Wealth & Prosperity

Abram Was Very Rich In Cattle, In Silver, And In Gold, (Genesis 13:2).

13 Christ Has Redeemed Us From The Curse Of The Law, Having Become A Curse For Us (For It Is Written, “Cursed Is Everyone Who Hangs On A Tree”), 14 That The Blessing Of Abraham Might Come Upon The Gentiles In Christ Jesus, That We Might Receive The Promise Of The Spirit Through Faith, (Galatians 3:13-14).

3 As His Divine Power Has Given To Us All Things Pertaining To Life And Godliness Through The Full Knowledge Of The One Calling Us Through Glory And Virtue, 4 By Which Means He Has Given To Us The Very Great And Precious Promises, So That Through These You Might Be Partakers Of The Divine Nature, Escaping From The Corruption In The World By Lust, {LITV ~ 2 Peter 1:3-4,}

3 Blessed Be The God And Father Of Our Lord Yahoshua, {Jesus}, Christ, {Ha Mashiach}, Who Has Blessed Us With Every Spiritual Blessing In The Heavenly Places In Christ, {Ephesians 1:3},

Yahweh Is My Shepherd [To Feed, Guide, and Shield Me],
I Will Not Lack For Anything~!, (TPT ~ LEB Psalm 23:1),

Yahweh Supplies Your Wants As Well As Your Needs~!
NKJV ~ ‘I Will Not Want

Yahweh Is My Shepherd: I Shall ‘Lack Nothing, (WEB ~ Psalm 23:1).

My God Will Fully Satisfy Every Need You Have, For I Have Seen The Abundant Riches Of Glory Revealed To Me Through The Anointed One, Jesus Christ~!  (TPT ~ Philippians 4:19).

And My God Will Meet All Your Needs According To The Riches Of His Glory In Christ Jesus, (Philippians 4:19).

For Yahweh Our God Is Brighter Than The Brilliance Of A Sunrise~!
Wrapping Himself Around Me Like A Shield,
He Is So Generous With His Gifts Of Grace And Glory.
Those Who Walk Along His Paths With Integrity
Will Never Lack One Thing They Need, For He Provides It All~!, (TPT ~ Psalm 84:11).

For Yahweh Your God Has Blessed You In All The Work Of Your Hands.  He Has Known Your Walking Through This Great Wilderness.  These Forty Years, Yahweh Your God Has Been With You.
You Have Lacked Nothing(Deuteronomy 2:7).

Beloved, I Pray That You May Prosper In ALL Things And Be Healthy, Even As Your Soul Prospers, (3 John 2:1).

For You Know The Grace Of Our Lord Yahoshua, {Jesus}, Ha‘Mashiach, {Christ}, That, Though He Was Rich, Yet For Your Sakes He Became Poor, That You Through His Poverty Might Be Made Rich, (2 Corinthians 8:9).

18 They Shall Not Be Ashamed, In The Days Of Lack They Shall Be Satisfied.
19 Even In Famine, You Will Have More Than Enough, (NLT ~ Psalm 37:18-19).

I Have Been Young And Now Am Old, Yet I Have Been Young And Now Am Old, Yet I Have Not Seen The Righteous Forsaken or Their Children Begging Bread, (NRSVUE ~ Psalm 37:25).

“I Am Your God And Will Take Care Of You
Until You Are Old And Your Hair Is Gray.
I Made You And Will Care For You;
I Will Give You Help And Rescue You.”

In A NutShell ~

I Will Take Care Of You”, (GNT ~ Isaiah 46:4).

Yet For Us There Is Only One God—The Father.  He Is The Source Of All Things, And Our Lives Are Lived For Him. And There Is One Lord, Jesus, The Anointed One, Through Whom We And All Things Exist, (TPT ~ 1 Corinthians 8:6).

But You Shall Remember Yahweh Your God, For It Is He Who Gives You Power To Get Wealth; That He May Establish His Covenant Which He Swore To Your Fathers, As It Is Today, (Deuteronomy 8:18).

Wealth And Riches Are In Their Houses, And Their Righteousness Endures Forever”, (NIV ~ Psalm 112:3).

My People Will Live In Peaceful Domicile Places, In Secure Homes, In Undisturbed Places Of Rest”, (NIV ~ Isaiah 32:18).

9 Worship In Awe And Wonder, All You Who’ve Been Made Holy~!  For All Who Fear Him Will Feast With Plenty.
3 Even The Strong And The Wealthy Grow Weak And Hungry, But Those Who Passionately Pursue Yahweh Will Never Lack Any Good Thing, (TPT ~ Psalms 34:9-10).

And I WILL GIVE YOU The Treasures Of Darkness And Hidden Riches Of Secret Places, That You May Know That It Is I, Yahweh, The God Of Israel, Who Calls You By Your Name, (AMPC ~ Isaiah 45:3).

“May Yahweh, The God Of Your Fathers, Increase You A Thousand Times More, And Bless You As He Promised You~!” (Deuteronomy 1:11).

Mark 11:23 ~ “For Assuredly, ‘I Say To You’,* Whoever SAYS To This Mountain, ‘Be Removed And Be Cast Into The Sea,’ And Does Not Doubt In Their Heart, But Believes That Those Things You SAY Will Be Done, “You Will Have What You Say~!



Philippians 4:17 ~ “Not That I Am Seeking A Gift, But I Am Looking For The Fruit That May Be Credited To Your Account”.

 It Is Probably The Hardest Thing I Ever Do, To Want To Ask Money From Folks That Don’t Have Much Money.  But, In Fact, I Am Giving Them An Opportunity To Come Out Of Their Poverty By Sowing A Seed, And By Teaching Them Prosperity.  If We Don’t Preach Prosperity, Then They Will Remain Poor For The Next 40 Years Wandering Around In A Circle In The Wilderness. There Are A Lot Of Topics That We Could Preach On, But Don’t Neglect To Teach On Prosperity.

Whenever I Go To The Southwest Believers’ Convention, I Hear 36 Sermons by Such Prosperity Preachers As Kenneth Copeland, Jerry Savelle, Bill Winston, Keith Moore, Jesse Duplantis, George, Terri and Jeremy Pearsons, and Others.  Now That Jerry Savelle Has Passed On, We Hear From His Daughter Terri Savelle Foy, and Also From Mark Hankins and from Nancy Dufresne.  These Folks Usually Preach In Groups Of Two.  Nancy Dufresne at 9 am and Then Mark Hankins at 10:30 or So.  But, Before Every Set Of Two Preachers, There Is An Offering Time, and They Don’t Take Up Money Without Always Preaching A Small Mini-Sermon About Sowing and Reaping, and Prosperity.  The Reason That They Preach On The Laws Of Sowing and Reaping Is Because “Faith Comes From Hearing And Hearing The Word Of God”, (Romans 10:17).

If We Don’t Preach On Sowing and Reaping, Then We Are Doing A Disservice To Our Folks and They Will Remain Financially Right Where They Are 40 Years From Now.  I Used To Find One Cent, (A Penny) and Put It In The Offering Plate, and Believe For 100-Fold, and Sure Enough, Then I’d Find a Dollar On The Ground, (100 Pennies = 100-Fold), and Put That Dollar In The Offering Plate and Believe For 100-Fold, and Then Someone Would Give Me $100 Dollars, (100-Fold).

I Never Spent This Seed Money, Because:

  1. All Of My Needs Are Met In Christ, (Philippians 4:19).

  2. It Was My Seed. If We Eat Our Seed, Then No Fruit Can Grow.

This Seed Kept Accumulating Up Until Our House Was Paid For.  So, Don’t Be Afraid Of Small Beginnings Or Small Giving.  Yahweh Says, “Bring The Whole Tithe Into The Storehouse, That There May Be Food In My House, And Test Me Now In This’, Says Yahweh Of Armies, ‘If I Will Not Open You The Windows Of Heaven, And Pour You Out A Blessing, That There Will Not Be Room Enough To Store It”. 

So, If You Give, Then He Can Multiply It, But, If We Don’t Give, He Will Still Apply The Multiplication To It, But, 100 Times Zero Is Still Zero.  Here Below Is My Website On Prospering.  I Strongly Recommend That You Read It, Because I Got All My Info From Those That I Mentioned Above That Have Already Had Success Using God’s Principles.




For You Know The Grace Of Our Lord Yahoshua, {Jesus}, Ha‘Mashiach, {Christ}, That, Though He Was Rich, Yet For Your Sakes He Became Poor, That You Through His Poverty Might Be Rich, (2 Corinthians 8:9).

Sometimes At Christmas, An Employer May Give Out A Bonus.  Here’s My Bonus.

Take A Look At Just One Of The Verses Of Scripture Listed Below.  John 14:13 ~ “Whatever You Ask In My Name, This I Will Do, That The Father May Be Glorified In The Son”.

Hold The Phone… You’ve Probably Been Taught, “That If It’s God’s Will”, etc… But, That Is Not What The Scripture Said… Take A Closer Look. “Whatever You Ask In My Name, This I Will Do, That The Father May Be Glorified In The Son”.  Now, Where You Live, What Does “Whatever” Mean?  Does “Whatever” Exclude Anything?  If You Ask Yahweh In Yahoshua’s Name For A “Whatever?” (or King James Calls This A “Whatsoever”); What Will Become Of This “Whatsoever”). That Yahweh Has Granted… {He Said He Will Do It}…“This I Will Do”.

Here’s What Will Happen … “That The Father May Be Glorified In The Son”.  So, If You Ask Yahweh In Yahoshua’s Name For A New Vehicle, or A Condominium On The Gulf Coast, And You Receive It, The Scripture Says, “That The Father May Be Glorified In The Son”.

I Don’t Know About You, But I Want To Do My Part In Bringing About, “That The Father May Be Glorified In The Son”, (John 14:13).  This Means More Folks Will Want To Accept Yahoshua As Their Lord, (See Deuteronomy 8:18, Just One Of Many Verses To Confirm This).

But, To Answer The “If It’s God’s Will” Question… Take A Look At Psalm 35:27 ~ Let Them Shout For Joy And Be Glad, Who Favor My Righteous Cause. Yes, Let Them Say Continually, “Yahweh Be Magnified, Who Has Pleasure In The Prosperity Of His Servant~!”  Yahweh Has Pleasure In The Prosperity Of His Servants, Just As You Rejoice When Your Children Do Well~!  That Ends The “If It’s God’s Will” Question.

Bonus Plus: Deuteronomy 8:18; Psalm 35:27;
Psalm 84:11; Matthew 18:19;
Matthew 21:22; Mark 11:24;
Luke 12:32: John 14:13; John 15:7;
John 15:16; John 16:23-24;
James 1:5, 17; 1 John 3:22

Bonus Plus Plus: For Yahweh God Is A Sun And Shield; Yahweh Bestows [Present] Grace And Favor And [Future] Glory (Honor, Splendor, And Heavenly Bliss)~!  No Good Thing Will He Withhold From Those Who Walk Uprightly, {Blamelessly}, (Psalm 84:11).




“When You ‘Say’ The Same Thing Yahweh Says About You, {For [Then] He Shall Deliver Me}”

{Rehearse The Curse And It’ll Bring The Hearse}

Psalm 91:2 ~ I Will Say Of Yahweh, He Is My Refuge And My Fortress,
My God; On Him I Lean And Rely, And In Him I [Confidently] Trust~!

Psalm 91:3 ~
For [Then] He WILL Deliver Me From The Snare Of The Fowler And From The Deadly Pestilence.


When You, “Say” The Same Thing Yahweh Is Saying About You, (For [Then] He Shall Deliver Me).

I Researched The “For [Then] He WILL Deliver Me” Because Some Scripture Translations Say, “Surely”, And Also Because The “Then”, Is In Brackets.

What Was Found Out Is That This Hebrew Word, [Kı̂y, (Kee {Pronounced ki^y}) ~ Strong’s Concordance #H3588}, Is A Little, “If-ee”, And I’ll Explain What I Mean:

Strong’s Says, That It Is, “Indicating Causal Relations Of All Kinds, Antecedent or Consequent; (By Implication)”.  The Brown-Driver-Briggs Hebrew And English Lexicon, (BDB), Defines This Word As, “That, For, Because, When, As Though, As, Because That.

The Complete Word Study Bible By Spiros Zodhiates Has The Following Definition, (Abbreviated):

kiy:, “A Demonstrative Particle Meaning ‘Because, For, That, When, Whenever; Indeed , Even; If; Even When, Even Though.  It Is Used In Various Ways And Must Be Translated Accordingly.  In Every Case, The Context In Which The Word Functions Will Be The Key To Translating Correctly.  Here Is A Listing Of The Major Ways It Is Used: As A ‘Conjunctive’ Meaning ‘Because’, (Genesis 3:14);For’, (Psalm 6:2, 5);That’, (Genesis 1:10; 1 Kings 21:15); As A ‘Conjunctive Time’ or ‘Condition Indicator’, ‘When’ or ‘If’, (Genesis 4:12); In ’A Clause Of Condition’, It Means ‘If’, ‘In Fact’, or ‘In Case, (Job 7:13).

I Think That The Translators Didn’t Want To Say Under Any Circumstances That Yahweh Would Not Do Something, So They Just Put In Surely, “Surely, He WILL Deliver Me”.  Surely He Will, Won’t He?  But, Only ’If’ You ’Say’ So Let The REDEEMED Of Yahweh SAY SO, Whom HE HAS REDEEMED From The Hand Of d—Evil One; As In Saying, “I AM REDEEMED”, (Psalm 107:2).  Is It Important For Us To SAY SO?


“Yahweh, Your Word IS Settled In Heaven Forever”

It’s A Sure Promise, {On Yahweh’s Part}

However, “Surely” Is Not A Great Translation Of The Hebrew Word.  It Means That If We Do Something, Then Surely He Will Deliver Us.  Like If We Turn On A Light Switch, Surely The Light Will Come On.  But, Yahweh Has A More Sure Word Of Promise Than The Human Made Lights And Electricity.

Or If We Turn On A Water Faucet Then Water Will Come Out.  Or If We Jump Out Of An Airplane, Then Surely We Will Fall.  When You Pull The RipCord, Surely The Parachute Will Open.  The Deliverance Is A More Sure Thing Based On A ‘Causal Relationship’.  Suppose There’s A Fire In An Apartment Complex And A Seven or Eight  Year Old Child Is On The 2nd Story Looking Out A Window With Smoke Billowing Out Behind, And I Shout To Them, “Jump”, And I Will Surely Catch You.  Is My, “Surely”, A “Sure Thing?”  It Is, As Long As I Don’t Fall, or Trip On A Garden Hose On The Way To Catch Them.  I Would Never On Purpose, Let Them Drop, And I’ll Do My Best To Catch Them, And So Would You.  My Eye Would Be Glued To Their Every Move So That I Can React In An Instance In Case They Jump~!

Yahweh, Your Word Is Settled In Heaven Forever.  The Word Of Promise In The Covenant Made In Heaven Is Sure To ALL The Seed; Everyone Of The Promises Is Yea And Amen In Christ, And As Stable As The Heavens, (Psalm 119:89).

However, My Catching Them Is Consequential To Their Jumping.  If They Don’t Jump, I Am Still Just As Sure That I Will Do My Best To Catch Them, But There Will Be Nothing To Catch.  So Back To The Word SurelySurely Can Only Be Said Of Yahweh In Regards To An “If” Statement, (In Computer Coding Language, It Would Read, “If Condition Exist Then Do X” ~ Also Meaning, “If The Condition Does Not Exist, Then Don’t Do X”}… But, In Regards To Yahweh, or The Child In A Burning Apartment, Can I Say “Surely, I Will Catch Them?”… No, And Neither Can That Be Said Of Yahweh.  Surely, He WILL Deliver Me, {Psalm 91:3}.

No, That ‘Has Been’ A False Assumption, A Misnomer And ‘Has Been’ A Common Misconception In The Church, {I’m Being Careful With My Words, As I Don’t Want To Decree Something Into Existence.  Well, Isn’t Yahweh The Deliverer.  No, Only IF You Do A Certain Criteria.  Did Yahoshua Die On The Cross For Whosoever? [Yes].  Are All Going To Heaven?   [No].  So, No, Not Surely.  If There Is No Corresponding Action On Our Part, Then He WILL NOT Deliver Me~!

So, What Is The Catalyst That Causes Yahweh To Deliver Us?  Is It Our Words~!   In Psalm 91:2, This Passage Just Got Through Saying, “I Will SAY Of Yahweh”, And Then Immediately Psalm 91:3 Reads, “For [Then] He WILL Deliver Me”.  There Is Something That We Must Do, And I’m Not Adding To The Finished Work That Yahoshua, (Jesus), Did On The Cross.  His Part Is Done.  He Has Degreed That He WILL Deliver Me, If [Then]. I Will Say Of Yahweh, He Is My Refuge And My Fortress, My God; On Him I Lean And Rely, And In Him I [Confidently] Trust~! However, It’s Our Part To Believe, And Then To Speak It, (Mark 11:23),To Say”, Is When We, Jump, Out In Faith Trusting Yahweh To Catch And Deliver Us, For Out Of The Heart The Mouth Speaks, (Matthew 12:34-36). 

If My Parents Had Not Copulated Then I Never Would Have Been Born.  If We Do NOT SAY, Then It Will Never Be Birthed~!  This Isn’t “Works”, This Is Faith~!   Enter Here To See More How Faith Works.

I Actually Had 9 Year Olds Jump Off A Table In A Sunday School Class.  I Prayed And Asked Our Father How Could I Show Them What It’s Like To Trust The Lord And To Let Yahoshua Be Their Lord, And The Holy Ghost Told Me To Put Them On A Table And Ask For A Volunteer And Ask If He/She Thought I’d Catch Them If I BlindFolded Them.  So, That’s What I Did And One Amazing Young Fellow Said, “Yes Sir”, And Then I Put Him On A Folding Table And BlindFolded Him And He Jumped~!  He Jumped Like He Was Sitting Down With His Legs Straight Hip Folded, Arms On His Chest ~ Ready To Be Caught, {We Call It The “Preacher’s Seat” In Diving}.  It Impressed Me~!  It Was The Way That I Would Have Jumped When I Was Nine Years Old, (If A Person Had Said He’d Catch Me And I Would Believe It, And It Would Be The Way I Believe That They Should Catch Me).

But, Still I Didn’t Expect So Much Faith And Trust.  I Thought No One Would Jump.  And It Made It Easier To Catch Him, Which I Did. Wow~!  I Didn’t Need To Ask Anyone Else To Jump.  By This Time They All Wanted To Jump And The Rest Jumped Vertically And I Would Catch Them Under Their Arms.  I Told The Class That In The Same Way, That Is How You Ask Yahoshua, (Jesus) To Be Your Lord.  And Later On, I Repented That I Didn’t Go Ahead And Ask Them If They Wanted Ask Yahoshua To Be Their Lord, But I Felt Like At The Time That It Would Be Manipulation And I Didn’t Want To Play On Their Emotions After What They Witnessed.  However, Our Loving Father Is Gracious And Had An Opportunity Where This 9-Year Boy Came Down Front During An Alter Call And Got Saved Less Than One And A Half Months Later, And So Did Four Others In That Class And I Always Thought That Played A Part In Their Salvation~!


