Not Mine ~ Mark 5:34).  Mark 5:27 Reads, “Having HEARD The Things Concerning Yahoshua, (Jesus)”.  So, This Shows Us How Faith Works, (Not Yahoshua’s Faith, But By Example - Her Faith And By Proxy, Our Faith).  Faith Comes, {Each One Of Us Has Been Given A Measure Of Faith; (Romans 12:3, 6), But Our Faith Can Increase As Faith Comes By Hearing And Hearing The Rhema’, <4487> or Revealed Word From Yahweh , (Romans 10:17)}…

And The Faith Has To Be In Two Places, (In Your ‘Heart’ And On Your ‘Lips’ Coming Out Of Your Mouth, (Mark 11:23-24; Romans 10:9-10).  The Amplified Bible Classic Edition Says, “And She Kept SAYING, (Mark 5:27-28); That If I Only Touch His Garments, I SHALL BE Restored To Health (Mark 5:28)”.  Not OnlyWas This Her Point Of Contact, But By The Words She Spoke.  Notice Also That, “She Said”.  She Had Faith In Her Heart And She Said It With Her Mouth.  That Proves That She Had It Down In Her Heart For Out Of The Abundance Of Heart, The Mouth Speaks, (Matthew 12:34-37; Matthew 15:10-11; Mark 7:14-15; Luke 6:44-45; James 3:2-13)~!

But Not Only Did Mark Catch That The Words Of Her Mouth Were Involved In This Healing Process, But So Did Matthew Also Observe This, (Matthew 9:9-21).  And Again The Amplified Bible Classic Edition Says, “For She Kept Saying To Herself, If I Only Touch His Garment, I SHALL BE Restored To Health”.  After This, Other People Wanted To Touch The Hem Of Yahoshua’s Garment And They Also Got Healed.  Her Act Of Faith Started A Touch Hem Movement”, {Pun:, Touch Him Movement”},

(Matthew 14:34-36; Mark 10:13
Luke 18:15

Note That It Was Luke That Observed Where She Touched, And Not What She Said, (Luke 8:44).  So, We Need One Another Just As We Need Both Matthew And Luke’s Perspective.

But Now, I See That There Is A Newer Version Of The Amplified Bible That Changed This Wording Also To, “She Thought”, Rather Than, “She Kept Saying To Herself”.

I Can See Where Someone Would Conjecture That This Is The Same Thing, As Matthew Says That She Was Talking To Herself, (Matthew 9:21).  But This Omits The Power Of The “Spoken Word”, Whether Mumbled or Thought Inside One’s Self.  When We Examine The Original Language, {Strong’s Concordance # G3004 In Both Matthew & Mark}, The Word Used Is Not Defined As, “She Said To Herself”, {Like In Her Thoughts}, But Defined As, “To Say, To Speak”.  However, The Supposedly Newer Version That Changes The Wording To “For She Thought”, Is Called The Amplified Bible, While The Older Amplified Bible Classic Edition That Still Reads, “For She Kept Saying”, {So That All My Links To The Classic Bible Would Go To This Newer Man Changed Version, And That’s Sly, or Tricky}.  I Firmly Believe That d—Evil One Does Not Want People To Know That They, Have What You Say”, (Hwys) ~ As Yahoshua Said This Was A Key In Mark 4:13-20.  Enter Here For A More In-Depth Study Of Mark 4.

I Used To Not Even Read The New American Standard Version Of The Scriptures Because It Omitted The, “Have What You Say”, Found In (Mark 11:23 ~For Most Certainly I Tell You”, [Some Translations Read “I Say To You”], , Whoever May Tell This Mountain, ‘Be Taken Up And Cast Into The Sea,’ And Doesn’t Doubt In Their Heart, But Believes That What You Say Is Happening; You SHALL Have What You Say, {I Call It The Highways, [HWYS] Principal}).



Yahoshua Walked With Jairus

But Watch Jairus’ Actions Prior To This Same Healing At (Mark 5:22).  And Behold, One Of The Rulers Of The Synagogue Came, Jairus By Name.  And When He Saw Him, {Yahoshua}, Jairus Fell At His Feet And Begged Him Earnestly, SAYING, “My Little Daughter Lies At The Point Of Death.  COME AND LAY YOUR HANDS ON HER, THAT SHE WILL BE HEALED, AND SHE WILL LIVE”.  And Yahoshua Went With Him, (Mark 5:22-24; 35-43).

I Don’t Know What Was On Yahoshua’s Agenda For That Day, But Yahoshua Stopped Everything He Was Doing To Go To This Man’s Home Based On The Words Coming Out Of His Mouth.  And Yahoshua Only Did What The Father Told Him To Do, So These Words Also Got Yahweh’s Attention, {For The Eyes Of Yahweh Run Back And Forth Throughout The Whole Earth, To Show Himself Strong In The Behalf Of Them Whose Heart Is Perfect Toward Him, (2 Chronicles 16:9)}.  If You Don’t Believe That You Have What You Say, Someone Should Have Told Yahoshua, Because Yahoshua Showed By His Actions That This Was Of Yahweh, “So Yahoshua, (Jesus), Went With Him, And A Great Multitude Followed Him And Thronged Him”.

*Food For Thought ~ Yahweh Went With Him.  And We Know That Yahweh Went With Yahoshua; {And Not The Other Way Around ~ (Acts 10:38; Matthew 9:35; Hebrews 13:6 ~ For Yahweh Was WITH HIM)}.  Of Course, Yahoshua Only Did What He Saw The Father Doing.  Yahweh Goes With Us Also, {Entry Here To See How Many Times Yahweh Has Said, “I Am With You” or, “Yahweh Is With You”, or, “Yahweh Was With A Certain Person”}.

Jairus Was A Person That Walked With Yahoshua, (Jesus), (Literally ~ Yahoshua Went With Him), And Actually He Saw All This Unfold About This Woman Having A Disease For 12 Years And Got Wonderfully Healed~!  It Just So Happens That His Daughter Was Also 12 Years Old, (Same Exact Period Of Time As The Woman Having A Disease For 12 Years).  Jairus’ Daughter Was Lying On Her Deathbed, And While He Is Walking With Yahoshua Side By Side, (Can It Get Any Better Than That?).  Then Suddenly Someone Comes To Jairus And Tells Him That His Daughter Has Died~!  [You’re Walking Along With Yahoshua, And Communing With Him When You Hear Bad News.  Umph.  More Things To Ponder Over].

Jairus Goes To Yahoshua For His Daughter Lay Dying On Her Deathbed, And He Is A Ruler Of The Synagogue, (Used To People Following Him, And Not The Other Way Around), And Right In The Middle Of This After He Has Gotten Yahoshua To Go With Him, This Woman With An Issue Of Blood Interrupts This Process… And Then She, “Tells All”, (Mark 5:33).  She Told The Whole Story, (If She Didn’t Tell All Then How Is It That We Know That She Had This Issue Of Blood For 12 Years; And That She Had Suffered Many Things From Many Physicians, And Had Spent All Her Money And Was Still None The Better, Except That She Told Him The Whole Truth ~ The Scripture Records That She “Tells All”).

This Had To Be Thought Provoking To Jairus That She Had Been Sick For 12 Years And That His Daughter Was 12 Years Old.  I Think This Woman Inspired Jairus’ Faith For What Was About To Come In His Life.  But At The Same Time It Must Have Tried Jairus’ Patience.  While Yahoshua Was Speaking, Interesting Timing And Not While The Woman Was Talking And, “Telling The Whole Truth”, {Talking On And On, (Mark 5:33)}… Jairus Is In The Presence Of Yahoshua, In The Flesh~!  And Then While Patiently Waiting For This Encounter With This Woman To End, Finally Jairus Gets To Walk To His House With Yahoshua, {I Feel A Song Coming On ~ ♪, “And He Walks With Me And He Talks With Me” ♪ ~ I Would Love To Be In The Earthy Manifest Presence Of Yahoshua ~ And Right In The Middle Of That Someone That Jairus Trusts From His Compound Comes To Jairus And Tells Him That His Daughter Has Died~!  Yikes~!  Zowie~!  I Know I’ve Repeated MySelf, But I Want You To Visualize This Scene In 3D Like You’re There.



