28/02/00 16:05 : Ok, i'm having major problems uploading to anglefire for some reason, so theres gonna be a delay with those MP3s, but i have tons of cool shit to put up that you probalbly haven't heard, but that is excellent! While you're waiting, check out the two new interviews, Wilt and Nerdlinger.
27/02/00 15:49 : Two interviews on the way later on from Wilt and Nerdlinger, plus MP3s, loads and loads of mp3s. I just checked the dl speed on angelfire and its hella fast, so i'm gonna put up maybe a few hundred megabytes of 'em. I've got an exam now, so it'll have to be later on. C-u-l8r...
25/02/00 13:43 : I figured out that angelfire will host MP3s, so i'm going to stick up a rediculous amount of MP3s over the week. Expect stuff by, well, everyone i've reviewed and interviewed so far!! Wahey, get this thing going.....
25/02/00 8:48 : Yes!!! I finally got 'The Last Janelle' on MP3! 'What the fuck is that' you say? Well, its an unbeleveably fantazzletastic song by Screeching Weasel, who i normally have no time for, but who wrote this amazing song for the total fluke of an excellent EP, Major Label Debut. Ben Weasel sings without breathing for about 50 odd seconds! I know its studio trickery, but its still cool as hell! I used to kill myself trying to do it while driving the big old hiace through country roads, ah the memorys... The third (and also excellent) song was called 'Compact Disc', a great toon pointing out how soul-less CDs are. I used to love turning down the left side at the start cos on the right you could hear Ben Weasels voice, with no instrumentation behind it, and it sounded really cool. The weird thing is, i always hated Screeching Weasel, and i still kinda do, they're way to pop-punky for me. I bought 'Bark Like A Dog' purely because it was on Fat about three or four years ago. God i hated that record. I even contemplated burning it! Its just so damn pop. But after listening to 'Major...' i kinda warmed to it, albeit breifly. Thing is, after i gave the CD back to the guy who owned it, i scoured the net looking for it. No MP3 site went untouched, no Screeching Weasel site went unviewed, no ftp site unjoined, I even went to some of those corporate 'MP3 Trading' sites, but nobody ever got back to me. I couldn't find the CD anywhere (as in shops), and i had no idea what label it was on, and then i lost the damn tape... But in my search, i discovered so many excellent bands on Audiopunk and MP3.net and such, like The Ataris, Bigwig, Saves The Day, so maybe i owe a debt of gratitude to Screeching Weasel. Its kind of a weird thought, that one song led me to about 70% of what i (and my friends) have listened to over the past year or so. I always thought of NOFX as the band that introduced me to the stuff i listen to now - 'The Longest Line' was the first new punk album i bought, and it led me to buying the entire Fat Wreck catalog on Vinyl in installments of 15-20 records at a time over about 6 months. It was at a good time for punk music too, Lagwagon's 'Hoss', Strung Out's 'Suburban Teenage Wasteland Blues', Propagandhi's 'Less Talk More Rock', and all those great Bracket singles... Christ, i'm getting all sentimental. But there was a time there where all these classic albums came out, and it seems like almost all of those bands have kinda lost it since - Propagandhi's new album is weak, the Strung out EP ('Elements Of Sonic Defiance') was weak, NUFAN have very much lost it... But it opened me up to so much stuff at the same time, Dillenger Four, Adhesive, AFI, Avail, At The Drive In, Descendents, Rancid, Good Riddance, Fugazi... I know its a weird thread, but its all related. I think in the lineage of anyones journey of finding new bands, there are several major points, where suddenly everything branches out, and for me 'The Longest Line' and 'The Last Janelle' are two major points. I dunno, i guess i'm just in a contemplative mood. Tell you what, i'll post that mp3 ASAP, and you see if it changes your tastes, it did for me, so what have you to loose....
23/02/00 18:21 : So i bummed around and i got some more MP3s... I'm gonna try get more ones people wouldn't have heard, and probly next week i'll throw up a bunch of ones myself, as in not just steal them... Anyway, gotta go, toodle oo.
23/02/00 17:10 : Well, it seems the two MP3s didn't work, the links are down, i tried the G7 homepage and their links are down too, so i got them from other sources... I'll try get more. I'd probably try right now if i wasn't so hungover. Is it me or is paranoia a symptom of hangovers? I always think people are giving me funny looks when i'm hungover. Damn foo! Ugh, some guy is listening to the worst shite on one of the computers here, Bon Jovi, Guns 'N' Roses, Def Leppard... Jesus, what shite. Time to strike back with a little Weakerthans methinks.....
22/02/00 16:10 : And its done. We now have a few MP3s, both of which are my favourite songs off their respective albums, check it.....
Insomnia has me in its grips again... Its a viscous circle, i get to sleep really late, so i get up really late, and it becomes a pattern. I was ready last night though, i rented 'Boys Don't Cry'. Now while i appreciate it is a powerful film, and one i personally quite enjoyed, i still can't understand these storys of people crying while watching it... Call me cold hearted, but.... I would reccomend people see it though, but don't expect the 're-evaluation of masculinity' i was expecting.......
22/02/00 15:50 : Looks like we're having a De La Hoya season over here! I just got the interview from them, what a great interview, two of them answered it no less! What a long time it took to format! Eesh, my work is never done...
No complaints yet on the new look, so i guess its ok by everyone... except me... ah well, i'll get used to it. Anyways, mp3s on the way from Propagandhi and The Weakerthans, so stay tuned.....