Calling Those Things That Be Not As Though They Were”, (Romans 4:17)

{“I Will SAY Of Yahweh”}

Joel 3:10 Says To, “Let The Weak SAY”, “I Am Strong~!”  Anytime You Find Yourself, ‘Talking The Problem’, Then You’re Going In The Wrong Direction, (i.e… “How Are We Going To __________?”).  So, Start Talking The Answer, {The Word Of Yahweh}.

Here’s Our Part, “I Will SAY Of Yahweh

It Is Not Saying That I Am Going To Be Healed, But, “I Am Healed”, When You Are Hurting And In Pain.  It Is Saying, “I Am Rich And Out Of Debt”, When It Appears That You Don’t Even Have Two Nickels To Rub Together, (2 Corinthians 8:9).  It Is Saying When Another Woman Catches Your Eye, “My Wife’s Bosom Satisfies Me At ALL Times, And I Am Enthroned By HER Love”, (Proverbs 5:19).  It Is Saying That My House Is Paid For When You See A 30 Year Mortgage Looming At You, (Psalm 118:25).  Yahoshua Told Peter To Go Get A Coin Out Of A Fish’s Mouth To Pay Taxes, (Matthew 17:27).  So It’s Not Your Part To Wonder, ‘How It’s Going To Get Done’, (Whether It’s Sickness, or A Lack Of Money ~ It Works The Same Way).  It’s Your Part To Believe In Your Heart And Then Confess With Your Mouth, (That’s How You Got Saved ~ Romans 10:9-10}.  The Israelite Folks Didn’t Haven’t To Wander In The Wilderness; However, They Didn’t Mix Faith With The Word That They Heard, (Hebrews 4:2).

I Listened To, “Money, Money Cometh”, From Stan Pody Over And Over And Over And Over And Over Until I Got It In My Heart, (The Lyrics Are Supported By The Scriptures At:

Deuteronomy 8:18; 2 Chronicles 26:5;
Psalm 112:3; Psalm 35:27; Psalm 84:11;
Psalm 118:25; Isaiah 45:3;
2 Corinthians 8:9; 2 Corinthians 9:8

(Philippians 4:19; Psalm 35:27:
Psalm 37:4; Psalm 118:25;
Deuteronomy 8:18; Isaiah 1:19:
Isaiah 45:3; Malachi 3:10-11

And More Places In The Scriptures).  Righ

Money, Money Cometh” And Select Save Target As.  I Implore You To Listen To It Also To Establish Your Heart, (For Out Of The Abundance Of The Heart The Mouth Speaks).

Click On The Arrow On The Control Below To Hear Music~!

Dance That Money In~!  I Am Not Joking~!  I Seriously Believe That The Opposite Of Faith Is NOT Fear, But Walking By Sight.  The Opposite Of FEAR Is JOY, And You Can Do More In The Spirit By Dancing And Getting Into Joy As You Dance~!  So, In Order To Help You, And This Is What I Did.  I Would Dance In My Home In Private To Stan Pody’s, “Money, Money ComethAbout 12-14 Times A Day Until I Could See Myself As, “My House Is Paid For ….Within A Two Week Period Of Me Getting Serious With Dancing, Some People Sold Some Timber On Their Property And Gave Us The Money, And Boom ~ The Balance On Our House Was Completely Paid For~!


“All The Tithe Of The Land, Whether Of The Seed Of The Land or Of The Fruit Of The Trees, Is Yahweh’s”

{“The Captain Of The Avenging Armies”}

I Felt Like Yahweh Wanted Me To Tell The Whole Story, So That You Don’t Think That I’m Someone Special And That This Can’t Happen To You.  First Of All, I Believe In Tithing.  Do You Have To Tithe?  I Can See No Other Way.  Leviticus 27:30 Says That, “All The Tithe Of The Land, Whether Of The Seed Of The Land or Of The Fruit Of The Trees, Is Yahweh’s.  It Is Holy To Yahweh”.

Some Try To Argue That Tithing Was Under The Old Testament.  If That Were So, Then Why In The New Testament When Yahoshua Was Doing Some Corrections, Did He Not Only Not Correct That, But Reinforced Tithing, “Woe To You, Scribes And Pharisees, Hypocrites~!  For You Tithe Mint, Dill, And Cumin, And Have Left Undone The Weightier Matters Of The Law: Justice, Mercy, And Faith. But You Ought To Have Done These , And Not To Have Left The Other Undone, (Matthew 23:23; Luke 11:42).  Perhaps This Was Written To Them Before The Cross, And They Would Have Been Under The Law.

There Are Other Verses And Opinions And Arguments Both For And Against Tithing.  But, Just To Prove A Point, I’m Just Going To Take The Side That You Don’t Have To Tithe.  I Don’t Want You To Feel That You Must Tithe And If You Don’t Then Yahweh Will Be Mad At You, or Cause Bad Things To Happen To You.  However, We Have A Bad Devil, A Very Evil Presence That Will Steal From You, And Kick You Even When You Are Down And Tithing Is The Way To Get Yahweh Involved In Your Finances And Put A Brake On The d—Evil One Activities In Your Finances~!


“We Overcome By The Blood Of The Lamb And The Word Of Our Testimony”

(Revelation 12:11)

I Started Tithing When I Was In The Navy, And Church Would End Too Late To For The Chow Hall, So On Sunday’s I Had To Eat Out.  The Day That I Started Tithing, I Had To Make A Choice To Either Eat Lunch or Go Without And Tithe.  I Chose To Honor Yahweh’s Word And Thought That I Would Just Have To Go Hungry, (I Was 18, And I Could Eat, I Needed A Bumper Sticker That Would Read, “Honk If You Have Groceries”, So Missing A Meal For Me Was A Big Deal).  And Then Someone Invited Me Out For Lunch And Paid For It Right After Church That Day At Pizza Hut.  Awesome~! 

I Have Two Miraculous Stories To Share With You About Yahweh Providing For Us Supernaturally And If You’ll Enter Here, You Can Read About Them.


“Devourer Rebuked”

Malachi 3:9-10

But It Was Because I Was A Tither And Standing On Malachi 3:10-11.  Or The Time, Later On When The Stock Market Tried To Rob Me Of $17,500 In One Day Because Of The Hung Elections Between George W. Bush And Al Gore, And That Money Was A Loan, {If Either Man Had Been Decided The Victor Promptly, I Would Have Made Money}.  I Refused To Say I Lost It, Because Malachi 3:11 Said,

11 “And, “I Will Rebuke The Devourer For Your Sakes, So That He Will Not Destroy The Fruit Of Your Ground, Nor Shall The Vine Fail To Bear Fruit For You In The Field, ” Says Yahweh, (Of Hosts);” (AMPC). 

Nor Shall The Vine Fail To Bear Fruit For You In The Field… That To Me This Was Stock Options That Did Not Produce Fruit But Fell To The Ground As Stock Options Turn To A Zero Value Beyond Their Expiration Date.

Forty-Five Days Later Someone Miraculously Paid Off That Loan.  I Have More Testimonies.  Lots More.  If I Tithe And I Have A Bill, Then Guess What?  Then Yahweh Has A Bill, (And All My Needs Are Met According To The Riches Of His Glory ~ (Philippians 4:19); So He Can Afford It~!  But, If I Don’t Tithe, Then I Alone Am Responsible For That Bill~!  Ugh.  That Is Why I Said That I Don’t Believe I Can Afford Not To Tithe.  Yahweh Wants Us To Put Him To The Test And Says In Malachi 3:10, “Prove Me Now In This Situation”, Bring All The Tithes Into The Storehouse, That There May Be Food In My House, And Try Me Now In This”, Says Yahweh, (Of Hosts), “If I Will Not Open For You The Windows Of Heaven And Pour Out For You Such Blessing That There Will Not Be Room Enough To Receive It”.


“Bring All The Tithes Into The Storehouse”

Malachi 3:9-11

What If I Want To Tithe, What Are The Advantages And Disadvantages?  Looking At It Purely From A Self-Centered Point Of View.  Malachi 3:9-10 Says That There Are Specific Benefits To Tithing, And This Involves Yahweh In Every Financial Part Of My Life.

9 “You Are Cursed With A Curse, For You Have Robbed Me, Even This Whole Nation.
10 “Bring All The Tithes Into The Storehouse, That There May Be Food In My House, And Try Me Now In This”, Says Yahweh, (Of Hosts), “If I Will Not Open For You The Windows Of Heaven And Pour Out For You Such Blessing That There Will Not Be Room Enough To Receive It”.
11 “And I Will Rebuke The Devourer For Your Sakes, So That He Will Not Destroy The Fruit Of Your Ground, Nor Shall The Vine Fail To Bear Fruit For You In The Field, ” Says Yahweh, (Of Hosts);

Yahweh Tsebaah, (Of Hosts) Means The Captain Of The Avenging Armies, (Enter Here To See More).  If Somebody Has Done Wrong To Us Believers, Who Are We Going To Call?  If I Buy Stocks And The Stock Markets Crashes… I Just Can Stand Firm On The Word That Yahweh Will Rebuke The Devourer, So That He Will Not Destroy The Fruit Of Your Ground, Nor Shall The Vine Fail To Bear Fruit For You In The Field.

So, For Me That’s Enough To Want To Tithe.  Tithing Involves Yahweh In All My Bills~!  You’ll Be Facing d—Evil One All By Your Lonesome If You’re Not Tithing.  Yahweh Loves You, But Legally, Man Has Dominion Over All The Earth.  But, Yahweh Wants To Bless You, So He Devised A Plan Whereby He Gets To Be A Part Of Our Lives, So That He Can Stop d—Evil One’s Plans For Us.  What Does Yahweh Do With Your Tithe?  It Provides Food For Others~!

Malachi 3:10 Matches ~ There May Be Food In My House, (Storehouse, {H0214} ~ Armory [Magazine Holding Area For Weapons], Treasury).


“What Is The Storehouse?”

Malachi 3:9-10

I Looked Up Just What Constitutes A Storehouse…

Store ~ OT:H0214
A Masculine Noun Meaning Treasure or Storehouse. Various Items Were Stored Up, Such As Supplies, (Nehemiah 12:44), or Treasures Of A Palace or Temple, (1 Kings 7:51; Jeremiah 15:13). Yahweh Also Has Treasures In The Heavens, (Deuteronomy 28:12), And In The Winds, (Jeremiah 10:13).  The Word Refers To Storehouses Themselves, (Nehemiah 13:12-13).  (From The Complete Word Study Dictionary: Old Testament Copyright © 2003 By AMG Publishers. All Rights Reserved).

  1. OT:H0214

  2. A Treasure, A Storehouse

  3. Treasure (Gold, Silver, etc.)

  4. Store, Supplies Of Food Or Drink

  5. Treasure-House, Treasury

    1. Treasure-House

    2. Storehouse, Magazine

    3. Treasury

    4. Magazine Of Weapons (Figuratively, Used Of Yahweh’s Armory)

    5. Storehouses; (Used By Yahweh For Rain, Snow, Hail, Wind, Sea),

    6. (From The Online Bible Thayer’s Greek Lexicon And Brown Driver & Briggs Hebrew Lexicon, Copyright © 1993, Woodside Bible Fellowship, Ontario, Canada. Licensed From The Institute For Creation Research.)

(Eighty Times In The OT According To KB3 p. 23), Most Often In 1 Chronicles, (Thirteen Times), And 2 Chronicles, (Eight Times).  It Is Unnecessary To Accept The Frequent Emendation, (As In RSV And JB), In Zechariah 11:13, Of, “Cast It Into The Treasury”, For, “Cast I To The Potter”, In The Celebrated Passage About Thirty Pieces Of Silver (See Torrey In Bibliography).  {See Also (Luke 21:1; Mark 12:41)}.

House ~ OT:(H1004)
Sometimes It Means Palace or Dynasty When Employed In The Hebrew Phrase, “House Of The King”, (Genesis 12:15; 1 Kings 4:6; Jeremiah 39:8). When The Old Testament Speaks Of The House Of Yahweh, It Obviously Refers To The Temple or Tabernacle, (Exodus 23:19; Daniel 1:2).  The Word Is Also Found In Place Names: Bethel, Meaning, “House Of God”, (Genesis 12:8); Beth-Shemesh, Meaning, “House Of The Sun”, (Joshua 15:10); And Bethlehem, Meaning, “House Of Bread”, (Genesis 35:19). (From The Complete Word Study Dictionary: Old Testament Copyright © 2003 By AMG Publishers. All Rights Reserved.).


“Where Is The Storehouse?”

Malachi 3:9-10

OT: H0214 ~ (Theological Wordbook Of The Old Testament, [TWOT], Number: 154a) ~ Treasure, Treasury, Storehouse.  There Are At Least Nine Words In Biblical Hebrew For, “Treasure” Of Which This Is One.  It Is Used In Either A Literal Sense, Referring To The Treasure In The King’s House or In The Temple or One’s Individual Acquisitions, And Secondly In A Cosmic Sense, The Source Of Yahweh’s Possessions And Blessing. Specifically There Are Ten References To, “Treasures/Treasury Of The King’s House”, {e.g, (1 Kings 14:26)}, And Nine References To, “Treasures Treasury Of The Temple Of Yahweh”, {e.g, (1 Kings 7:51)}.

Many Of These References Are In A Military Context.  A Defeated Nation Was Obliged To Give Up Her Treasures To The Victor. Both Asa, (1 Kings 15:18); And Joash, (2 Kings 12:19), Gave To The Arameans Benhadad And Hazael Treasures From Both The Temple And The Royal Treasury.  Nebuchadnezzar Helped Himself To Both, (2 Kings 24:13); As Did The Egyptian Pharaoh, Shishak, Much Earlier, (1 Kings 14:26).

At The Individual Level, Treasure Is To Be Happily Accepted And Used, Not Abused, (Proverbs 8:21) But If It Becomes An End In Itself The Consequences Are Dire, (Proverbs 10:2; Proverbs 15:16; Proverbs 21:6,20).  There Are Several References To Divine Storehouses, e.g, (Psalm 33:7; Psalm 135:7; Job 38:22).  Yahweh’s Treasure House Is In The Heavens, (Deuteronomy 28:12).  In Jeremiah 50:25, Reference Is Made To Yahweh’s, “Armory”.  Bibliography: Torrey, C. C, “The Foundry At Jerusalem”, JBL 55: 247-60. Wolf, C. U, “Treasure, Treasurer, Treasury”, In IDB, IV, pp. 693-94.  (From Theological Wordbook Of The Old Testament. Copyright © 1980 By The Moody Bible Institute Of Chicago. All Rights Reserved. Used By Permission).

Deuteronomy 14:28-29 ~ 28 At The End Of Every Three Years You Must Bring All The Tithe Of Your Produce, In That Very Year, And You Must Store It Up In Your Villages. 29 Then The Levites (Because They Have No Allotment or Inheritance With You), The Resident Foreigners, The Orphans, And The Widows Of Your Villages May Come And Eat Their Fill So That Yahweh Your God May Bless You In All The Work You Do, (Sounds Exactly Like, Luke 6:38).  The Purpose Of The Tithe As Outlined Here Is Pretty Clearly To Take Care Of The Levites, (Those Devoted To The Ministry, The Foreigners, The Orphans, And The Widows, So That All May Have Food).  This Is Repeated At Deuteronomy 26:12.


“10% Is Just The Starting Point”

Malachi 3:9-10

Now, Can You See From The New Testament, That You Tithe Because You Want To, Not Because You Have To.   I Wouldn’t Go Any Other Way Than To “Tithe”, (And To Have “Offerings”).  The Tithe”, H6237 Means A Tenth, or Ten Percent.  The “Tithe” Is 10% And Can Never Increases In Percentage, (Deuteronomy 14:22), But I Can Expand My Sowing Into Yahweh’s Kingdom By My “Offerings”, By Giving To The Poor And Even To The Unbelieving And I’ll Show You That As We Go Along.

If You Really Want To Fight The Word On Tithing, I Might Go Along With You.  However, In The Old Testament, We Were Told Not To Commit Adultery, In The New Testament, It Goes Beyond Taking Another Man’s Wife And Says Anyone Who Stares At A Woman With Lust For Her Has Already Committed Adultery With Her In His Heart, (Matthew 5:28).  In The Old Testament, We Were Told Not To Murder.  In The New Testament, It Goes Beyond That And Says Whosoever Hates His Brother Is A Murderer, (1 John 3:15).

So, In Regards To The Tithe, The New Testament Way Of “Generous Grace Giving” Is The New Testament Standard, Which Seems To Capture The Heartbeat Of Both Deuteronomy 14:28-29 And Malachi 3:10.  Yahweh Is Generous And Wants Us To Be Generous Also.  So 10% Is Just The Starting Point, See The Part About R. G. LeTourneau Giving To Yahweh 90% Of His Income At The Bottom Of This Web Page, or Read About George Mueller, (Also Spelled George Müller), And How He Was Giving 86% On His Income To Yahweh.  Yahweh Loves A Cheerful Giver, But He Doesn’t Want You To Give Because Of Compulsion or Coercion~!

7 Let Each One [Give] As They Have Made Up Their Own Mind And Purposed In Their Heart, Not Reluctantly or Sorrowfully or Under Compulsion, For Yahweh Loves (He Takes Pleasure In, Prizes Above Other Things, And Is Unwilling To Abandon Or To Do Without) A Cheerful (Joyous, “Prompt To Do It”) Giver [Whose Heart Is In His Giving]. (2 Corinthians 9:7).

But, If You Want More Detailed Information, I Recommend This Website,
(To Tithe Or Not To Tithe) By Steven J. Cole.


“Seek First The Kingdom Of Yahweh And His Righteousness, And All These Things SHALL Be Added To Me”

Matthew 6:33

But, Wait, There’s More.

Okay, Same Thing In The New Testament, Look At Matthew 6:33 Tells Me That If I Seek First The Kingdom Of Yahweh And His Righteousness, And All These Things SHALL Be Added To Me.  Now, Hold That Thought And Take A Look At Haggai 1:2-9 Says ;

2 “Thus Speaks Yahweh Of Hosts , Saying: ‘This People Says, “The Time Has Not Come, The Time That Yahweh’s House Should Be Built”.’”
3 Then The Word Of Yahweh Came By Haggai The Prophet, Saying,
4Is It Time For You Yourselves To Dwell In Your Paneled Houses, And This Temple To Lie In Ruins?
5 Now Therefore, Thus Says Yahweh Of Hosts :, “Consider Your Ways~!
6You Have Sown Much, And Bring In Little; You Eat, But Do Not Have Enough; You Drink, But You Are Not Filled With Drink; You Clothe Yourselves, But No One Is Warm; And He Who Earns Wages, Earns Wages To Put Into A Bag With Holes”.
7 Thus Says Yahweh Of Hosts :, “Consider Your Ways~!
8 Go Up To The Mountains And Bring Wood And Build The Temple, That I May Take Pleasure In It And Be Glorified”, Says Yahweh.
9 “You Looked For Much, But Indeed It Came To Little; And When You Brought It Home, I Blew It Away. Why?” Says Yahweh Of Hosts, “Because Of My House That Is In Ruins, While Every One Of You Runs To His Own House”.


“Build Yahweh’s Kingdom First”

Proverbs 24:27

Yahweh Was Saying, You Have Nice Houses, But My House Has Not Even Started To Be Built.  Yahweh Was Saying Exactly The Same Thing As Matthew 6:33.  The People Were Sowing, But Reaping Was Not Automatic.  They Repented And Started Building Yahweh’s Temple First Before Building Their Homes And You Can Read In The Next Chapter In Haggai 2:1-23 That Yahweh Blessed Them Because They Put Yahweh First.  This Story Is Repeated When Elijah Told The Widow Woman To First Go Prepare A Cake For Him, And Then She Had Flour And Oil Miraculously, (1 Kings 17:9-16).