Do NOT Be Afraid; Only BELIEVE~!

Can’t You See That This Is A Moment For The Heebie-Jeebies To Run Amuck?  This Is Like Us Getting News That Our Son or Our Daughter or A Loved One Has Just Been In A Car Wreck.  We Strongly Want To Go And Call 15 Folks Right Away, And Say, OMG~!  Oh, My Lord~!  OMG~!  What Are We Going To Do?  But, None Of That Will Save Them~!

But Without Faith It Is Impossible To Please Him, For He Who Comes To God Must Believe That He Is, And That He Is A Rewarder Of Those Who Diligently Seek Him, (Hebrews 11:6).  Jairus’ First Thought Might Have Been That If This Woman Hadn’t Talked So Long, {She Tells All”, Talking On And On} … Then We Would Have Already Departed… And Now His Daughter Is Dead~!  But, Remember Faith Works By Love, (Galatians 5:6), And This Is A Great Opportunity To Show Love, So That Faith Can Operate~!

It’s Only By Faith In Yahweh’s Word And His Words Of Life Coming Out Of Our Mouth, That The Angels Hearken To And The Angels Are Our Ministering Spirits, (Hebrews 1:14-Hebrews 2:3).  Angels Respond / Heed / Hearken To The Voice Of His Word, And We Are The Ones That Utter That Word With Our Voices, (Psalm 103:20-21).  Then He Said To Me, “Fear Not, Daniel, For From The First Day That You Set Your Heart To Understand And Humbled Yourself Before Your God, YOUR WORDS Have Been Heard, And I Have Come Because Of YOUR WORDS, (Daniel 10:12).

So What Did Yahoshua Immediately Say To Jairus?  As Soon As Jesus Heard The Word That Was “Spoken, He Said To The Ruler Of The Synagogue, “Do NOT Be Afraid; Only BELIEVE”.  He Implied, “Don’t Change Your Confession, (or Profession, G3671), Of Faith Now”. “Stay With Me, I Am With You, Walking To Your House Based On What You Said”.  We Walk By Faith And Not By Sight, (2 Corinthians 5:7), So Don’t Let Your Emotions Dictate Your Actions… Stay Calm.  It’s Going To Be Alright.  Keep The Switch Of Faith On~!



Yahoshua Met Jairus Where His Faith Was~!

Interestingly To Note, That At Another Time A Centurion Told Yahoshua That You Don’t Have To Come At All, Just SPEAK The Word And My Servant Would Be Healed For I Too Am A Person Under Authority.  Yahoshua Didn’t Try To Persuade Jairus To Just Believe, And That His Daughter Would Be Healed Right Then On The Spot… Like The Centurion, (Matthew 8:5-13; Luke 7:2-10).

Yahoshua Met Jairus Where His Faith Was, And His Faith Confession Coming Out Of His Mouth From The Abundance Of His Heart, (Matthew 12:34-37; Luke 6:45), Was Speaking Saying, “My Little Daughter Lies At The Point Of Death.  COME AND LAY YOUR HANDS ON HER, THAT SHE WILL BE HEALED, AND SHE WILL LIVE”.

Follow Along With The Rest Of This Story.

Mark 5:37-42 ~ 37 And He Permitted No One To Follow Him Except Peter, James, And John The Brother Of James.**
38 Then He Came To The House Of The Ruler Of The Synagogue, And Saw A Tumult And Those Who Wept And Wailed Loudly.
39 When He Came In, He SAID To Them, “Why Make This Commotion And Weep?  The Child Is Not Dead, But Sleeping”.
40 And They Ridiculed Him.  But When He Had Put Them All Outside, He Took The Father And The Mother Of The Child, And Those Who Were With Him, And Entered Where The Child Was Lying.
41 Then He Took The Child By The Hand, And HE SAID To Her, “Talitha, Cumi”, Which Is Translated, “Little Girl, I SAY TO YOU, Arise”.
42 Immediately The Girl Arose And Walked, For She Was Twelve Years Of Age.  And They Were Overcome With Great Amazement~!

Yahoshua Had To Clear Everybody With Doubt And UnBelief Out… Because Their, “Uproar” or We Might Emphasize This By Saying It Twice As A, “Tumultuous Uproar”.  From Now On, Every Time You Hear The “Roar Of The Crowd”, or, “Uproar” or, “Tumultuous Uproar”, Then I Want You To Think About How d—Evil One Goes LIKE A, “Roaring Lion”.  Why Did Yahoshua Include The “I SAY TO YOU” In His Statement Of, “Little Girl, I SAY TO YOU, Arise?

Recall What Yahoshua Did With Jairus? He Went With Jairus. Oh, So Important To Match People’s Faith Level To Be In Agreement With Them As Yahoshua Went With Jairus, (Matthew 18:19), And To Meet Them Where They Can Believe, And Then We’ll Have Success Also~!  But Yahoshua Added Something To This, And Remember Yahoshua Only Did What The Father Told Him To Do, So Yahweh Told Him To Speak To The Girl.  For Not Only Did Yahoshua Lay Hands On Her, But He Also Spoke To Her, (That She Would Be Healed, And Will Live)~!

Taking Her By The Hand HE SAID To Her, “Talitha Cumi”, Which Means, “Little Girl, I Say To You, Arise”, (Mark 5:41).

{If The Saying Part Wasn’t Important, Why Didn’t Yahoshua Just Walk In And Zap The Little Girl}?

But Before This, If We Are Going To Have Success, We Are To Do Things By The Example Yahoshua Set For Us, (John 13:15; 1 Peter 2:21), And Yahoshua Removed The Folks That Were Speaking Negatively, (Their Roar, {Uproar}, (Mark 5:38), Was Showing That There Was Doubt And Fear In Their Hearts ~ Mark 5:40).  I Want To Be Like Yahoshua.  Well, Yahoshua Asked Them To Go Out~!  So, Don’t Be Afraid To Remove Folks Out Of The Hospital Room By Politely Asking Them To Step Outside For A Moment.  There Is No Room When The Situation Is Grave, (Pun Intended), For Spectators.  You Need Like-Mind Folks With “Like Precious Faith”, (2 Peter 1:1).  You Don’t Need Folks That Are Wondering If It Is God’s Will To Heal This Time.  You Need Folks That Know So~!

Now, To Me The Most Remarkable Thing Is That Peter Who Wrote About Having “Like Precious Faith” Learned From The Example That Yahoshua Set Before Him, And Did Almost To The Letter The Same Exact Thing When Tabitha Passed Away In Joppa. And Peter Wrote 2 Peter And His UnderStudy / Apprentice Was John Mark, And Mark Wrote The Gospel Of Mark, (Including Mark 5:41 Cited Above And He Wrote It First Hand As If He Were There, And I’ll Say I Bet He Got This Testimony From Peter Who Was There).

You See, Tabitha, Passed And The Family Learned That Peter Was Nearby And Asked Peter To Come And Pray For Tabitha, (Which Means “Dorcas” And “Dorcas” Doesn’t Mean Anything To Me.  So I Looked Up What “Spiros Zodhiates”, (From The Complete Word Study Dictionary: New Testament © 1992 By AMG International, Inc. Revised Edition, 1993)… Said About Her And This Is What I Found: “Dorcas”, A Woman At Joppa Known Also As “Tabitha”, {Meaning “Gazelle”}. She Was An Exemplary Disciple Of Christ, And Her Deeds Of Benevolence Had Greatly Endeared Her To The People. After She Was Dead And Her Body Prepared For The Grave, She Was Miraculously Restored To Life Through The Instrumentality Of Peter”.

