Healing And Divine Health

The Power Of Forgiveness Is The Same Power To Heal ~ For Which Is Easier, To Say, “Your Sins Are Forgiven”; or To Say, “Get Up, And Walk?” (Matthew 9:5-7; Luke 5:23-25).  Notice How Many Times In The Scriptures That Forgiveness Is Mentioned With Healing~!

Psalm 103:3:
Who Forgives All Our Iniquities”,
Who Heals All Our Diseases” …

Even As An Example When Yahoshua Was On The Cross Having Suffered A Brutal Beating, {By His Stripes We Were Heal, Right?, (Isaiah 53:5;
Matthew 8:17; 1 Peter 2:24
… Forgiveness Was Found Given By Yahoshua… “Father, Forgive Them; For They Know Not What They Do”, (Luke 23:34).

So Not To Forgive, {Strife}, Could Be A Interference As To Why You or Someone Has Not Received Your Healing, (It Might Even Be The Underlying Causes For Cancer).

The Inverse Of ForGiveness Is Harboring A Grudge, {An Offense}, And Is A Show-Stopper For Effective Prayers: (Mark 11:25) ~ And Whenever You Stand Praying, Forgive, If You Have Anything Against Anyone, So That Your Father Also Who Is In Heaven May Forgive You Your Trespasses.




By His Stripes, I Am Healed~!

For Yahweh God Is A Sun And A Shield.  Yahweh Will Give Grace And Glory.
He Withholds NO GOOD THING From Those Who Walk Blamelessly, (Psalm 84:11).

If Yahweh Is A Sun And A Shield, How Can He Be The Same God That Allows Sickness To Come On You And Still Be A Good God?  The Fact Is, He Doesn’t.  We Have A Bad Devil, And We’ve Been Given His Name And His Authority To Drive It And ccc That It Rode In On Away.

It’s Like You’re In A Court Room, And You’re The Judge, And The Accuser Of The Sisters And Brothers Is Saying, “He Doesn’t Deserve This Because He Did Such And Such”.  The Prosecuting Attorney, The One Accusing And Persecuting You Is On One Side Arguing His Case, (And Some Of His Points Seems Valid).  Maybe Our Adversary Says, “But, The Doctor Said It’s Cancer”.  Maybe, You Did Do Such And Such, And Perhaps The Doctor Did Say It Was Cancer.  But, Our Advocate And Defender That Pleads Our Case Says, “I Covered That, I Died For That”.  You As A Judge Can Hear Both Sides Of The Argument, But Whoever You Side With, Will Win The Case~!

By His Stripes, I WAS Healed”, (1 Peter 2:24), or, “I Have”.  You Are Like In A Court Room Setting Where You Are The Judge, And The Accuser Of The Sisters And Brothers Is Saying, “You Have”, And Our Advocate, Yahoshua, (Who Is The Word) And The Holy Ghost Who Is Our Counselor Is Saying, “By My Stripes, You ARE Healed”.  They Can’t Both Be Right.  One Of Those Two Is Lying.  Whichever One You Side With Will Win~!

But, “I Have”… (The Facts Might Indicate That You Do Indeed , “Have”… Such-n-Such; But The Facts Will Only Make The Problem Grow Worse.  It Is Only By The “Truth” That You Are Set Free).  The Truth Is Contained In Yahweh’s Written Word, That Says, “By His Stripes, You ARE Healed”, Not Going To Be Healed One Day Some Day At Some Nameless Date, But You Are Already Healed Now.

By His Stripes, I WAS Healed”, (1 Peter 2:24), or, “I Have … Whatever”.
The Ball Is In Your Court~!  You Choose ~ [Hint: Choose Life]}.

I’m Sure That You Already Know All This, But When You’re In The Thick Of The Battle, You Sometimes Need Like Naaman, A Servant To Guide You To Do What You’ve Been Told In His Word To Do, (2 Kings 5:1-19).  Verses Like

(Mark 11:23; Mark 18:19;
Amos 3:3; Isaiah 53:5;
And 1 Peter 3:9 Through 1 Peter 3:10

I’d Read These If I Were You.

Psalm:103:3 ~ “Yahweh Heals All My Diseases”.

My People Are Destroyed For Lack Of Knowledge
Hosea 4:6

You May Have Said Something Like, “I Don’t Know What I Did Wrong To Deserve This, But I Repent”.  If You’d Like To Stop This Downward Spiral Of Your Related Health Issues, I Have Great News For You~!~!!!!  Job Repented Also And Got Fully Restored~!

You Will Find That You Might Have A Heart Issue.  Because From Your Heart Springs All The Issues Of Life.

Proverbs 4:23-24 ~ 23  Keep Your Heart With ALL Diligence, For Out Of It Springs The Issues Of Life.
24  Put Away From You A Deceitful Mouth, And Put Perverse Lips Far From You.

But, The Heart Is Deceitful Above All, (Jeremiah 17:9); And This Is A Problem, Because Whatever Is In Your Heart WILL COME Out Of Your Mouth Causing The Very Things To Happen That You Either Want or Don’t Want, (Either Good or Evil).  That’s How Faith Works.

Matthew 12:34-35 ~ 34  Brood Of Vipers~! How Can You, Being Evil, Speak Good Things?  For Out Of The Abundance Of The Heart The Mouth Speaks35  A Good Person Out Of The Good Treasure Of Their Heart Brings Forth Good Things, And An Evil Person Out Of The Evil Treasure Brings Forth Evil Things.


Effective Faith~!

The Word Of Yahweh Has To Be Down In Our Hearts And Then Coming Out Our Mouth.  That’s How You Got Saved By Grace Through Faith .

Romans 10:9-10 ~ 9 That If You Confess With Your Mouth The Lord Yahoshua And Believe In Your Heart That God Has Raised Him From The Dead, You Will Be Saved. 10  For With The Heart One Believes Unto Righteousness, And With The Mouth Confession Is Made Unto Salvation.

Now That We Have An Understanding Of The Way Faith Operates, (Has To Be In Your Heart And Then Coming Out Of Your Mouth)… Philemon 1:6 Shows Us The Way.  That The Sharing Of Our Faith May Become Effective.  So Then, It Is Possible That We Can Share Our Faith And It Not Be Effective, or Yield Positive Results.  So For Our Faith To Be Effective, We Have To Acknowledge, (Or To Confess, or In Our Words, To Say Out Loud), Every Good Thing Which Is In Ha Mashiach Yahoshua, {Chris† Jesus}.

Philemon 1:6 ~ That The Sharing Of Your Faith May Become Effective By The Acknowledgment Of Every Good Thing Which Is In You In Ha Mashiach Yahoshua, {Chris† Jesus}.


What Good Things Are In You?

Ephesians 1:3 ~ Blessed Be The God And Father Of Our Lord, Jesus Christ,
Who Has Blessed Us With Every Spiritual Blessing In The Heavenly Places In Christ;

2 Peter 1:3 ~ Seeing That His Divine Power Has Granted To Us ALL Things That Pertain To Life And Godliness,
Through The Knowledge Of Him
Who Called Us By His Own Glory And Virtue;

Romans 8:32 ~ He Who Did Not Spare His Own Son, But Delivered Him Up For Us All,
How Shall He Not With Him Also Freely Give Us All Things? {He Withholds NO Good Thing~! , (Psalm 84:11)}

Every Spiritual Blessing In The Heavenly Places In Christ, (You Are In Christ Right Now Seated At The Right Hand Of Yahweh, Colossians 3:1).  Who Has Blessed Us With Every Spiritual Blessing In The Heavenly Places In Christ This Is Something That You Will Want To Confess, (To Say Out Loud).

Has Granted To Us ALL Things That Pertain To Life , {That Would Include Being Well, Being Healthy}, (2 Peter 1:3).

And Among The Many Verses That Support This, Healing Is One Of Those According To Psalm 103:3; Isaiah 53:5; 1 Peter 2:24 And Many Other Places In Yahweh’s Word.



However, Here’s The Rub, The Catch-22.  If You Still Believe That Your Heavenly Father Is The One Doing These Things To You, In Order To Teach You Some Lesson, Then You’ll Not Believe Abba Father Wants You Well And Whole.

Look At All The Verses That Say That God, {Yahweh}, Is Good~!:

(Exodus 33:19; Psalm 25:8;
Psalm 31:19; Psalm 34:8;
Psalm 73:1; Psalm 100:5; Psalm 107:1;
Psalm 135:3; Psalm 136:1-26;
Psalm 145:9; Jeremiah 33:11;
Lamentations 3:25; Nahum 1:7

To See Even More Scriptures Proving That Yahweh Is Good, [Enter Here].  For Yahweh God Is A Sun And A Shield.  Yahweh Will Give Grace And Glory.  He Withholds “NO Good Thing” From Those Who Walk Uprightly, {or Blamelessly}, (Psalm 84:11).

