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Price List

Egyptian Artifacts

Statuettes of exquisite beauty and quality at a fraction of the price charged by the British Museum, crafted in simulated black basalt, lapis lazuli, marble and granite. The smaller ones are about 3-4 inches high and the large

 The mask of Tutankhamun £14.95

The head of Meritaten daughter of Akhenaton inscribed with vulture motif. £14.95

The head of Akhenaton £14.95

The head of Meritaten/ Grey!! £12.95

Cat head £12.95

Cow head £12.95

Head of Horus £12.95

Genuine Basalt hand carved scarab (symbol of resurrection) £17.50

Large head of Meritaten in simulated Lapis Lazuli/Malachite £52.50

meritaten.jpg (53663 bytes) Meritaten

Egyptian Scribe in simulated black basalt £55.00

scribe.jpg (18958 bytes) Scribe

Large Amarna Head/Grey in simulated granite £19.50


We have a selection of fine hand painted papyrus in various sizes from £4.95 to £69 for paintings on antique papyrus.

senefer.jpg (208221 bytes) Tutpapyrus.jpg (251626 bytes) AKHENA~1.JPG (141506 bytes)

Papyrus such as these can be obtained from between £9.99 and £14.99 + postage and packaging at £1.00

Papyrus bookmarks with various motifs and hieroglyphic alphabet £0.50


Also available are solid silver Ankhs and Scarabs, the Ancient Egyptian symbols for life and resurrection, from £6.95 each.

silver.jpg (143498 bytes) 

Items on this sheet vary from £6.99 for the Ankhs, Yin and Yens and Scarabs to over £30.00 for larger pendents.


Oriental works of art

We have a fine selection of really beautiful hand painted Tibetan Tankhas largely depicting the wheel of life or some aspect of the life of Buddha. The price of these exquisite, hand painted masterpieces ranges from just £45.00 to £135 plus £8 Postage packing and insurance.

Tankha1.jpg (221661 bytes) TANKHA2.JPG (253906 bytes) TANKHA3.JPG (124559 bytes)

These superb hand painted and gilded master pieces range in price from Just £45.00 to £135.00 !


We also have a superb range of Hindu prints from just £4.99




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Last modified: June 22, 2000

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