But We Find Peter Again In An Upper Room, (Probably, A Common Practice To Have Upper Rooms, As The City Was Crowded And They Could Build Up, And Interact With Folks On The First Floor, And Sleep Upstairs).  Let’s Tune In And Get A Glimpse Of Peter With 3D Glasses In Vision With Color.  Here We See Peter “Finding Dory” In The Upper Room.  Acts 9:36-43 (ESV) ~ 36 Now There Was In Joppa A Disciple Named Tabitha, Which, Translated, Means Dorcas. She Was Full Of Good Works And Acts Of Charity. 37 In Those Days She Became Ill And Died, And When They Had Washed Her, They Laid Her In An Upper Room. So Peter Rose And Went With Them. And When He Arrived, They Took Him To The Upper Room. All The Widows Stood Beside Him Weeping And Showing Tunics And Other Garments That Dorcas Made While She Was With Them. 40 But Peter Put Them All Outside, And Knelt Down And Prayed; And Turning To The Body HE SAID, “Tabitha, Arise” And She Opened Her Eyes, And When She Saw Peter She Sat Up. 41 And He Gave Her His Hand And Raised Her Up. Then Calling The Saints And Widows, He Presented Her Alive. 42 And It Became Known Throughout All Joppa, And Many Believed In The Lord. 43 And He Stayed In Joppa For Many Days With One Simon, A Tanner.

So, One Of The Many Similarities Between This Occurrence And The Event With Jairus’ Daughter, Was That When They Asked Peter To Come, Pete Rose, (I Just Wanted To Put That In There, Now, You’ll Never Forget This Story).  My Father Was A “Pastor” And He Trained Me By His Actions, And If Someone Called And Needed Someone At The Hospital, He Went Immediately.  That’s Important~!  Dad Had Many Unfinished Projects At His Home, Because His First Calling Was To Be A “Pastor”, And Often He Had To Drop What He Was Doing And Go To The Hospital, And Dad Never Got Rich, Because He Was Always Going To Visit Folks, {But Dad Is Rich Now, Because He Put What Matters The Most, [The Kingdom Of Heaven], Ahead Of Himself And His Projects}.

Now, Back To Our Story In Progress.  Peter Found All The Weeping Widows Showing What She Had Made.  Nice Folks, Good Neighbors, But Peter Must Have Politely Instructed Them To Go Outside, (I Say Politely, Because We Do Not Read Of Anyone Creating A Ruckus Outside).  Then Peter Did Precisely What Yahoshua Had Done, And He Spoke To The Dead Person, And Used Almost Identical Wording, Saying, “Tabitha, Arise”, And She Arose.

In Re-Cap.

1 Yahoshua Went Immediately When Called, And Met Them Where Their Faith Level Is.
2. Yahoshua Politely Clear The Room Of Those Not In “Like Precious Faith”.
3. They Spoke To The Body And Command The Person, (Speak To Their Spirit), To Arise.


HE SAID To Her, “Talitha Cumi”, Which Means, “Little Girl, I Say To You, Arise” vs.

Turning To The Body HE SAID , “Tabitha, Arise

This Is Another Instance That Both Yahoshua And Peter Were Naming It And Claiming It By Calling Those Things That Be Not AS THOUGH THEY WERE, (Romans 4:17), Because When He SAID, “Little Girl, I Say To You, Arise” She Was Dead As A Doornail~!  Unless, You’ve Talked To A Dead Person In Person, You Might Not Be Able To See That It’s Like Talking To A Fence Post.  But, She Arose~!



Binding & Loosing

Once More We Find Our Example, (John 13:15; 1 Peter 2:21), (Yahoshua), Speaking To The Problem.  If It Is Not Important What We Say, Why Did Yahoshua Speak To This Matter.  Why Didn’t He Just Lay Hands On Her Only?   This Was Not An Isolated or One Time Occurrence By Far, And In Fact, Every Time Yahoshua Brought Forth A Miracle, You’ll Find That He Spoke The Answer Out Of Faith From His Heart Before It Occurred, (Luke 4:18-19).  If You’ll Notice Not One Single Time Did Yahweh Our Father Not Speak It Before It Happened, Even If It Was To Inform The King(s); That Their Kingdom Would Be Torn Away From Them.  If It’s Not Important To Have What You Say, Why Did Yahweh Do It Every Single Time?  Faith Is Voice-Activated, (Psalm 103:20).

But, Let Me Reiterate The Need To Speak It Into Existence, By Back Stepping A Moment.  Remember, At The Start Of This Topic, I Mentioned The Centurion And How Yahoshua Didn’t Need To Go To His Home Because Of The Centurion’s Great Faith?  The Reason That The Centurion Came Was The Centurion’s Servant, Was Paralyzed, And Grievously Tormented.  Well, Notice The Very First Words Out Of Yahoshua’s Mouth When He Learned Of The Centurion’s Servant.  Jesus Said To Him, “I Will Come And Heal Him”.

Matthew 18:18-19 ~Truly, I Say To You, Whatever You Bind On Earth Shall Be Bound In Heaven, And Whatever You Loose On Earth Shall Be Loosed In Heaven.  Again, Assuredly I Tell You, That If Two Of You Will Agree On Earth Concerning Anything That They Will Ask, IT WILL BE DONE For Them By My Father Who Is In Heaven”.

Matthew 16:19 ~ “I Give To You The Keys Of The Kingdom Of Heaven, And Whatever You Bind On Earth Will Have Been Bound In Heaven ; And Whatever You Loose / Release On Earth Will Have Been Loosed or Released In Heaven

This Is The Pattern Of What We Should Be Doing Also~!  We Are Told To Bind And To Lose, (Matthew 18:18-19; Matthew 16:19).  We Bind And Loose With Our Words Coming Out Of Our Mouth .  Then Once More As Our Example, Yahoshua Did So And Told The Woman Bent Over For 18 Years, “And When Yahoshua, (Jesus) Saw Her, He Called Her To Him, And Said To Her, Woman, You Are Loosed From Your Infirmity”, (Luke 13:11-16).

That There Might Be Some Person Being Used Of d—Evil One To Bring About Destruction, And Your Voicing Yahweh’s Words That “d—Evil One’s Plans Are Brought To Naught”,

(Isaiah 29:20; Isaiah 8:10; Job 5:12; Psalm 33:10; Nehemiah 4:15);

Causes Their Plans Not To Happen, And That Whatsoever You Bind Is Bound,

(Matthew 16:19; Matthew 18:18; 2 Corinthians 10:3-5).

Are There Things That Need To Be Bound?  Are There Things That Oppose Yahweh’s Word And Ought Not To Be Occurring?  (Deception Like Fake News, COVID-19, Pandemic, Sexual Immorality, Sicknesses, Diseases, Gossip, Murder, Drugs, Religious Spirit, ISIS, And Apathy Towards The Things Of Yahweh, or Even The Weather, (Hurricanes /Tsunamis, Cyclones / Tornadoes, Winter Storms, etc.  Where People Can Be Harmed), ~ We Are Not Ignorant Of d—Evil One Schemes And Devices, (2 Corinthians 2:11).  See Galatians 5:19-21 For A More Detailed List Of What To Bind).  Then We Are To Bind These Things From Happening.

Bind Means To Tighten Something, Like Hauling A Christmas Tree On The Top Of Your Car That You Want Secure So That It Doesn’t Fall Off While You’re Driving And Hit Oncoming Traffic, (You Want To Make Sure That It Won’t Come Loose).