Walk Uprightly, {or Blamelessly}

Who Walks Uprightly On This Planet?  Clue, It’s Not Giraffe’s or Bears or Lions or Other Animals.  Only Human-Kind Walks Up Uprightly.  And If The Word Should Have Been Blamelessly Instead Of Uprightly, Again That’s Us As Romans 4:8 Says, “Blessed Is The Man To Whom Yahweh Will Not Charge With Sin”.  Whether The Word Used Should Have Been Blamelessly or Uprightly, Either Way, It Is Talking About Men And Women, (Human-Kind); And If That Criteria Is Met, Then What Are The Benefits?  He Withholds NO Good Thing~! 

Let Me Define “Good Thing”.  Holding And Hugging Your Grandchildren And Imparting Words Of Inspiration And Encouragement To Them Is A Good Thing.  However, Not Being Able To Hold Your Grandchildren And Advising Them Or Your Children To Stay Away From You Because You Feel That You Are Contagious Is Not A Good Thing.  But, Going To The Hospital To Meet Your Son or Daughter’s New Born Baby Is A Good Thing.  But, Having To Stay At Home And Miss This Opportunity Because You’re Hugging A Commode And Throwing Up Is Not A Good Thing.  I Think We’ve Adapted And Accommodated Things That Are Not Good Things, Such As Having A Leukemia And Your Hair Falling Out Is Not A Good Thing.  However, We May Have Categorized This As God’s Will And Given It An Acceptance Level That It Doesn’t Deserve.  Go Back And Re-Consider.  Yahweh, Yahweh Is Good, The Devil Is Evil, {d-Evil One },.  Anything That Is Not Good Is Not God.  If You’re Sick And Throwing Up That’s Not Good, And Is Not Yahweh, Our God.

Psalm 100:5 ~ For Yahweh Is Good His Loving Kindness Endures Forever, His Faithfulness To All Generations.

Has Granted To Us ALL Things That Pertain To Life , {That Would Include Being Well, Being Healthy}, (2 Peter 1:3).

Look At 1 John 1:9, “If We Confess Our Sins, He Is Faithful And Just To Forgive Us Our Sins And To Cleanse Us From All Unrighteousness”.  Well, If You’re Cleansed From All Unrighteousness, Then You’re Righteous, (Blameless, And Thus You Qualify ~ Giving Thanks To The Father Who Has Qualified Us To Be Partakers Of The Inheritance Of The Saints In The Light ~ Colossians 1:12).


And Delivers Them From Their Graves, {Destruction}~!

Psalm:103:3 ~ “Yahweh Heals ALL My Diseases

Exodus 15:26 Says That Yahweh Is The God That Heals Us.  God Is GOoD, d-Evil One Is Evil, “The Blessing Of Yahweh Makes One Rich And ADDS NO SORROW WITH IT”, (Proverbs 10:22).  Sickness Has Sorrow.

What Does This Mean?  He Sends His Word, And Heals Them, And Delivers Them From Their GravesPsalm 107:20 ~ It Means That People That The Doctor’s Said Only Had So Much Time To Live Did Not Die Early Because They Received His Word In Their Hearts.  Apart From The Word Of Yahweh, There Can Be No Faith, (Romans 10:17¤), As Faith Comes By Hearing And Hearing The Rhema’, <4487> or Revealed Word From Yahweh And You Will Not Survive, (Hebrews 11:6).  And How Can They Hear Without Someone Preaching To Them?  {That Is What I Am Doing Now, I’m Preaching This To You}. … On Him Of Whom They Did Not Hear?  And How Shall They Hear Apart From One Preaching?  (Romans 10:14)… But It Is Only Hearing The Word¤, As The Word Of Yahweh That Will Strengthen Faith¤, Since There Can Be No True Calling Upon Yahweh Without Faith, No Faith Without Hearing¤, No Hearing, {Matthew Henry’s Concise Commentary}… Faith Comes By Hearing And Hearing The Rhema’, <4487> or Revealed Word From Yahweh. And How Can Anyone Preach Unless They Are Sent? {Consider Me Like The Messenger That Elisha Sent}.  As It Is Written:, “How Beautiful Are The Feet Of Those Who Bring Good News~!” ~ (Romans 10:15).

Sickness & Disease Are Bad And Come From d—Evil One, (Look At Jesus Of Nazareth, How God Anointed Him With The Holy Ghost And With Power, Who WENT About Doing Good And Healing ALL Who Were Oppressed By The Devil,
For God Was With Him
. ~ Acts 10:38; Matthew 9:35).


Yahweh’s Will To Heal ALL~!

Since Yahweh Was With Yahoshua, And Yahoshua Healed ALL, Then Can You Not See That It Was Yahweh’s Will To Heal ALL?  Remember That Time In Mark 5:34 That It Was NOT Yahoshua’s Faith, But It Was Her Faith~!   34 And He Said To Her, “Daughter, YOUR FAITH HAS MADE YOU WELL .  Go In Peace, And Be Healed Of Your Affliction”.  Wow~! That’s An Eye Opener~!  Did I Read That Right?  YOUR FAITH HAS MADE YOU WELL .  So, You Can’t Say That God Chose Her To Be Healed.  Yahweh Did Not Pick And Choose Who Got Healed And Who Did Not.  She Chose.  And Since Yahweh Says, “I Change NOT”, (Malachi 3:6), And Yahoshua Is The Same Yesterday, Today, And Tomorrow, (Hebrews 13:8), Then It Is Still Yahweh’s Desire For All To Be Healed~!

That There Is No Respect Of Persons (No Partiality) With Him”, (Ephesians 6:9).

So, What’s The Problem?  Why Aren’t We Seeing The Manifestation Of Being Healed.  It’s Us~!  We’ve Been Saying, “The Wrong Stuff” With Our MouthYahoshua, (Jesus), Is The High Priest Of Our Confession, (What We Say With Our Mouth).

I Was Asked To Teach A Baptist Sunday School Class Recently Because The Teacher Was Out. I Thought It Would Be Funny To Ask Them To Take A Vote And See If We Should Pray That He Live or That He Die, (I Thought For Sure That They All 100% Would Be “Put Out” With Me, And Say Of Course We Are Praying For Healing)… But, Instead 98% Of Them Said With A Mean Look In Their Eye Like I Had Just Slapped Their Best Dog, “If It’s God’s Will”… Wowie~!  Zowie~!  I So Wanted To Ask, “Did You Find Out If It Was Yahweh’s Will To Be Saved?”  What About Psalm 103:3 That Says, “Who Forgives All Your Iniquities, Who Heals All Your Diseases”.

Enter Here To See Over 100 Verses Of Scripture From Yahweh’s Written Word That Prove It Is Yahweh’s Will For Us To Healed~!  Faith Begins Where The Will Of God Is Known, (And 1 John 5:14-15 Confirms This)… Basically, My People Perish For A Lack Of Knowledge, (Hosea 4:6), Both About What Yahweh Says Concerning Healing And Also In How To Apply The Word Of Yahweh To Obtain Healing, {or To Getting Out Of Financial Debt}.  But, There Is So Much Evidence That Yahweh Has Already Made It Known That Healing Is His Will, And He Is Just Looking For Folks To Believe His Word, (Mark 11:24; 1 John 5:4), And Mix Faith With His Word, (Hebrews 4:2).  Will He Find Faith On The Earth? (Luke 18:8).  The Eyes Of Yahweh Are Searching To And Fro To Strengthen Those Whose Hearts Are Fully Committed To Him, (2 Chronicles 16:9; 2 Peter 1:19)~!  The Strongest Prayer Is To Believe What Yahweh Wrote In His Word… The Most Important Part Of A Prayer Is The Amen, {“When You Pray, Believe That You Receive Them, And You Will Have Them”}, (Mark 16:17-18; Mark 11:24; James 5:15).


The Cross Set Us Completely Free From The Curse~!

Is Anyone Among You SufferingLet Them Pray.  Is Anyone Cheerful?  Let Them Sing Psalm.  Is Anyone Among You Sick?  Let Them Call For The Elders Of The Church, And Let The Elders Pray Over This Person, Anointing Them With Oil In The Name Of Yahweh.  And The Prayer Of Faith Will Save The Sick, And Yahweh Will Raise Them Up.  And If They Have Committed Sins, They Will Be Forgiven, James 5:13-15.

For Instance, It Doesn’t Say We Will Pray For The Sick To Be Healed As If It’s Roll Of The Dice, But That We Will Lay Hands On The Sick And They Shall Be Healed, (Mark 16:17-18), Or To Anoint Them With Oil And The Prayer Of Faith SHALL SAVE THE SICK, (James 5:13-15), (This Is Because In We ARE Healed ~ Your Complete And Total Healing As Well As Your Redemption From Sin Was Bought And Paid For On The Cross>).

To Understand This Truth, You Have To Go Back To The Cross, To The Place Where Jesus, {Yahoshua}, Paid The Price For You—Spirit, Soul And Body Calvary Was The Most Complete Event That Has Ever Taken Place~!

Yahweh Left Nothing Out Of It~!  Not One Cursed Thing That Came About Through Human-Kind’s Union With Satan Was Left Standing.  Yahoshua Triumphed Over It All~!  By Taking Upon Himself Every Foul Thing That Fallen Man Has Ever Suffered, He Set Us Free—Spirit, Soul And Body.

