MajorT's Footlocker

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Gammon Bomb Research, 2 British ab rifle teams in 3 story buildings

game version 2.0b

Game Version 3.1

I did this test 10 times each on  10 different tanks (100 times) with each version. every time the result was the same, as far as weapon choice and usage goes. The only variance was damage results.

list of tanks tested 

- Mark III - Panther
- Marder - Tiger
- Hetzer - KingTiger
- Mark IV - JagdPanther
- JagdPanzer - JagdTiger

List of tanks destroyed by grenades alone 

- Mark III - Hetzer
- Marder - Mark IV

All tanks could be destroyed by the Gammon Bombs

- Game Version 2.0b - they never threw Gammons from the buildings, always grenades. In the case of the Panther and larger tanks, I couldn't even get them to throw grenades. 

Notice the red status of the troops, this happened only in the case of jagdpanzers and larger. 

Also of note, they could destroy any tank up to the JagdPanzer, of the 10 times on the JagdPanzer they only managed to damage the vehicle one time, also killing 2 crew members.

Once I ran the teams from the houses they would use the gammons some of the time. Depended upon morale, position of the tank, suppression, etc.

- Game Version 3.1- they threw Gammons 10 of 10 times no matter what the model tank was, and followed with grenades. 

Notice also the green status of the troops.

- I also tried this with American teams such as the .50 cal, .30 cal, recon teams, ad hocs, etc. They could also destroy up to the JagdPanzers with their grenades.

"MajorT out"


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