Loose Means To Untie Something Like That Same Christmas Tree On Top Of Your Car, So That You Don’t Drive Around In July With A Christmas Tree Strapped To Your Vehicle; or A Gate To A Fenced In Area Where You Need To Go To Feed The Horses, And It Can Mean To Release, Like If You Come Across An Animal Trapped By A Barbed-Wire Fence And You Release It From Captivity, or Like The Legal “Red Tape” To Get Something Through The Court System.  Is There Something That You Know Needs To Be Loosed?

I Recall Praying As A Young Boy Thinking That I Want To Be Here For The End Times, And Now They Are Here, And I’m Realizing That, “To Much Is Given, There Is Also Much Responsibility, Much Expectations, And Much Required~!

23 And He Turned Him Unto His Disciples, And Said Privately, Blessed Are The Eyes Which See The Things That You See:
24 For I Tell You, That Many Prophets And Kings Have Desired To See Those Things Which You See, And Have Not Seen Them; And To Hear Those Things Which You Hear, And Have Not Heard Them, (Matthew 13:17; Luke 10:23-24).

It Is A Privilege And An Honor To Be Chosen To Be Born And To Be Here For The Last Days.  It Might Require More Faith, And It Might Be Harder As We See The Word Of Yahweh Being Fulfilled Right Before Our Eyes, But We’re Also Going To Call In The Greatest Revival The World Has Ever Seen, And We Get To See It~!  Maybe, It Might Require More Prayer, And Those Born For Their Day And Time Also Had HardShips, But We Have Been Chosen For This Hour~!  Those That Were Born Into Poverty, There Is No Slack But You Do Not Lack.  I’m Serious.  “To Much Is Given, Much Is Required~! (Luke 12:48).  If You’re In Poverty, No Longer Feel Like You Are Unprivileged, Because You “Have Not”.  It’s Because You’re Part Of The Elite Remnant Army Of Yahweh, (Like A Seal Team or Army Special Forces or Rangers).  If You’ve Been Given Poverty, It’s Because You Have The Faith And The Gifts And Talents Of Listening To Your Heart To OverCome Poverty.  Some Others Might Have Perished If They Had Been Born Into Poverty.

Are There Things That Need To Be Loosed?  (Like The Biggest End-Time Revival That’s Ever Taking Place And For The Holy Ghost/Spirit To Sweep Through The Land, or More Of The Spirit Of Yahweh In Our Society ~ See Galatians 5:22-23 For A More Detailed List Of What To Lose).  Then We Are To Lose These Things~!  Let It Be So~!



“The High Praises Of Yahweh Be In Their Mouth~!”

Psalm 149:6-9
6 May The High Praises Of God {EL}, (H0410), Be In Their Mouth, And A Two-Edged Sword In Their Hand;
7 To Execute Vengeance On The Nations, And Punishments On The Peoples;
8 To Bind Their Kings With Chains, And Their Nobles With Fetters Of Iron;
9 To Execute On Them The Written Judgment.  All His Saints Have This Honor.  Praise Yah~! ~ (Yah ~ There Was No ‘J’ In The Hebrew Language, So The Name For Our God Cannot Be Jehovah ~ H3050).

{We Take ‘Thoughts’ Captive, Saying, (2 Corinthians 10:5-6), These Are Clickable or Tapable Links}

Psalm 8:2
Out Of The Mouth Of Babes And Nursing Infants You Have Ordained *Strength, Because Of Your Enemies, That You May Silence d—Evil One And The Avenger.
*Yahoshua Quoted This And Changed The Word, “Strength” To, “Praise”…

Matthew 21:16 And Said To Him, “Do You Hear What These Are Saying?” Yahoshua, (Jesus), Said To Them, “Yes. Did You Never Read, ‘Out Of The Mouth Of Babes And Nursing Babies You Have Perfected Praise?’ ”

{Praise Is Something Said Out Loud From Our Mouth~!}

Revelation 19:11-16
From “Out Of His Mouth Proceeds A Sharp, Double-Edged Sword, That With It He Should Strike The Nations. He Will Rule Them With An Iron Rod”.

Isaiah 58:1,Cry Aloud, Spare Not; Lift Up Your Voice Like A Trumpet; Tell My People Their Transgression, And The House Of Jacob Their Sins”.

Mark 11:23 ~ For Most Certainly I Tell You, [Some Translations Read “I Say To You”], , Whoever May Tell This Mountain, ‘Be Taken Up And Cast Into The Sea,’ And Doesn’t Doubt In Your Heart, But Believes That What You Say Is Happening; You SHALL Have What You Say, {I Call It The Highways, [HWYS] Principal}).

This Is Yahoshua Speaking, {The Head Of The Church}, And May Even Be Written In Red In Your Bible.  So, Go Out Into The Highways, (Hwys) And Practice The HWYS Principal By Speaking Over Your Circumstances.  Don’t Wait Until Things Get Rough And There Is A Friend or A Loved One In Hospital To Start Speaking Faith.  After All, This Is What Faith Is All About.  “Saying And Calling Into Being Those Things That Are Not As Though They Are” ~ Romans 4:17 ~ As It Is Written, I Have Made Thee A Father Of Many Nations, Before Him Whom He Believed, Even God, Who “Quickens”, {(G2227) ¤, The Dead, And “Calls Those Things Which Be Not As Though They Were”.  ¤Quickens”, {(G2227), Means To Bring Forth Life; To “Make Alive”}.

We Are Supposed To Be A Peculiar People Speaking To The Mountains In Our Daily Walk.  That’s Part Of The Job Description For A Christian, But We Have Become Too Much Like The World So That We Don’t Look Odd, And We Want To Be Accepted.

Years Ago, I Resented That My Father Seemed To Know How To Build Everything, But Was So Busy Doing The Work That He Didn’t Want To Take The Time To Teach Me While Doing The Job.  And Now My Father Has Passed On.  So, Fortunately, Times Have Changed And We Now Have YouTube.  I Got My Degree From The UT, (Not University Of Tennessee or Even Texas, But YouTube).  There Are Gobs Of Folks That Just Want To Explain To You How To Change The Oil In Your LawnMower, or How To Tie The Running Bowline Knot, or Whatever.  When I Needed To Know How To Change An Electrical Outlet On A Dryer From A 4-Prong To A 3-Prong, I Went To YouTube.  When I Needed To Know How To Tighten A Chain Link Fence, I Went To YouTube.  When I Needed To Know How To Change The Magnetron In Our Microwave, I Went To YouTube.

So, In The Same Way, I’ve Been Speaking To Things For Over 30 Years And I Can Testify That This Works And How You Can Do It Also.  When A Certain Church Was Holding An Outdoor Event And Needed The Rain To Stop, I Spoke To The Rain And Told It To Rain All Around Us, But Not On Us, And It Did Just That.

James 5:17-18
17 Elias Was A Human Being Subject To Like Passions As We Are, And He Prayed Earnestly That It Might Not Rain: And It Rained Not On The Earth By The Space Of Three Years And Six Months. 18 And He Prayed Again, And The Heaven Gave Rain, And The Earth Brought Forth Her Fruit.

Mark 11:24
24 Therefore I Say To You, Whatever Things You Ask, When You Pray,

{I’ve Made The Weatherman Wrong So Many Times.  Folks Say, “Well, It’s Going To Rain Tomorrow”, But Yet I Need To Put Up A Fence or Whatever, So I Say, “No, It Won’t Rain Tomorrow”, And In My Thoughts I’m Thinking “I’m Going To Make The Weatherman Wrong Again, As “I Have What I Say”..  Folks Sometimes Respond With, “But, The Weatherman Said…”

But, After It Doesn’t Rain, They Come Back To Me And Say, “How Did You Know It Wasn’t Going To Rain?”  I’ve Often Wondered, How Did They Know That I Knew, {Which I Did Know In My Knower}, Since I Did Not Argue With Them, I Guess It Was The Strong Conviction On My Face.  But, Regardless, Folks Know When You’re Walking In Faith And It Impacts Them.  Also, I’ve Found That If The Situation Is Really Important To Them, Such As Their Daughter’s OutDoor Wedding, That They’ll Rise In Their Faith In Yahweh’s Word And Join In Agreement With Me That It Won’t Rain, (or Have Strong Winds, etc.) For “Faith Works By Love”, (Galatians 5:6); And They Have A Lot Of Love For Their Children, And I For Them.