Go Back To The Exchange Concept.  Look At The Scripture Verses Where An Exchange Was Made.
Isaiah 53:5 ~ “But He Was Wounded For Our Transgressions, He Was Bruised For Our Iniquities; The Chastisement For Our Peace Was Upon Him , And By His Stripes We Are Healed~!”,
{He Got Our Transgressions, Iniquities And Chastisement, And We Get Peace And Being Healed~!}

2 Kings 6:18
When They Came Down To Him, Elisha Prayed To Yahweh, And Said, Please Strike This People With Blindness”.  He Struck Them With Blindness According To The Word Of Elisha

1 Samuel 17:45
And All This Assembly Shall Know That Yahweh Saves Not With Sword And Spear: For The Battle Is Yahweh’s, And He Will Give You Into Our Hands,

The Battle Is Yahweh’s, (2 Chronicles 32:7-8), {But He Shares The Victory With Us~! “…And He Will Give You Into Our Hands(1 Samuel 17:45)} ~ 1 Samuel 17:47; 2 Chronicles 20:15; 1 Corinthians 15:57; 2 Corinthians 2:14; And Yahweh Will Fight For Us ~ Deuteronomy 1:30; 3:22; 20:4; Joshua 10:42; 23:3, 10; 2 Chronicles 20:29; 32:8; Psalm 35:1; Zechariah 14:3; Revelation 19:11-21).

Proverbs 16:2, 7, 17, 25
2 All The Ways Of A Person Are Clean In Their Own Eyes; But Yahweh Weighs The Motives.
7 When A Person’s Ways Please Yahweh, They Makes Even Their Enemies To Be At Peace With Them.
17 The Highway Of The Upright Is To Depart From Evil.  He Who Keeps His Way Preserves His Soul.
25 There Is A Way Which Seems Right To A Person, But In The End It Leads To Death.

1 Chronicles 28:20; 2 Chronicles 32:7; Proverbs 3:25; Proverbs 31:21; Isaiah 10:24; Isaiah 37:6; Isaiah 40:9; Isaiah 41:10-12; Jeremiah 1:8; Jeremiah 10:5; Jeremiah 42:11; Ezekiel 2:6; Joel 2:22; Joel 3:10;
Matthew 14:27; Matthew 17:7; Matthew 28:10; Mark 5:36; Mark 6:50; Luke 12:4; John 6:20; Acts 18:9; Ephesians 6:10;

1 Corinthians 15:57; 2 Corinthians 2:14 ~ {An Exchange; He Fights The Battle, But We Get The Victory}.

2 Corinthians 5:21 ~ “For He Made Him Who Knew No Sin To Be Sin For Us,
That We Might Become The Righteousness Of Yahweh In Him”, {He Took Our Sin And Became Our Substitute, We Took His Righteousness}
2 Corinthians 8:9 ~ “For You Know The Grace Of Our Lord Jesus Christ, That Being Rich He Became Poor, For Your Sakes; That Through His Poverty You Might Be Rich”. {He Became Poor So That We Might Be Rich}.
1 Corinthians 15:22 ~ “For As In Adam All Die, Even So In Christ Shall All Be Made Alive.
{He Endured Death So That We Might Be Made Alive}”.

* The Remarks In Aqua-Green By The Editor For Clarification.


Healing And Forgiveness Go Together~!

Who Forgives All Your Iniquities, Who Heals All Your Diseases, (Psalm 103:3; Matthew 8:16-17) ~
Past Tense, It’s Already Happened.  … It’s A Lock; A

2 Kings 6:18
When They Came Down To Him, Elisha Prayed To Yahweh, And Said, Please Strike This People With Blindness”.  He Struck Them With Blindness According To The Word Of Elisha

1 Samuel 17:45
And All This Assembly Shall Know That Yahweh Saves Not With Sword And Spear: For The Battle Is Yahweh’s, And He Will Give You Into Our Hands,

2 Chronicles 20:15
And He Said, “Listen, All Judah, And You Inhabitants Of Jerusalem, And You King Jehoshaphat. Yahweh Says To You, ‘Don’t Be Afraid, Neither Be Dismayed By Reason Of This Great Multitude; For The Battle Is Not Yours, But Yahweh’s.

The Battle Is Yahweh’s, (2 Chronicles 32:7-8), {But He Shares The Victory With Us~!}  (1 Samuel 17:47; 2 Chronicles 20:15; 1 Corinthians 15:57; 2 Corinthians 2:14); And Yahweh Will Fight For Us ~ Deuteronomy 1:30; 3:22; 20:4; Joshua 10:42; 23:3, 10; 2 Chronicles 20:29; 32:8; Psalm 35:1; Zechariah 14:3; Revelation 19:11-21).

Proverbs 16:2, 7, 17, 25
2 All The Ways Of A Person Are Clean In Their Own Eyes; But Yahweh Weighs The Motives.
7 When A Person’s Ways Please Yahweh, They Makes Even Their Enemies To Be At Peace With Them.
17 The Highway Of The Upright Is To Depart From Evil.  He Who Keeps His Way Preserves His Soul.
25 There Is A Way Which Seems Right To A Person, But In The End It Leads To Death.

~!  (Romans 8:11 ~But If The Spirit Of Him That Raised Up Jesus From The Dead Dwell In You, He That Raised Up Christ From The Dead Shall Also Quicken, {Make Alive}, Your MORTAL BODIES By His Spirit That Dwells In You”).

Isaiah 53:5 ~ “But He Was Wounded For Our Transgressions, He Was Bruised For Our Iniquities; The Chastisement For Our Peace Was Upon Him, And By His Stripes We Are Healed~!


That Which I Have~!

When Peter Ministered Healing To The Man In The Temple, He Said, “Silver And Gold Have I None, But Such As I Have, Give I Unto You”, (Acts 3:1-9), And Then Peter Proceeded To Use The Name Of Yahoshua, (This Was Something Peter Had, As He Just Said, “That Which I Have”).  But, Note That Peter Didn’t Say That He’d Pray And Ask If It Was God’s Will To Heal This Man, Of Course It Was Yahweh’s Power, But That Power Was Activated By Faith.  We Have Been Given The Very Same Name That Peter Used And The Same Power That Raised Christ From The Grave; It’s Been Placed On The Inside Of Us, (Romans 8:11 ~But If The Spirit Of Him That Raised Up Jesus From The Dead Dwell In You, He That Raised Up Christ From The Dead Shall Also Quicken Your Mortal Bodies By His Spirit That Dwells In You”).

Spirit, (G4151*) ~ “Of The Mouth or Nostrils, A Breathing, Blast”, “Spirit [Breath] Of His Mouth”, “Breath Of Life”, We Get Our Word Pneumatic From This Word Pneuma.
Quicken,{(G2227*) ~ Means “To Cause To Live, Make Alive, Give Life; Resurrect }.  The Part Of The Fingernail That Hurts, “Down To The Quick”, (That Part That Is Alive).
Mortal Bodies, (G2349*), (G4983*) ~Mortal; Dying; Decaying”; “Human Body”; Better To Contrast This To A Spirit or A Heavenly Resurrected Body, {So This Is Not Talking About In The Sweet By And By; This Is Your Earth Suit, Your Tent}.
Dwells, (G1774*) ~To Inhabit

* {Strong’s Concordance Number}

So, If Quicken Means To Make Alive Your Dying And Decaying Mortal Body, Not Our New Resurrected Heavenly Bodies, Then This Verse Can Only Be Talking About One Thing, “Healing”.  Then To Confirm What I’m Saying, In Context; Meyer’s NT Commentary Says Concerning The Previous Verse Of Romans 8:10, “There Was Still Left One Power Of Death, That Over The Body”.  Notice That Another Scripture Is Just Nine Verses Away At Romans 8:2,For The Law Of The Spirit Of Life In Christ Jesus Made Me Free From The Law Of Sin And Of Death”.  This Is The Scripture That You May Recall That John G. Lake Would Put Forth Faith And Would Have The Bubonic Plague Die In His Hand~!  And This Scripture Verse Reminds Me Of Proverbs 3:8 ~ “It Will Be Health To Your Body [Your Marrow, Your Nerves, Your Sinews, Your Muscles—All Your Inner Parts] And Refreshment (Physical Well-Being) To Your Bones”.

John 17:17-21 ~ 17 Sanctify Them In Your Truth. Your Word Is Truth. 18 As You Sent Me Into The World, Even So I Have Sent Them Into The World. 19 For Their Sakes I Sanctify Myself, That They Themselves Also May Be Sanctified In Truth. 20 Not For These Only Do I Pray, But For Those Also Who Believe In Me Through Their Word, 21 That They May All Be One; Even As You, Father, Are In Me, And I In You, That They Also May Be One In Us; That The World May Believe That You Sent Me~!

How Was Yahoshua Sent?  Well, We Have Been Sent Out In The Same Way ~ {As You Sent Me Into The World, Even So I Have Sent Them Into The World}~!

How God Anointed Him With The Holy Ghost And With Power, Who WENT About Doing Good And Healing ALL Who Were Oppressed By The Devil, For God Was With Him. ~ Acts 10:38; Matthew 9:35.

