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Roofdog interviews Satellites frontman Jonny Green

Since the split of Glitterbox last year, singer Jonny Green has been away planning his hellish comeback. Jonny talks to Roofdog about music, floorless houses and beef sandwiches...

RD:Apart from writing songs for Satellites, how have you been spending your time recently?

JG: Weeelll, I moved out of the Glitterbox house earlier in the year, which was a trauma for all concerned... Miles (ex-Glitterbox guitar and vocals) and I have been living together, on and off, since we were puppies, but the time was nigh and parted we were. Then I left London for a while, mainly to plan my next move, which I did... into the house with no floor, which is where I am now, except I put a floor in it to stop everyone falling down the hole.

RD:How would you say the sound of Satellites compares with the sound of your last band, Glitterbox?

JG: AAhaa, its nowt like it. For a kick off i've written all the new songs on a piano whereas all the Glitterbox ones were written on heavymetalguitar. Plus I play all of the instruments now. On top of which I learned how to program a sampler and all that modern stuff... so I guess you could say that in most respects this new stuff is a million miles away. My actual songwriting has improved beyond belief and I've been writing and recording an average of two songs a week for the last year.

RD:You've said that you have over one-hundred new tracks written. Care to tell us about some of your favourites?

JG:I've written a song called Bubbles that everyone seems to like, it's about wanting to be a fish ...still a longterm ambition for me. Another one is called liar liar and is about an erm, liar. Well its about a very badly matched couple.

RD:Where do you find inspiration for your new tracks?

JG:God knows where they all come from! I just know that I can give full vent to my sick sense of humour in them and thats largely what motivates me. It's a kind of desire to sort stuff out, like my revenge fantasies or putting stuff right or looking after people I love, or maybe saying stuff that I normally wouldn't have the balls to say.

RD:When is it likely that we'll see Satellites releases or gigs?

JG:Don't know, soon I hope.... I've started to talk to some people about doing a new deal but these things take a lot of time. On the gig front that's harder to say, it would basically cost a fortune to do a gig of these songs because there are so many different I'll probably have to wait till there is some proper wedge around.

RD:Who is in the band?

JG:Me. (all other members are 'satellites'....In orbit but not part of the planet)

RD:What is entertaining you at the moment? (albums, books, films, tv etc)

JG:I really don't have much time to investigate new stuff, I'm a bit of a slave to my work at the moment, however I'm reading John Irving, I loved the matrix and recent records are Busta Rhymes, Missy Elliot, Flaming Lips, Wilco, Red snapper, Merz, mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.

RD:...And what are your plans for the near future?

JG:I'm going downstairs to make a beef sandwich.

Interview by Karl Cremin

For the latest news on Satellites, stay tuned to Roofdog...

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