Faith Inspires Faith And Draws Out Faith In Folks… I Love Going To The Hospital To Pray For Folks That Have Their Backs Up Against The Wall, Because Oftentimes, When It’s A Choice Between Going To Heaven Or Staying And Raising The Young Children That Yahweh Has Blessed Them With, They’ll Join In Agreement With Me, And They Get Healed And Get To Stay On Earth And Raise Their Children.  Often, {This Must Have Happened Over 125 Times To Me}, The Doctors Will Tell The Patient That They Must Have Misdiagnosed The Infirmary.  Then The Patient Has The Opportunity To Witness To The Medical Staff And Say, “No, You Didn’t Misdiagnose It.  This Was God~!”.

This Will Help You When Faced With A Crisis And Folks Say, “The Doctor Said Such-n-Such”, And You Can Just Quietly Think To Yourself, “I’m Going To Make The Doctor Wrong Again, As I Have What I Say”, Mark 11:23}.  Or The Time That I Spoke To My BlueTooth In My Van To UpGrade Their Software So That It Would Connect To My Cell Phone, And It Did Within 3 Months.

But, I Don’t Just Speak To Problems.  I Speak To Everything, And I Greatly Encourage You To Do The Same, So That When An Emergency Comes Up, You Will Have Confidence In Your Heart That This Works~!  When I Make A Bowl Of Chili, Especially For Others, I Say, “This Will Be The Best Chili That I’ve Ever Made”.  Right Now, I Am Making A Roast For Our New Neighbors That Have Just Moved In, So Of Course, I Want This Roast To Taste Great And Not Be A Flop, So I Spoke To That Roast And Said, “This Will Be The Best Roast That I’ve Ever Made”, And It Was.  I Have Had Folks Tell Me That I Just Keep Getting Better And Better At Cooking, (And I Smile And Say Thanks… Knowing That’s What I’ve Been Saying).  If I Find Myself In A Car Wash And The Machine Halts, I Don’t Say, “I Don’t Need This To Happen To Me Right Now…”  I Mix My Faith With The Word Of Yahweh, And Say, The Blessing Of Yahweh Makes A Person Rich, And He Adds No Sorrow With It, (Proverbs 10:22); And That’s Sorrow.  I’ll Not Have That.  But, You Can And Definitely Should Do This Also.

Speak To The Parking Space That You Need Before You Arrive.  Try This Just To Proof Out That This Works.

I Delight In Doing The Parking Space Question.  It’s My Favorite, And If You Want To Grow With Yahweh, I Recommend It Highly~!  What Matter Does It Make If You Miss Yahweh’s Voice On This?  Ask The Holy Ghost Does He Have A Preference Where You Park, And That Timing Could Be Vital So That You Will Avoid A Disaster or Bump Into The Right Person That Yahweh Wants You To Be An Ambassador With Just The Right Word “Fitly Spoken” At The Right Time.  Do The Same When Buying Groceries.  Which Box or Meat Should I Purchase?  Practice The Presence Of Yahweh.  At First This Will Slow You Down Some, But, You’ll Get Better And Better At Hearing His Voice.  How Do I Know?  Well, Because I Said So, And I Have What I Say~!  But, Basically, If You Miss Yahweh On This, You Will Still Be Whole, And Not In Any Danger.

But, Here’s What I’ve Found Over And Over Again.  Yahweh Will Direct You To A Row Of Cars That Your Mind Will Want To Shout, “Yahweh There Are No Parking Spaces On That Row”.  And As You Drive Down The Row, A Car Will Pull Out At The Exact Time That Permits Only You Getting Just The Right Parking Space.

After A While Of Hearing From Yahweh, And Having A Parking Space Emerge From Seemingly Out Of Nowhere, I Began To Trust Yahweh More, But I Decided Since Yahweh Likes A Cheerful Giver, That I Would Give Yahweh My Submission Very Exuberantly, And So I Began To Reply Back To Yahweh When He Told Me To Do Something, “It’s Exciting Heavenly Father To See How You’re Going To Pull This One Off, But I Know That You’re Going To Do It~!”

I Urge You Also To Have This Response Ready ALL The Time.  Every Time, Yahweh Speaks To Your Heart, Reply, “It’s Exciting Heavenly Father To See How You’re Going To Pull This One Off, But I Know That You’ll Do It~!”, And Mean It When You Say It.  It’ll Change Your Heart, Your Attitude And Most Importantly, Your Walk With Yahweh.  Your Ship Could Look Torpedoed And Appear To Be Sinking, But If Yahweh Told You To Stay Onboard, Then Stay With That Ship.  Help Is On The Way~!

But, What I Like About The Parking Space Exercise Is That Soon You Won’t Wonder If You’re Going To Get A Parking Space, Cause You’ll Know That You Are Going To Get A Parking Space… And With This Confidence, You’ll Begin To Declare or Decree That You Have A Parking Space, And You Even Begin To Know Where It Is Before You Ask The Father, (As Your Heart And His Will Become More Aligned).  So, You Can Start To Say, Thank-You Father For Just The Right Parking Space, Speaking To The Situation Before You Arrive.

I’ve Said This Before, But It’s Very Important To Know That You Can’t Just Name-It Claim-It As It Has To Come Out Of Your Heart And Then When You Speak It, It Will Be Down In Your Heart And You Will Then “Have What You Say”.  So, Here’s A Starter Kit Of Scripture Verses To Reply Back And To Stop And Take Captive Any Thoughts.  There Are Some Scriptures That You Should Just Know In Your Knower… I’m Not Giving You A HomeWork Assignment.  It’s Up To You.  If You Are Wanting Something More, Then You’ll Have To Quit Doing The Same Things You’re Doing Now, And Expecting Different Results.

So It Will Require Some Work And Effort On Your Part As You Might Have To Memorize These, (But, Studies Show Folks That Keep Learning Tend To Live Longer, And If You Know These Scriptures, You’ll Not Only Live Longer, But Have A Much Better Quality Of Life).  Here Are Some Examples That You Can Practice.

2 Peter 1:3-4, {LITV Translation}
3 As His Divine Power Has Given To Us All Things Pertaining To Life And Godliness Through The Full Knowledge Of The One Calling Us Through Glory And Virtue, 4 By Which Means He Has Given To Us The Very Great And Precious Promises, So That Through THESE, [Promises], You Might Be Partakers Of The Divine Nature, Escaping From The Corruption In The World By Lust.

Galatians 3:13-14.
13 Christ Has Redeemed Us From The Curse Of The Law, Having Become A Curse For Us (For It Is Written, “Cursed Is Everyone Who Hangs On A Tree”), 14 That The Blessing Of Abraham Might Come Upon The Gentiles In Christ Jesus, That We Might Receive The Promise Of The Spirit Through Faith

Ephesians 1:3
3 Blessed Be The God And Father Of Our Lord Yahoshua Ha Mashiach, Who Has Blessed Us With Every Spiritual Blessing In The Heavenly Places In Christ. (You’ll Have To Click On This Link To Read Verses 4-9 To See If This Is Saying What I’m Saying And That It Is Stated In Context).