Luke 9:1-2 ~ 1 And He Called The Twelve Together And Gave Them Power And Authority Over All Demons And To Cure Diseases, 2 And He Sent Them Out To Proclaim The Kingdom Of God And To Heal~!

What Was The Evidence That Yahoshua Was Sent From Yahweh And Was The Messiah?  Compare This To (Mark 16:17-18). ~ These Signs Will Accompany Those Who Believe.

Matthew 11:2-5 2 Now When John Heard In The Prison The Works Of Christ, He Sent Two Of His Disciples 3 And Said To Him, “Are You He Who Comes, or Should We Look For Another? 4 Jesus Answered Them, “Go And Tell John The Things Which You Hear And Se e: 5 The Blind Receive Their Sight, The Lame Walk, The Lepers Are Cleansed, The Deaf Hear, The Dead Are Raised Up, And The Poor Have Good News Preached To Them”.

Luke 7:20-22 20 When The Men Had Come To Him, They Said, “John The Baptizer Has Sent Us To You, Saying, ‘Are You He Who Comes, or Should We Look For Another?” 21 In That Hour He Cured Many Of Diseases And Plagues And Evil Spirits; And To Many Who Were Blind He Gave Sight. 22 Jesus Answered Them, “Go And Tell John The Things Which You Have Seen And Heard: That The Blind Receive Their Sight, The Lame Walk, The Lepers Are Cleansed, The Deaf Hear, The Dead Are Raised Up, And The Poor Have Good News Preached To Them”.

Luke 10:19 ~Behold, I Have Given You Authority To Tread On Serpents And Scorpions, And Over All The Power Of d—Evil One, And Nothing Shall In Any Way Harm You”.

Matthew 28:18-20 ~ 18 Jesus Came To Them And Spoke To Them, Saying, “All Authority Has Been Given To Me In Heaven And On Earth. 19 [Therefore You] Go, And Make Disciples Of All Nations, Baptizing Them In The Name Of The Father And Of The Son And Of The Holy Spirit, 20 Teaching Them To Observe All Things That I Commanded You. Behold, I Am With You Always, Even To The End Of The Age”. Amen.

In The Same Way That Yahoshua Was Sent, So Have We Been Sent. These Signs Will Accompany Those Who Believe: In My Name They Will Lay Hands On The Sick And They Shall Be Healed, (Mark 16:17-18). Most Certainly I Tell You, He Who Believes In Me, The Works That I Do, He Will Do Also; And He Will Do Greater Works Than These, Because I Am Going To My Father”,(John 14:12).

Compare Two Scriptures Below: (2 Timothy 3:5; 1 Corinthians 2:4)

“Having A Form Of Godliness But Denying Its Power, And From Such People Turn Away~!”

“And My Speech And My Preaching Were Not With Persuasive Words Of Human Wisdom, But In Demonstration Of The Spirit And Of Power.

These Are Like The Inverse Of One Another.  If You Go To A Church Where You Like The Preaching, But No Healings Take Place, And If You Hear Another Preacher, But Folks Are Getting Healed, It’s Like Going To Hear A Exposé On Moon Rocks or Going To See A Person That Has Actually Walked On The Moon~!


Have The Faith Of Yahweh”, (Mark 11:22; Galatians 2:20)

Hebrews 4:14 ~ Seeing Then That We Have A Great High Priest Who Has Passed Through The Heavens,
Jesus The Son Of God, Let Us Hold Fast Our Confession

Hebrews 3:1 ~ Therefore, Holy Sisters And Brothers, Partakers Of The Heavenly Calling,
Consider The Apostle And High Priest Of Our Confession, Christ Jesus,

Mark 11:23 ~ For Assuredly, “I Say To You”, If You Say To This Mountain, ‘Be Removed And Be Cast Into The Sea,’ And Do Not Doubt In YOUR Heart, BUT BELIEVE THAT THOSE THINGS You SAY WILL BE DONE, You Will Have What You Say ~!

Mark 11:24 ~ 24 “Therefore I Say To You, Whatever Things You Pray, {“Ask” Is Strong’s Concordance #: G0154 And It Also Means To Ask, Beg, Call For, Crave, Desire, Require, or ‘Demand}, When You Pray, Believe That You Receive Them, And You Will Have Them”, (Mark 11:24). This Is Like When You Are At The Supper/Dinner Table And You Say, “Please Pass The Salt”.  It Could Be Interpreted That You Are Begging Because You Said ‘Please’, But It Would Be Understood That You Are Really ‘Calling For, Desiring, Requiring’, Making A Request With The Understanding That They Will Do What You Are Asking For, {This Is The Same Word Used In Luke 1:63 When Zechariah Asked For A Tablet To Write On}.

Bonus: Most Translations Read At Mark 11:22, “Have Faith In God”.  However, This Should Have Read, “Have The Faith Of God”.# Same With Galatians 2:20 ~I Have Been Crucified With Christ, And It Is No Longer I That Live, But Christ Living In Me.  That Life Which I Now Live In The Flesh, I Live By Faith OF The Son Of God, Who Loved Me, And Gave Himself Up For Me”.  Should Have Read, I Live By Faith OF The Son Of God”, As The “In” Was Added By The Translators, (You Can Prove This With A Strong’s Concordance).  {The Faith OF Yahweh, (Opens in A New Window) Enter Here For Proof That It Is Yahweh’s Faith}.

Since Yahoshua Said, “Most Assuredly I Tell You, He Who Believes In Me, The Works That I Do, He Will Do Also; And Greater Works Than These Will He Do; Because I Am Going To My Father”.  Just Say, “Yahoshua Said It, So It Is So, I Will Do Greater Works Than Yahoshua Did, Yahoshua Said It, And I’m Allowing His Faith To Flow Unhindered, And I’m Not Going To Trample On What He Put In Motion”, And Just Use The Faith Of The Son Of God~!

# The Genitive Tense Meaning of Theos, {God ~ <G2316>}, As Used In Mark 11:22 Is Possessive As In “Charlie’s Car”. But, It Could Also Be Said, “The Car Of Charlie”. “God’s Faith” or “The Faith Of God”. To Read More In-Depth In The Greek On This Subject Matter, Enter Here or Here:



I Am Accepted In The Beloved~!

So, Here Is What Yahweh Said For Us To Say.  All Our Sins Are Blotted Out~!   I Am Healed~!  I Am Made Whole And I Receive It Fully Right Now.  I’ll No Longer Confess To Anybody or Anyone That I Am Sick.  I Repent And Change My Mind.  I Don’t Need To Confess That I’m Sick To Promote or Get Attention.

I Am Accepted In The Beloved, (Ephesians 1:6), And I Honor Yahweh When I Say The Right Things.  Yahweh Is Good And Has Given Me Everything That Pertains To Life And I Believe And Receive This Now And Will Not Talk Otherwise.

Isaiah 43:25-26;
Jeremiah 31:31-34;
1 John 1:9

 ~ 25 “I, Even I, Am He Who Blots Out Your Transgressions For My Own Sake; And I Will Not Remember Your Sins.  26 Put Me In Remembrance; Let Us Contend Together; State Your Case, That You May Be Acquitted”. Click or Tap Here To Read More About Your Forgiveness When You Can’t Forgive Yourself.  Have You Ever Noticed That Whenever Healing Is Mentioned, That Forgiveness Of Sin Is Also Mentioned.

Repent Means To, “Change Your Mind”.  Otherwise We Frustrate’, (To Nullify, To Make Void or Invalid, To Short Circuit’), ‘The Grace Of Yahweh’, (Galatians 2:21).


Job Repented Of Speaking Wrong Things And Got Restored~!

Job 42:3-8 ~ 3 You Asked, ‘Who Is This Who Hides Counsel Without Knowledge?’ Therefore I Have Uttered What I Did Not Understand, Things Too Wonderful For Me, Which I Did Not Know. 4 Listen, Please, And Let Me Speak; You Said, ‘I Will Question You, And You Shall Answer Me.’ 5 “I Have Heard Of You By The Hearing Of The Ear, But Now My Eye Sees You.  6 Therefore I Abhor Myself, And Repent In Dust And Ashes”. 7 And So It Was, After The Lord Had Spoken These Words To Job, That The Lord Said To Eliphaz The Temanite, “My Wrath Is Aroused Against You And Your Two Friends, For You Have Not Spoken Of Me What Is Right, As My Servant Job Has.   8 Now Therefore, Take For Yourselves Seven bulls And Seven Rams, Go To My Servant Job, And Offer Up For Yourselves A Burnt Offering; And My Servant Job Shall Pray For You.  For I Will Accept Him, Lest I Deal With You According To Your Folly; Because You Have Not Spoken Of Me What Is Right, As My Servant Job Has”.

What Did Job Say Wrong?  Well, For Starters, Have You Ever Heard That Song That Says, “Blessed Be Your Name, When I’m Found In The Desert Place, Though I Walk Through The Wilderness, Blessed Be Your Name”.  At Job 1:21, Job Said, “Naked I Came Out Of My Mother’s Womb, And Naked Shall I Return There. Yahweh Gave, And Yahweh Has Taken Away. Blessed Be The Name Of Yahweh”.  That Was Just Once Instance Where Job Spoke Wrote.  I Wrote More About What Job Spoke Wrong In Much More Detail At This Link, (Please Enter Here To See What Job Spoke Wrong>).