Did You Notice How Wealthy Job Ended Up Being, or Abraham, or King David or His Son Solomon.  Let’s Look At Just Solomon, He Was The Wealthiest Person Ever And Still Holds This Honor.  Yet, The Queen Of Sheba Felt Led To Bring Him More Wealth And Not Only Hers But The Ships Of Hiram Brought Timber And The Best Gold, (1 Kings 10:10-11).  Why Did They Want To Bring Solomon More Wealth, When He Was So Exceedingly Wealthy?  It Was Supernatural.  Like When All Those Fish Were Commanded To Get Into Peter’s Net, And So Much Fish That It Broke His Net, (Luke 5:6)~!  It Was Because Of The Promise That Yahweh Made To Solomon That He Would Be Wealthy.  Why Was That Promise Made?  Because The FIRST Act Of Solomon In His Reign Was To Build A House For Yahweh.  He Was Putting The Kingdom Of Yahweh First, And Then He Built His House, (Proverbs 24:27).

So, I Say All That To Say This..  Yahweh Told Me To Go To Work At Wal*Mart.  I Used To Work At Boeing, Earning More Money, And Then At Technical Support At Both Motorola And Intergraph.  But, Yahweh Told Me To Go To Work At Wal*Mart Where I Was Making $5.76 An Hour.  The Father Spoke And Said, “I Have Many Folks Asking Me To Give Them A Job At Boeing, But Not Many Asking Me For A Job At Wal*Mart”.  I Said, “Well, I Imagine That’s So, Because You Can’t Go Forward Working For $5.76 An Hour, And In Fact I’ll Go Backwards ”.  I Said, “Father, I Would Rather Go Where I Can Make The Big Bucks Again At Boeing, So That I Can Get Out Of Debt”.  Yahweh Said To Me, “Use Your Faith To Make Up The Difference”.  Umph, I Had Not Thought Of That Before.  So, I Replied, “I Can Do That”.


“The Hand Of Yahweh Trumps A Great Job With Great Benefits”

Whenever, I’d Go To Lunch And It Varied A Lot, As I Worked From 3 pm - 11 pm.  Despite My Varying Lunch Time, Whenever I Got To The Break Room, Within A Minute or Two, This Young Mixed Race Couple Would Come In Also.  Maybe We All Just Waited Until There Was A Lull In The Store Patrons.  Then I Would Have Daily Bible Studies With Them On My Lunch Hour.  I Ministered Daily At Wal*Mart To Them Every Day On My Lunch Break, And For A Season; I Was Essentially, Their Pastor As Not Many Folks, (Black or White) Might, Have Condoned Their Relationship To Them In The South.

Then My Wife And I Supernaturally Got A Larger House While I Was Working At Wal*Mart.  Then I Got Hired At An Audio-Video Sales Group, But The Evil That They Were Displaying On The TV Screens We Were Selling Was Weighing On Me. My Manager Called Me Into His Office and Asked If They Started Showing Harry Potter on The TV Screens How Would I React?  I Said, I Would Give My Two Weeks Notice and Leave. He Asked, "Seriously?", and I Said "Seriously’. That Night, I Said Father, If It’s Okay With You I’d Just As Soon Not Have To Work A Secular Job And Also Do Your Work, And I’d Prefer To Believe For The Whole Amount, So I Quit This Job At The Audio-Video Store To Go Into The Ministry Full Time. That Very Week They Started Showing Harry Potter. Not A Soul Called Me To Preach And I Was Led To Volunteer At A Church That Had Many Children’s And Youth Camps Working For Zero Pay For Four Years.  I Helped Built Cabins And Barns, And Was In Charge Of The Games For The Various Children and Teen Camps, and Responsible For Inmates As We Built The Various Buildings, And For Setting Up The Camp Fires, And Mopping The Kitchen Floors, And Emptying The Trash.


“Blessed To Be A Blessing~!”

I Had Felt Impressed To Stay In The Neighborhood That We Lived In And To Pray For The Safety Of Others In That Area.  It Was Not The Best Neighborhood.  I Heard The Lord Tell Me That The Best He Could Do With Others Was To Have Them Pray For This Area As They Drove Pass It On The 4-Way Adjoining That Area On Their Way To Work, But He Needed Someone With Feet On The Ground Living There Praying For It.  When I First Moved There Quite Often At Night, You Could Hear Gunfire At Night.  But, I Would Open My Front Door And Demand In A Loud Voice That The Gunfire Cease In Jesus’ Name And When I Did That Four More Shots Were Immediately Fired, And I Said In An Even louder Voice I Demand All Gunfire Stop In Jesus’ Name.  And It Stopped And It Stayed Calm For The Next 17 1/2 Years~!

For Twenty Years, I Had Believed For Our Mortgage On Our Home To Be Paid For And It Had Not.  We Had Prospered And Even Got A New Home Worth $200,000 Because My Wife’s Parents Said That They Were In Their Sunset Years And They Wanted To See Us Enjoy Their Inheritance Now While They Were Still Alive And Loaned Us $200,000 To Purchase A Home While I Obeying What The Lord Said To Work At Wal*Mart Making $5.76 An Hour, And Just Before This Time, I Felt A Release From The Holy Ghost, And Then We Learned That A 92 Year Old White Woman That Lived About A Quarter Of A Mile From Us In This Mostly Black Neighborhood Had Passed.  So, We Cleaned Up And Remodeled The Bathroom And Listed Our Old Home That We Paid $43,000 For And Within Three Days Had Three Offers.  We Didn’t Sell To The Highest Offer, Nor To The 2nd Highest Offer, But To The One The Heavenly Father Told Us To Sell To, And Our Realtor, Said That Was Remarkable As The Young Woman, A Manager At Chick-fil-A Said That She Had Some Of The Same Christian Books That We Had~!  We Were Blessed And That Rippled Effect Caused Her To Be Blessed Also~!


“You Can Increase Supernaturally”

So, We Were In Our New $200,000 Home And We Were Not Paying Interest, But Just Repaying My Wife’s Parents With A Monthly Loan.  And I Really Liked Worshipping There, As The Ceiling Reverberated or Echoed In The Living Room, So the Acoustics Were Totally Awesome~!

Then My Wife Told Me That We Had Been Given A Small Oil Well By Her Grandfather When He Passed.  We Had Had This Oil Well For Like 15 Years or Longer And That About Every Three Months, We’d Get Around $25 ~  Nothing To Write Home About.  But, This Was The First That I’d Heard About It.  I Asked Her Again, “Do We Really Have An Oil Well?”  She Said, “Yes”,   I Said, “Let Me Show You Something”, And I Opened The Scriptures To Isaiah 45:3 That Reads, “I WILL GIVE YOU The Treasures Of Darkness And Hidden Riches Of Secret Places, That You May Know That It Is I, Yahweh, The God Of Israel, Who Calls You By Your Name”, (AMPC).

If I Have A Gift From The Lord, It Is The Gift Of Gullibility.  If Someone Tells Me Something, I Mostly Believe It’s True, But If Yahweh Shows Me Something In His Word, I’m All In And Believe It With All My Heart, And Yahweh Had Shown This Scripture Before.  I Said To My Wife… Oil Would Qualify As Treasures Of Darkness And Hidden Riches Of Secret Places.  So, I Started Right Then Speaking Out Loud To That Oil Well And Told It To Do As The Scripture Commanded.  (And The Angels, The Ministering Spirits Respond To The Voice Of Yahweh’s Word, Hebrews 1:14-Hebrews 2:4; Psalm 103:20-21), That I Was Speaking, Over That Oil Well ~ And Don’t You Know That Oil Well Suddenly Jumped Up In Production Of Oil, {And I Am Not Making This Up}, Paid Our House Payments Completely While I Worked Voluntarily For This Church Children’s Camp.  We Were Getting Oil Checks Each Month Of $795.00 A Month Which Paid Our House Payment, {But, Not Before I Mixed Faith With The Word, (Hebrews 4:2)}.  But Then I Started Believing For Us To Be Out Of Debt With Our House.  I Got Serious… I Had Been Believing That Our Home Was Paid For, And This Was Close, (Having An Oil Well Pay For House Payment Interest Free)… But Not Good Enough.


“Dance That Money In~!”

While I Worked, Mostly Alone At The Church Camp, I Would Go Home At Lunch or Take The Day Off And I Would Dance In My Home In Private To Stan Pody’s, “Money, Money Cometh” About 12-14 Times A Day Until I Could See Myself As, “My House Is Paid For

You Can’t Just Name-It ~ Claim-It As That Doesn’t Work.  You See, It Has To Be In Your Heart Also~!

My House Is Paid For”.  Faith For Anything ALL Works The Same Way.  We, “Confess With Our Mouth ” …, “Believe In Our Heart”, (Romans 10:9-10).

Mark 11:23 Puts It This Way:

Faith Speaks, (Romans 10:6), As Mark 11:23 States, “For Assuredly, I Say To You,* Whoever SAYS To This Mountain, ‘Be Removed And Be Cast Into The Sea,’ And Does Not Doubt InTheir Heart ,** But Believes That Those Things You SAY Will Be Done, “You Will Have What You Say~! ~ *{THIS IS YAHOSHUA SPEAKING~! ~ The Head Of The Church~!}.  ** That Means For Faith To Work It Has To Be In Your Heart Also, (“For Out Of The Abundance Of The Heart Their Mouth Speaks”, Matthew 12:34-35; Luke 6:45).

Then When You Declare It, Then It Will Come About As The Angels Have Some Faith To Work With.  So, I Would Go Home Every Day And Play Money, Money Cometh” by Stan Pody Over And Over And Over And Over And Over Until I Got It In My Heart, (The Lyrics Are Supported By The Scriptures At:

Deuteronomy 8:18; 2 Chronicles 26:5;
Psalm 112:3; Psalm 35:27; Psalm 84:11;
Psalm 118:25; Isaiah 45:3;
2 Corinthians 8:9; 2 Corinthians 9:8

… And More Places In The Scriptures).  Right-Click On “Money, Money Cometh” And Select Save Target As.  I Implore You To Listen To It Also To Establish Your Heart, (For Out Of The Abundance Of The Heart The Mouth Speaks).

….Within A Two Week Period Of Me Getting Serious With Dancing, About That Time My Wife’s Parents Sold Their Timber Off Their Land And My Wife’s Brother Was So Inspired By This That He Sold The Timber Off Of His Land And They Gave Us The Profits That They Had Made Off Of Selling Their Timber, And Boom ~ In One Day Our House Was Paid Off And We Were Out Of Debt~!


“Getting Closer To Debt Freedom~!”

A Short While Later, We Came Completely Out Of Debt With Credit Cards, Then Fell Back In Debt, Then Back Out.  We Were Beginners In Getting Out Of Debt.  Can We Really Seek First The Kingdom Of Yahweh And Not Have All These Things Added To Us?  Then Apparently, We Are Seeking Our Stuff First.  But, I Was Seeking First The Kingdom Of Yahweh, And I Took Care Of Yahweh’s Business First By Building Cabins So That Future Boys And Girls Could Come To Know Christ At A Christian Camp And Then Yahweh Took Care Of Our Business~!

I Am Blessed By The Best And He’s Taking Care Of The Rest~! (1 Peter 5:7). And We Came Miraculously Out Of Debt, (Matthew 6:33).  The Same Principal Will Work For You; Take Care Of Yahweh’s Business First And Then Yahweh Will Take Care Of Your Business~!

How Does A Person Get A Large House With An Income Of $5.76 An Hour, And Pay Off The House Completely With No Income?  Yahweh Talked To Me Later On, And Asked, “Do You Think I Made Up The Difference Okay?” ~ “I’ll Say So”, Magnificently, Even More Than If I’d Gotten A Job At Boeing Instead Of Wal*Mart.  This Was Supernatural~!  This Same Thing Can And Will Happen To You~!  Read On To Be Filled With Faith, Yahweh Is My Shepherd; I SHALL Not Want, (or Be In Want or Need Of Anything That I Need As All My Needs Are Met In Yahoshua Ha Mashiach, (Psalm 23:1; Philippians 4:19).

One Last Thing On Coming Out Of Debt.  I Think I Got This From Ron Blue, (Christian Financial Advisor), Take All Your Bills And Find The Smallest One.  Pay It Off First.  Then Apply The Same Amount That You Were Paying On That Bill To The Next Smallest Bill, (Which Is Now The Smallest).  Keep Doing This And Believe For Supernatural Jubilee Debt Cancellation, (Deuteronomy 15:1), And Witty Ideas, Concepts And Inventions.  (Proverbs 8:12), And Unexpected Surpluses, (Joshua 19:9) And Miracles, (2 Kings 6:1-7).


“I Am Blessed By The Best And He’s Taking Care Of The Rest~!”

It Was During This Time, While I Had No Salary, (My Wife Did Have Her Job), That We Never Lacked Even For Gas So That I Could Go To Work. , (Once I Borrowed Money For Gas To Take A Young Couple Home So That I Wouldn’t Run Out On The Highway And When I Got To My Van, I Miraculously Had A Quarter Of A Tank Of Gas… So, I Gave The Money Back To My Pastor).  In Fact, We Prospered And Bought Things For Others.  But, More Than That, It Was During This Time That I Had No Income That Our House Was Supernaturally Paid Off, And My Debts Were Cancelled.  A Short While Later, We Came Completely Out Of Debt, Then Fell Back In Debt.  We Were Beginners In Getting Out Of Debt.  Can We Really Seek First The Kingdom Of Yahweh And Not Have All These Things Added To Us.  Then Apparently, We Are Seeking Our Stuff First.  But, I Was Seeking First The Kingdom Of Yahweh, And I Took Care Of Yahweh’s Business First And Then Yahweh Took Care Of Our Business~!  I Am Blessed By The Best And He’s Taking Care Of The Rest~! (1 Peter 5:7). And We Came Miraculously Out Of Debt, (Matthew 6:33).  The Same Principal Will Work For You; Take Care Of Yahweh’s Business First And Then Yahweh Will Take Care Of Your Business~!

How Does A Person Get A Large House With An Income Of $5.76 An Hour, And Pay Off The House Completely With No Income?  Yahweh Talked To Me Later On, And Asked, “Do You Think I Made Up The Difference Okay?” ~ “I’ll Say So”, Magnificently Even More Than If I’d Gotten A Job At Boeing.  This Was Supernatural.  This Same Thing Can And Will Happen To You.  Read On To Be Filled With Faith, Yahweh Is My Shepherd; I SHALL Not Want, (or Be In Want or Need Of Anything That I Need As All My Needs Are Met In Yahoshua Ha Mashiach, (Psalm 23:1; Philippians 4:19).

One Last Thing On Coming Out Of Debt.  I Think I Got This From Ron Blue, (Christian Financial Advisor), Take All Your Bills And Find The Smallest One.  Pay It Off First.  Then Apply The Same Amount That You Were Paying On That Bill To The Next Smallest Bill, (Which Is Now The Smallest).  Keep Doing This And Believe For Supernatural Jubilee Debt Cancellation, (Deuteronomy 15:1), And Witty Ideas, Concepts And Inventions.  (Proverbs 8:12), And Unexpected Surpluses, (Joshua 19:9) And Miracles, (2 Kings 6:1-7).

“I Am Rich”

{“Yahweh Is My Shepherd: I SHALL Lack Nothing”}, (Psalm 23:1)}

For You Know The Grace Of Our Lord Jesus Christ, That Being Rich He Became Poor, For Your Sakes; That Through His Poverty You Might Be Rich, (2 Corinthians 8:9 ).

Various Translations Show This To Read, You Might Be Rich”, “You Might Become Rich”, “In Order To Make You Rich”, “You Might Grow Rich”, “You Might Be Enriched”, “You Might Become Enriched, (Abundantly Supplied)”, “Make You Rich”, “You Might Have Wealth”, “You Can Become Rich”, “You… … Should Be Rich”, “You Could Become Rich”, “May Become Rich”, “You… …Might Be Enriched”, “You Might Be Made Rich”.

Normally, One Of The Most Accurate And Easy To Comprehend Translation To Me Is The “An Understandable Version (AUV–NT)” (1994), And Even There, They Have To Add In Their Opinion, {In Gray}, “You People Could Become [Spiritually] Rich”, Should Read, “You People Could Become Rich”.  [This Guy (William Paul), Was From A Traditional Church, But Oftentimes, I Find Him To Be The Most Spot-On With The Greek, And If Only He Didn’t Add In His Two-Cents, Which This Translation Is Chock Full Of, {Like They Were Hearing Yahweh, And Then Filtering It Through Their Denominational “Tradition Of Folks” Point of View, (Matthew 15:6; Mark 7:8-9, 13; Colossians 2:8)}].

The King James Version Says That, “You Might Be Made Rich”.  The Use Of The Word, Might, Is Like The Word “Surely” In Psalm 91:3.  This Is Like Saying I Put Aside Money So That My Child Might Go To College, (But What If They Decide That They Don’t Want To Go).  The Money Is EarMarked To Pay For Their Tuition, But It’s A “No-Go” On Their Part.  The Word Might Is Not Like Saying It Might or Might Not Happen.  This Word Used Here Is A “Sure Thing”, But The “Tentative” Part Of This Equation Is Contingent On “Whether We Believe It”.  If You Believe This Word, Then You Will Be Made Rich, If You Don’t, Then You Won’t~!

However, The Fact Is That It Is Conditional On Our Part, (The Hebrews Folks Heard The Word Of Yahweh, But Did Not Mix Faith With It, So The Word Which They Heard Did Not Profit Them, Hebrews 4:2)~! ~ It’s Like I Take Some Sheet Metal, Plastics And Fabrics, That It ‘Might’ Be Made A Cadillac’.  The Cadillac CTS-V Is The Fastest Cadillac With A Backseat.  It Can Reach Up To 191 mph And Get From 0-60 In 3.9 Seconds.  Not Bad For A Sedan~!  Well, This Is Not a, ‘Yugo’, (Nor an ‘AMC Gremlin’).  If You Come Driving Up In A Cadillac CTS-V, I’m Not Going To Say, That’s A Nice, ‘Yugo’~!  ‘The Fabrication Of Materials Used In Building It That It ‘Might’ Be ‘Made’ A Cadillac’…‘It Was Assembled To Be A Cadillac’, ‘It Is A Cadillac’. “You Might Be Made Rich”.  Then, We’re Rich, If We Mix Faith With The Word That We Have Heard”, (Hebrews 4:2)~!


“That You Might Be Made Rich

{“You Will Be Made Rich In Everything So You Can Be Generous In Every Way”}

Whenever There Is A Seemingly Contradiction, or The Meaning Is Vague, Most Importantly, I Check Out The Hebrew or Greek For Myself, And Then I Compare Other Translations, But I Also Go To See How The Same Author Translated That Same Word or A Derivative Of That Word Elsewhere, (This Can Be Very Revealing), And Look What Mr. William Paul Said At 2 Corinthians 9:11, (AUV-NT), “You Will Be Made Rich In Everything, So That You Can Be Generous In Every Way”.  This Will Result In People Thanking Yahweh [For What You Have Done] Through Us.

