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Children Helping Children Publications




Children of the Nile


This describes both social and historical aspects of Egypt with some very great surprises for the casual tourist. It examines the plight of the poor and looks at education and the care of orphans as well as a specific family whose youngest child was virtually saved from death by a simple yet horrific tonsillectomy! The core of the book comprises profiles of European and Egyptian children, vividly contrasting their lifestyles and prospects for achieving their potential.


It is available in either one complete volume at ... £14.99 or two parts each at ... £9.99

with foreword by

His Grace the Duke of Norfolk, Patron of Children Helping Children.


Part I Social Aspects

NILECA~2.JPG (127230 bytes)The core of this section is a vivid contrast between the way of life of local Egyptian children and the children of English tourists. The author explained his idea of writing a book that would give an insight into the social conditions of poor children in Luxor to tourists who volunteered to write profiles on their child and allow him or her to be photographed with an Egyptian child of corresponding age. TheNILECA~3.JPG (102793 bytes) lifestyle, hopes and aspirations of each child would be vividly contrasted, showing specifically a need for broader based education amongst the poor of Egypt.

The chapter on Education shows that whilst it is ostensibly free and open to all, the poorest families can not avail themselves of its benefits and perpetuate their poverty through the need to make their children work instead of going to school.

EGY~8.JPG (82848 bytes)Other sections in Part 1 deal with such topics as orphans’ social conditions and of course the story of Hosan the young boy with tonsillitis.



Part II Historical Aspects

This part of the book gives a fairly in-depth account of all the tourist places that can be visited from Luxor. This even includes the pyramids and Aswan as well as Edfu and Abydos, all of which can be visited on a day trip from the tourist capital of Luxor.

This part is not just a magnificent tourist guide which takes the reader on a very vivid guided tour of Egypt from Cairo to Aswan, but an in depth work containing some of the latest ideas in Egyptology.

Topics of course include a chapter on the pyramids and others on the incredible religion of these incredible ancients. The author has very grave doubts that the pyramids were built 5000 years ago as dictated by conventional Egyptologists. He is more inclined to believe that a very much earlier, lost civilization was responsible.

He also links the fascinating religion of Ancient Egypt to other religions. Indeed the very strong links to Christianity are quite frankly mind-blowing and open up much food for debate.


Children of South India

DSCF0210.JPG (133310 bytes)This describes the work of the Kings World Trust in helping the destitute children of Tamil Nadu. It details the backgrounds of the children in the village and describes the social conditions that prevail which prevent the ordinary people from improving their lot in life.

It also is available as one volume for £14.99 for the full work or in two parts for just £9.99 each.

There is a forward by His Grace the Duke of Norfolk, the Patron of Children Helping Children and also the Rt. Hon. Virginia Bottomley MP. the Patron of the King’s World Trust.


Again it is available in either one complete volume at .... £14.99

or two parts each at .... £9.99


with forewords by both the Duke of Norfolk and the

Rt. Hon. Virginia Bottomley M.P. the Patron of the Kings World Trust.


Part I The Kings World Trust and Profiles

Part II Social Aspects


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