Two Kingdoms
(Colossians 1:12-14)

1st Of All There Are Two Kingdoms.  Sort Of Like Parallel Railroad Tracks.  The Kingdom Of Darkness And The Kingdom Of Light.

Yahweh Has Already Healed All Of Us, 2000 Years Ago On The Cross~!

The Statement, “Yahweh Was Not Going To Heal So-n-So or Make It Easy For Her”, Contradicts The Scriptures That Says, “By His Stripes, You Were Healed”, (1 Peter 2:24).  If You Were Healed, {Past Tense}, Then You Are Still Healed Now~!

There Are Three Folks Involved In A Person’s Healing.  God, (Yahweh), You, And d—Evil One.  Yahweh Speaks Through His Word And Says In We ARE Healed”, (Read Entire Section Below).  The New Testament Reads In Present Tense, That, We WERE Healed”.  The Old Testament Spoke Of The Future Yet To Come.  But That Future Is Now The Past, And It Is A Completed Work~!   Yahoshua Said, “It Is Finished”, (John 19:30).

Tetelestai Was A Greek Word That Was Used In A Business Context On Ancient Receipts In The New Testament Bible Times,
To Indicate That A Literal Debt Had Been Paid In Full~!
And In A Judicial Context In Court ~ A Particular Sentence Had Been Fully Served~!
And In A Military Context Meaning That A Battle Has Been Won~! Like Triumph And Victory~!

Your Debt Of Sin Is Fully Paid, The Judgment For Your Sin Has Been Fully Served~! And The Spiritual War Against Death, Debt, Sin And Satan Has Been Completely Won~!  In Christ The Work Of Salvation, Healing, Victory, Reconciliation And New Life Is Fully Yours~!  It Is Finished~!

However, d—Evil One Will Tell You, “I Guess That Yahweh Is Not Going To Heal You” or, “It Must Not Be Yahweh’s Will To Heal You”, Making It Sound Like Yahweh Is Picking And Choosing Who Will Get Healed And Who Will Not.


Healing ALL~!

This Picking And Choosing Who Get Healed And Who Does Not Get Healed Contradicts The Word Of Yahweh; For Yahweh Says, “For I Know The Thoughts And Plans That I Have For You, Says Yahweh, Thoughts And Plans For Welfare And Peace And Not For Evil, To Give You Hope In Your Final Outcome”, (Jeremiah 29:11).

Or Yahweh Is Good”.   What Kind Of God Puts Sickness On Folks, And Won’t Heal Them?  That Is Not The Kind Of God That Yahoshua Served.  Yahoshua Went About Doing GOOD And Healing ALL Who Were Oppressed By The Devil, For Yahweh Was With Him, (Acts 10:38).

Since Yahweh Was With Yahoshua, And Yahoshua Healed ALL, Then Can You Not See That It Was Yahweh’s Will To Heal All.  Exodus 15:26 Says Yahweh Is The God That Heals Us.  Yahweh Does Not Pick And Choose Who Gets Healed And Who Did Not.  And Since Yahweh Says, I Change NOT”, (Malachi 3:6), And Yahoshua Is The Same Yesterday, Today, And Tomorrow, (Hebrews 13:8), Then It Is Still Yahweh’s Desire For All To Be Healed.

That There Is No Respect Of Persons (No Partiality) With Him”, (Ephesians 6:9).


You Are The Judge~!

You Are In A Court Of Law.  There Is The Prosecution And Our Adversary, (The Accuser Of The Family Of Yahweh), And Then There Is Our Advocate Yahoshua, The Public Defender, (And The Holy Ghost Who Is Our Counselor), And Finally, You Are The Judge.  Whichever Side You Lend Towards And Believe Will Slant The Court Case Two-to-One In Favor Of That Direction.  If You Decide That Yahweh Is Not Going To Heal, Then Are Joining Forces With The Prosecuting Attorney And You’ll Be Sick, And Probably Blame Yahweh For It.  If You Decide To Believe The Word Of Yahweh That You Are Already Healed, Then You’ll Slant The Case Two-to-One With Yahoshua In Favor Of Health And Healing.

Now, As Witnesses Are Called Forth, Such As Your Body… And If You Ask Your Body If It Is Healed, It Probably Will Shout Out Loud, “NOooooooo”, But Remember You’re Not Asking Your Body, You Are Asking The Word Of Yahweh, The God That Does Not And Cannot Lie, (Numbers 23:19; Titus 1:2).  Whereas Your Body Cannot Operate In Faith, Only In The Facts, And The Facts Say Your Body Is Not Whole.  However, Your Spirit Can Operate In Faith And Since It Is Not The Facts That Will Set You Free, But It Is The Truth That You Know In Your Spirit That You Believe By Faith That Will Set You Free, (Proverbs 20:27; John 8:32; 1 Thessalonians 5:23).  The Truth Of Yahweh’s Word Says That You Are Already Healed At Psalm 103:3 ~HE HEALS ALL MY DISEASES”, And In Many Other Passages Of Scriptures And If You’ll Enter Here I’ll Show Them To You; (And Again In Isaiah 53:5 And In 1 Peter 2:24 And ~ “Who Himself Bore Our Sins In His Own Body On The Tree, That We, Having Died To Sins, Might Live For Righteousness—By Whose Stripes You Were Healed”); If You’ll Dare To Believe It, (Hebrews 4:2), And Confess It With Your Mouth.  Your Confession Ought To Be The Same As Your Confession That You Are Saved.

Suppose You Say, “I’m Superstitious”.  Well, Guess What, You’ll Probably Break More Mirrors And Will Have More Black Cats Cross Your Path Than Others And Also Had More Bad Things Happen To You, (Because You’re Believing A Lie From Your Heart, And This Will Produce Bad Things Happening To You, Confirming In Your Mind That Superstitions Are Real).  Now, Suppose The Other Hand You Find A Penny Tails Up And Someone Says To You, “You Know It’s Bad Luck To Pick Up A Penny Tails Up”.  What’s Your Next Move?  Put Faith In The Superstitions And Put The Penny Down or Trust In Yahweh’s Word And Pocket The Penny And Say, “The Blessing Of Yahweh Makes One Rich And He Adds No Sorrow With It”, (Proverbs 10:22), And Never Give “Bad Luck” A Thought And Instead Watch The Favor Of Yahweh On Your Life.  You Could Say, Yahweh Said That He Will Fulfill The Number Of My Days So Even If Something Could Have Killed Me, Yahweh Will Prevent That From Happening And Will Keep Me, Exodus 23:25-26; Psalm 121:5-8.

You Are The One Picking And Choosing Which Report Will You Believe, (Choose Life~!  (Deuteronomy 30:19).  You Are The Judge That Makes The Final Outcome.

Yahoshua Said To, “Take No Thought, Saying”, (Take No Thought



Not My Thought

d—Evil One Will Give You Thoughts That Will Even Sound Like Your Own Voice And He Wants You To Say, “Well, I Guess That It’s Yahweh’s Will Not To Heal Me”.  However, Here’s A Real Key.  You Must Know Yahweh’s Thoughts On Healing, And These Can Be Found In His Word, (Romans 10:17 ~ So Then, Faith Comes By Hearing And Hearing The Rhema’, <4487> or Revealed Word From Yahweh ”).  You May Not Know All The Scriptures, But, Just One Verse Can And Should Change The Tide.

One Verse Such As, “The Blessing Of Yahweh Makes One Rich, And He Adds No Sorrow With It ”, (Proverbs 10:22).  If Someone Will Say, “I So Apologize That Happened”,  Then That’s Sorrow.  If It’s Sorrow, It Did Not Come From Yahweh.  Notice In Proverbs 10:22, This Scripture Verse States That He Adds No Sorrow.  You Might Have Sorrow, But It Did Not Come From Yahweh, And It Doesn’t Belong There.  Have The Sorrow Escorted Out Immediately, (Enter Here To See This Website About Angels).

Now, If You Can Couple This Verse With Other Verses That You Know, Like, “I’m Blessed Going In And Blessed Going Out, or, “Blessed In The City And Blessed In The Country”, (Psalm 121:5-8; Deuteronomy 28:1-13); And Realized That The Definition Of “Blessed, (Means Happy, Blithesome, Joyous, Spiritually Prosperous — With Life-Joy And Satisfaction In Yahweh’s Favor And Salvation, Regardless Of Their Outward Conditions), Then You Can See Very Well That If You’re Blessed Going In And Blessed Going Out, Then Any Other Thoughts That Contradicts The Word, “Blessed”, And Would Be A Place Where You or Somebody Else Would Say, “I’m Sorry That Happened”, or, “I Regret That”, Then That’s Sorrow And It Is Not Of Yahweh.

I Was Watching TomorrowLand … And The Young Teen, (Casey Newton Played By Britt Robertson), Retells The Story Her Father, (Eddie Newton Played By Tim McGraw), Has Told To Her.