I Give ALL My Supporting Facts Below.  But The Bottom Line Is That, ”You Might Be Made Rich”.  You May Have A Car So That You, Might, Not Have To Walk.  However, You Can Still Walk ~ And You Can Still Be Poor~!  It’s Up To You If You Believe And Mix Some Faith With The Word.  So, 2 Corinthians 8:9 Is An Exchange Program, And It Goes Along With The Other Scriptures Like 2 Corinthians 9:11 And 3 John 1:2, {Beloved, I Pray That You May Prosper In ALL Things And Be In Health, Just As Your Soul Prospers}.  Enter Here To See Some Of The Verses About Prospering, (2 Corinthians 8:9; 2 Corinthians 9:8; 2 Corinthians 9:11; 3 John 1:2).

Go Back To The Exchange Concept.  Look At The Scripture Verses Where An Exchange Was Made.

Isaiah 53:5 ~ “But He Was Wounded For Our Transgressions, He Was Bruised For Our Iniquities; The Chastisement For Our Peace Was Upon Him, And By His Stripes We Are Healed~!” {He Got Our Transgressions, Iniquities And Chastisement, And We Get Peace And Being Healed~!}

1 Samuel 17:45
And All This Assembly Shall Know That Yahweh Saves Not With Sword And Spear: For The Battle Is Yahweh’s, And He Will Give You Into Our Hands,

2 Chronicles 20:15
And He Said, “Listen, All Judah, And You Inhabitants Of Jerusalem, And You King Jehoshaphat. Yahweh Says To You, ‘Don’t Be Afraid, Neither Be Dismayed By Reason Of This Great Multitude; For The Battle Is Not Yours, But Yahweh’s.

The Battle Is Yahweh’s, (2 Chronicles 32:7-8), {But He Shares The Victory With Us~! “…And He Will Give You Into Our Hands(1 Samuel 17:45)} ~ (1 Samuel 17:47; 2 Chronicles 20:15; 1 Corinthians 15:57; 2 Corinthians 2:14); And Yahweh Will Fight For Us ~ Deuteronomy 1:30; 3:22; 20:4; Joshua 10:42; 23:3, 10; 2 Chronicles 20:29; 32:8; Psalm 35:1; Zechariah 14:3; Revelation 19:11-21).

Proverbs 16:2, 7, 17, 25
2 All The Ways Of A Person Are Clean In Their Own Eyes; But Yahweh Weighs The Motives.
7 When A Person’s Ways Please Yahweh, They Makes Even Their Enemies To Be At Peace With Them.
17 The Highway Of The Upright Is To Depart From Evil.  He Who Keeps His Way Preserves His Soul.
25 There Is A Way Which Seems Right To A Person, But In The End It Leads To Death.

1 Corinthians 15:57; 2 Corinthians 2:14 ~ {An Exchange; He Fights The Battle, But We Get The Victory}.

2 Corinthians 5:21 ~ “For He Made Him Who Knew No Sin To Be Sin For Us, That We Might Become The Righteousness Of Yahweh In Him”.
{He Took Our Sin And Became Our Substitute, We Took His Righteousness}.

2 Corinthians 8:9 ~ “For You Know The Grace Of Our Lord Jesus Christ, That Being Rich He Became Poor, For Your Sakes; That Through His Poverty You Might Be Rich”. {He Became Poor So That We Might Be Rich}.

1 Corinthians 15:22 ~ “For As In Adam All Die, Even So In Christ SHALL All Be Made Alive,
{He Endured Death So That We Might Be Made Alive}”.

Isaiah 53:5; Matthew 8:17; 1 Peter 2:24 ~ Himself Bore My Sickness And Disease And By His Stripes I Am Healed”.

Enter Here To See That The Cross Set Us Completely Free From The Curse.


“You’re The Judge”

{It Is Finished}

I’ve Found That If The Scriptures Say That, I Am Healed, Then, I Am Healed.  If I Say, I’ve Got…’, And Add Something Other Than What The Scriptures Said About Me, Then I Just Forfeited The Healing That Was Appropriated To Me With My Mouth And Unbelief, (Hebrews 4:1-14).  But, When I Quit Begging For Healing And Say, “I Am Healed” Based On The Word Of Yahweh And Name Chapter and Verse, Whether It Looks Like It or Not.  Then Healing Manifests Itself Right Away.  This Principal Of Faith Works The Same Way No Matter What You’re Believing For, (Health, Things ~ Mark 11:23 ~ But Believes That Those Things You SAY Will Be Done, “You Will Have What You Say~!).

It’s Like You’re In A CourtRoom, And You’re The Judge, And The Accuser Of The Sisters And Brothers Is Saying, “He Doesn’t Deserve This Because He Did Such And Such”.  The Prosecuting Attorney, The One Accusing And Persecuting You Is On One Side Arguing His Case, (And Some Of His Points Seems Valid).  Maybe Our Adversary Says, “But, The Doctor Said It’s …”.  So, You Did Do Such And Such.  Maybe, You Smoked, And Perhaps The Doctor Did Say It Was Cancer.

Then On The Other Side Of The Court Room Is Yahoshua, Our Public Defender, (And The Holy Ghost Who Is Our Counselor), And His Points Seem To Make Sense Also.  Our Advocate And Defender That Pleads Our Case Says, “I Covered That, I Died For That”.  They Can’t Both Be Right. One Of Those Two Is Lying. But, “I Have”… (The Facts Might Indicate That You Do Indeed , “Have”… Such-n-Such; But The Facts Will Only Make The Problem Grow Worse. It Is Only By The “Truth” That Will Set You Free). The Truth Is Contained In Yahweh’s Written Word, That Says, “By His Stripes, You ARE Healed”, Not Going To Be Healed One Day, Some Day At Some Nameless Date, But You Are Already Healed NOW~!  They Both Can’t Be Right.  One Of Those Two Is Lying.  You As A Judge Can Hear Both Sides Of The Argument.  But Whoever You Side With, Will Win The Case~!

Whose Report Are You Going To Believe?  I’m Free.  I’m Innocent.  And Yes, The Doctor Did Say That, “I Have Whatever”, *(The Only Thing That You Actually Have “Is By His Stripes, You Were Healed”).  However; Psalm 103:2-3 Instructs Me To 2 Forget Not All His Benefits: 3 Who Forgives ALL Our Iniquities, Who Heals All Our Diseases; And Isaiah 53:5, Matthew 8:17; 1 Peter 2:24 Says That, “By His Stripes, I Am Healed”~!  Psalm 112:7 ~ Says, “They Will Not Be Afraid Of Evil Tidings; Their Heart Is Steadfast, Trusting In Yahweh”.

Perhaps, You Did Such-n-Such, {Like Smoking That May Have Contributed To Lung Cancer or Emphysema; or By Drinking To Cirrhosis Of The Liver or Overeating Leading to Diabetes; Repent and Start Confessing That You Are Delivered of Whatever Non-Productive Habits That You Had Been Doing}.  And You May Think That You Made Your Own Bed; So You Got To “Lie” In It, And That Is Just A “Lie”.  If You Are One Of Those Folks Check Out Psalm 107:17-21 Below.  Yahweh Says Right Here That Even If You Have Made Mistakes That Have Impaired Your Health To The Point Where You Are Knocking At Death’s Door; That He Sent His Word And Delivers You From Death’s Doorstep.

Psalm 107:17-21 (NLT/AMPC/WEB)
17 Some Are Fools [Made Ill] Because Of The Way Of Their Rebellious Transgressions And Are Afflicted Because Of Their Sins, {Iniquities}.
Verse 17, (Multiple Translations);
18 They Couldn’t Stand The Thought Of Food, And They Draw Near To The Gates Of Death, {They Were Knocking On Death’s Door}.
19 Then They Cry To Yahweh In Their Trouble, And He Delivers Them Out Of Their Distresses.
20 He Sent Out His Word And Healed’ Them Snatching Them From The Door Of DeathVerse 20, (Multiple Translations);
21 Oh, That Folks Would Praise [And Confess To] Yahweh For His Goodness And Loving-Kindness And His Wonderful Works To The Children Of Human Beings~!

He Sent Out His Word And Healed Them, And “Delivered Them From The Grave” or “Delivered Them From Their Graves”, “Delivered Them From Their Destruction”.  The NLT Reads, “Snatching Them From The Door Of Death; The Amplified Bible Classic Edition Reads, “The Pit And Destruction” ~ (Psalm 107:20).  This Is Reiterated In Psalm 68:20 ~ God Is To Us A God Of Deliverance. To Yahweh, The Lord, Belongs Escape From Death.

But Deserve It or Not, Yahoshua Paid The Price For That Sin.  1 Corinthians 6:20 ~ For You Were Bought With A Price.  For Me To Still Feel That I Deserve To Be Punished For A Crime That Was Already Paid For, or To Believe I’m Broke When The Scriptures Says That I’m Rich. or To Believe What The Doctor’s Say Over The Word Of Yahweh, Is To Trample UnderFoot The Finished Work Of The Cross, (*Hebrews 10:26-31). Yahoshua Said, “It Is Finished”, (John 19:30).

Tetelestai Was A Greek Word That Was Used In A Business Context On Ancient Receipts In The New Testament Bible Times,
To Indicate That A Literal Debt Had Been Paid In Full~!
And In A Judicial Context In Court ~ A Particular Sentence Had Been Fully Served~!
And In A Military Context Meaning That A Battle Has Been Won~! Like Triumph And Victory~!

Your Debt Of Sin Is Fully Paid, The Judgment For Your Sin Has Been Fully Served~! And The Spiritual War Against Death, Debt, Sin And Satan Has Been Completely Won~!  In Christ The Work Of Salvation, Healing, Victory, Reconciliation And New Life Is Fully Yours~!  It Is Finished~!

For If We Go On Deliberately And Willingly Sinning After Once Acquiring The Knowledge Of The Truth… Means That If Yahweh Says, “By His Stripes, I Am Healed”, And You Say Something Else; Then You’re In Sin And, You’re Sinning With The Both The “Taking A Thought Captive,” And With ”The Saying Part Words Of Your Mouth”.  And There Is No One That Can Help You, (Unless You Repent Before It’s Over).

You, The Judge Have Heard ALL The Evidence And Now It Is Time For You To Make A Decision, (A Judgment), That Stands.  What Is The Immeasurable Greatness Of His Power Toward Us Who Believe, (Ephesians 1:19). According To The Power At Work Within Us, (Ephesians 3:20).  We’re The Ones That Decide How Much We Should Be Blessed~!

Deuteronomy 30:11-15, 19 ~ 14 But The Word Is Very Near You.  It Is In Your Mouth And In Your Heart, So That You Can Do It. 15 See, I Have Set Before You Today Life And Good, Death And Evil.  19 {This Day I Call The Heavens And The Earth As Witnesses Against You That I Have Set Before You Life And Death, Blessings And Curses. Now Choose Life, So That You And Your Children* May Live, (Deuteronomy 30:11-15, 19; Romans 10:6-10). *Psalm 78:6.  The Ball Is In Your Court~!  You Decide~!

By His Stripes, I WAS Healed”, (1 Peter 2:24,) or, “I Have… Whatever”.
The Ball Is In Your Court~!  You Choose ~ [Hint: Choose Life]}.

However, We Have A Helper, An Advocate, (Enter Here To Read More).

Read Hebrews 4:14 In Context To Verify That This Whole Chapter, (Hebrews 4:1-16), Is Leading Up To And Talking About What You Say With Your Mouth. “Seeing Then That We Have A Great High Priest Who Has Passed Through The Heavens, Jesus The Son Of God, Let US Hold Fast Our Confession”.


“Yahoshua Is The High Priest Of Our Confession”

{“What We Say Matters”}

To Read What To Do When The Doctor’s Say, “We’ve Done All That We Can Do”, {Enter Here}, Then Come Back To Here, {Use Alt-Tab To Navigate}.  To Read More About What You Say And Its Creative Power To Shape Your Destiny, {Enter Here}.

For If We Go On Deliberately And Willingly Sinning After Once Acquiring The Knowledge Of The Truth… Means That If Yahweh Says, “By His Stripes, I Am Healed”, And You Say Something Else; Then You’re In Sin And, You’re Sinning With The Both The “Taking A Thought Captive”, And With ”The Saying Part”, And There Is No One That Can Help You, (Unless You Repent Before It’s Over).

Who Satisfies Your Mouth With Good Things, So That Your Youth Is Renewed Like The Eagle’s.  Therefore, Holy Brothers, Partakers Of A Heavenly Calling, Consider The Apostle And High Priest Of Our Confession, Yahoshua;
Having Then A Great High Priest, Who Has Passed Through The Heavens, Yahoshua, The Son Of Yahweh, Let Us Hold Tightly To Our Confession ~ Like Barnacles On The Bottom Of A Bottom.  Holding Fast To Our Confession Is Not A Passive Thing, But It Is An Action That We Take In Faith~!
If We Confess Our Sins, He Is Faithful And Just To Forgive Us Our Sins And To Cleanse Us From ALL Unrighteousness.
If Anyone Among You Thinks He Is Religious, And Does Not Bridle His Tongue But Deceives His Own Heart, This One’s Religion Is Useless, (Psalm 103:5 *; Hebrews 3:1; Hebrews 4:14; 1 John 1:9; James 1:26).

* The King James Translates This Word As Mouth, And The Mouth Is The Origin Of Where Things In The Spirit Start~!

Have You Confessed Your Sins?  Is He Faithful And Just To Forgive Us Our Sins And To Cleanse Us From ALL Unrighteousness?  Are You Righteous?  If You Say No, Then Go Read 1 John 1:9 From Above Again And Again Until You Can See That You Did Your Part, And He Will Do His Part.


“I Do Not Trust In Uncertain Riches, But I Trust In The Living God, {Yahweh}, Who Gives Us Richly ALL Things To Enjoy~!”
(1 Timothy 6:17)

{“For As A Person Thinks In Their Heart, So They Are”, (Proverbs 23:7)}.

So, In The Same Way, Since You Were Made Rich, Then ‘You Are Not Poor.  What Would You Do If You Were Rich?  Would You Say, “I Can’t Afford That”.  Would You Say, “We Have To Budget Our Money Because We Have Our House Payment”.  Or, “We Only Have So Much Money Allotted In Our Budget To Buy Gas For Our Vehicles, And We Can’t Afford To Put Gas In Yours”.  Or Would You Say, “We Live On A Fixed Income?”

If I Asked You If You Were Out Of Debt, Would You Respond, “Except For Our House, And Car And Some Credit”, or Would You Say, “My House Is Paid For, We Are Out Of Debt”.  If You Owe Money, I Know That Might Sound Like A Lie.  However, The Deception Is That You Believing That You Have Debt, When The Scriptures Say That, “You’re Rich~!

If You Buy A Neighborhood Child A Popsicle From The Ice Cream Truck, And They Turn To Their Friends And Proclaim That You Are Rich, (Would You Cower And Say, “No, I’m Not Rich”, Concerned That They ALL Will Want You To Pay For Theirs, or Would You Tilt Your Head And Say, “That’s Me~!”; And Then Get Out Your Wallet?  You Want To Be A Constant River, With Some Water Coming In From On High and Some Water Flowing Out Of You, {Water Tends To Run Down The Mountain Into the Valley Below and 3-4 Days After A Rainfall, I’ve Seen Creek Banks Overflow}.  You Don’t Want To Be A Mud Puddle Where The Water Becomes Stagnant and Mosquitoes Bred.  Of Course, You Should Be Led By The Holy Ghost, And It’s Alright To Say, “No”, But Still Maintain That You Are Who You Are Being Rich).  {Read Further On This Website Where Your Generosity Gets Others To Praise Yahweh}.

I May Not Be Making This Clear.  I’ll Say It This Way.  If You’re Rich, Then Would You Have Any Debt At ALL?  If You Do, It’s Because You’re Thinking Like It’s Better To Use Other People’s Money.  I Wouldn’t Follow or Recommend This Advice, As “The Blessing Of Yahweh Makes One Rich And He Adds No Sorrow With It”, (Proverbs 10:22), And The Rich Rules Over The Poor.  The Borrower Is Subject To The Lender, (Proverbs 22:7), And That’s Sorrow}.

You Can’t Be Rich And Be In Debt At The Same Time.  {Enter Here To Read More On Having What You Say, [Hwys]}.  Note, I Have Used Credit Cards To Buy Stuff I Would Normally Buy In One Month, [Like The Tithe, Groceries, Gas, TV / Internet Services, Amazon or eBay Purchases], That I Pay For At The End Of The Month If Not That Very Day, And Then I Get All The Skymiles And The Advantage Miles And Then Used These Miles To Fly To Places, (I Know, I’m Part Of The JetSet Crowd, Then So What, I’m Rich).  Don’t Buy Things On Credit That You Don’t Have Money To Pay Off Right When You Buy Them.


I Am Rich In This Present World

Or Suppose You Were Attending A Convention And A Sign Near A Banquet Hall Said, “Charge Those Who Are Rich In This Present World That They Not Be Haughty, Nor Have Their Hope Set On The Uncertainty Of Riches, But On The Living God, Who Richly Provides Us With Everything To Enjoy” ~ 1 Timothy 6:17.  Would You Say, “Wait A Minute, I Should Write That Down, Because That Verse Is Talking To Me, I Better Make A Watch To See To It That I Am Not Haughty, For ‘I Am Rich In This Present World”, {“For As A Person Thinks In Their Heart, So They Are”, (Proverbs 23:7)}.  As Mark 10:29-30 Says, “Who Will Not Receive A Hundred Times As Much Now In This Time—Houses And Sisters And Brothers And Mothers And Children And Lands, With Persecutions—And In The Age To Come, Eternal Life”.  Did That Really Say, Who Richly Provides Us With Everything To Enjoy’? Yes, It Did~!

Read Again, “Who Richly Provides Us With Everything To Enjoy~!”  You May Look At This and Smirk, and Think, Right?  “Who Gives Us Richly All Things To Enjoy~!”  Sure, Then Why Don’t I Have it?  Well, That’s Not The Way Faith Works.

Have You Ever Read Luke 6:38?
38Give, And It Will Be Given To You: Good Measure, Pressed Down, Shaken Together, And Running Over,  Will Be Given To You.  For With The Same Measure You Measure It Will Be Measured Back To You”.  Which Comes First, “And It Will Be Given To You” or “Give?”  You Give First, {by Faith}, and Then “It Will Be Given To You”.  The Reason That You’re Not Experiencing “Who Gives Us Richly All Things To Enjoy~!” …Is Because You’re Waiting For It To Happen Before You Believe It.  If You Believe It, Despite What Your Eyes Can See, Then It Will Start To Happen~!

But, Look At The Very Next Verse Of Scripture, 1 Timothy 6:18. Instructs Us To Be Generous, (The Scriptures Teaches That Yahweh, Who Richly Has Supplied Us With All Good Things, Wants Us, “To Be Generous And Ready To Share”, “Ready To Distribute”), {Does This Remind You Of When Yahoshua Gave The Food To Disciples, And THEY, {The Disciples, Not Yahoshua}, Distributed It To The Masses ~ (Luke 9:16)}.  What If The Disciples Decided Not To Share?  Compare This To (Deuteronomy 8:18),But You SHALL Remember Yahweh Your God, For It Is He Who Gives You Power To Get Wealth; That He May Establish His Covenant Which He Swore To Your Fathers, As At This Day”.

