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 The White Wizard



Author:  Kinkyhobbit

Genre:  LOTR, drabble (100 words)

Rating:  G

Warnings: spoilerish

Disclaimer:  I don't own anything Tolkien-related.

Summary: It entered my brain as I watched this scene the first time. You’ll know the one.




They fell to the ground and stared at the blinding white vision before them, their fear turning to disbelief. The wizard smiled, gentle and familiar despite the changes he had undergone.


Pippin felt a lump rise in his throat. The hobbits exchanged glances and then crawled quickly forward, unable to stop the tears spilling down their cheeks. The wizard bent down and laid his staff on the ground, reaching out to gently touch their faces, brushing away their tears.


“Shhh,” he said softly.


Merry whimpered and pressed his face into the wizard’s palm.


“Safe,” whispered Pippin, choking back sobs. “Safe.”



Kinkyhobbit 2003


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