MajorT's Footlocker

New Players







How to Host or Join a Game at the Zone


· First thing's first. You need to have Close Combat installed on your System, and you must also have the CC patch installed.

· Second thing, configure the zone browser so you can see exactly what's going on.
**Step 1: Press "List View"
**Step:2 Press the button directly over the info bars, this lists all currently open or in progress games at the top of the list, instead of scrambled.
**Step 3: Pass your cursor over the frame that separates the chat from the games, when the cursor changes to an arrow, click and hold, and drag the bar up, so as to make the chat section larger.


**There, Phew :) Doesn't it seem less confined? I feel better just thinking about it :)

** If you notice, a lot of people have "Cases", "Ladder(s)" or "TH/Cases", written as their game name. These people are hosting a ladder game. We'll get to ladders in the next section.

***One more important feature, click on "Info", there you will see any comments by the host. THIS IS IMPORTANT, because you can see what maps the host has, and how many points each side gets.

<< Translated means Nijmegan City Map with  200 points for the allies and 140 points for the germans

Under the circle you notice he has "no KT/JT"

this means no KingTiger(konigsTiger) or JagdTiger tanks in his games.

"Joining" a game PROTOCOL

***Here is the entire sequence that happens before you play***

If you join a game, you have the right to, #1 Pick the map and #2 Pick which side you want. The host merely supplies the maps, you are the guest, so its all up to you.

--After you Enter the room, greet the player, then pick the map that you would like to play.

***Advice* Don't say "you pick", if you don't know, pick one with points you like, or randomly pick. What usually happens is right away the host is thinking "newbie" and he's gonna pick "SWAT polish farm", and he's gonna roast you and toast you, and smash you and bash you and he's gonna giggle and...well you get the picture, so for your first game , don't risk it. Act like you been here a million times. IMHO :) OK, back to the sequence.

--When you pick the map, say "lets take a look at your map name please" When you say this, he knows that you want to look at the map before you pick which side you want. THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT, ALWAYS LOOK FIRST. "Why? you ask". Simple, you don't know which side has better terrain, you don't know what you will need to bring, you don't know anything about the situation you are jumping into. Always look, until you get a lot of games in, and can tell which maps are what.

--At this point the host will launch the game. When the connection has been established, click on "Accept". Watch to see if the host changes settings, you can see that in the lower window. If he/she does you will need to press accept again. Also watch for them speaking to you, this is in the same lower window. If he/she is, press "enter", this will bring up the chat window. When your finished chatting, press "Enter" again to close it.

--The next window is the unit requisition screen. Don't buy anything, just press continue. The host will do the same, and you will advance to the map. If He/she doesn't press continue, kindly remind them that you wanted to see the map. He/she may have simply forgotten.

--Next, take your time and look at the map carefully, note any thing you like about either side, consider the points, and think what you will need. after you decide which side you want and are ready to begin the game, let the host know that you are ready, and tell them which side you would like. After this there are two ways to get back, one is to press begin, then surrender, The next is to press CTL+F4. The latter method being the fastest.

--Now you will be back in the game room, and the host will re-launch the game. Make sure the sides are correct before you press accept. Chose your forces carefully, then let the host know you are ready. When he is ready press continue. After setting your teams into position, Wish the opponent "Good Luck", or "GL" for short. and when ready press continue. From there you're on your own :)

--When the game is over tell the opponent "Good Game" or "GG" for short.

"Hosting" a game PROTOCOL