Litter Fall 2009
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MC Callie X Slash V Charcoal  · 
Red, black, and merle tri-s
Born: September 11, 2009        


Callie                                    Char

                     This litter is a cross between Callie and Char. Callie is our last remaining daughter from Monty and, consequently, she is cherished. She has the biggest puppy dog eyes and absolutely the sweetest disposition towards people of any of our dogs. She seldom meets a person she doesn't love. She is also the biggest clown of any of our dogs. Callie, her mother, and several of Callie's pups from previous litters love learning tricks and putting on shows. This line tends to spawn performers, and they will really ham it up for an audience. She is also a born athlete. As a youngster, she loved jumping to the point I often teased Mom that she should have been named Tigger (from Pooh-bear). I once took three circles around the back forty acres checking over the cattle and fence. The entire time Callie "boinged" beside me and usually above my head. She never took a step, just "boinged" along happily the entire time, getting at least six feet on most of her jumps. In regards to working stock, the sweet disposition disappears. Callie is a strong cattle dog with lots of natural instinct. She can come on too strong for smaller stock like sheep and poultry, though, and we recommend that her pups be used for cattle over sheep and goats unless you have trained working dogs previously. If given the choice she prefers heading to healing and tends to work close to stock. Her mother was also an excellent working dog who was used regularly at a local livestock auction until it was closed a few years ago. Many of Callie's previous pups have been placed on farms where they have proven themselves to be solid working dogs.

                                 The litter's sire, Slash V Char, is out of Slash V Steel Smoke, aka "Smokey". Char is a very laid-back dog, has excellent manners, and listens well. We waited along time to get a Slash V dog, and he has more than met our expectations. He decided early on that his place was by Rose Marie's side, and he hasn't moved from it yet. He is aloof, but polite around strangers; he has never been aggressive to a person in our presence but he does not run up to strangers and try to lick them to death either. We suspect he would try to stop someone from breaking into the house, but have, fortunately, never had the opportunity to test the theory. He has great manners in the house and is a favorite of our housecats. In conformation, he is well balanced, has a strong topline, and moves well. He is not overly large, but has a solid bone structure. He has been worked more on goats than cattle at this point in time, but has a lot of natural presence (probably more eye than any other dog we own), bites low and only when required, and very seldom barks while working. Rose Marie is very excited about working with him more. She thinks he's the best working dog we own right now.

All of the puppies from this litter have found their permanent homes. We wish all the new owners the best of luck!

Pics from 9 weeks


The Boys

               Here are the two black tri males from this litter. The black tri male on the right of these pictures was, in our humble opinion, the second best male in the in the litter overall, and the male we would have picked for ourselves if we were willing to take on another boy right now. He was also the last puppy to find his permanent home from this litter. It just goes to show you that everyone is looking for something a little different when they pick their four-legged companion. He has a steady and determined manner about him. He has been one of the most independent and athletic of the litter from the time he was born, but he still is attentive during one-on-one time. From the beginning, this boy was always one of our top two picks out of the litter for someone looking for a good working dog. Consequently, we are really excited that he is now living with a rodeo family and their very smart and confident barrel-racing daughter. We hope that he will live up to our expectations of him both as a buddy and as a stock dog. The black tri with the pretty white trim (shown on the left of both photos) has joined his sister with a lovely family in the Ozarks. He is a very people-oriented, playful fellow, who struck me as a dog that will bond closely to his owners and love sharing outdoor adventures with them.

The Lasses

               All of our girls have found their permanent places in the world. The black tri female is very attentive without being overbearing. She is sharp as a tack and really sweet. She is the only pup from this litter who found a way to escape from her playpen, but instead of running off to find trouble she immediately pranced up to the backdoor to be praised for her new skill. This girl just wants to make you happy. She and her brother are now living with a family in the Ozarks who loved their previous Aussie so much they decided to get two more. The red tri female shown with her sister in the second picture is still as loving and sweet as she was at six weeks. She is the most like Callie in personality of any puppy in this litter. She has a happy, boingy-playful personality while you are dancing in the grass with her. On the other hand, she adores a simple snuggle during quiet time. She is my younger sister's first pick for a cuddling companion while watching cartoons on a lazy weekend. This red tri lady is going to live with a park ranger in training. We hope to vicariously share some of their many adventures in the great American outdoors in the future!


Pics from 6 weeks


The Red Tri Males

               These are the two red tri males. Both of these boys have found their permanent homes. The first male pictured is largest boy in the litter, and he is full of fun and self-confidence. He comes running up to play whenever he sees people, but he is never at a loss when left to play and explore on his own. He is a really nice fellow all the way around. This fellow has found a permanent home with a wonderful young man who previously owned one of our dogs. He and we suspect she was stolen from his front yard. We hope this puppy will find as big of a place in his heart and life as his previous girl. (News flash!: His female was identified by a local veterinarian almost 2 months after she disappeared when she was brought in for a check-up. We may never know the hows and whys, but we are so happy he has her back again.) The second red male pictured has an adorable teddy bear face. He has a very "middle-of-the-road" personality. He is slightly more reserved than the his big red brother, but still has plenty of energy in his little body. This second red tri male has been reserved by a lovely family with two young children who both think he is the cat's pajamas.

The Black Tri Males

               Here are the two black tri males. The first male has minimal white and a fairly compact body. He also has a "middle-of-the-road" personality and strikes me as the "thinker" at least among the boys. He watches a new situation for a few moments before jumping into the fun and excitement. The second black tri male pictured is the second largest boy in the litter and has really pretty blaze down his face. He is possibly the most handsome boy of the litter. While not shy or easily frightened, he is one of the two most reserved puppy in the litter and currently strikes me as a dog that will bond very strongly to one person.


The Red Tri Lasses

Here are the two red females from this litter. They are both really nice girls. The first girl has a really cute blaze on her face that is slightly off-center, giving her an adorable asymetric look. She is more than willing to engage in a rough-and-tumble play-fight, but also thoroughly enjoys taking a nap in the few rays of sunshine that have managed to sneak through the clouds lately. The second red tri has very little white on her. She is currently the most independent and active puppy in this litter. I have temporarily nicknamed her "Dora the Explorer" because of her tendency to go sight-seeing on her play-outings. "Dora" has found a great home with a farmer in our area who loves the last dog he got from us so much he decided he would get a second.

This litter also has one beautiful, black tri female that reminds me of a little princess. Unfortunately, the battery in my camera died before she was able to get her photo taken. She is one of the calmer puppies of the litter and strikes me as a really good candidate for a young girl's companion.

The Merles

              Callie had one blue merle female and one red merle male this litter. Both of the merles have been placed. They are both really nice puppies. The blue merle female has a steady, intermediate personality. She strikes me as a dog that won't take any nonsense when she grows up and and may lean towards an alpha personality. This girl has been placed with a nice lady and her three year old daughter. The red merle male is a sweetheart of a boy that reminds me very much of his mother. He is very playful and has a blast with my younger sister. He will likely be a great kids dog. The red merle male has been reserved by a couple in northern Arkansas.


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