Here’s The Bottom Line Of Thought.  You Can’t Be Rich And At The Same Time Be Poor.  You Are Out Of Debt.  You Have To Be, {If You’ll Mix Faith With The Word Of Yahweh, (Hebrews 4:2)}~!  If You Were Made Rich, Then You Are Rich.  {“Rich” Means, “Rich” ~“Wealthy”}.  If You Are Rich, Then You Can’t Still Be In Debt.  That Doesn’t Match 2 Corinthians 9:8, (This Is Not A Coincidence To Me That The Scripture Verse References Are The Inverse Order Of 2 Corinthians 8:9).  Your House Is Paid For.  Yahweh Gives Seed To The Sower, (2 Corinthians 9:10).

Now, It’s Not Our Part To Make The Finances, (Yahweh Is The Supplier / Provider).  It Is Our Part To Believe Psalm 118:25 ~ “Save Now, We BeSeech You, O Yahweh; Send Now Prosperity, O Yahweh, We BeSeech You, And Give To Us Success~!”  Bring In The Money In By Faith.  We Are Not Called To Be Suppliers or Healers, But We Are Called To Be Believers~!  (Mark 11:24; James 5:15).


“Will Supply And Multiply Your Seed For Sowing

{“Furnished In Abundance For Every Good Work And Charitable Donation”}

One Thing That Is Similar To The Phrase, “Might Be Rich”, Is The Excerpt, “Yahweh Is Able”, Found In 2 Corinthians 9:8, Like The Misinterpreted Phrase, “If It’s Yahweh’s Will”; As If Yahweh May Be Able, But Is He Willing?  In Other Words, Is It Yahweh’s Will?  Always Check With The Holy Ghost Before You Do Anything, And Especially In Giving.  Generally, The First Beggar Asking For Alms Is The Wrong Person Who Wants To Use The Money For Buying Booze, And Then When You Meet The Real Mother Trying To Feed Her Children, d-Evil One May Have Fooled You Into Giving Early And You Have Nothing Left.  Keep This In Your Mind And See If The Person Begging Meets This Criteria.  Furnished In Abundance For Every Good Work And Charitable Donation.  But, Make No Mistake, It Is Yahweh’s Will To Give, “For God So Loved The World That He Gave His Only Son…

I Like The More Expanded View That The Amplified Bible Classic Edition Provides:

2 Corinthians 9:8 ~

8 And God Is Able To Make All Grace (Every Favor And Earthly Blessing) Come To You In Abundance, So That You May Always And Under All Circumstances And Whatever The Need Be Self-Sufficient [Possessing Enough To Require No Aid or Support And Furnished In Abundance For Every Good Work And Charitable Donation].

But In The Same Chapter Of 2 Corinthians 9, Just The Very Next Verses Down At Verses 2 Corinthians 9:9-12, It Clarifies This Wording, By Saying, “They Have Distributed Freely, They Have Given To The Poor”, “Bread For Food”, “Multiply Your Seed For Sowing”, “Generous In Every Way”, “Supplying The Needs Of The Saints”.  Even In The Same Verse It Clarifies Itself By Stating, “Furnished In Abundance For Every Good Work And Charitable Donation”.  Ask Yourself, “Is It A Good Work?”  Giving Your Money To Someone So That They Can Buy Booze or Drugs Probably Doesn’t Qualify As A Good Work.

9 As It Is Written, “They Have Distributed Freely, They Have Given To The Poor; His Righteousness Endures Forever”.
10 He Who Supplies Seed To The Sower And Bread For Food Will Supply And Multiply Your Seed For Sowing And Increase The Harvest Of Your Righteousness.
11 You Will Be Enriched In Every Way To Be Generous In Every Way, Which Through Us Will Produce Thanksgiving To Yahweh.
For The Ministry Of This Service Is Not Only Supplying The Needs Of The Saints But Is Also Overflowing In Many Thanksgivings To Yahweh.

Pay Attention To Every Word… 1 Samuel 21-41

Seed To The Sower” ~ Not Seed To The Taker~!  And “Multiply Your Seed For Sowing” ~ Not Multiply Your Seed For Hording Or To Spend It On Yourself, [As Our Needs Are Already Met, {If You’ll Mix Faith With The Word}… “And My God WILL SUPPLY ALL Our Needs According To His Riches In Glory In Christ Jesus, {Yahoshua Ha Mashiach”}, (Philippians 4:19)].  And When We Give How Often Have You Heard The Recipient Say, “Praise God” or “Thank-You Jesus”…Just As The Scriptures Said That They Would ~ Will Produce Thanksgiving To Yahweh” ~ “Also Overflowing In Many Thanksgivings To Yahweh”.

As Yahweh Gives Seed To The Sower, You Are Part Of Our Heavenly Father’s Heart And Plan To Bless Folks When You Give.  Consider Carrying Extra Cash With You Just For Sowing, Like Four $5 Bills, *{or Four $10’s, or Four or Five $20’s Just For The Purpose Of Giving To Someone You Spot That Needs A Helping Hand.  Like The Person Ahead Of You In A Check-Out Line That Asks The Cashier To Put Something Back or They Are Searching Through Their Change Purse, Both Are Indicators That They Need To Be Blessed.  Galatians 6:10 Says, “So Then, As We Have Opportunity, Let Us Do Good To Everyone, And Especially To Those Who Are Of The Household Of Faith”.  But, Let Us Not Neglect The First Part, To Do Good To Everyone~!


Our Generosity Entreats Them To Give Thanks To Yahweh
{Giving “Something Tangible” Prompts Them To Say “Much Obliged”}

James 2:16 Says That If You Give To The Poor And Say, “Go In Peace, Be Warmed And Filled”, Without Giving Them The Things Needed For The Body, What Good Is That?  How Can They Be Warm If You Don’t Give Them Clothing or Blankets and How Can They Be Filled If You Don’t Give Them Food?

So, 2 Corinthians 9:9-13
Has To Be Talking About Giving Them Something Tangible, Like Finances, Food, Clothing, Shelter, And Not Just Words.  I Can’t Count The Numerous Times I Have Given To The Poor, To Have Them Turn And Say, “Bless God~!”, or, “Thank-You Jesus”~!   One Of The Few Things That’s Within Our Powers To Control or To Decide How To Use Is Our Generosity.  Our Generosity Entreats Them To, “Give Thanks To Yahweh”.  It’s, “His” Righteousness, But It Is Also, “My Generosity” or Lack Thereof; or My Lack Of Faith To Believe, “He Gives Seed To The Sower”, That Determines If They Get Their Needs Met or Not By Me, (2 Corinthians 9:10).

It’s Alright To Ask Yahweh, “How”.  It Is Not Okay To Say, “We Don’t Have Enough Finances”, As That Is A Direct Contradiction To The Scriptures As Referenced Here, (Proverbs 19:17; Proverbs 22:9; Proverbs 28:27).  I Find It Amazing How Many Times The Word Lack Comes Up On Our Part If We Do or Do Not Give.  For This Service Of Giving That You Perform Not Only Makes Up For Lack Among The Saints, (2 Corinthians 9:12).  Either We Lack Faith To Act, or If We Ignore The Cries Of The Poor, We Will Lack, “My Generosity”… or Lack Thereof, {Compare This From Yahweh’s Word ~ One Who Gives To The Poor Has No Lack, (Proverbs 19:17; Proverbs 22:9; Proverbs 28:27)}, or My Lack Of Faith That, “He Gives Seed To The Sower”, (2 Corinthians 9:10); Can Hinder Someone Giving Thanks To Yahweh That Has Less Faith That Is Struggling To Make Ends Meet.  Giving To The Poor Is Something A Righteous Person, {That Represents Yahweh}, Our Father Just Does, “They Have Distributed Freely, They Have Given To The Poor; His Righteousness Endures Forever”, (Psalm 112:9).  Wow, Other Folks Will Praise Yahweh, If I Just Represent The Father~!  Zowie~!


So That You Can Be Generous

Thus You WILL BE Enriched In ALL Things And In Every Way, So That You Can Be Generous , And [Your Generosity As It Is] AdMinistered By Us Will Bring Forth Thanksgiving To God, (2 Corinthians 9:11).

2 Corinthians 9:7-13

7 Let Each One [Give] As They Have Made Up Their Own Mind And Purposed In Their Heart, Not Reluctantly or Sorrowfully or Under Compulsion, For Yahweh Loves (He Takes Pleasure In, Prizes Above Other Things, And Is Unwilling To Abandon Or To Do Without) A Cheerful (Joyous, “Prompt To Do It”) Giver [Whose Heart Is In His Giving], (2 Corinthians 9:7).

8 And God Is Able To Make All Grace (Every Favor And Earthly Blessing) Come To You In Abundance, So That You May Always And Under All Circumstances And Whatever The Need Be Self-Sufficient [Possessing Enough To Require No Aid or Support And Furnished In Abundance For Every Good Work And Charitable Donation].

9 As It Is Written, They [The Benevolent Person] Scatters Abroad; They Give To The Poor; Their Deeds Of Justice And Goodness And Kindness And Benevolence Will Go On And Endure Forever~! (2 Corinthians 9:9; Proverbs 11:24-25)

10 And [God] Who Provides Seed For The Sower And Bread For Eating Will Also Provide And Multiply Your [Resources For] Sowing And Increase The Fruits Of Your Righteousness [Which Manifests Itself In Active Goodness, Kindness, And Charity], (2 Corinthians 9:10).

11 Thus You WILL BE Enriched In ALL Things And In Every Way, So That You Can Be Generous , And [Your Generosity As It Is] AdMinistered By Us Will Bring Forth Thanksgiving To God.

12 For The Service That The Ministering Of This Fund Renders Does Not Only Fully Supply What Is Lacking To The Saints (Yahweh’s People), But It Also Overflows In Many [Cries Of] Thanksgiving To Yahweh~!

13 Because At [Your] Standing Of The Test Of This Ministry, They Will Glorify God For Your Loyalty And Obedience To The Gospel Of Christ Which You Confess, As Well As For Your Generous-Hearted Liberality To Them And To All [The Other Needy Ones].


“Give To The Poor”

It Is Yahweh’s Responsibility To Provide For Us.  We Are Like A River Channel, And If We Block The River, Then It Will Not Flow, Yahweh Is Our Supplier.  Yahoshua Confirms Proverbs 19:17; Proverbs 22:9; Proverbs 28:27, Saying He That Gives To The Poor Will Have Treasures In Heaven, (Matthew 19:21; Mark 10:21; Luke 18:22); And Contrast That To He That Does Not Give To The Poor As One Who Is In Lack, {But One Who Closes His Eyes Will Have Many Curses, (Proverbs 28:27)}.  Yahoshua Is Our Example, (John 13:15; 1 Peter 2:21). Greater Love Has No Person Than To Lay Down Your Life For Another, (John 15:13-14).  Take Up The Cross ~ Die To Self … To Die Is Gain, (Verses About Taking Up Your Cross, And Dying To Self, Enter Here).

So, That Means That 2 Corinthians 9:8 Has To Be Most Definitely Talking About Substantial Stuff That One Can Touch, (Shelter, Finances, Clothes, Food, See Isaiah 58:7).  Why Is It Important To Look After The Needs Of The Poor?  For Starters, It Exhaust Our Resources, And Teaches Us Rely On Yahweh To Be Our Supplier.  And Also, It Will Draw The People To Yahweh.  But, Most Importantly, Is That It Is What We Are Instructed To Do~!

It’s In The Scriptures That, “The Poor You Will Always Have With You”, (Matthew 26:11; Mark 14:7; John 12:8).  Most Of The Time, When I Hear That Quoted, It Is Trying To Stop Me From Giving To The Poor, So That Other Folks Won’t Feel Bad Themselves For Not Giving.  However, In The Context Of These Scriptures, It Was Saying, “The Poor You Will Always Have With You, But You Will Not Always Have Me”, And Getting The Folks To Prioritize Their Lives.

In Fact, Deuteronomy 15:11 Clarifies This And Commands Us, “For The Poor Will Never Cease Out Of The Land: Therefore I Command You, Saying, You SHALL Surely Open Your Hand To Your Sister or Brother, To Your Needy, And To Your Poor, In Your Land”.  We Find That …

Psalm 41:1-3 ~ Blessed Are They Who Considers The Poor.  Yahweh Will Deliver Them In The Day Of Evil.
Proverbs 19:17 ~The One Who Is Gracious To The Poor Lends To Yahweh, ‘And Yahweh Will Repay Them For Their Good Deed”.
Proverbs 22:9 ~ He Who Has A Generous Eye Will Be Blessed; For He Shares His Food With The Poor.
Proverbs 28:27 ~ Those Who Give To The Poor Will Lack Nothing.
Proverbs 21:13 ~ ‘They Who Shuts Their Ear To The Cry Of The Poor Will Also Cry Themselves And Not Be Answered’.
Proverbs 29:7 ~ The Righteous Considers The Plea Of The Poor; The Wicked Cares Not To Know It.
Proverbs 17:5 ~ Whoever Mocks / Scorns The Poor Reviles Their Maker; They Who Is Glad At Calamities Shall Not Be Unpunished.
Proverbs 3:27 ~ Don’t Withhold Good From Those To Whom It Is Due, When It Is In The Power Of Your Hand To Do It
Ecclesiastes 11:1 ~ Cast Your Bread On The Waters; For You SHALL Find It After Many Days.
1 John 3:17 ~But If Anyone Has The World’s Goods And Sees His Sister or Brother In Need, Yet Closes Their Heart Against Them, How Does God’s Love Abide In Them?

Ecclesiastes 11:6 ~ In The Morning Sow Your Seed, And In The Evening Don’t Withhold Your Hand; For You Don’t Know Which Will Prosper, Whether This or That, or Whether They Both Will Be Equally Good
Acts 10:4 ~ “Your Prayers And Your Gifts To The Needy, [The Poor] Have Gone Up For A Memorial, [Of Remembrance] Before God”.

Yahweh Is Our Supplier”, ~ Philippians 4:19 ~And My God WILL SUPPLY ALL Your Needs According To His Riches In Glory In Christ Jesus, {Yahoshua Ha Mashiach”}.  This Is A Minor Point, But Notice That Yahoshua Is Not The Supplier.  Yahoshua’s Part Was To Take Our Place And To Be The High Priest Of Our Confession, (The Enforcer) And Mediator Of A New Covenant Between Us And Yahweh.  The Holy Ghost/Holy Spirit Is Not Our Supplier.  It’s The Holy Ghost’s Responsibility To Be Our Advocate, Counselor And Comforter And Also To Show Us Things To Come.  If You Just Say The Lord Will Take Care Of Us, That’s Too Vague.  Is That Jesus?  And It Gives Confidence To Know That Our God Yahweh, Who Made The Heavens And The Earth Is Our Source~! 

(See Also 2 Corinthians 9:8-11; Philippians 4:19;
Deuteronomy 2:7; Deuteronomy 8:18;
1 Samuel 2:8; 1 Chronicles 29:12;
Psalm 68:9; Psalm 147:8;
Matthew 6:26;31-33; Acts 14:17;
2 Peter 1:3; Matthew 6:31-33


“Too Much”

{“More Than Enough”}

1 Timothy 6:18 Instructs Us To “Be Generous And Ready To Share”, (The Scriptures Teaches That Yahweh, Who Richly Has Supplied Us With All Good Things, Wants Us, “To Be Generous And Ready To Share”, “Ready To Distribute”; Psalm 112:9; 2 Corinthians 9:9).  Did You Put Four $5, $10, or $20 Bills In Your Wallet?  If Not, How Can You Match The Formula For Success?  How Can You Be Ready To Share?

They Have Distributed Freely, They Have Given To The Poor, {Not The Keeper}

He Who Supplies Seed To The Sower, (Not The Hoarder)
Multiply Your Seed For Sowing, (The Reaper)

If We Want To Be A Reaper, Then Don’t Be A Keeper~!

Psalm 112:9; 2 Corinthians 9:9-12 
 9 As It Is Written, “They Have Distributed Freely, They Have Given To The Poor; His Righteousness Endures Forever”.
 10 He Who Supplies Seed To The Sower And Bread For Food WILL SUPPLY And Multiply Your SEED FOR SOWING And Increase The Harvest Of Your Righteousness.
 11 You Will Be Enriched In Every Way To Be Generous In Every Way, Which Through Us Will Produce Thanksgiving To Yahweh, (ESV).
 12 For The Ministry Of This Service Is Not Only Supplying The Needs Of The Saints But Is Also Overflowing In Many Thanksgivings To Yahweh.

While You’re Reading Psalm 112:9, Slide Back About Six Verses and Look At (Psalm 112:3). ~Wealth And Riches Are In Their Houses, And Their Righteousness Endures Forever”.

Or What About The Time That The Tribe Of Judah Had Too Much?  {Joshua 19:9 ~ “Out Of The Portion Of The Children Of Judah Was The Inheritance Of The Children Of Simeon: For The Part Of The Children Of Judah Was ‘Too Much For Them’: Therefore The Children Of Simeon Had Their Inheritance Within The Inheritance Of Them”}.  The Tribe Of Judah Had “Too Much”.  When The Tribe Of Simeon Had No Land, Judah Said, “Take Some Of Ours, We’ve Got Plenty”.  Yahweh Never Scolded, Nor Punished The Tribe Of Judah For Having Too Much or For Being Too Aggressive In Following Yahweh’s Orders To Possess The Land.  Judah’s Having Too Much Resulted In Sharing With Those That Didn’t Have Enough~!

If You Have Had Faith To Finance What Yahweh Wants Us Doing In Our Lives And Still Have Had Too Much, Then Are We Also As Well Able To Finance The Other Parts Of The Body Of Christ That Don’t Have Faith In Money or For Prosperity, {But Anyone Can Get This Faith, Because Faith Comes By Hearing And Hearing The Rhema’, <4487> or Revealed Word From Yahweh ~ (Romans 10:17)}.


“Tips For Getting Debt Free”

{“Being Asked Recently, How Did We Get Debt Free…”}

I Thought Of Some Answers.  I’m Not Saying I Have All The Answers, Nor Is This A List Of The 5 Most Important Things To Do, (There May Be More, or Things That Haven’t Occurred To Me As Part Of The Tips For Success, or There May Be More Things That Are Tailor Made For You And Your Situation, Like If You Are A Text Learner or An Audio Learner ~ Let The Holy Ghost Be Your Guide).

None-the-Less, I Think That There Are Some Very Important Things That Have To Happen In Your Mindset For You To Be Debt Free.  I Heard Someone Reference This As Philosophy And Vain Deceit, (Colossians 2:8).  Be Careful That You Don’t Let Anyone ROB You Through His Philosophy And Vain Deceit, After The Tradition Of Men, After The Elements Of The World, And Not After Christ.

It Is So Important For The Body Of Christ To Come Completely Out Of Debt, (Not Just For Your Sake, But For The Sake Of Others ~ (2 Corinthians 9:13). Think Of How Many Internet Videos And Radio Christian Opportunities For The Gospel You Could Post In Russia, If Only You Had More Money.

“But You SHALL Remember Yahweh Your God, For It Is He Who Gives You Power To Get Wealth’; That He May Establish His Covenant Which He Swore To Your Fathers, As At This Day”, (Deuteronomy 8:18).


“We Are Rich Now”

Faith Comes By Hearing And Hearing The Rhema’, <4487> or Revealed Word From Yahweh , (Romans 10:17)

Okay, 1st Faith Comes By Hearing And Hearing The Rhema’, <4487> or Revealed Word From Yahweh , (Romans 10:17).  So, Let’s Do A Quick Mental Exercise Of Growing Your Faith.  2 Corinthians 8:9 & 2 Corinthians 9:8 Are Related, (So, If You Forget One, Look Up The Other And Make A Note In Your Bible Referencing The Other And Vice Versa).  But, If It Helps, The 1st One In Chronological Order Is The One That You Need To Know 1st.