There Are Two Wolves And They Are Always Fighting Each Other.
One Is Darkness And Despair.
The Other Is Light And Hope.
Which Wolf Wins?
Whichever One You Feed.

Are You Going To Go With The World’s Thoughts, Or Will You Return Yahweh’s Word Back To Him, {Which WILL NOT Return Void},
(Isaiah 55:10-11: Psalm 91:2-3).  Start By Saying The Following Out Loud~!

Psalm 68:1-3
1 Let God Arise,
Let His Enemies Be Scattered
Let Those Also Who Hate Him Flee Before Him.
2 As Smoke Is Driven Away,
So Drive Them Away;
As Wax Melts Before The Fire,
So Let The Wicked Perish At The Presence Of Yahweh.
3 But Let The Righteous Be Glad;
Let Them Rejoice Before God;
Yes, Let Them Rejoice Exceedingly.

“Let God Arise” With Paul Wilbur


Once You Recognize That Thought Was Not Of Yahweh, Then You MUST Take That Thought Captive.  It Won’t Go Away On It’s On.  It Will Be Like A Fly Annoying You, And Frustrating You And Vexing You, Distracting You All Day Long.

And You Take Thoughts Captive With Words “Spoken Out Loud”~!  You Cannot Fight Thoughts With Thoughts.  And You Cannot Fight Them Without A Word From Yahweh Either.  You Have To Mix Faith With Your Words “Spoken Out Loud,

{Faith Resides In Your Heart},
(Mark 11:23; Luke 6:43-45;
Romans 10:9-10; Psalm 106:24;
2 Corinthians 4:13

(Deuteronomy 1:32; Psalm 106:24;
Hebrews 4:2

UnBelief Is Called An Evil Heart, (Hebrews 3:12-Hebrews 4:2).

Just Thinking Positive Thoughts Won’t Cut It.  You Can’t Fight In The Flesh And Win.  As I Heard Last Night At Church From An Upstart Man Of Yahweh, “For We Are Not Wrestling With Flesh And Blood [Contending Only With Physical Opponents], But Against The Despotisms, Against The Powers, Against [The Master Spirits Who Are] The World Rulers Of This Present Darkness, Against The Spirit Forces Of Wickedness In The Heavenly (Supernatural) Sphere”, (Ephesians 6:12).


Replace The Thoughts

Here’s One Simple Thing You Can Do.  Say Out Loud Once You Realize That d—Evil One Is Trying To Pull Some Thought Bomb Over On You, I Disagree” For The Blessing Of Yahweh Makes One Rich, And He Adds No Sorrow With It, And That’s Sorrow ”, (Proverbs 10:22).  I’ll Not Have That, It’s Like Ordering A Pizza And Getting Anchovies On It When You Didn’t Order Anchovies.  No, That’s Not Mine.  I Didn’t Order Sorrow~!

However, I Believe Once You’ve Successfully Done This And d—Evil One Has Tucked Tail And Ran, That You’re Like David After He Slew The Giant, And Now It’s Time To Advance And Take Back What d—Evil One Has Stolen From You.  If All You Do Is Stand Firm, Then That’s Fine.  However, You’ve Only Stopped The Thoughts And You Came Out Of The Hole—But, You Have Not Broke Even.  All The Time That You Couldn’t Concentrate Because The d—Evil One Was Annoying You With These Negative Thoughts.  It Would Be A Time To Say, Hebrews 1:14.

Luke 18:8
I Tell You, He Will Defend And Protect And Avenge Them Speedily.  However, When The Son Of Man Comes, Will He Find [Persistence In] Faith On The Earth?


His Wounds For Ours

Isaiah 53:

  1. He Was Despised And Rejected And Forsaken By Men, A Man Of Sorrows And Pains, And Acquainted With Grief And Sickness; And Like One From Whom Men Hide Their Faces He Was Despised, And We Did Not Appreciate His Worth or Have Any Esteem For Him.
  2. Surely He Has Borne Our Griefs (Sicknesses, Weaknesses, And Distresses) And Carried Our Sorrows And Pains [Of Punishment], Yet We [Ignorantly] Considered Him Stricken, Smitten, And Afflicted By Yahweh [As If With Leprosy].
  3. But He Was Wounded For Our Transgressions, He Was Bruised For Our Guilt And Iniquities; The Chastisement [Needful To Obtain] Peace And Well-Being For Us Was Upon Him, And With The Stripes [That Wounded] Him We ARE Healed And Made Whole”.

FOR REAL~!  Yahweh Is Not Looking For Someone To Ask Him For Healing, But For Someone To Believe What’s He’s Already Done And Then To Say It With Their Mouth~!


Prayer Of Faith

I Can Agree With The Word Of Yahweh.  Can You Agree With Me On The Word Of Yahweh?

Matthew 18:19 ~ Again, Assuredly I Tell You, That If Two Of You Will Agree On Earth Concerning Anything That They Will Ask, It Will Be Done For Them By My Father Who Is In Heaven.

Isaiah 53:5 ~ And By His Stripes We ARE Healed … That Was Before The Cross.  After Yahoshua, (Jesus), Died And Took Your Sickness Upon Himself, Then Yahweh, (God), Says In 1 Peter 2:24, “By His Stripes You Were Healed ”.

Ephesians 1:3 ~ Blessed Be The God And Father Of Our Lord Jesus Christ,
Who Has Blessed Us With Every Spiritual Blessing In The Heavenly Places In Christ ,
{We Are In Christ And He Is Seated With Him At The Right Hand Of Yahweh ~

(Luke 22:69; Ephesians 2:6,10;
2 Corinthians 5:20; Galatians 2:20;
Colossians 3:1-3

2 Peter 1:3 ~ As His Divine Power Has Given To Us All Things That Pertain To Life And Godliness, Through The Knowledge Of Him


Prayer Of Agreement

Now, If You Truly Agree, I Mean Really And Truly Agree That By His Stripes You Were Healed, Then That’s What You Have.  You Can’t Be In Agreement With The Word Of Yahweh And At The Same Time Be In Agreement With What The Doctors Said, (That You’ll Just Have To Live With It As There Is No Cure For It.  They Say The Same For Diabetes, High Blood Pressure, Emphysema, And Polyps, & Even Cancer.  Come To Think Of It, What Can The Doctors Cure?  So, Whose Report Are You Going To Believe ~ Psalm 112:7).  (2 Peter 1:4-11).

-Watch">You Must Never, Ever Say, “I Have”..  (Whatever, ie, “Cooties”).  It Is Wiser To Say, “I Was, {Past Tense}, Diagnosed With Such-n-Such”, Rather Than, “I HAVE Such-n-Such”.  Because You Don’t Have It~!  The Facts May Seem To Indicate That You Do, But It’s Not The Facts That Will Set You Free.  It’s Only The Truth That Will Set You Free, (John 8:32).


ALL Things That Pertain To Life, (ie… Every Spiritual Blessing)

What You Have Is, “ALL Things That Pertain To Life ”, (Through The Knowledge Of Yahoshua And Knowing What Rights You Have Because He Paid The Price For You).

What You Have Is, “
Who HAS Blessed Us ”, (That Means You Already Have Been Blessed, {Past Tense} ~ Not Going To Be Blessed One Day In The Sweet By And By)…
What You Have Is, “
Who HAS Blessed Us With Every Spiritual Blessing ”..  (Every Spiritual Blessing~!).

Did You Notice That The Word, “Heal” Is In, “Health?”  Any GOoD Health Care Benefits Package Should Include Being Healed.

Bless Yahweh, O My Soul, And Forget Not All His Benefits”  Who Forgives All Your Iniquities, Who Heals All Your Diseases ~ Psalm 103:2-3.  Are Your Iniquities Forgiven?

Then In The Same Manner, The Next Part Is True Also.  ‘Who Heals All Your Diseases Was Not A Myth’, So, This Is A Fact.  Are All Your Diseases Healed?  If You Answered No, Then You’re Walking By Sight, And Not By Faith, (2 Corinthians 5:7).  Can Yahweh Lie?  (No ~ Right Enter Here & Select Open In A New Tab To Prove That Yahweh Cannot & Will Not Lie)

What You Have Is That, “By His Stripes You Were Healed”.  Say This Out Loud Five Times, “If I Were Healed, Then I Am Healed Now”.  Blessed Be Yahweh, Who Daily Loads Us With Benefits, The God Of Our Salvation~! Selah, (Psalm 68:19).


Calling Those Things That Be Not As Though They Are~!
(Romans 4:17)

It Matters What You Say~!  To Say Anything Other Than What The Scriptures Say, You Must Treat Them Like, “Cuss Words”.

You Will Want To Start Thanking Yahweh That This Health Problem Is Gone.  It Has No Right To Be In You.  Speak To Your Body Right Now And Tell It To Be Normal.  Tell Your Body That It Produces Just The Right Amount Of ‘Whatever The Body Is Lacking’, (But Those Who Seek Yahweh Lack No Good Thing ~ Psalm 34:10).

