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Part One


Author:  kevswitchau

Pairing:  Peter Parker/Casey Connor

Genre:  AU: Faculty/Spiderman crossover

Rating:  NC-17

Warnings:  Sex, drugs, language…

Disclaimer:  I don’t own the rights to these characters, I’m just playing with them.

Note: Thanks again to the Kinky, your brain goes where few dare to follow!



And all I can taste is this moment

And all I can breathe is your life

IRIS (The Googoo Dolls)



Casey was sick of it.


He was sick of Delilah telling him what to do.


Sick of teachers who didn’t give a fuck that he got the living shit beat out of him day in and day out.


Sick of Zeke who treated him like something he’s just stepped in.


Sick to death of the lot of ’em. Other people are fucked he thought, then smiled grimly. He liked that. It was his new favourite saying.  It felt good.  It felt true.


He was sitting in the bleachers, watching the stupid goddamn inter-school football carnival, the camera resting in his lap. Jesus Christ, how many pictures of these asshole posers did they need? Fucking jocks. They all looked the same to him.


“How much does this suck?”


He looked up at the sound of the voice, startled to see someone standing over him. He flinched, waiting for the punch or kick that usually accompanied his interaction with the guys at the school, but nothing came. 


He examined the kid warily. He was about Casey’s hight- maybe a little taller, brown hair and glasses. Great. Another geek.  That’s all Casey needed to boost his already skyrocketing popularity.


“Sucks big time, man,” he answered without much enthusiasm, turning back to the game, feigning interest.


Go away...go away and leave me....oh fuck.


The kid sat along side Casey, offering his hand.


“Peter Parker.”


Casey eyed the hand, and shook it without much enthusiasm. He didn’t want to be too inviting. Perhaps the nerd would piss off.


“Casey Connor,” he offered grudgingly.


“Nice camera.”


Casey sighed. This guy obviously wasn’t going anywhere. He should probably at least be civil.


“Yeah, it’s the school’s. Taking photos for the paper.”


“No shit,” smiled the kid, reaching into his knapsack and pulling out a slightly battered Canon. “Me too.” He removed the lens cap and grinned at Casey. “But this one’s mine”.


Casey studied the guy out of the corner of his eye. He looked like your typical newspaper nerd, right down to the thick rimmed glasses perched on his face, but his smile was easy and his eyes were warm turquoise and Casey found himself thawing a little.


“You don’t play?” he asked, inclining his head towards the over-inflated drones who were running and throwing and trying to kill each other. Casey never did get football...except for the killing bit. Killing a jock. Now there’s a worthwhile endeavour.


Peter chuckled. “Do I look like I play?”


Casey eyed the other guy. His stomach was flat, his broad chest and shoulders were obviously well defined, even underneath the black coat he wore.


“Well actually...yeah.”


Peter looked down at himself with an odd expression, almost as if seeing his body for the first time, and to Casey’s surprise he blushed and pulled the coat closed, shrugging.


“Yeah well...I don’t. I’m not interested. It’s all bullshit. I don’t think anyone should run....”


“Unless he’s being chased?” Casey offered. The surprise on the other guys face was almost comical.


“Yeah...unless he’s being chased...”


Casey looked back towards the crowd of jocks on the field, and his expression darkened. His ribs still hurt from yesterday. He absently rubbed the bruises on his arms where bigger, coarser fingers had held him down so that others could make him scream. He hated it when he screamed. It gave them power.


“Even then it’s a waste of time,” he muttered. “They still catch you.”


The new guy had the good sense to stay quiet. Casey respected him for that. Last thing he needed was to be sharing war stories with another snivelling citizen of Geekdom. But looking at the kid, he doubted seriously that he’d be the type to wind up bloodied and crying in a corner of the locker room...just call it a hunch.


Peter put the lens cap back on the camera and tucked it back in the bag.


“Caffeine break?” He suggested standing up.


“Not gonna take photos?” Casey asked, mildly surprised.


“Shit, these guys all look the same. I can use any of my stock pics and nobody would know the difference. C’mon.”


Casey grinned, dropped the camera into his bag and stood up. Against his better judgement, he was beginning to like this guy.


“Well, well, well...if it isn’t the geek patrol.”


Casey stopped dead. Great. Why the fuck wasn’t Gabe on field with the rest of the knuckle draggers.


“I do believe they’re not interested in our game, Zeke.”


Oh yeah. Zeke Tyler. Casey’s hell was now complete.


“What’s up, douche bag? Sick of watching big tough men sweat? Or are you just off to think about the team and flog the log in private?”


“Yeah fuck you too Zeke,” Casey grunted. 


Zeke was moderately harmless. Casey could count the times Zeke had hit him on one hand, and that was only when he was pissed off. Casey could cope with Zeke. Zeke’s greatest weapon was his tongue, and words never scared Casey.


But Gabe…Gabe was a different story. Gabe was a sadistic bastard who tortured Casey just so he could get off on the sounds of the whimpers and the sobbing. And when Casey screamed...well...that was just a bonus for good old Gabe. He lived for the screams.


“Who’s your buddy, asswipe?” sneered Zeke. 


Casey turned towards Peter. He was unreadable. Like a statue. Only his eyes flicking from Zeke to Gabe and back again betrayed the fact that there was anyone home.


“Peter Parker,” said Peter, unsmiling, his voice a gentle monotone. But Casey heard something else behind it, something...hard. Something not to be fucked with. 


Gabe was looking hard at Peter, his dark eyes flint like. Casey sensed that he’d heard it too...apparently Gabe wasn’t as stupid as Casey thought he was. The whistle sounded from the field behind them, and Gabe took the opportunity to break free from Peter’s glare.


“Shit...that’s us.” He and Zeke turned and walked towards the field. Half way there, Gabe looked around again. Ignoring Peter, he fixed his eyes on Casey, and Casey felt his balls clench...he knew that look. He was in deep shit. Gabe grinned coldly as he watched the colour drain from Casey’s face, turned, and walked away.


Casey realised that he’d been holding his breath, and let it out tremulously.


“I fucking hate this school,” he muttered, jamming his hands into the pockets of his jeans and climbing down over the seats after Peter.



Kevswitchau 2002


Part 2

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