Here’s One Simple Thing You Can Do.  Say Out Loud Once You Realize That d—Evil One Is Trying To Pull Some Thought Bomb Over On You, “I Disagree” As ‘The Blessing Of Yahweh Makes A Person Rich, And He Adds No Sorrow With It’, And That’s Sorrow”, (Proverbs 10:22).  I’ll Not Have That, It’s Like Ordering A Pizza And Getting Anchovies On It When You Didn’t Order Anchovies.  No, That’s Not Mine.  I Didn’t Order Sorrow~!  Sound Too Simple.  Try It~!
If You Take This To Heart And Really Believe It, This Will Also Stop A Lot Of Other Talk, (Like “I’m Scared To Death”, or “That’s Just Kills Me”, or “Y’all Are Driving Me Crazy” or “That Just Irritates Me”, etc.).

You Should Instead Talk Out Loud Saying

Joel 3:10; Ephesians 6:10
I Am Strong In Yahweh And In The Power Of His Might

1 John 4:4
Greater Is He That Is In Me Than He That Is In The World

Isaiah 53:5; 1 Peter 2:24
And By His Stripes, I AM Healed

1 Corinthians 15:57-58
57 “But Thanks Be To Yahweh, Who Gives Us The Victory Through Our Lord Yahoshua, {Jesus} ~ Christ*, * {Ha Mashiach}”.
58 “Therefore, My Beloved Sisters And Brothers, Be Steadfast, Unmovable, Always Abounding In The Work Of Yahweh, Forasmuch As You Know That Your Labor Is Not In Vain In Yahweh”.

2 Corinthians 2:14-15
Now Thanks Be Unto God, Which Always Causes Us To Triumph In Christ, And Makes Manifest The Savor Of His Knowledge By Us In Every Place.

Changing Your Perspective~!

Jeremiah 29:11
For I Know The Thoughts And Plans That I Have For You, Says Yahweh, Thoughts And Plans For Welfare And Peace And Not For Evil, To Give You Hope In Your Final Outcome.

Proverbs 10:22
For The Blessing Of Yahweh Makes One Rich, And He Adds No Sorrow With It

Romans 8:28
We Know That ALL Things Work Together For Good To Them That Love Yahweh, To Them Who Are The Called According To His Purpose.

Romans 8:31
Then Will We Say About These Things?  If God Is For Us, Who Can Be Against Us?

Romans 8:37
No, In ALL These Things, We Are More Than Conquerors Through Him Who Loved Us.

Philippians 4:13
I Can Do ALL Things Through Christ, Who Strengthens Me.

1 John 4:4
You Are Of God, Little Children, And Have Overcome Them; Because Greater Is He Who Is In You Than He Who Is In The World.

Being Thankful Takes The Focus Off Of Us And Onto Yahweh~!

Psalm 100:4
Enter Into His Gates With Thanksgiving, Into His Courts With Praise.  Give Thanks To Him, And Bless His Name.

Psalm 94:19
When Anxiety Was Great Within Me, Your Consolation Brought Joy To My Soul, {NIV}
When I Worried About Many Things, Your Assuring Words Soothed My Soul, {God’s Word Translation}.




Die In The Wilderness

The Israelite Folks Didn’t Haven’t To Wander In The Wilderness; However, They Didn’t Mix Faith With The Word That They Heard, (Hebrews 4:2).  Why Did The Israelite Folks Die In The Wilderness?  It’s Because Their Confession Was That “They Would Die In The Wilderness”,

Exodus 14:11-12; Exodus 16:3; Numbers 14:2; Numbers 20:4; Numbers 21:5

And Therefore Denying That Yahweh Could or Would Deliver Them Even After Seeing The Parting Of The Red Sea, (20 Scripture References Showing This).  Are We Justified By Yahweh’s Words or By Our Words?

¤ Their Words That They Were Speaking In Talking To Yahweh Were Evil.  They Didn’t Believe The Report Of Yahweh, And Yahweh Called Their Report An Evil Report, (Numbers 13:32).  Ten Of The Spies Discouraged The Hearts Of Their Sisters And Brothers.  They Influenced The Whole Community, They Swayed Them And Caused Their Hearts To Melt, (Numbers 32:7; Deuteronomy 1:28).  The Reason That The Majority Of The Hebrew People Could Not Go Into The Wilderness Was Their Words~! (Numbers 14:11, 28)  You Can Read A Lot More About Their Words Being Evil By Entering Here.  And Their Murmuring Words In The Privacy Of Their Tents Were Heard, “Having No Faith In His Promise ~ They Didn’t Believe His Word”,

Deuteronomy 1:27-37; Psalm 106:24-26; Exodus 16:2; Numbers 14:2, 20-35; Hebrews 3:17-19: 4:1-2,

*Especially, Deuteronomy 1:34-36 & Numbers 14:28 ~ “What You Have Said In My Hearing I Will Do To You”).  Check This Out From Matthew 12.

Matthew 12:33-34
33 Either Make The Tree Good, And His Fruit Good; or Else Make The Tree Corrupt, And His Fruit Corrupt: For The Tree Is Known By His Fruit.
34 O Generation Of Vipers, How Can You, Being Evil, SPEAK Good Things, {Words}?  For Out Of The Abundance Of The Heart The Mouth Speaks.
35 A Good Person Out Of The Good Treasure Of Their Heart Brings Forth Good Things, {Words}, And An Evil Person Out Of The Evil Treasure Brings Forth Evil Things, {Words}.  But I Say Unto You,
36 That Every Idle Word That Men Shall Speak, They Shall Give Account Thereof In The Day Of Judgment,
37 For By YOUR Words You Will Be Justified, And By YOUR Words You Will Be Condemned

(Matthew 12:34-37; Matthew 15:10-11; Mark 7:14-15; Luke 6:44-45; James 3:2-13).

 Matthew 10:32-33
32 Whosoever Therefore Shall Confess Me Before Men, Him Will I Confess Also Before My Father Which Is In Heaven.
33 But Whoever Denies Me Before Men, I Will Also Deny Him Before My Father In Heaven.

Yahoshua Said, “My Words Are Spirit And They Are Life”, (John 6:63).  I Have Set Before You Life And Death, Therefore YOU Choose Life,

Deuteronomy 30:15, 19; Proverbs 4:10, 20-23.

Attend To My Words… Or As We Say In Alabama, “Tend To”.  If We Have Been Asked To Do A Christmas Party And Someone Else Says To Us, “Come On To Another Christmas Party With Me”.  We Might Respond, “Well, I’d Like To Go, But I’ve Got Some Preparations To ‘Tend To’ For This Other Christmas Party”.

(Proverbs 4:10, 20-23)
20 My Child, Attend To My Words; Incline Your Ear Unto My Sayings.
21 Let Them Not Depart From Your Eyes; Keep Them In The Midst Of Your Heart.
22 For Then Are Life Unto Those That Find Them, And Health To All Their Flesh
23 Keep Your Heart With All Diligence; For Out Of It Are The Issues Of Life.

Attend To My Words… Incline Your Ear, Hearken.  Grab Your Ear And Tell Your Body What The Word Says About Your Situation.  Put The Word Of Yahweh Before Your Eyes.  Put The Word Of Yahweh In Your Ears, Meditate On The Word Of Yahweh And Get The Words Of Yahweh Down In Your Heart.

Click The Next Button On The Bottom Right Of This Web Page To See More On Speaking To The Problems In Your Life~!



Testimony About ‘Having What You Say’, (Hwys)

I Read The Book “The Trump Prophecies”, And It Took Me Three Months To Read It, As I Was Also A Driver For Lyft And I Would Read It While I Was Parked, {Waiting For Someone, or At The Airport}.  By The Way, The Things That Mark Taylor Said Would Happen In “The Trump Prophecies” About Oil Is Currently Happening Now, (You Might Want To Read This Book For Yourself).

During The Same Exact Time That I Was Reading “The Trump Prophecies”, Waiting For A Hebrew Attorney, From New York City That Was In Mobile, Alabama To Negotiate The Contracts To See If We Could Get A Second Airport At What Was Formerly Known As Brookley Field.