Tell Whatever Name Is Given To The Affliction To Leave At Once.  You Do Not Have To Just, “Live With This Condition”.  No Sir’ree bub~!  By His Stripes, You Were Healed~!  Sickness & Disease Cannot Remain In The Presence Of Yahweh~!   We Are Seated In The Heavenly Places With Christ, Right In The Presence Of The Almighty, And A Fire Goes Before Him And Consumes His Enemies, (Read The Scripture Verses Found At Psalm 96:1-13; & Psalm 97:1-3 Out Loud).


Not Wishy-Washy~!
{Your Confession Should Remain Constant}

No Longer Should You Say, “It Is Running Rampant And Wreaking Havoc In My Body Over Time”.  You Can’t Say That And See Positive Results~!  No Longer Should You Say, “I Suffer With Whatever Ailment”.  No Longer Should You Say, “My Bad Whatever”, (That’s My Bad Leg, My FootBall Knee, That’s My Bad Ear, Speak Into My Good Ear, etc”).

Don’t Be Caught Saying, “Let Me Stand On My Good Leg”.  No, No.  You Say, “My Body Is Normal And Is Producing The Right Amount Of ‘Whatever Is Lacking’, (But Those Who Seek Yahweh Lack No Good Thing ~ Psalm 34:10); As, {If Possible, Say This Out Loud Right Now ~ “All My Joints Are Normal, (Ephesians 4:16); And Inflammation Of The Joints Has To Go, And By His Stripes I Am Healed~!   That’s What I Have~!”

Philemon 1:6 ~ That The Sharing Of Your Faith May Become Effective By The Acknowledgment Of Every Good Thing Which Is In You In Christ Jesus.

(Isaiah 41:2;
1 Corinthians 15:57-58;
2 Corinthians 2:14-15

~ Victory Meets Me At Every Step.
Thanks Be To God,
Who Gives Us The Victory Through Our Lord Jesus Christ ~ But Thanks Be To God, Who Is Always Leading Us In Triumph In Christ, And Through Us Is Making Known The Fragrance Of The Knowledge Of Him In Every Place~! {Mounce Reverse-Interlinear New Testament}.


~ Supporting Scriptures ~

  • Luke 22:69 ~ From Now On, The Son Of Man Will Be Seated At The Right Hand Of The Power Of God.

  • Ephesians 2:6 ~ And Raised Us Up With Him, And Made Us To Sit With Him In The Heavenly Places In Christ Jesus,

  • Ephesians 2:10 ~ For We Are His Workmanship, Created In Christ Jesus For Good Works, Which God Prepared Before That We Would Walk In Them.

  • Galatians 2:20 ~ I Have Been Crucified With Christ, And It Is No Longer I That Live, But Christ Living In Me.  That Life Which I Now Live In The Flesh, I Live By Faith OF The Son Of God , Who Loved Me, And Gave Himself Up For Me.

  • Colossians 3:1 ~ If Then You Were Raised Together With Christ, Seek The Things That Are Above, Where Christ Is, “Seated On The Right Hand Of God”.

  • Colossians 3:1 ~ Set Your Mind On The Things That Are Above, Not On The Things That Are On The Earth.

  • Colossians 3:1 ~ For You Died, And Your Life Is Hidden With Christ In God.

Luke 22:69; Ephesians 2:6, 10;
Galatians 2:20; Colossians 3:1-3


Matthew 5:3-12, (Amplified Bible Classic Edition)

As I Read Matthew 5:3-12, From The Amplified Bible Classic Edition, I Wondered Why The Author Didn’t Just Say, “Ditto”, Instead Of Redefining The Word, “Blessed” Each Time

However, Because Of The Repetition, I Learned The Meaning Of The Word, “Blessed”, (Not A Common Word That We Use In Our Every Day Language Unless Someone Sneezes, But We Often Don’t Know What The Word Actually Means).  Here To Help You Out Are The 3-12th Verses Below That Yahoshua Said To A Very Large Crowd Only With The Word, “Blessed” Defined.

When You Believe You’ve Got A Handle Of What The Word, “Blessed” Means I Challenge You To Go And Read Psalm 33:12 And See If You Don’t Say, “Wow~!”

Enter Here To Find Out More About Healing


The Beatitudes, {Be Attitudes}~!

Matthew 5:3-12:
(The Word ‘Blessed’ Defined From The Amplified Bible Classic Edition)

  1. Happy, To Be Envied, And Spiritually Prosperous — With Life-Joy And Satisfaction In Yahweh’s Favor And Salvation, Regardless Of Their Outward Conditions”

  2. Enviably Happy [With A Happiness Produced By The Experience Of Yahweh’s Favor And Especially Conditioned By The Revelation Of His Matchless Grace]”

  3. Happy, Blithesome, Joyous, Spiritually Prosperous — With Life-Joy And Satisfaction In Yahweh’s Favor And Salvation, Regardless Of Their Outward Conditions”

  4. Fortunate And Happy And Spiritually Prosperous (In That State In Which The Born-Again Child Of Yahweh Enjoys His Favor And Salvation”

  5. Happy, To Be Envied, And Spiritually Prosperous — With Life-Joy And Satisfaction In Yahweh’s Favor And Salvation, Regardless Of Their Outward Conditions”

  6. Happy, Enviably Fortunate, And Spiritually Prosperous — Possessing The Happiness Produced By The Experience Of Yahweh’s Favor And Especially Conditioned By The Revelation Of His Grace, Regardless Of Their Outward Conditions”

  7. Enjoying Enviable Happiness, Spiritually Prosperous — With Life-Joy And Satisfaction In Yahweh’s Favor And Salvation, Regardless Of Their Outward Conditions”

  8. Happy And Enviably Fortunate And Spiritually Prosperous (In The State In Which The Born-Again Child Of Yahweh Enjoys And Finds Satisfaction In Yahweh’s Favor And Salvation, Regardless Of His Outward Conditions”

  9. Happy, To Be Envied, And Spiritually Prosperous — With Life-Joy And Satisfaction In Yahweh’s Favor And Salvation, Regardless Of Your Outward Conditions”

  10. Happy, Fortunate, And To Be Envied


Yahoshua Is Lord And He Rose From The Dead~!

Years Ago T. L. Osborn Confronted Some Islamic Folks And Told Them The Difference Between Mohammed And Yahoshua Was That Yahoshua Rose From The Dead And Mohammed Is Still Buried.  They Said That’s Not So.  He Said It Is, I Can Show You Proof That Yahoshua Rose From The Dead, As It’s In The Scriptures.  They Said It Is Not, And They Showed Him Their Koran, (Qur’An), Which They Fully Believe To Be True.  They Believe Their Qur’An To Be The Word Of Yahweh, But It Is The Word Of Allah, And They Are Not The Same God At All, (Not All Paths Lead To The Same God).  Yahweh Said, “I Am”, Meaning The All Existing One, (Exodus 3:14-15), So Yahweh Always Was And Always Will Be, And Existed Before The Worship To Other False Gods Like Buddha, or Allah or The Many False Gods Of Hindi, (Like Baal There Was A Worship Of Many False Gods).

John 3:16, Tells Us That Yahoshua Was More Than A Prophet, Yahoshua Is The Only Begotten Son Of Yahweh~!  The Holy Scriptures Record That Yahoshua Said, “I Am The Way And The Truth And The Life. No One Comes To The Father Except Through Me, (John 14:6).

In Fact, If You Don’t Believe That Yahweh Rose Yahoshua From Dead, Then You Are Lost And Going To Hell,

(Romans 10:9-10;
1 John 4:2-3;2 John 1:17

Romans 10:9-10 ~ 9 That If You Confess With Your Mouth The Lord Yahoshua And Believe In Your Heart That God Has Raised Him From The Dead, You Will Be Saved. 10  For With The Heart One Believes Unto Righteousness, And With The Mouth Confession Is Made Unto Salvation.

d—Evil One Is Careful That They Do Not Believe That Yahoshua Rose From The Dead, (or Else They Could Get Saved).  There Is Some Deception Taking Place, (Revelation 20:10).  This Is The Key Foundation For Salvation.


Yahweh Confirms His Word~!

How Do You We Break-Through This Deception And Prove That Yahweh Is Alive?  We Break-Through With Showing Proof That Yahweh “Quickens”, {(G2227), Which Means To Bring Forth Life; To “Make Alive”} Our Mortal Bodies With Displays Of Miracles, Healings, Signs & Wonders.  However, We Are Not The Healers, Nor The Miracle Workers.  We Are The Believers. Our Part Is To Believe~!

(As It Is Written, I Have Made You A Father Of Many Nations), Before Him Whom He Believed, Even God, Who “Quickens” The Dead, {Who Gives Life To The Dead}, And Calls Those Things Which Be Not As Though They Were, ( Romans 4:17). 

Acts 4:30 ~ While YOU Stretch Out Your Hand To CURE, (HEAL), And To Perform Signs And Wonders Through The Authority And By The Power Of The Name Of Your Holy Child And Servant Yahoshua.

Our Part Is To Believe And To Preach And To Act By Faith On What The Word Of Yahweh Promises And To Commune And Fellowship With Yahweh Working With Us.  The Healing And The Signs And Wonders, That’s Yahweh’s Part.

