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Author:  Kevswitchau

Pairing:  EW and some guy

Genre:  RPS, PWP

Rating:  NC-17

Warnings:  Sex

Disclaimer:  This hasn’t happened.....yet! Inspired by my own perverted brain...I don’t own anyone in this story except myself.

I shouldn’t be here.
I shouldn’t be doing this.
You had no idea that the conference room you led him to had a two way mirror, or a little security room,
But I knew...
These Ritzy hotels have them sometimes...
And even though I know I shouldn’t,
Here I am

You’re nervous.
I can see that.
We’ve been friends for so long now, and I can tell.
You’re giggling and talking...
A lot.
And he’s just quietly watching you.

You’ve wanted this. Dreamed about this.
Never imagined it would happen.
And now that it is, you hardly know what to do.

He shuts you up in the most effective way.
He grabs you and kisses you.
It’s not hurried, it’s not rough,
He simply reaches for you
And stops your nervous babbling with his lips.

I watch your mouth as it opens against his
And I know the moment that his tongue enters...
I can see you take it into your mouth,
Caress it with your own tongue,
Hold it inside...

I watch the subtle changes in your face
As you give yourself over to him,
Reaching up and entangling your fingers in his hair.

I can imagine the sounds you’re making.
Small sounds.
Desperate sounds.
I wish that the thick glass would let noise in to me
Because I want to hear it...I want to hear it all,
But for now I have to be content with watching.

You finally break the kiss
And both of you are panting...
Staring at eachother.

Even behind the glass
I can feel it...
The heat
Like magma
Bubbling from you
Between you...

You step towards him and reach for the buttons on the fly of his

I watch as he grasps the lapels of your leather jacket
And leans into you
Burying his face in your neck
Running his lips over the stubble
Along your jaw line

He kisses you again
This is no closed mouth screen kiss
There are no pursed lips
There is no vending-machine stiffness
He opens his mouth wide,
Welcoming your tongue inside
Drawing you closer,
His sapphire eyes closed as he tastes...
Relishes the flavour of you.

Your fingers finish unclasping the buttons
And you reach into his jeans

I see him groan into your mouth
His brows drawn down
As he struggles against the pleasure
That threatens to overwhelm him
I can almost hear him gasping
“not yet...not...yet...”
and I smile to myself, knowing that you must be going crazy
wanting to touch and taste
his entire body.

I watch you gently pull away and sink to your knees.

He’s looking down at you
His eyes glazed over,
His fingers running through your hair

You lick your lips nervously
As you slide his jeans down his slim hips

I know you’ve never been here before...
You told me so.

“Golf ball, garden hose, sweetie” I chuckle to myself
as I watch you lean forward
and run your tongue over his
creamy inner thigh

I see his mouth open
And know that the sound coming out
Must be enough to make you cum on the spot...
I marvel at your restraint.

He reaches behind him and grabs a chair
And sinks down into it.

You shuffle forward
So you’re kneeling between his spread knees.

Your eyes, like mine, are drawn to the
Black tattoo marking the perfect whiteness of his hip.
You reach up with a trembling finger
And trace the elvish glyph
Before leaning forward
And running your tongue over it.

I see him shiver at the touch of your mouth
As you close your lips over it
And suck
Softly at first
Then harder
Bringing a blush to the skin

You return your attention
To the sensitive flesh
On the inside of his thigh.
Making him whimper

(I can see his adams apple moving...his lips mouthing your name)

You nuzzle his engorged cock
Before licking it’s entire length,
Your tongue playing over the stretched skin,
Your hands stroking and caressing his balls...

You move your mouth along the shaft,
Covering the flesh in wet kisses
Your tongue flicking continuously...

As I watch your expert tonguing
I catch myself disbelieving
You for a moment...
Your claims of being new to this...
But perhaps you’re just a fast learner
Perhaps you’re just going with the flow.

I look into his face
And wish, not for the first time,
That you could see him from this angle.
His head is tilted backwards
So that the light is shining full on his face
He’s beautiful
He’s so beautiful
His eyes are still closed
And his lashes are long and thick
Giving him a look of vulnerability...

His mouth is open
And his tongue appears from time to time
Just the pink tip
Flicking out to moisten his lips

The look on his face is one of complete rapture
Complete surrender
And you’ve done that to him
That look belongs to you.

My attention is drawn back to you
As you close your mouth over the head of his cock
I watch as you work your lips and tongue
Up and down the shaft
Your cheeks hollow
As you suck firmly...

You pull yourself up on your knees,
Open your jaws
And take his cock deep into your throat,
His eyes burst open as he sits upright,
His hands flying to bury themselves in your hair...

You show no sign of discomfort
You’re enjoying it almost as much as he is
I’m impressed...

I watch his face and I know
I know that he’s about to blow
At any minute

He disentangles his fingers from your hair
And grasps the arms of the chair
White knuckled
Hie eyes never leaving you
As you work him in and out of your throat

I can tell he’s making a noise
But I can’t tell if he’s groaning
Or shouting

He’s bent forward at the waist
The top of his head bowed
Inches from your own
His shoulders taut...

And as I watch, his body jerks backwards
Slamming back into the chair
And now I know he’s yelling
As your hands are gripping his thighs
And he shudders
His eyes screwed shut
His hips thrusting upwards involuntarily
As he explodes into your mouth
Into your throat
And you drink him in
Taking every drop with relish.

I realise that I’m leaning forward,
My forehead pressed against the cold glass
My eyes glued on his face
And the gasping I hear is me...

It’s getting hot in here.

I rise from my seat and turn towards the mirror once more.

He’s on the floor in front of you
Having slid from the chair
He’s laughing
Laughing and kissing you
His hands peeling your jacket from you
Fumbling with the buttons
Of your shirt
Kissing you...kissing you...

“Way to go, bud” I grin as I open the door and walk out of the room.

Leaving you to experience whatever happens next alone.


Kevswitchau 2002



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