You See, Back In The Day, Lyndon Baines Johnson, (LBJ), Had A Wife Named Lady Bird Johnson And They Through Mobile, Alabama On A Train Waving At Folks From The Caboose And People Booed Her, (So My Father Told Me).   So, Because Of That LBJ Made Brookley Field A Ghost Town And It Used To Be A Booming Air Force Airport.  My Father’s Last Church Was A Fairly Large Church That Could Have A Capacity Of 900-1000 People, (Manor Baptist Church), And Within 1/2 Mile Of This Church Was Another Church, (Navco Baptist Church), Where My Father Also Used To Be A Pastor, (Because Of My Father Being A Pastor At Both Of These Churches, I Had Preached At Both Of These Places), And Navco Baptist Church Could Also Seat 900+ People, And Even Had A Gym And This Was The Same Community That Used To Be Where The People Lived That Worked At Brookley Field And This Part Of Mobile, Alabama Near The Dog River Used To Be A Thriving Part Of Town But Now Has Deteriorated All Because They Had Closed Brookley Field.

This Account Cited Below Also Credits LBJ For The Closure Of Brookley Field, But Citing Other Personal Reasons…

Mobile Airport Authority Aeroplex History

By The 1960s, Brookley Base Had Nearly 13,000 Employees. Rumors About Closing Brookley Air Force Base Started To Surface In Early 1960s.  The Secretary Of Defense Announced Its Closure In 1964, Widely Believed To Be President Lyndon Johnson’s Retaliation For Alabama Voting For His Opponent Barry Goldwater In The 1964 Presidential Elections.  When Brookley Closed Officially In June 1969, Nearly 10% Of The Local Workforce Lost Their Jobs.  This Was The Largest Base Closure In History.

When I First Got To Mobile, AL In May 2014, I Was Linked Up With Some People That Were Prayer Warriors And We Went And Prayed Over Ladd-Peebles Stadium.  That Turned Out Four Months Later To Be The Exact Stadium That Donald Trump Came To And I Had Blown The Shofar In That There Less Before President Trump Got There In August For His Rally.  But, The Thing Is, Presidential Candidate Trump Landed At Brookley Field With All Of His Entire Entourage On A Boeing 757 And The Runway Could Accommodate His Plane.

Brookley Field Has One Of The Longest Runways In All Of The United States, (9,618’ × 150’), And Can Accommodate Many Large Aircraft, {It Was Built For The C-130’s Loaded With Heavy Tanks Or Other Heavy Trucks And Also The KC-130J’s, {Aerial Refueling Tanker ~ Very Heavy When Loaded With Fuel That Needed A Longer Runway To Take Off}.  But Brookley Field Had Been Shut Down And I Just Happen To Be Being A Personal Chauffeur To This Hebrew Man That Was Doing The Contract Negotiations For Brookley Field As A Second Airport .  So I Asked Him If He Was An Israelite; And He Looked At Me Strange Cuz I Suddenly Knew That He Was As I Just Knew In My Knower.  I Greeted His Personal Assistant Next To Him In Her Language And She Was From India, (And So I Said, “Namaste”; {It Is A Hindi Greeting}).  And To The Hebrew Attorney, I Asked Him Being From New York, Are They As Friendly As I Am In New York?  Then He Said, “No, If I Was This Friendly New York; They Would Say, Get Away From Me” .

But He And I Really Had A Very Good Rapport And We Laughed A Lot With Each Other And I Waited For Him Hours While Waiting At Brookley Field While He Did Contract Negotiations To Make Brookley Field A 2nd Commercial Airfield In Mobile And He Had Another Co-Worker With Him Who Was From Germany; And I Spoke German To Him For A While, With What Little I Know In German Like “Guten Morgen”, or “Guten Tag”, or “Auf Wiedersehen”.

I Spoke Indian To The Woman From India Without Knowing That She’s From India Except For Her Dark Skin And Her General Appearance.  But, When I Looked Him In The Mirror In The Van And I Asked Him Are You A Israelite, He Was A Bit Standoffish And Thinking That I Was Going To Lambast Him, But When I Said, I Know You Are God’s People And Of All The People In The World, I Am So Honored To Have You In My Vehicle While I Drive For Lyft”, He Waited To See If I Was Being Truthful And Honest, And When I Didn’t Laugh He Accepted It As True.

Well, Like I Said He Liked Me And I Liked Him And He Asked Me To Come And Pick Up His German Friend And Take Him To The Airport At 2 pm, (Which I Did); And Then To Come Back For Him Around 6:15 pm.  When I Arrived To Pick Him And His Personal Assistant Up, They Were About An Hour and A Half Late Arriving.  He Told Me That Because The Contract Negotiations Had Gone So Long, That They Had Missed Their Flight.  Now, They Had To See If They Could Get A Standby Flight And The Chances Are That They Were Not Going To Get A Flight Tonight And Then They Would Have To Stay In A Hotel.  Both He and His Personal Assistant Were Busy On Their Cell Phones Trying Frantically To Try To Find A Flight Tonight.  This Situation Bothered Me, And I Said Under My Breath To Yahweh, “I Don’t Want This To Happen As This Is One Of Your Favorite People And He’s In My Vehicle”.

You See, I Knew That Mark 11:23 Reads For Most Certainly I Tell You, (Some Translations Read “I Say To You”), Whoever Says This Mountain, ‘Be Taken Up And Cast Into The Sea,’ And Doesn’t Doubt In Their Heart, But Believes That What They Say  Is Happening; They Shall Have Whatever They Say.

Yahweh Always Does Everything By Faith, And He Told Me That If I Wanted To Change This Situation, That I Would Have To Say It Out Loud And It Took A Little Bit Of Courage To Do That ~ But, Ultimately, It Would Come Down To Compassion And If I Really Loved This Fellow, Then I Would Be Willing To Be Embarrassed By What I Was Going To Say OutLoud, So That He Didn’t Have To Suffer From The Delays And Getting A Hotel And Breakfast.  This Is A Point That A Lot Of Folks OverLook, But, “Faith Works By Love”,  (Galatians 5:6), And I Thought About Him And His Female Assistant Having To Get A Hotel Near The Atlanta Airport, And Then Get A Ride To The Hotel Tonight And UnPacking And Checking In And Also From The Hotel Early In The Next Morning And Having To Deal With Trying To Change His Flight In The Morning, And Their Spouses Wondering About Them Sharing A Hotel, And How Inconvenient All This Was.  I Hated For Them To Have To Suffer All Of This.  So, Filled With Compassion, I Turned To Look At Him In The Mirror And Said, “You Most Certainly Will Not Miss Your Flight Tonight And Neither Will Your Assistant, And Both Of Y’all Are Going To Make It Home Tonight And Even If They Have To Turn The Plane Around You Will Not Miss Your Flight”.  I Knew Right Then That It Was A “Done Deal”, Because I Know That I Have What I Say.

He Did Not Say A Word And He Glared At Me In The Mirror Until I Had To Put My Eyes Back On The Road.  But About Three Minutes Later, I Guess He Was Watching Me While I Was Driving Him To The Mobile Regional Airport To See If I Would Crack A Smile Or Something.  Finally, He Said “Charlie, If That Happens, I’m Going To Call You Even If It’s 1:30 A.M. In The Morning~!  So I Said, “Call Me”,  (We Had Each Other’s Cell Phone Number To Correlate The Lyft Pick-Ups).

That Was Very Interesting, But When He Was In My Vehicle, I Had Asked Him If There Was Going To Be A Second Airport In Mobile, Alabama, And He Said That Based On The Negotiations That He Had Done That Day, {And I Believe He Was The Main Contract Negotiator} … That He Could Almost Guarantee And Most Assuredly Tell Me That We Would NOT Have A Second Airport In Mobile, Alabama.

