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Ordinary Things
Sunday, 24 August 2008
End of August days
Mood:  d'oh
Now Playing: Open Your Eyes - Snow Patrol

It's hot and humid and disgusting, but hey, I'm not complaining! 

We've had a good stretch of beautiful weather, with the exeption of a bit of a drizzle during the early morning hours today, otherwise, I'm loving these end of August days, best time of the summer really...

We sat out late at my parents' last night, of course we were all tired and suffering from a bit of indigestion, (maybe we're just getting old) lol you gotta love family reunions! 

We were short two family members, who's absences were felt of course, but we shared some memories & tears and got through it.

We let far too much time get away on us between get-togethers, I guess our next one will be at Christmas (though that one is always more difficult to orchestrate)  


Oh yeah, I applied for the wrong job!! LOL

ok, I'll explain...

I was talking to my friend, who mentioned in passing that I should apply for this certain job, I asked if it had been posted, and of course, it had been posted in last week's local weekly paper, which I forgot to buy. 

I usually always buy it, as I am actively looking for work and one close to home would be preferable. 

So I figured I'd buy this week's paper to see if they ran the add in this one as well...they hadn't.  So I made a few phone calls, trying to find someone who hadn't sent their copy to the recycle bin, and finally got my hands on a copy.

In my excitement, the first job posting I came across, I sat down and wrote an opening letter for and popped off my resume.

A while later, someone picks up said paper and says..."oh, is this the job you applied for?" 

I looked at it I thought...duh!  This is the job I wanted to apply for, so what the hell was that other one?? 


shut up!

So apparently I applied for two jobs on Friday, and with my luck? 

Yeah...I'll be getting called for an interview for the one that isn't the one I really, REALLY wanted ;)

Don't get me wrong, either one would be fine, but the intended one would better suit me.

And I am purposefully NOT giving out more information about them because I already said enough, I don't want to jinx myself! (as I always seem to)


And now some French poetry:


Ce corps que l'on caresse avec des doigts de fée,

cette douce tendresse qui vous est prodiguée,

ce sourire gracieux, ces cheveux défaits qui tombent dans les yeux,

dans ces yeux éclairés.


Cette musique douce sortant d'un vieux phono,

ce drap, que l'on repousse, cet air de renouveau,

et ces mots inutiles,

que l'on dit bêtement

mais veulent tout dire

sur un beau sentiment.


Et ce calme apaisant après l'instant d'orage,

cet attendrissement qui paraît d'un autre âge,

pourraient être désuets,

s'il n'y avait toujours,

dans ces gestes secrets,

les gestes de l'amour.


Je me dis que ce soir, il y sûrement tout cela,

dans mon regard, dans tous mes gestes,

oui mais toi,

tu ne le crois pas!


Reste donc écouter,

cette musique douce,

elle ira te porter

suave et sans secousse,

vers ce clame apaisant après l'instant d'orage,

vers l'attendrissement que tu crois d'un autre âge.


Et ces mots inutiles que l'on dit bêtement

mais qui veulent tout dire sur un beau sentiment,

pourraient être désuets,

s'il n'y avait toujours dans tous ces mots secrets

tous les mots de l'AMOUR.


A une amitié 

Houle d'or de la dernière vague, au couchant,

dans le soleil qui fuit,

rayon d'argent de l'aube silencieuse,

fracas d'hommes laborieux,

silence chaud de l'après-midi,

couleurs pastel du soir,

tout me rappelle ta douceur.

Celle qui j'ai connue, que tu m'as donnée.

Rêves fous de jeunesse,

éclats de rire frais,

yeux pétillants de joies au hasard des journées.


Longtemps après, je pense encore à tout cela.

Nostalgie douce du passé;

amour ou amitié?


Il reste au fond de moi cette douce chaleur qui fait que

mon coeur bat et plus vite et plus fort lorsque

j'entends ta voix.

Pourtant tout nous éloigne.


Reste les souvenirs, si forts, si profonds,

qu'ils me font oublier les regrets que j'ai

de ne plus te voir.

-Bernard Duporge 

*petit soupir*


Posted by Sylph, aka Mysty at 8:28 PM EDT
Updated: Sunday, 24 August 2008 8:30 PM EDT
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