2 Corinthians 8:9 ~ “For You Know The Grace Of Our Lord Jesus Christ, That Being Rich He Became Poor, For Your Sakes; That Through His Poverty You Might Be Rich”.  Okay, Let Me Ask You A Question.  If The Scriptures Say That You Are Made Rich, (Now)… Then Can You Owe Any Debt?  You Might Say, But I Have Debt.  (Do You?  If You Are Rich, Then Your Debts Are Paid~!  But, You May Still Say, I Have Debt, I Can’t Deny That.  Okay, Then Speak To That Debt And Tell Those Bills That They Better Not Get Used To Sitting There, Because The Word Of Yahweh Says That I Am Made Rich And They’re Already Paid Off And Money Is Already On Its Way To Your House Now.  If You Insist That You’re In Debt, Then You’re Denying The Power Of The Word Of Yahweh That Says That You Are Made Rich And Then You Might Want To See My Web Pages On
Having What You Say By Clicking Here.  If You Still See Yourself As Being In Debt, We’ll Deal With That Later, (Psalm 112:9 Is Another Word That You Can Grab Hold Of).  Remember The Facts May Say One Thing, But It Is The Truth That You Know That Will Set You Free, (John 8:32); Not The Facts.

Steps 2-5 Still To Come Later On This Week.


“As A Person Thinks In Their Heart, So They Are”, (Proverbs 23:7)

Since We Are Made Rich, Then Can We Have Debt?

But, For Now, Just Grab Hold Of This..  Since We Are Made Rich, Then Can We Have Debt?   Seriously, If Warren Buffet, Bill Gates or Donald Trump Have Debt It Might Be To Use Other People’s Money, But Even Then It Would Just Be Dumb To Borrow And Pay Interest When You Have The Money To Pay It Off Unless It Was A Serious Tax Write Off.  You’ve Got To See Yourself As Debt Free.  Think This Through With Me.  If I Am Made Rich Then I Can’t Owe Any Debt, For Rich Folks Don’t Owe Debt, (Unless They Are Doing It To Use Other People’s Money, or A Tax Write Off).  Therefore, I Am Debt Free.

This Will Make A World Of Difference In The Way That You Think And As A Person Thinks In Their Heart, So Are The y, (Proverbs 23:7)}.

Suppose, You Pick Up Some Of Your Socks And They Are Worn And Thread Bare… But, So You Wear Them One More Time.  But, Then Suppose You Are Thinking, “I’m Rich”… And You Immediately Toss Them In The Trash And Say, “I’m Rich, I Don’t Have To Put Up With JunkAnd Say ‘My God SHALL Supply All My Needs According To His Riches’, (Philippians 4:19), And You’ve Just Acted In Faith Based On The Word Of Yahweh.  Try This..  Then Tell Yahweh, The Heaven Father That You’d Like Some Brown, or Black, Blue or Even Purple Socks, {or Leggings or Hose If You’re Female}, and Let Him Surprise You In How He Gets Them To You~!

Suppose You Do That With Everything.  You No Longer Feel That You Have To Squeeze The Last Goody Out Of The Ketchup Bottle, or Get That Last Drop Of Shampoo Out, (or Add Water To It).  Suppose You Saw Yourself As Rich.  If Someone Says To You, “Maybe You’re Rich, And You Can Afford That, But I Can’t”… Do You Cower or Say Boldly, “That’s Right I Am Rich”, (Based On The Word Of Yahweh In Several Places But 2 Corinthians 8:9 Is One Of Those, And Deuteronomy 8:18, Is Another, Ask Me or Go To My Website Listed At The Bottom Of This Website And I’ll Show You Even More).  {I’m Telling You That You Can Only Come Out Of Debt Based On Changing How You Perceive Yourself, Through Faith That It Might Be Of Grace, (Romans 4:16), And Faith Comes By Hearing And Hearing The Rhema’, <4487> or Revealed Word From Yahweh , (Romans 10:17)}.


“Prosperity Proven”

Call Faith Life Church At (417) 334-9233 And Ask For The “Prosperity Proven” Series, (# 1601), {WithOut Cost or Obligation}.

Second Thing, And I Do Mean This..  I Wish That I Was SHOUTING~!   I Recommend Listening To A Person That Is Out Of Debt And Has Proven The Word Of Yahweh In Their Own Lives.  Don’t Listen To Steve Harvey Telling You About How To Save Your Marriage, When He Has Been Married Three Times.  Listen, (Romans 10:17), To A Person Of God That Has A Proven Track Record.  And To That, I Very Highly Recommend That You Listen To Keith Moore’s Series Called, “Prosperity Proven”, (Series # 1601).  Keith Moore Ministries Will Send You This 16 Part CD Series Completely Free, Postage Included, But You Have To Call And Ask Him For It.  He Will Not Send It To Me, To Send To You.  You Have To Want It, (To Be Debt Free).

Call Keith Moore, {Faith Life Church At (417) 334-9233}.

I Know Of Another Family That Got A New House By Faith Shortly After Listening To Them.  My Wife And I Pulled Aside And Went Camping And Did Nothing Else While There Except Watch Our Campfire And Listened To Them Straight Through.  When We Got Home We Listened To Them Again.  But, It Worked Enough For Us To Miraculously Get Our New House Also.  With That Said, They Are Still Other Ways To Enjoy This Series.  You Can Go To Keith Moore’s Website, (Moore Life Ministries), And DownLoad These mp3 Files, And Put Them On Your Cell Phone; (If You Have An Android Smart Phone, I Am Not Sure If This Can Be Done On An iPhone).  Then You Can Play This Through Your Auxiliary Jack or On A Bluetooth Player To Your Car Speakers, (If You Do Not Have A Bluetooth Transmitter, They Can Be Bought, Well Worth The Investment If You Are An Audio Learner).

DownLoad, “Prosperity Proven


“Yahweh Your God, Gives You Power To Get Wealth”

{“Blessed To Be A Blessing” ~ (Genesis 12:2-3)}

Now, For Everything To Align With The Scriptures Such As, “But You SHALL Remember Yahweh Your God, For It Is He Who Gives You Power To Get Wealth; That He May Establish His Covenant Which He Swore To Your Fathers, As At This Day”, (Deuteronomy 8:18), Then I Have To Already Have Been Made Rich.  Only If I Have An Unlimited Source Can I Be Generous And My Generosity Will Produce Praise To Yahweh.  How Can I Go To A Bunch Of Folks, And Want To Bless Them When My Bank Account Says That I Have A Limited Amount Of Funds.  Did My Older Brother, {Yahoshua, (Romans 8:29)}, Have To Do This Also?  How Did Five Loaves And Two Fish Feed 5000 Plus?  (Mark 6:41).

And Taking The Five Loaves And The Two Fish He looked Up To Heaven And “Said A Blessing”

And Taking The Five Loaves And The Two Fish He Looked Up To Heaven And, “Said A Blessing” And Broke The Loaves And Gave Them To The Disciples To Set Before The People.  And He Divided The Two Fish Among Them ALL.  Mark 6:41, (ESV).  Wow, Have We Changed The Meaning Of, “Say A Blessing”.  It’s Not Something That You Hurriedly Say Before You Eat.  Yahoshua Spoke A Blessing So That They Would Have Something To Eat~!  Yahoshua Blessed Their Bread and Their Water, (Exodus 23:25-26) and It Multiplied~!

I Wish I Could Have, “Recorded”, What Yahoshua Said … However, I Know A Blessing Is Not Just Saying, “Be Warm And Filled”.  I Think Yahoshua Was Saying, Thank-You Father That You Have Plenty To Feed These Folks Just As You Did When You Gave The Folks Of The Old Testament With The Daily Manna or Brought To Them Meat, or Like In 2 Kings 4:40-44, As This Wasn’t The First Time Yahweh Multiplied The Food.


“The Scripture Says That I Have A House…”

{“Those Days Of Living In An Apartment or A Mobile Home Are Gone”}

I Remember The Time When I Was Working At This Church Camp For Free On A Volunteer Basis And My Wife Told Me That We Had A Small Oil Well That Brought In About $25 Every 3 Months.  I Asked My Wife, “We Have An Oil Well?”, And She Said, “Yes That She Inherited It From Her Grandfather, And Although It Was Small That Used To Produce Oil”.

So I Started Quoting Isaiah 45:3 As Many Times A Day As I Could Like 12-35 Times A Day~!

Isaiah 45:3 And I WILL GIVE YOU The Treasures Of Darkness And Hidden Riches Of Secret Places, That You May Know That It Is I, Yahweh, The God Of Israel, Who Calls You By Your Name, (AMPC).

And Oil Is Certainly A Treasure In Darkness And Its Hidden Riches In A Secret Place…
About That Time My Wife’s Parents Decided To Loan Us $200,000 So That We Could Purchase A Home In Their Lifetime And They Would Get To See Us Enjoy The Home.

So We Bought A New Home For $200,000.  This Is About The Same Period That My Wife Told Me That We Had A Small Oil Well And I Begin To Speak  God’s Words Of Life, (And The Angels, The Ministering Spirits Responded To The Voice Of Yahweh’s Word That I Was Speaking, Hebrews 1:14-Hebrews 2:4; Psalm 103:20-21), Over That Oil Well ~ And Don’t You Know That Oil Well Suddenly Jumped Up In Production Of Oil, {And I Am Not Making This Up}, Paid Our House Payments Completely While I Worked Voluntarily For This Church Children’s Camp.  We Were Getting Oil Checks Each Month Of $795.00 A Month Which Paid Our House Payment, {But, Not Before I Mixed Faith With The Word, (Hebrews 4:2)}.

But Then I Started Believing For Us To Be Out Of Debt With Our House.
About That Time My Wife’s Parents Sold Their Timber Off Their Land And My Wife’s Brother Was So Inspired By This That He Sold The Timber Off Of His Land And They Gave Us The Profits That They Had Made Off Of Selling Their Timber, And Boom ~ In One Day Our House Was Paid Off And We Were Out Of Debt~!

This Was Even Before We Moved Into My In-Law’s Home And Inherited That House Along With Her Brother And We And Bought His Part Out.  Even Then Her Brother Was Very Generous Toward Us And Didn’t Quite Allow Us To Pay Him The Full Amount And Her Mother And Father Had Set Aside Enough Money To Buy A Nice Air Condition System And A New Roof And We Immediately Used That Money To Put On A Brand New Roof And Put In A Complete Air Condition System That Now Cools And Heats Both The Upper And Lower Floors The Upper Floor That Used To Just Be So Hot or So Cold That You Couldn’t Even Working There.

But Then We Moved Down To Take Care Of My Parents And The Oil Money Dwindled Down To Like $185 A Month And It Had Been A Tremendous Blessing To Us And It Will Be Again.

But During The Time That I Was Taking Care Of My Wife’s Parents And My Parents We Seem To Have Made The Least Amount Of Money We’ve Ever Made And That’s When I Spent Everything That I Did With Them On Credit Cards And Got Back Up To $36,000.
We Had Gotten Completely Absolutely 100% Debt Free.

So Now I Speak Into That Oil Well Again And It Will Again Produce Great Volumes Of Wealth And Get Us Out Completely Of Debt.
I Took Care Of My Parents In Their Sunset Years, And I Did Inherit Dad’s Van, Except It Wasn’t Quite As Geeked Out As It Is Now, (I Had BlueTooth Installed So That I Can Play My Telephone Calls From My Cell Phone And Videos From My Tablet Over The Speakers) And I Had A Trailer Hitch Installed.

Because Faith Comes By Hearing And Hearing Comes From The Word Of God, (Romans 4:17); I Would Repeat What God Said Over My Situation Over And Over And Over And Over Again… So That My Own Ears Would Hear It, {Faith Comes By Hearing, Even Your Own Voice}, So That I Could Begin To Believe What God Said About The Circumstances, Even Though Walking By Sight It Seems Like That Was Impossible … But I Don’t Walk By Sight, I Walk By Faith, (2 Corinthians 5:7), And Then Faith Came In My Heart, (It Always Does), Because I Kept Hearing and Hearing The Word of God.  So, I Would Also Repeat Isaiah 45:3 Over And Over And Over And Over And Over.

In The Same Way, Once I Decided That I Want To Be Debt-Free And I Saw In The Scripture That There SHALL Be House(s) ~ Not Just One House But Houses, (Plural), I’m Supposed To Own In Psalms 112:3.

I Would Quote Scriptures Over and Over Myself But I Would Play This One Song By Stan Pody Repeatedly; {I Can Show That This Song Is Backed Up By Scriptures Like (Deuteronomy 8:18)}.

Stan Pody ~ Money, Money Cometh

I Would Normally Play The Melody 12 To 15 Times A Day, And I Would Dance To It And I Would Get Where I Believed Our House Was Paid For With All My Heart, And That’s When Suddenly My Wife’s Parents And Her Younger Brother Decided To Sell All Their Timber Off Of Their Land And Then Boom They Paid Off The Rest Of Our House Payment Which Was Probably About $127,000.

So If Anyone Wants To Knock The Prosperity Gospel, Well They Came Too Late Because What They Taught Me Worked In My Life, And I Got Out Of Debt With It.


“My House Is Paid For”

{“Confess With Our Mouth ” …, “Believe In Our Heart”}

My House Is Paid For.  Faith For Anything ALL Works The Same Way.  We, “Confess With Our Mouth ” …, “Believe In Our Heart”, (Romans 10:9-10).

Mark 11:23 Puts It This Way:,

Faith Speaks, (Romans 10:6), As Mark 11:23 States, “For Assuredly, I Say To You,* Whoever SAYS To This Mountain, ‘Be Removed And Be Cast Into The Sea,’ And Does Not Doubt In Their Heart ,** But Believes That Those Things You SAY Will Be Done, “You Will Have What You Say~! ~ *{THIS IS YAHOSHUA SPEAKING~! ~ The Head Of The Church~!}.  ** That Means For Faith To Work It Has To Be In Your Heart Also, (“For Out Of The Abundance Of The Heart Their Mouth Speaks”, Matthew 12:34-35; Luke 6:45).

I Looked Up The Word, “Rich” As Used In 2 Corinthians 8:9 And The Word, “Rich” Means, “Rich”. If You’re Convinced, Then Say This Out Loud, “I Thank-You Abba Father That I Am Enriched In Every Way To Be Generous In Every Way”.

24 There Are Those Who [Generously] Scatters Abroad, And Yet Increase More; There Are Those Who Withhold More Than Is Fitting or What Is Justly Due, But It Results Only In Want.
25 The Liberal Person SHALL Be Enriched, And He Who Waters SHALL Himself Be Watered, (Proverbs 11:24-25)

Now, Go Find The Movie, “Possums”, With Mac Davis And Watch To Learn More About How You Speak Things Into Existence.  And Click On This Link About Taking No Thought, Saying.


“Yahweh Multiplies Seed To The Sower”

Yahweh Not Only Just Gives Seed To The Sower, But He Multiplies Your Seed … (2 Corinthians 9:10).

See Yourself As A Sower.  My Nephew Who Is Like My Son To Me, Is Known As Being Generous, So I Recently Sent Him A 2500 Lumen FlashLight, But I Not Only Sent Him One, But Two, Because I Know That He Will Probably Give One Away.  Well, If I Being A Person, (A Human, A Father) Can Do That, Will Not God Also Freely Give To The Sowers? {Matthew 7:11 Says That, “If You Then, Being Evil, Know How To Give Good Gifts To Your Children, How Much More Will Your Father Who Is In Heaven Give Good Things To Those Who Ask Him~!”}.  There Used To Be Convenience Stores Called 7-11, So As A Memory Jog Think Of This As The 7-11 Principal.  Also Found At Luke 11:13.  God Provides And Multiplies Seed For The Sower, (2 Corinthians 9:10), So Become A Sower, (Be Prepared And Be Ready To Sow On A Drop Of A Hat).

Now That You See Yourself As A Sower, Perhaps You Wondering,
“What’s The Big Deal, Now That I Know That Yahweh Is Giving Seed To The Sower” or Even That “Yahweh Multiplies Seed To The Sower”.  Like If You Sow $5, Then Yahweh Gives You $5 Back.  Then, You Just Broke Even.  Well, That’s Not Right.  First Of All, Since You Are Getting Reimbursed For The Seed Sown, It’s Not Really Coming Out Of Your Pocket, (At A Minimum, You’re Just A Channel Through Which Blessings Flow Onto Others.  However, Suppose You Think Of A Seed, And Sowing That Seed.

If I Were To Give You A Tomato Seed And You Planted, (Sowed), That One See Into Good Soil; You Got One Seed And You Sowed One Seed.  But Your Yield On That Crop Could Possibly Be As Much As 20-30 Pounds Per Season Of Tomatoes.  Suppose You Plant Just 1/4 Of These Seeds, Give 1/10 For The Tithe, And A 1/25 For Offerings To Other Neighbors, You’re Still Going To Have A Lot Of Tomatoes, Just From One Seed.  If It Were Corn or Apples, Your Yield Could Be As High As 300 Kernels From Just One Seed, (That’s A Lot Of Popcorn)~!  So, Now Can You See That By Sowing, You’re Going To Get Back Everything You Sowed, Plus A Lot More~!  So, You’re Going To Want To Be A Sower.

Yahweh Loves (He Takes Pleasure In, Prizes Above Other Things, And Is Unwilling To Abandon or To Do Without) A Cheerful (Joyous, “Prompt To Do It”) Giver [Whose Heart Is In His Giving], (2 Corinthians 9:7).

I Overheard A Co-Worker Say That If He Won A Million Dollars That He Would Buy His Parents A New Home.  However, That’s Not The Way It Works.  The Scriptures Say That We Are To GIVE, And It Will Be Given To You: Good Measure, Pressed Down, Shaken Together, And Running Over Will Be Put Into Your Bosom. For With The Same Measure That You Use, It Will Be Measured Back To You”, (Luke 6:38).  So, “Giving” or, “Sowing” Comes Before The Reaping or Harvesting.  And Because You Are Sowing, Then Expect A Return On Your Harvest, (In Other Words, Sow In Faith).  If You Were To Plant Tomatoes In Your Garden, You Wouldn’t Ignore Them When They Started To Sprout, But You’d Be Anticipating Them Producing Fruit.


“Determine To Be A Sower”

Do What It Takes To Not Just Be A Talker, But To Be A Doer Of The Word Of Yahweh, (James 1:22).

So, Make Up Your Mind That You Are A Prompt To Do It Sower~!  But, You Have To Not Just Be A Hearer Only, But Be A Doer Of The Word, (James 1:22).  So Now, Put Actions To Your Decision And Prepare For This Event To Take Place.  Set Aside Some Money For The Specific Purpose Of Sowing.  Get $20, or $40 or A $100 And Divide It Up And Put Them In Your Wallet.  Maybe, Have Four or Eight $5 Dollar Bills On You At All Times, or Twenty $5 Bills, (You Can Always Combine The $5’s To Give More).  But Make Plans To Be A Sower.  If No One Is Brought Before Your Path, Then Don’t Spend That Money, But Put It In A Separate Place In Your Wallet or Purse and In The Future, You Might Run Across Someone That You Wish You Could Help More, and that Money Will Be There For Them.  But, The Key To Being A Sower Is To Be Ready, And If You Run Out, Then Go To The Bank, (or A Department Store), And Replenish.