Mark 16:20 Tells Us ~ They Went Out, And Preached Everywhere, Yahweh Working With Them, And Confirming The Word By The Signs That Followed.  Amen, “… Confirming The Word”, (NIV And God’s Words Phrases This, “His Word” As Compared To The Altered Word Of The Qur’An)… With Signs And WondersWe’re Not Trying To Force Yahweh’s Hand Nor His Will As Yahweh Always Confirms His Word To UnBelievers, (1 Corinthians 14:24-25).  The Way To Win Unbelievers To Christ Is By Signs & Wonders Confirming His Word.  The Difference Between Their God And Yahweh Is That Our God Is Ready And Willing To Confirm His Word With Signs Following.

2 Samuel 5:10; John 14:16; Acts 10:38; Hebrews 13:6 Says, “Yahweh Is My Helper; I Will Not Fear. What Can Humans Do To Me?”  Not “I Am The Yahweh’s Helper”.


Preach Yahweh’s Word In Faith~!

So, What’s Our Part?  Our Part Is To Preach The Word, HIS WORD, To Preach The Whole Gospel Wherever We Are, And Gospel Means Good News.  To Preach The Full Gospel, (And Not Just The Parts We Can Believe With Our Minds, Romans 15:19 ~ I Have Fully Preached The Gospel Of Christ), And To Preach The Good News Of The Gospel, (Luke 4:18), Boldly, (Acts 14:3 ~ Therefore They Stayed There A Long Time, Speaking Boldly In Yahweh).  What Would Be Good News To An Amputee That Is Confined To A Wheel Chair And Has To Use A Special Apparatus Just To Go To The Bathroom?  Our Part Is To Be Bold And To Mix Faith With His Word And Say More or Less What Elijah Said.

It Is Not Presumptuousness To Say At The Conclusion Of Your Sermon Even If It’s At A Grocery or Department Store, “I Have Preached The Word, Now Yahweh Will Confirm His Word With Signs And Wonders Following”.  This Is Speaking Boldly~!  But Ground Yourself That In The Truth That Yahweh Said That He Would Confirm The Word With Signs Following And Then Say…

“If You’d Like To Have Your Missing Body Parts Restored, or If You Are Under Distress From A Sickness Attacking Your Body, Can We Lay Hands On You, According To Mark 16:17-18, or or Anoint You With Oil In Obedience To James 5:14?”  If You’re In At The Alter Call, Ask Them To Come On Down Front And Meet Them.  Our Part Is To Believe And To Mix Faith, (Hebrews 4:2) With His Word, (Mark 11:24), Whatsoever Things You Pray,When You Pray Believe)… (James 5:15) ~ And The Prayer Offered In Faith Will Restore The One Who Is Sick, And Yahweh Will Raise Him Up, And If He Has Committed Sins, They Will Be Forgiven Him).

Elijah Said “Call You On The Name Of Your God, And I Will Call On The Name Of Yahweh; And The God Who Answers By Fire, Let Him Be God”, (1 Kings 18:24).


Healing Miracles, Signs And Wonders~!

In The Same Way… In The Years To Come, We Will See Many Signs And Wonders Including The Maimed Healed, Not Just The Lame, (But The Lame Also, Including Those Lame From Birth), But Those That Had Arms, Legs, Eyes And Other Body Parts Removed In The Wars Like Afghanistan, Iraq And In Iran And You Also See The Dead Raised.

Hebrews 4:2 ~ For Indeed We Have Had The Glad Tidings, {Good News} ~ [Gospel Of God], Proclaimed To Us Just As Truly As They [The Israelites Of Old Did When The Good News Of Deliverance From Bondage Came To Them]; But The Message They Heard Did Not Benefit Them, Because It Was Not Mixed With Faith (With The Leaning Of The Entire Personality On God In Absolute Trust And Confidence In His Power, Wisdom, And Goodness), By Those Who Heard It; Neither Were They United In Faith With The Ones [Joshua And Caleb] Who Heard (Did Believe). {See Also This Website}

Hebrews 2:4 ~ God Also Bearing Witness Both With Signs And Wonders, With Various Miracles, And Gifts Of The Holy Ghost, According To His Own Will? (NKJV)

1 Corinthians 2:4 ~ My Speech And My Preaching Were Not In Persuasive Words Of Human Wisdom, But In Demonstration Of The Spirit And Of Power,

Romans 15:19 ~ In The Power Of Signs And Wonders, In The Power Of God’s Spirit; So That From Jerusalem, And Around As Far As To Illyricum, I Have Full y Preached The Gospel Of Christ; (Full Gospel ~ Not Part Gospel).

Acts 14:3 ~ Therefore They Stayed There A Long Time, Speaking Boldly In Yahweh, Who Testified To The Word Of His Grace, Granting Signs And Wonders To Be Done By Their Hands, (See Also Mark 16:17-18).


“Healing And Divine Health”

Declarations References
My Body Is The Temple Of The Holy Ghost.  The Holy Spirit, (Spirit Of Life), Has Made His Abode On The Inside Of My Body.  My Body Belongs To Yahweh For It Has Been Bought With The Covenant Blood Of Yahoshua.  Death Can’t Live Where There Is The Life Of Yahweh Living. 1 Corinthians 3:16-17;
1 Corinthians 6:19-20;
2 Corinthians 6:16; John 14:23;
Ephesians 2:19

Yahweh Our Maker Is A God Of Health.  Yahweh Rapha Is Yahweh My Healer.  Yahweh’s Desire Above All Things Is That I Be In Health Even As My Soul Prospers.

Exodus 15:26; 3 John 2:1


“Healing And Divine Health”

Declarations References
Yahoshua Him self Bore My Sin, (Sickness, Weakness, Grief’s And Distresses), And Carried My Sorrows (or Pains) On The Cross And By His Stripes We ARE Healed, And We Will Not Carry or Bear Sickness.  We Do Not Take The Name Of Yahweh, In Vain.  We Are The Righteousness Of Yahweh.  I Die To Sin And Live To Righteousness. Isaiah 53:4; Matthew 8:17
We Are Redeemed From The Curse Of Sickness.  We Are Blessed With The Health Of The Yahweh.  Christ Has Purchased, Bought Back, And Redeemed Us From The Curse Of The Law By Becoming A Curse For Us, For It Is Written, Cursed Is Everyone Who Hangs On A Tree That The Blessing Of Abraham* Might Come To Me And My Family, So That We Through Faith Might Receive The Promise Of The Holy Ghost.  The Word Was Sent To Us, And Has Healed Us And Delivered Us Faith:

Galatians 3:13-14;
Deuteronomy 28:56-61;
Psalm 68:20; Psalm 107:20;
Romans 4:3


“Healing And Divine Health”

Declarations References
We Are Healed And Made Whole By The Stripes And Wounds Of Yahoshua, And We Walk In His Divine Health.  Any Germ, Bacteria, or Virus, Which Is Harmful To His Body That Has No Right To Existence In or On My or My Family’s Body Dies And Disintegrate On Contact.  Sickness or Disease Shall Not Come On Us For We Are The Righteousness Of Yahweh, In Yahoshua, (The Messiah).  Yahoshua Destroyed The Works Of d—Evil One, Including Sickness.  Yahoshua Gave Us All The Power Over d—Evil One; Therefore, I Have Power And Authority Over Sickness And Diseases & These Must Bow At The Name Of Yahoshua. 1 Peter 2:24; Isaiah 53:5;
Psalm 91:6-8;
Acts 10:38, 1 John 3:8;
Luke 10:19; Philippians 1:9-11
I Love Yahweh And Hearken Diligently To The Voice Of Yahweh, And Yahweh Rapha Takes All Sickness Away From The Midst Of My Household And None Shall Lose Their Young By Miscarriage or Be Barren In Our Land.    Yahweh Will Fulfill The Number Of Our Days.  We Bless Yahweh, And We Do Not Forget All His Benefits: Yahweh Forgives All My Family’s Iniquities; Yahweh Rapha Heals All Our Diseases .  Yahweh Redeems Our Lives From Destruction; Yahweh Crowns Us With Loving-Kindness And Tender Mercies Yahweh Satisfies Our Lives With Good Things And Our Youth Is Renewed Like The Eagle’s. Exodus 15:26
Deuteronomy 7:11-15
Exodus 23:25-26
1 Timothy 2:15
Psalm 103:1-5

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1 Timothy 2:15 ~ But She Will Be Saved Through Her Child-Bearing, If They Continue In Faith, Love, And Sanctification With Sobriety, {Sober-Mindedness, Rational, In Her Right Mind, Level-Headed, Even Keen, Sound Mind, Soundness Of Mind, Sanity, [Not In A Panic Mode], Not In An Emotional Frenzy, Emotions In Check, Self-Restraint, Self-Control}.

Stay Focused On What Yahweh Said That He Will Do, And Don’t Panic, And Walk By Faith, NOT By Sight, (2 Corinthians 5:7).



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In Righteousness You Shall Be Established; You Shall Be Far From Oppression, For You Shall Not Fear; And From Terror, For It Shall Not Come Near You. Isaiah 54:14


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