So, As Soon As I Dropped Him Off At The Airport To Catch His Plane, I Knew That They Were Going To Make All Their Connections Just As I Had Declared With My Mouth.  And That Made Me Think, That If I Could Do That For His Airplane Connections, Then Surely I Could Do That For The City Of Mobile, Alabama Where My Feet Have Trod.  So, I Proclaimed That I Have Jurisdiction Over ~ Mobile, Alabama And I Declared That We Do Have A Second Airport, (Not Yet To Come, But That It Exists Now, As Romans 4:17  Tells Us That, “We Call In Those Things That Be Not As Though They Were”), And That It Would Greatly Benefit Downtown Mobile Because People Wouldn’t Have To Travel So Far, Even Though It Would Actually Hurt My Job As A Lyft Driver Not Having The Long Runs To The Mobile Regional Airport.

So, At 10:38 p.m. CST He Called Me, [I Remember The Time, Because 1 John 3:8; And Acts 10:38 Came To My Mind When He Called], And He Said, “You Are Just Not Going To Believe What Happened.  We Were At Airport And The Plane Had Already Rolled Out On The Tarmac And We Had Missed The Boarding Time; And They Notified The Pilots On This Aircraft That There Had Been Two Passengers That Were Supposed To Get On That Plane And So, They Stopped The Plane And Reattached The Yellow Towing Vehicles And Backed It Back Up So That We Could Get On The Airplane~!”  He Was Very Excited~!  My Reply Was, “Yahweh Loves You Very Much~!”.

Within Maybe Nine Months After I Spoke That, Brookley Field Re-Opened The Airport.  Not Everybody Was As Ignorant Concerning This Airport As Airbus Has Been In Mobile, Alabama Building The Airbus A320 And The Airbus A321 Aircraft And They Own Most Of Brookley Field.

Airbus Wasn’t The Only One That Had Shown Interest In This Place, Because I Took Someone To Work At 5:30 A.M. In The Morning At Brookley Field And It Was So Foggy That We Couldn’t Even See The Tarmac.  But He Told Me That If I Could See Past The Fog That There Were Three American Airlines Boeing 777 Airplanes Right In Front Of Me.  Wow, Those Planes Are Huge, (Very Big, Extremely Large; Enormous}.  I Had Seen These Boeing Triple 7’s Being Built At Boeing In Seattle, Washington, Less Than 4 Months Prior To This Time, And Yet I Could Not Even See Them Less Than 300 Yards In Front Of Me Because Of The Fog, {That’ll Preach ~ As Faith Is Substance Of Things Not Seen, (Hebrews 11:1)}.

And FedEx Knew This Was A Super Airport And Has Been Using It For A Long Time And If You Look Up At Approximately 5 p.m. Everyday, A FedEx Airplane Would Fly Right Over My Father’s Home And We Would Be Out In His Back Yard Sawing Up Limbs And We Both Would Stop And Look, Up At Them.

So Around May Of 2019, The New Downtown Airport Opened Up With Flights Going To Denver, Colorado For Only $46 One Way With Frontier Airlines.  It Is Now Called The Mobile Downtown Airport, (But Still Retains Its Original Brookley Field Three Letter Code For Brookley Field Mobile ~ BFM).  I Also Said That This Will Become The Main Airport For Passenger Commercial Flights and That The Planes Moving Supplies Like FedEx, UPS & DHL Would Move To Where The Old Mobile Regional Airport Is Now.  Near The End Of 2022, The City Of Mobile Announced The Plans To Do Exactly That; and To Expand The DownTown Airport.

The Cemetery Where My Mother Was Buried And Where My Father Was Going To Be Buried Is Adjacent To Brookley Field, (As It Was Still Called At That Time), And One Time, As We Watched A FedEx Plane On Its Daily Trek At 5 pm, We Both Paused And Looked Up And Watched The Plane, And That Reminded Me That Brookley Field Was Near PineCrest Memorial Gardens Where Mom Was Laid To Rest.  I Told My Father, Because We Both Knew His 83 Years Of Time On Earth Were Coming To A Sunset Close I Said To Dad, “I’m Not Trying To Rush You, But When You Pass Over, I Want A Real Fly-By At Your Funeral”, And Dad Replied That Might Happen Anyway As A Lot Of Planes Take Off And Land There All Day Long.  But, I Insisted And He Agreed With Me, (Matthew 18:19); And Said, “Okay, You’ll Have A Fly-By”. 

At Dad’s Funeral, Since Dad Had Been In The Air Force And I Was Born On An Air Force Base, And So When The Young Air Force Airman Handed Me The American Flag As The Oldest Son, At That Precise Exact Time That He Put The Flag Into My Hands, Two White And Orange Training Jets Startled Us All Coming In Hot 150 Feet Directly Over Our Green Funeral Canopy Soaring In Very Loudly and Very Low Overhead And I Could See That They Both Had All After-Burners On, (As They Passed, Being That I Was Near The Outside Of The Canopy, I Turned My Head And I Could See The Blazing Bright Orange Glow Coming From Their Exhaust, And I Had Seen That Many Times Onboard An Aircraft Carrier In The Navy And I Was In Fact Stationed OnBoard A Navy Airplane Squadron, (RVAH-7, Flying The RA-5C Vigilante Powered By Twin Pratt & Whitney J-79 Engines), And The Bright 4-5’ Glowing Tail Fire Indicated To Me That The Full After-Burners Were Being Ignited, {Typical Of Navy Pilots That Practice Touch-n-Go’s To Come In With Full Throttle On, In Case They Miss The Catch-Wire When Landing On An Aircraft Carrier, And Then Have To Quickly Power Up For An Immediate Take Off}).  These Pilots Were Putting The Pedal To The Metal, And May Have Been Doing A Touch-n-Go Within Three-Fourths Of A Mile or So From Our Location At Brookley Field.

My Nephew Researched It OnLine And Found That These Were Two Air Force Pilots In Training, (Not Navy or Coast Guard), Were Flying In From The Naval Air Station In Meridian, Mississippi, (Where I Had Been Stationed When I Took The Navy Training Courses For My Future Occupation), And They Were Like The Air National Guard That Doesn’t Get To Fly Many Hours Per Year.  So When Their Two Weeks Came Up, They Were Hot-Dogging It, And If They Had Known There Was A Funeral, They Probably Would Have Flown In A Little More Reserved.  By The Way, Dad Was Born In Meridian, Mississippi, And After Serving 42 Years As A Pastor And We Both Like Airplanes A Lot, I Thought This Was A Very Appropriate Fly-By, Loud Noise And All… But, It Came About Because My Father And I Agreed, (Matthew 18:19), And Because We Declared It With Our Mouths~!

Psalm 34:1,19,
1 I Will Bless Yahweh At ALL Times; His Praise Shall Continually Be In My ‘Mouth’
19 Many Are The Afflictions Of The Righteous, But Yahweh Delivers Him Out Of Them ALL.

{You Can’t Have Deliverance Apart From Your Mouth And What You Are Saying…
These Two Verses Are In The Same Chapter And Refer To The Same Occurrence}

Yahweh Through The Faithfulness Of Keith Moore Has Forever Impacted And Changed My Families Lives.

Yahweh Through The Faithfulness Of Keith Moore Has Forever Impacted And Changed My Families Lives.  I Strongly Recommend Listening To What Yahweh Is Teaching Through Him.

I Strongly Recommend Listening To What Yahweh Is Teaching Through Him.  Click On This Link or On The Icon Above To Start Listening To Word Studies From Moore Life Ministries~!



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In Righteousness You Shall Be Established; You Shall Be Far From Oppression, For You Shall Not Fear; And From Terror, For It Shall Not Come Near You. Isaiah 54:14


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