Then Watch For Places Where You Can Sow.  Suppose You’re In The Line At A Department Store or A Grocery Store And The Person Ahead Of You Hands Something Back To The Cashier And You Realize That They Can’t Afford It, And Are Putting It Back.  That’s Your Opportunity To Put Some Sparkle Into Their Life.  Don’t Be Concerned If They Are Lost or Saved At This Point In Time, {Let Patience Have Its Perfect Work In You ~ (James 1:4)}.

If You Don’t Put Some Money Aside Specially For Sowing Now, or Today, Then You Know The Time That You Will Wish That You Had… When You’re At The Check-Out Line And The Woman With The Crying Children Has To Put Something Back~!

Say It Quietly Only To The Person Needing Money, (So As To Not Embarrass Them), “This Will Cover That Expense”, And Hand Them One or More Of Your $5’s, {or $10 or $20 or even a $100}; (That Way They Get The Change When They Give It To The Cashier).  You Can Also Hand It To The Cashier, But Then When You Get The Change Back, (If Any), You’ll Risk The Chance Of Exposing Their Shortage By Saying, “Just Give The Change Back To Them”.  You Do Not Want To Draw Attention To Their Lack Of Funds, But To Give In Secret, (Matthew 6:4).  However, Be Prepared Because They Will Probably Hug You, And The Words Coming Out Of Their Mouth Will Exactly To The Tee Match (2 Corinthians 9:7-13).  They Will Say, “Bless God” or, “God Is So Good”, And Yahweh Will Reward You Openly.

I Don’t Try To Bring Attention To What I’ve Done, But They Might And So If It Happens, Then I Want To Honor Yahweh In That Also And Not Try To Run Out The Door As Fast As I Can, (I Always See Yahoshua Just Enjoying Life And Laughing With Folks And I Follow That Example, (John 13:15; 1 Peter 2:21).  I Used To Shy Away From Any Public Recognition, But I Have Seen It Often Enough Now To See How It Affects Others All Around The Situation, (And It Starts A Pay It Forward Contagious Act Of Generosity).  And I’ve Seen The Cashier Really Light Up At My Being Kind And Compassionate Towards Someone, And Occasionally, I’ve Given The Cashier Some Extra Money Also, (You Have To Say It Three Times At Publix That You Want To Tip Before They Can Accept A Tip, So I Just Say, ‘I Want To Tip You’ Three Times In A Row).  “You Will Be Made Rich In Every Way So That You Can Be Generous On Every Occasion”, (2 Corinthians 9:11).

2 Corinthians 9:7-13
12 For The Ministry Of This Service Is Not Only Supplying The Needs Of The Saints But Is Also Overflowing In Many Thanksgivings To God.
13 By Their Approval Of This Service, They Will Glorify God Because Of Your Submission That Comes From Your Confession Of The Gospel Of Christ, And The Generosity Of Your Contribution For Them And For All Others.

“People Don’t Care How Much You Know Until They Know How Much You Care”
― Theodore Roosevelt”.

Other Indications Of Where To Sow… People Counting Their Change At The Register, (Trying To See If They Have Enough Money), Plus It’s Extra Fun To Give Them More Than They Need~!  For Example, When Someone You Know Needs Money, Why Not Invite Them And / or Their Family Over To Eat And While They Put Their Coats On The Bed, Slip A Little Money Into Their Coat Pocket or Take Them Out To A Restaurant And When They They Go To The Bathroom, Put Some Money In Their Sweater Pocket~!  Ask The Holy Ghost For Creative Ways To Bless Folks.

Galatians 6:10 Says, “So Then, As We Have Opportunity, Let Us Do Good To Everyone, And Especially To Those Who Are Of The Household Of Faith”.  But, Let Us Not Neglect The First Part, To Do Good To Everyone~!  And Then Don’t Forget To Mix Faith With Your Giving, So That You Can Get Seed To Sow Into Some Else’s Life, (Yahweh Gives Seed To The Sower).  So, This IS NOT GETTING TO GET To Meet My Needs, As All MY NEEDS ARE MET IN CHRIST YAHOSHUA, (Philippians 4:19).

Proverbs 19:17 Says “The One Who Is Gracious To The Poor Lends To Yahweh, And Yahweh Will Repay Them For Their Good Deed”.  So, After I Give, I Usually Just Be Funny With Our Heavenly Father And Say As An Act of Faith, “I Just Loaned You Money And I Can’t Wait To See The Creative Ways That You’ll Get It Back To Me” ~ “SHALL Supply And Multiply Your Seed For Sowing…”  (2 Corinthians 9:10).  This Reinforces In My Mind That Yahweh Gives Seed To The Sower, And Creates An Expectancy Of Faith~!

I Feel It’s Important To Note The Wording… "Seed To The Sower". Not Money To Meet Your Need, Because That Part Was Also Covered In This Same Verse Of Scripture, “And He That Supplies Seed To The Sower AND Bread For Your Food ”. (2 Corinthians 9:10).


“The Thief Comes To Steal…”

(John 10:10)

Bonus Tips: If d—Evil One Sees That You Are Becoming A Sower, He’ll Send Folks Your Way Asking For Money.  Usually, The First Person That You See Asking For Money Just Wants To Blow It On Drugs or Alcohol.  He or She Has Been Sent To You By d-Evil One’s Orchestration To ROB The Next Recipient or ROB You Of Your Giving.  Then Very Soon, You’ll Come Across Someone That You Wish You Had Money To Give To, But By Then You Gave It To The Wrong Person.

I Recently Encountered A Black Man In Fort Worth That Told Me That He Had Been Looking All Day For A Job On A Sunday, (All The While Eating A Large Subway Sandwich Which He Said That His Friend A Manager Had Given Him).  I Bet Someone Gave Him Money And He Bought That Sandwich, But You Don’t Want To Tell Folks That You Just Bought A Sandwich While At The Same Time Asking Them For Money.  And He Said That His Name Was “Bruce”.

{The Race Origin Distribution Of The People With The Name Bruce Is 82.8% White, 2.2% Hispanic Origin, 11.7% Black, 1.3% Asian or Pacific Islander, 1.4% Two or More Races, And 0.6% American Indian or Alaskan Native}.  So, It’s Possible, But UnLikey That His Name Is “Bruce”.  He Probably Said That As Part Of His Con Game.  (I Don’t Know Of Any Black Men Named Bruce, Was This A Ploy To Endear Himself To Me As A White Man, With A White Person Name Like Bruce As In, “Bruce Wayne”, (*Batman’s True Identity).

He Started Off By Saying, “Can I Ask You An Honest Question”… Well, My Reply Was, “No”… And He Tossed Out The  Word, “Honest”, {Was This A Rouse?).  I Wish I Had Asked If He Had A Driver’s License And Checked To See If His Real Name Was, “Bruce”.


Counterfeit Folks

Behold, I Am Sending You Out Like Sheep Among Wolves; Therefore, Be As Shrewd As Snakes And As Innocent As Doves, (Matthew 10:16).

Shrewd ~ “Having or Based On A Clear Understanding And Good Judgment Of A Situation, Resulting In An Advantage: Astute”.

Be Kind, Speak Softly And Kindly, And Don’t Offend Them or Put Yourself In Harm’s Way.  But, At The Same Time Don’t Be Afraid To Be Bold With These Folks.

I Know Of A Man Who Asked For A $5 And My Friend Said, I Only Have A $20, Can You Give Me Change? The Begging Man Said Sure, And Produced A Wad Of Money~!  My Friend Still Gave Him The $5, Then Witnessed To Him~!

I Had Another Person Tell Me She Needed Gas Even As Her Diesel Truck Was Idling, (If I Were Short On Fuel, I’d Have Turned The Engine Off).  She Made No Attempt To Get Out Of Her Newer Model Truck.  I Poked My Head Inside Her Truck And Looked Inside At Her Fuel Gauge And The Tank Was Showing Full.  I Said, “Praise Yahweh, A Miracle Has Occurred, Your Tank Is Full”. She Said, O-Oh, That Gauge Is Broke, {In A Newer Model Truck, Come ON.  I Was Born At Night, But I Wasn’t Born Last Night~!  I Said, “Praise Yahweh, A 2nd Miracle Has Occurred, Because That Gauge Is Working Now”.  She Drove Off In A Huff~!

I Like To Give To Those That Don’t Ask, But Where The Holy Ghost Prompts Me.  But, If You Will Change Your Mindset That You Are A Sower, You Won’t Feel Obligated To Give To Someone Just Because They Want Your Money, And Are Quite Possibly Sent By d—Evil One To Rob The Next Person Of Money or Time That They Really Need.  You Can Still Witness To These Folks.

If You Still Have Money Left At The End Of The Month, Add It To Your Sowing Fund, And The Time May Come When You Will Be Able To Give More Money All At Once To Someone That Needs It, At Just The Right Time~!


Four Types Of Scriptural Giving

I Think You Will Benefit Greatly If You Watch This.  It Explains A Great Deal To Me About Prosperity That I Have Been Questioning About.


And This Video Clip From Jesse Duplantis That Brought In My Harvest.


Investment Motivation: Tithes: Obedience, (Leviticus 27:30; Deuteronomy 14:22)
Tithing Is Divine Connector To The Blessing.
The Tithe Is The Way For Recession or Depression To Bypass You

Malachi 3:10-11 ~
10 “Bring The Whole Tithe Into The Storehouse, That There May Be Food In My House, And Test Me Now In This”, Says Yahweh Of Armies, “If I Will Not Open You The Windows Of Heaven, And Pour You Out A Blessing, That There Will Not Be Room Enough To Receive It.”
11I Will Rebuke The Devourer For Your Sakes, And He Shall Not Destroy The Fruits Of Your Ground; Neither Shall Your Vine Cast Its Fruit Before Its Time In The Field”, Says Yahweh Of Armies.

First Fruits: Faith In The Reward
There Are 31 Different Scripture References On First Fruits
(Exodus 23:16;34:22; Nehemiah 10:35;
Numbers 18:12;28:26;
Deuteronomy 15:1;18:4;
2 Chronicles 31:5; Leviticus 23:16

The First Fruits Is Motivated By Generosity. (Proverbs 3:9-10).

You Can Give The First Fruits Offering To The Temple or To The Minister.

First Fruit Offering Is The Expression Of Your Love For His Word.

(Romans 8:23)

Giving Of Alms: Motivation ~ Compassion ~ {Reimbursement}, (Deuteronomy 14:28-29; Proverbs 19:17).

Forfeiting The Reward ~ (Matthew 6:1-4).

Sowing Seed: Good Soil, {Hundred-Fold Return} ~ (Matthew 13:8; Mark 4:20; Mark 10:30).

(Genesis 1:28)

The Seed Is The Surest Way To Stop Poverty In Your Life.

A Good [Person] Leaves An Inheritance For His Children’s Children, (Proverbs 13:22).

The Seed Is The Quickest Way For Total Debt Cancellation.

The Seed Must Be Put Into Fertile Soil
For It To Accomplish The Impossible In Your Life
{For It To Accomplish The Impossible In Life,
It’s Not The Amount Of Seed, It’s The Soil That You Sow It In}.

Beware Of People That Try To Make You Your Source.

I Went Really Hard At Paying Off A $1,900 Debt So That I Could Give To A Certain Orphanage.

However, Now That I Have Accomplished That Goal, And Started Giving To This Orphanage, Yahweh Is Really Multiplying My Money, (2 Corinthians 9:10).  I Should Have Started Giving When I Still Had The Other Debt And Trusted Yahweh More.

I Just Found Out That Our Van Needs New Tires And The Estimated Cost For Michelin Tires Is $914.09.

Do You Know What My Response Was?  A Year Ago Today I Would Have Been Saying What Do I Do?  What Do I Do?  But, Now I’m Beginning To See For A Fact That If You Give Yahweh Will Most Definitely Give Back To You, (Matthew 6:33; Luke 6:38).

And When I Give To This Orphanage Just For The Purpose To Feed The Children, Then That’s Alms, And I Get A One-To-One Reimbursement For That.  But This Time I Sowed The Seed To See This Orphanage Ministry Grow and To Be Totally Debt Free and To See These Children Come To Know Our Heavenly Father and To Grow Them Up In Yahweh and To Equip Them To Walk By Faith.

And I Was Wrong When I Said Before To Say That I Don’t Need To Spend Some Of That Money Because That Means That God Only Meets My Needs.  But Here Are Three Scripture Verses That Say That Yahweh Will Also Meet Our Wants As Well.

But Then After Listening To Jesse Duplantis Quote Those Three Scriptures:

Psalm 37:4
Also Delight Yourself In Yahweh, And He Will Give You The Desires Of Your Heart.

Psalm 23:1
Yahweh Is My Shepherd: I SHALL Lack Nothing

Psalm 34:10
The Young Lions Do Lack, And Suffer Hunger, But Those Who Seek Yahweh SHALL Not Lack Any Good Thing.

So To Add To Our Expenses This Month I Found Out That Our Van Probably Needs Some Valve Work On A Piston That I Estimate Will Cost At Least $1,100 Maybe $2,400.  How Do Think I Responded?

Awesome~!  I Sincerely Just Can’t Wait To Tell You How Yahweh Supplied This Need.  And That’s What I Tell Our Heavenly Father And He Tells Me That Delights Him As Very Few People Respond That Way.  Yahweh Takes Pleasure And Delights In The Prosperity Of His Servants, (Psalm 35:27).  Most People Respond With, “Oh God, What Are We Going To Do?”  For Yahweh God Is A Sun And A Shield.  Yahweh Will Give Grace And Glory.  He Withholds No Good Thing From Those Who Walk Blamelessly(Psalm 84:11).

And To Add To That, I Have A 14’ Red Trailer That I Really Like.  I Had The Trailer Builders Weld Tie-Downs All Over It.  I Have Added Reflectors And I Added A Swivel Jack.  But I Hauled Too Much Wet Dirt In It And Bent The Axle And Warped The Frame.  And The Guy Told <e That It’s Going To Probably Cost $1,100 To Fix It.  So I Took It Back Home, Because That’s Not A Need That’s A Want.

Now All The While I’m Wondering How I Can Give To This Orphanage Regularly On A Monthly Basis, And All These Different Expenses Are Coming Up.  So I Realized The Devil Must Really Not Want Me To Send Money To This Orphanage And Yahweh Must Have Special Purposes For The Overseer Of the Orphanage And For The Lives Of Those Children.  Oh And By The Way I Am Still Believing For The Riding Lawn Mower But The Other Walk-Behind Self Propelled Lawn Mower That I Wanted.  Well I Now Own That Mower That I Was Believing For And Paid For It Miraculously, {Tap Or Click Here To Read About That}.  And I Have Already Mowed My Lawn With It, {Tap Or Click To Read More Details From This Testimony}.

I Believed In Faith For The Rain To Come And That’s Why I Needed A Lawn Mower~!
Tap Or Click Here To Read How That Came About~!

I Heard Jesse Duplantis, {And He Has A Lot Of Money}, Watching A Young Black Woman In A Saks Fifth Avenue Store Wanting A Very Expensive Louis Vuitton Purse.  Jesse Duplantis Is Known For His Giving And He Saw This Lady Wanting That Purse And The Lord Asked Him Why Do You Think She Doesn’t Get That.  Yahweh Told Jesse That She Sitting There Trying To Figure Out How She’s Going To Pay For It And Eventually She Left, But Later Came Back.  She Was Making Contortions In Her Face, And You Could Tell She Was Trying To Figure Out How She Was Going To Rearrange Her Money To Pay For That.

Jesse Said That Had She Had Come Back One More Time; He Had Decided That He Was Going To Buy That Purse For Her And He Has The Money To Do That, and Has Done That Before To Others, So, There Is Not Doubt That He Would Have Done Bought That Purse For Her.  And Jesse Says That He Is Desiring Is To Imitate The Heavenly Father, (Ephesians 5:1), And If Jesse Being A Human Could Do That; How Much More So Our Heavenly Father Wants To Take Care Of Our Wants, (Matthew 7:11).

Yahweh Said To Jesse, I Never Asked You To Pay For It.  I Asked You To Believe For It.

(Psalm 37:4; Psalm 23:1; Psalm 34:10).

And A Light Bulb Went Off In My Head~! 

Getting My Trailer Repaired Is A Strong “Want” Of Mine.

How Do Think I Responded?

I Took My Trailer And Drove It Back Down To Bay Utility Trailers And Said, “Fix It”.  And I Told Them, “The Money Will Be There As Yahweh Will Provide”.  After I Took The Trailer Back, After I Had Held Steadfast To My Confession And Declared That Yahweh Would Provide The Money, (Hebrews 10:23;35); I Heard The Heaven Father Say To Me, “I’m Going To Pay For Your Trailer, You Just Watch And See".

Yahweh Knows How Much This Trailer Means To Me.  I Use It To Take My Lawn Mower To The Repair Shop And My Neighbor’s Lawn Mower To The Repair Shop And I Load Dirt With It And I Load Wood And Lumber On It And I Use It For A Lot Of Things.  So, I Am Excited Right Now. I Can’t Wait To See How Yahweh Is Going To Get This Done~!

Simon Peter, A Servant And Apostle Of Jesus Christ, To Those Who Have Obtained A Like Precious Faith With Us In The Righteousness Of Our God And Savior, Jesus Christ, (2 Peter 1:1).

I Have Always Interpreted This Verse As “Don’t Cast Your Pearls Before Swine”, (Matthew 7:6); {As They Will Trample Them Underfoot}, Meaning Don’t Get Your Belief Mixed Up With Somebody’s Unbelief.  And It Still Means That But The Word Of Yahweh Is A Double-Edged Sword, So It Means Something Else Also.

If We Have A Like Precious Faith That Means That We Have The Same Faith Of Jesus And The Same Faith Of Yahoshua or Of Paul or A Peter or Abraham.  And It Is Even A True Statement That I Have The Same Faith As Kenneth Copeland, As He Discovered That He Also Has The Same Like Precious Faith Of Abraham.

If Your Trust Is In Me To Send You Money, Then I Might Let You Down Even If You Ask Me “Are You Going To Be Able To Financially Support This Ministry Yes or No?”  And If I Say Yes, Then I Could Still Find Something Else That I Think Is More Important And Pay For That Instead Of Contributing To Your Ministry.  I Might Be Wrong To Do So, But, I Still Could Do It.

However If You Sow A Seed, Now You Can Put Faith In Yahweh’s Word, {And Not Man’s}, But He Said He Would Restore To You 100-Fold, (As Mark 10:30 Says: Who Shall Not Receive A Hundredfold ‘NOW IN THIS TIME — Houses And Brothers And Sisters And Mothers And Children And Lands, With Persecutions—And In The Age To Come, Eternal Life.  This Is A More Sure Word Of Prophecy, (2 Peter 1:19).

Recently I Told You The Story Of A Lady That Wanted To Buy A Louis Vuitton Purse, But She Didn’t Because She Was Trying To Figure Out How To Pay For It And Yahweh Told Jesse Duplantis; “I Never Asked You To Pay For It, I Asked You To Believe For It”.

