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Slimmer Diets and Fitness

Atkin’s Diet

Slimmer Diets and Fitness

"Your body weight is controlled by the number of calories you eat and the number of calories you use each day.  So to lose weight you need to take in fewer calories than you use. You can do this by becoming more physically  active or by eating less. Following a weight-loss program that helps you to become more physically active and decrease the amount of calories that you eat is most likely to lead to successful weight loss. The weight-loss program should also help you keep the weight off by making changes in your physical activity and eating habits that you will be able to follow for the rest of your life." NIDDH

Physical activity and aerobic fitness help you control your weight by using those excess calories that would otherwise be stored as fat. The food you eat contains calories and everything you do uses calories including sleeping, breathing, and digesting food. Balancing the calories you take into your body when you eat with the calories you use through physical activity and fitness exercises will help you reach and maintain a healthy body weight.

That is why at Slimmer Diets and Fitness we strongly urge you to develop a personal total body workout which includes three elements; Aerobic activity / cardio workout, strength training / weights / bands / tubes, and stretching / toning.

We also recommend that you live a fasted life and follow a daily diet that is right for you and approved by your personal physician.  We are providing you with all the resources you need.

P. O. Box 50618

Tulsa  OK  74150


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