21/02/00 17:35 : Yeah i'm working hard!!! I updated the releases so its more concise or whatever. Man, i'm sitting here in the coputer labs in my college and theres these two girls up the row who insist on talking as loud as fucking possible. I hate that! What is their problem, i mean, sometimes me and my friends are kinda loud, but they're just obnoxious (or however its spelt) and every second word is "fuck". Ugh, we need another vietnam to thin out their numbers.
Anyways, i gotta put in an appeal. If anyone is interested in writing for me, please contact me. I'm looking especially for book reviewers and article writers. If you think you have the stuff, contact me with some samples of your stuff...
21/02/00 16:24 : So i changed the layout around, i'm not too happy with it. Ah well, its a growing process, I was trying to teach someone HTML while i was doing it, and you know thats gonna fuck things up. Expect further refinements, and a whole bunch more. I nicked the release dates off my fave news site, punknews.org, they rock. Thing is, i don't wanna do that all the time, cos thats pointless, so labels, mail me about your releases to my releases address....
I have a review of De La Hoya that should be up as soon as anyone reads this, in case you don't know, they're CD Has No Crediblily is out now and is seriuosly good, i'll put up an mp3 off it soon, along with... Loads more. I reckon i'll stick them on the side under the other stuff and change them around regularly.
21/02/00 17:35 : Yeah i'm working hard!!! I updated the releases so its more concise or whatever. Man, i'm sitting here in the coputer labs in my college and theres these two girls up the row who insist on talking as loud as fucking possible. I hate that! What is their problem, i mean, sometimes me and my friends are kinda loud, but they're just obnoxious (or however its spelt) and every second word is "fuck". Ugh, we need another vietnam to thin out their numbers.
Anyways, i gotta put in an appeal. If anyone is interested in writing for me, please contact me. I'm looking especially for book reviewers and article writers. If you think you have the stuff, contact me with some samples of your stuff...
21/02/00 16:24 : So i changed the layout around, i'm not too happy with it. Ah well, its a growing process, I was trying to teach someone HTML while i was doing it, and you know thats gonna fuck things up. Expect further refinements, and a whole bunch more. I nicked the release dates off my fave news site, punknews.org, they rock. Thing is, i don't wanna do that all the time, cos thats pointless, so labels, mail me about your releases to my releases address....
I have a review of De La Hoya that should be up as soon as anyone reads this, in case you don't know, they're CD Has No Crediblily is out now and is seriuosly good, i'll put up an mp3 off it soon, along with... Loads more. I reckon i'll stick them on the side under the other stuff and change them around regularly.
21/02/00 14:00 : Added an interview with wacky irish punkers Mixtwitch. Should be a huge change to the layout of this page later today, stay tooned and keep voting.
19/02/00 18:27 : Added another link. I was gonna get the Wilt interview typed up, but i left the dictaphone in my gaff. I'm gonna go try set up some MP3s now, ah life.
19/02/00 23:35 : Added a load of links. I have a few ideas for articles that should be up in the next few days, along with a few interviews...
17/02/00 17:30 : Could everyone do me a big favour and vote here, please. If you do and i get ranked i think i'll get alot of hits. C-ye
17/02/00: Bad news, no Boy Sets Fire song for the CD, Victory are giving me an exclusive by a new band instead. Ah well... Doing lots of e-interviews today, more later. i also got to interview Wilt in tralee on Wednesday, should be up over the weekend. Plus, please vote for me at the three of these - as in here, here and
14/02/00: Happy valentines!!! New today, an interview with excellent Belgian band 5 Days off, really long and well worth checking out.
Don't forget to vote here and
11/02/00: I joined another rating fella, and i added a link to a cool online zine. Please take a second to vote here and
here. New windows will open and you can close them as soon as they load. Pleas support the site, the more votes i get, the more visitors i get, the more interviews and stuff i can do, so please, take a second to vote.
08/02/00: Ok, its only 11 Am here, but i said i'd drop a quick line to say, I've got a brilliant song for the CD by 5 Days Off from Belgium, interview to follow, and i'm pretty close to getting another excellent song, more bout that later. Wahey.
PS, please take a second to vote at mp3punk.net, i wanna try get a little higher in the rating. More hits = more interviews and stuff....
07/02/00: All systems go today, as we bring you two new interviews, both relatively unknown bands, but well worth checking out - Post rockers Mezzanine~C14 and Oi punks The GC5.
Trying to up the hits, so, if you can,
Vote For Us At The Top 50
As i promised, a full tracklisting for the CDr.... Well, no actually, but i can tell you that so far confirmed are Mezzanine~C14, Boysetsfire, Mixtwitch, The Weakerthans, De La Hoya, Across The Border, and a bunch more that i can't remember, so labels, get your stuff in quick, i'm printing end of next week!!!
06/02/00: Back in the swing of things again. Two new reviews, and a whole bunch of links. I'll try put up a tracklisting (preliminary) for the CD tomorrow.... |
05/02/00: Sorry about the delay, i've had a pretty busy weekend. I just did two reviews and a whole bunch of behind the zines stuff, so be thankful!!
More good CDr related stuff, I have secured a Weakerthans song a a brilliant song by Anastazi. The CDs looking good peeps!! |
01/02/00: Better late than never, the Boysetsfire interview and an interview with my favourite Boston band Drexel. Also, Wilt will be around these parts in a few weeks, so hopefully, we should get one from them. I also added a review of a compilation called Mission Creep #2. Check it!
Also i had the good news that i will be able to include the Boysetsfire song 'Rookie' on the CDr. Nice one Victory!! |