Mark 11:23-24,
23 Puts It This Way: “For Assuredly, I Say To You,* Whoever SAYS To This Mountain, ‘Be Removed And Be Cast Into The Sea,’ And Does Not Doubt InTheir Heart ,** But Believes That Those Things You SAY Will Be Done, “You Will Have What You Say~!
24 “Therefore I Say To You, Whatever Things You Pray, {“Ask” Is Strong’s Concordance #: G0154 And It Also Means To Ask, Beg, Call For, Crave, Desire, Require, or ‘Demand}, When You Pray, Believe That You Receive Them, And You Will Have Them”.

Then I Went On To Tell You How That Revelation “That Yahweh Will Also Meet Our Wants” Made Me Decide To Go Ahead And Put My 14-Ft Trailer In The Shop To Be Repaired.  Yesterday They Called And Said My Trailer Was Repaired And The Charges Were $875.

I Have Had All My Bottom Teeth Removed And I Am Going To Get Implants, But Right Now, It Makes It Hard To Eat.  However, Implants Cost $9,000; So We Have Been Saving Some Money Towards That.  So, I Didn’t Have Much Choice.  We Had To Dip Into Our The Savings For My Implants To Pay The $875 For My Trailer.

This Was Yesterday, Friday, September 9, 2022.  I Was Questioning The Holy Spirit And Saying Father, You Told Me That You Were Going To Pay For This Trailer.  You Said Wait And See How I Pay For This~!  I Was Baffled Because I Believed That.  Sure, I Could Have Waited Until Monday, But I Need My Trailer On Monday To Take My Riding Lawn Mower To The Shop To See If It’s Really A Lost Cause or Can It Be Repaired.

In My Opinion If Yahweh Whom We Serve, Had Given Me The Money On Monday, He Would Have Been Late.  Friday Was The Date The Money Was Due, And I Had Told Them That Yahweh Was Going To Provide This Money And That When They Called, I Would Have The Money To Pick It Up. Just Like My Mentor Kenneth Copeland Had Said About His Airplane.

But My Cousin And Her Husband Came In Today From Out Of Town And We Had To Get Ready To Go See Them And Pick Up My Aunt And While I Was About To Get In The Shower My Wife Stopped Me And Said I Need To Tell You Something That’s Really Awesome~!

We Didn’t Know This Was Going To Happen At All, But My Wife Got A Bonus From Her Work Deposited In Her Checking Account On This Exact Friday That Was More Than Enough To Pay For The Trailer~!  It Was A Total And Complete Surprise~!  So Even Though I Didn’t Know That Money Was There; It Was There At The Exact Time That The Trailer Bill Became Due.  My Wife Reimbursed The Money Back To Our Savings For The Dental Implants.  Is This Wild or What?  I Extended Faith To See If This Would Work And It Wasn’t A Need; This Time It Was A Want.

For Yahweh Your God Has Blessed You In All The Work Of Your Hands.  He Has Known Your Walking Through This Great Wilderness.  These Forty Years, Yahweh Your God Has Been With You.
You Have Lacked Nothing

Psalm 37:4
Also Delight Yourself In Yahweh, And He Will Give You The Desires Of Your Heart.

Psalm 23:1
Yahweh Is My Shepherd: I SHALL Lack Nothing

Psalm 34:10
The Young Lions Do Lack, And Suffer Hunger, But Those Who Seek Yahweh SHALL Not Lack Any Good Thing.

{Matthew 7:11 Says That, “If You Then, Being Evil, Know How To Give Good Gifts To Your Children, How Much More Will Your Father Who Is In Heaven Give Good Things To Those Who Ask Him~!”}.  If Yahweh Cares Enough For Me To Take Care Of Paying For My Trailer Which Meant A Lot To Me And It Was Not A Need, But A Want; How Much More Will He Provide Food And Clothing And Shelter For You Your Family And Your Adopted Children.  And This Is The Third Month In A Row That Yahweh Has Done Something Miraculous In Our Finances When The World Would Consider That I Live On A Very Low Fixed Income.  Care To Join Me In This Faith Walk or Would You Rather Ask All Your People If They’re Going To Give You Money Next Month?

If I Were You, and I Had 30 Hungry Children to Feed and a Building To Pay For Plus Clothes, and You Told Me Your Company Gave You a Bonus… Then I Would Wonder Why Didn’t You Use That Money To Send To Feed My Children?  But, That’s Just Me. You May Be Better Than Me.  If Fact, I Think You Are Better than Me.  It Has Always Been A Dream Of Mine To Start An Orphanage to Reach Out And Raise Godly Children. But, You’re The One That Actually Put Feet To His Prayers and Did It.  Congratulations~!  You Are To Be Commended Highly~!

But, To Answer The Question, As Why Did I Not Use This Money To Send To Feed Your Children, The Answer Is Why Not Have Both?

You Know, It Did Not Set Yahweh Back Any To Pay For My Trailer and Now He’s Saying Well, I Only Had Enough Money To Give You To Pay For Your Trailer or To Send To Kurios Ministry Of India And You Chose To Meet Your Wants.

This Sounds Incredibly Like The Phrase That Judas Said in John 12:4-6 ~
4 Then One Of His Disciples, Judas Iscariot, Simon’s Son, Who Would Betray Him, Said,
5 “Why Was This Fragrant Oil Not Sold For Three Hundred Denarii, [About One Year’s Wages For A Worker]
And Given To The Poor?”
6 This He Said, Not That He Cared For The Poor, But Because He Was A Thief,
And Had The Money Box; And He Used To Take What Was Put In It.

Why Can’t Yahweh Meet All My Needs and My Wants and Meet All Your Needs and Wants As Well?​ ​And We Still Have The Matter Of Our Van Is The Repair Shop, and I Need The Rest Of The Money For My Dental Implants, (I Have Faith For Finances, But Didn’t Have Faith To Believe Yahweh For My Teeth, Go Figure).​ What I Am Going To Say To These UpComing Bills. Bills You Better Not Get Used To Sitting On the Shelf Long, Because You Are Paid Now, and I Am A Tither.

Malachi 3:10 ~
10 “Bring You ALL The Tithes Into The Storehouse, That There May Be Meat In Mine House, And Prove, (0974) Me Now Herewith, Say Yahweh Of Hosts , If I Will Not Open You The Windows Of Heaven, And Pour You Out A Blessing, That There SHALL Not Be Room Enough To Receive It.
11 “And, “I Will Rebuke The Devourer For Your Sakes, So That He Will Not Destroy The Fruit Of Your Ground, Nor SHALL The Vine Fail To Bear Fruit For You In The Field”, Says Yahweh, (Of Hosts);” (AMPC).

So Not Only Are The Windows Of Heaven Open So Much That I Don’t Have Barns To Contain It All, But Yahweh Promises To Rebuke The Devourer, So Neither Will Satan Devour My Money, Nor My Time, Nor My Resources, Nor Our Van. They Will Precisely Find The Exact Cause Of The Problem and So Totally Correct It That I Will Never Have This Problem Again Ever. Benefits of Tithing.

Windows Of Heaven Open… Yahweh Rebukes The Devourer For My Sake.  Pretty Good Investment If You Ask Me~!

Suppose You Want To Take Some Of Your Tithe And Give It To The Poor. Well, You Just Diminished Your Tithe, And The Tithe Is Always 10%.  You Can Give More Than 10%, But That Is Considered ‘Offerings’ As The Tithe Is Always 10%.  So, If You Give Some Of Your Tithe To The Poor, Then You Are Not Giving 10% Tithe.  You May Still Be Giving 10% Of Your Income, But Only A Lesser Portions Is Now Going Towards Tithe, and You Don’t Meet The Criteria For 10% Tithe, So You Are Forfeiting The Rebuking The Devourer For Your Sake … and You Are Also Forfeiting The Windows Of Heaven Being Open To You.

And The Other Benefits Such As Not Having the Fruit Of Your Ground Being Destroyed, Nor SHALL Your Vine Cease To Yield Fruit.  Bummer.  And The Part You Gave To Help The Poor, Instead Of Door 1 With An Open Window and The Devil Being Rebuked, You Get Instead An Exchange Rate Of A One-To-One Reimbursement, (Proverbs 19:17); and Even Then If You Tell Others What You’ve Done and Now That Is Your Reward, (The Accolades and Applause of Folks).

Suppose You Say That You Are Not An Agricultural Farmer and Don’t Have Fruit Trees.  Suppose You Have Invested In Stock. The Stock Is Your Fruit.  Suppose, You Bought $17,584.39 In A Certain Stock Option and The Whole Thing Tanks and All Of This Money Is Wiped Out… But, If You Tithed On This Money, Then Yahweh Will Get All Of That Money Plus Some Back To You~! {Ask Me How I Know?}. 

So, Why Can’t We Have Both?

This Same Method Also Works For Healing, {Click Or Tap Here For Proof Of That}.


The Hidden Treasures

Notice The “I Will’s”, (Enter Here To See Even More)

Declarations References

They Shall Call The Peoples To The Mountain; There Shall They Offer Sacrifices Of Righteousness: For Then SHALL Suck The Abundance Of The Seas, The Hidden Treasures Of The Sand, (Deuteronomy 33:19),I WILL Go Before You, And Make The Rough Places Smooth; I WILL Break In Pieces The Doors Of Brass, And Cut In Sunder The Bars Of Iron”, “I WILL Give You The Treasures Of Darkness, And Hidden Riches Of Secret Places, That You May Know That It Is I, Yahweh, Who Call You By Your Name, Even The God Of Israel”, (Isaiah 45:2-3).  What Treasures Are The Hidden Riches Of Secret Places, (Oil, Natural Gas, But Also Water, Coal, Gold, Silver, Diamonds & Other Precious Stones & Metals & Minerals), And Yahweh Says That I WILL GIVE You The Treasures Of Darkness.  Our Part Is Say The Same Thing, (Which Is The Meaning Of The Word Confess).  I Receive The Hidden Riches Of Secret Places.

My Wife And I Started Quoting Isaiah 45:2-3 As We Had A Very, Very Small Oil Producing Well And It Suddenly Starting Springing Forth.  Spring Forth, (The Beverly Hillbillies ~ “And Up Through The Ground Came A Bubblin’ Crude.  Oil That Is, Black Gold, Texas Tea”).  Well, The Oil On Our Property Began To Flourish So Much So That It Paid Our House Note Each Month For 4-5 Years Until The House Was Later Paid Off.  Yahweh Said, “I Will Give You …” And Our Part Is To Mix Our Faith With That And Say, “He Will Give Me …” If You’re Wanting Help With This, Read It Over And Over Again, or Read This Word In The Last Part Of Isaiah 45:19, (“I Declare Things That Are Right”).  If You Still Have Problems Believing This or Need Reinforcement, Then Enter Here.

Thus Says Yahweh, Who Makes A Way In The Sea, And A Path In The Mighty Waters;
Behold, I Will Do A New Thing; Now SHALL It Spring Forth; Shall You Not Know It?  I Will Even Make A Way In The Wilderness, And Rivers In The Desert, (Isaiah 43:16, 19).

And Most Importantly, We Need To Match Our Mouth, Our Confession With What We Want To Have Happen, Not The Facts, {The Facts Will Not Set You Free, For It Is Only The Truth That You Know That Will Make You Free, (John 8:32)}.

The Law Of Truth Was In His Mouth, And Unrighteousness Was Not Found In His Lips.  He Walked With Me In Peace And Uprightness, And Turned Many Away From Iniquity, (Malachi 2:6).

Your Confession Should Be To ALL That Have Ears To Hear, I Am Wealthy, And I Am Out Of Debt.

Deuteronomy 33:19;
Isaiah 43:16,19;
Isaiah 45:2-3;
Isaiah 43:16,19;
Malachi 2:6


Wealth & Prosperity Confessions

Declarations References

As Long As I Seek Yahweh, Yahweh Makes Me To Prosper.  Above ALL, Yahweh Desires For Me To Prosper And Be In Health Even As My Soul Prospers.  Yahweh Supplies All Of My Needs According To His Riches In Glory In Christ Yahoshua, And I Am Out Of Deb t~! 2 Chronicles 26:5, 3 John 1:2;
Ephesians 1:3; Philippians 4:19

I Am A Tither.  I Have Not Robbed Yahweh In Either Tithes or In Offerings.  I Bring All My Tithes Into The Storehouse, {Treasury House}, So That There Is Food In Yahweh’s House.  I Prove ‘Yahweh Of Hosts’, And Yahweh My Provider, {Yireh}, As He Opens Up The Windows Of Heaven For Me And Pours Me Out Such A Blessing That There Is Not Room Enough To Receive ItYahweh, Of The Avenging Armies Of The Heavenly Hosts ~ {Tsebaah}, Rebukes The Devourer For My Sake, And The Fruit Of My Ground Is Not Destroyed, Neither Does My Vine Drop Its Fruit Before The Time In The Field Says Yahweh Of Host, {Tsebaah}~!   And All Nations Call Me Blessed, For I Am A Land Of Delight, Says Yahweh Of Host, {Tsebaah} ~! Malachi 3:10-12

Yahweh Our Provider, {Our Supplier}, {Yireh} , 

Yahweh Of Host, {Tsebaah}, (The Captain Of The Armies, The Avenger)

>Yahweh, Who Carries Me Daily, {Yowm Amas}, Daily Pours Out Blessings To Me, & Daily Loads Me With Benefits~!  Yahweh Gives Me My Daily Bread.  I Love Yahweh, His Methods, And As I Walk In The Commandments Of Yahweh, I Am Overtaken With Blessings As I Inherit Wealth And My Treasuries Are Filled~!   I Am Willing And Obedient; So I Eat Of The Good Of The Land~!  I Am Blessed Going In And Out, Blessed In The City And In The Country~!  I Shall Lend To Many Nations And Not Borrow~!

I Am The Head, And Not The Tail~!  I Am Above Only And Not Beneath~!

Let The Yahweh, (The Supreme Commander) Be Magnified, Who Has Pleasure In The Prosperity Of His Servant.  Save Now, O Yahweh, I Pray, Send Now Prosperity.  (Money Cometh Now~!~!)

Psalm 68:19;
Matthew 6:11;
Luke 11:3;
Deuteronomy 28:12-13;
Proverbs 8:21;
Isaiah 1:19;
Deuteronomy 28:2-3;
Psalm 35:27;
Psalm 118:25

Yahweh Has Given Me The Power To Obtain Wealth That He Might Establish His Covenant~!   Yahweh Teaches Me How To Profit; And Leads Me In The Path That I Should Go.  And Yahweh Gives Me The Treasures Of Darkness, And Hidden Riches Of Secret Places, And I Will Partake Of The Abundance Of The Seas And Of Treasures Hidden In The Sand, That I May Know That Yahweh, Yahweh, Who Calls Me By My Name, Is Yahweh Of Israel.  I Seek First The Kingdom Of Yahweh And His Righteousness And All These Things Are Added Unto Me.  I Am Highly Favored, EmPowered To Prosper And Excel. Deuteronomy 8:18;
Deuteronomy 33:19;
Isaiah 48:17;
Isaiah 45:3, 7;
Matthew 6:33

>Yahweh My Provider, {Yireh}, Provides Me With Bountiful Seed To Sow~!   I Have Seed In The Ground That I Am Now Reaping A Hundredfold Harvest On~!  I Am Blessed.  I Sow Bountifully~!  I Reap Bountifully~! Mark 4:4-20;
Mark 10:28-31

I Give Cheerfully~!  Yahweh Abounds All Grace Towards Me That I Being Sufficient In All Things, Have Abundance For Every Good Work~! Yahweh Who Provides Seed For The Sower And Bread For Eating Will Also Provide And Multiple My Sowing & Increase The Fruits Of My Righteousness~!  I Am Enriched In All Things And In Every Way, So That I Can Be Extraordinarily Generous~! (And Let The Beauty Of Yahweh Our God Be Upon Us, And Establish The Work Of Our Hands For Us; Yes, Establish The Work Of Our Hands).  Yahoshua Fed 5,000, And Said That I Would Do Greater Works Than He Did, (John 14:12).  I’ll Feed Five Billon Folks.  Yahweh Can Flow Through Me To Pay Off The National Debt.

2 Corinthians 9:6-15;
Psalm 90:17;
John 14:12


Robert Gilmour LeTourneau
{The Man Who Gave 90 Percent Of His Income To Yahweh~!}

On Giving Less Than The Tithe

R. G. LeTourneau Was An Example Of A Person Who Understood Yahweh’s Purpose For Blessing Him Financially.  An Inventor Of Earthmoving Machines, R. G. LeTourneau Reached The Point Of Giving 90 Percent Of His Income To Yahweh.  As He Put It, “I Shovel Out The Money, And Yahweh Shovels It Back To Me—But Yahweh Has A Bigger Shovel”. Mover Of Men And Mountains: The Autobiography Of R.G. LeTourneau
R.G. LeTourneau.  Chicago: Moody Press, 1972.

When Yahweh Prospers Us In This Way It Is Not Merely To Give Us New Toys And More Beautiful Homes But To Allow Us To Give Still More:, “You Will Be Made Rich In Every Way So That You Can Be Generous On Every Occasion”, (2 Corinthians 9:11).

Yahweh’s Extra Provision Is Usually Not Intended To Raise Our Standard Of Living, But To Raise Our Standard Of Giving ~   Robert Gilmour LeTourneau

R.G. LeTourneau: Moved By Yahweh To Move Men And Mountains
Rick Williams.  Business Reform 2, No. 4 (July/August 2002).


Scripture Support
Be Like The Bereans, (Acts 17:11), or The Thessalonians, (1 Thessalonians 5:21), And Search These Scriptures To See If These Things Be True~!



He That Spared Not His Own Son, But Delivered Him Up For Us All, How Shall He Not With Him Also Freely Give Us All THINGS?

Romans 8:32


3 As His Divine Power Has Given To Us All THINGS Pertaining To Life And Godliness Through The Full Knowledge Of The One Calling Us Through Glory And Virtue, 4 By Which Means He Has Given To Us The Very Great And Precious Promises, So That Through These You Might Be Partakers Of The Divine Nature, Escaping From The Corruption In The World By Lust, (LITV).

2 Peter 1:3-4

The Young Lions Do Lack, And Suffer Hunger, But Those Who Seek Yahweh SHALL NOT LACK Any Good THING, (WEB).

Psalms 34:10

But Let Patience Have Her Perfect Work, That You May Be Perfect And Entire, WANTING NOTHING, (KJV).

James 1:4

{A Psalm Of David}
Yahweh Is My Shepherd; I SHALL Not Want. (MKJV), {Yahweh Meets All My Wants, As Well As Needs}; I SHALL LACK NOTHING, (WEB).

 Psalm 23:1

Delight Yourself Also In Yahweh, And He Will Give You The DESIRES And SECRET PETITIONS Of Your Heart, (AMPC).

Psalms 37:4

And I WILL GIVE YOU The Treasures Of Darkness And Hidden Riches Of Secret Places, That You May Know That It Is I, Yahweh, The God Of Israel, Who Calls You By Your Name, (AMPC).

Isaiah 45:3

GIVE, And It Will Be Given To You: Good Measure, Pressed Down, Shaken Together, And Running Over, Will Be Given To You, {Literally, Into Your Bosom}. For With The Same Measure You Measure It Will Be Measured Back To You”, (WEB).

Luke 6:38


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In Righteousness I Shall Be Established; I Shall Be Far From Oppression, For I Shall Not Fear; And From Terror, For It Shall Not Come Near Me. Isaiah 54:14


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In Righteousness I Shall Be Established; I Shall Be Far From Oppression, For I Shall Not Fear; And From Terror, For It Shall Not Come Near Me. {Isaiah 54:14}

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