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John Greenwood
California State
Channel Islands
Capstone Project
Fall 2005

    The New Media    
       Internet 101       
   New Media Artist   
 The Original Replica 
     NET.ART, Inc.     
     Interactive Art      
   Art Technologies   
  Selling Art Online   




During the European renaissance that took place during the first half of the last millennium the premiere artists of the day were inspired by the classic artistic styles of ancient Greece and Rome. As they attempted to revive these classic styles of art, they found that being a talented artist was not all that was required to emulate these classic styles. They found that to be able to create intricate lifelike art that was representative of the elaborate sculptures and carvings of the great ancients, they needed to expand their knowledge of science and nature. Leonardo Da Vinci is an excellent example of this. As an artist, musician, astronomer, inventor, architect and engineer DA Vinci was considered the complete renaissance man. He devoted much of his artistic talent to sculpture and painting (Wikipedia). Like the other renaissance artists, he engaged in studies of the human body, distance, perspective, nature, architecture, light and many other subjects. This knowledge was applied to the artistic endeavors of the time. This allowed the artists of this period to create art in a splendor that had not been seen since before the middle ages.


The New Media artist is faced with similar challenges. The numerous and varied skill sets required to produce and manipulate digital art are unlike any required by the old media. The digital artist must be technically savvy as well as creative and artistically talented. He needs to understand the functions of thousands of menu options contained in dozens of software programs. He needs to understand both the language of art and the language of technology. The ability to grasp complex technical ideas is a critical part of this new craft.


Michael Rush, author, theater artist, international filmmaker and critic, stated “…the most dynamic work occurs when the technology catches up with the visions of the artist, or conversely, artists catch up with technology.”  (p. 192). The digital world presents the artist with a constantly changing environment. New technologies are constantly emerging and existing technologies continue to evolve and improve. The digital artist is constantly presented with new ways to explore artistic creation. To keep up with this continual rapid evolution of technology the skills of the digital artist are in a constant state of augmentation. Many artists find a niche that fits their needs and concentrate on one particular style or technology to pursue their creative work. The tools that exist today already offer the artist more options than one person could ever possibly master. Yet software is constantly getting more versatile and user-friendly. Software developers are constantly inventing new effects and better ways to create art and imitate life. It is obviously beneficial to the new media artist to keep up with technology as well as artistic evolution. 



As the new artist sharpens his technical skills while expanding his creative artistic thought it is apparent that the borders that divide workplace discipline and creativity become obscure. The artist is often creating by working within the limitations of a software program. Frequently artists will push these programs to their limits by using the software in imaginative new ways. The closer the artist gets to the limits of a program the more apparent the need for technical skills becomes. The net is full of examples of technically able artists who have not only devised new ways to use existing software, but they have also created or modified software to achieve a particular visual or audible effect. Mastering new technologies will always require logic and good technical skills, yet it also requires creativity and imagination.  


The Internet, and Internet art, are products of the new media. The very nature of digital media is causing the evolution of a new breed of artist through the blending of technology and creativity. As the artist works within this new medium it becomes evident that the more the artist grows with technology the more innovative and inspired his artwork becomes. Once we consider the infinite possibilities that the digital universe offers, we realizes that the creative possibilities are practically unlimited. As we examine the Internet in terms of the new media we realize that the Internet is a boundless, wide open medium of communication with room for all types of self expression. Net art is many different art forms displayed through the electronic conduit of the Internet Graphic artists, writers, programmers, digital artists, musicians, photographers, engineers, designers, filmmakers and dozens of other creative disciplines can create net art using any medium that can be displayed via the net. The Internet is the one worldwide medium that is accessible to the common citizen. 

Introduction | The New Media | Internet 101 | The New Artist

NET.ART | The Original Replica | NET.ART, Inc. | Interactive Art

Net Art Technologies | Selling Art Online | Conclusion | Bibliography