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 Rainy Days


Author:  Kinkyhobbit (March 02)

Pairing:  Coach Willis/Casey

Genre:  The Faculty, PWP

Rating:  NC-17

Warnings:  graphic sex.

Summary:  Coach Willis discovers he has a thing for Casey. Then when Casey needs a lift home, Coach Willis is conveniently right there to give it to him…

Notes:  Some may have age of consent concerns as Casey is 17 in the movie. However, I’m in Canberra (Australia) and the age here is 16. Your own laws are your own problem J.



Casey bolted out the door but it was too late. The bus was gone. Dammit.


He needed a new watch. Specifically, he needed one whose light wasn’t broken so he could read the time while he was in the darkroom. Because now he had missed the bus and it was raining.


He kicked viciously at a puddle and only succeeded in wetting his jeans. He swore and slid back through the door. Maybe he could find Delilah if she was still about. She’d give him a lift, although it would come with a lecture of some kind about how stupid it was to lose track of time and miss the bus.


He had just passed the Faculty room when the door opened.




Casey turned and his stomach lurched when Coach Willis stepped out of the door.


“Little late for lessons, Casey,” said Willis almost sarcastically, raising his eyebrows. “School’s out for the day.”


“I was working in the darkroom and lost track of time.”


“Right,” Willis smiled like a cat. “Photos for the paper?”




Willis walked slowly towards him. “Well, shouldn’t you be getting home now?”


“I…well I only just remembered, and…” his voice tailed off, embarrassed. “I missed the bus.”


“You live far?”


“Far enough when it’s raining.”


Willis was now only a few feet from him. “Is there anyone who can come and get you?”


Casey faltered. “Well…I…”


Willis interrupted him. “I was just leaving…I could give you a ride.”


“Oh, it’s no trouble, Delilah’s…probably somewhere,” he laughed a little nervously. “She can give me a ride.”


“Doesn’t she have cheerleading practice in the gym?”


Casey frowned. Damn. She won’t be leaving for another hour.


“I’m going right now, Casey, it’s really no trouble.”


Casey tried not to look frightened, but Willis always seemed to make him nervous. Willis being friendly made him especially nervous. But still, there weren’t any other options, and it wasn’t that long a drive.




Willis smiled, nodding. “Okay. Well, let’s go.”


They ran through the car park to Willis’s car, and Casey noticed as he clipped the seatbelt on that it still had that distinctive new car smell.


Willis asked him where he lived and Casey told him, and they headed out into the rain and traffic.


“So, what were you doing to miss the bus?”


“Printing some pictures.”


“Oh yeah, that’s right. You’re quite the photographer, aren’t you Casey?”


Casey smiled sheepishly. “I guess so.”


“You’ve got some great action shots from our practice sessions. Really impressive. You’d rather watch and take pictures than participate, huh?”


Willis was smiling rather oddly. Casey said nothing and just looked out the window.


“I’ve seen some of your pictures. That one of Stan in mid-air, turning and throwing the ball, I really like that one.”


Casey turned and stared at him. “When did you see that?” he asked quietly.


“Oh…er, Stan showed it to me. Didn’t you give it to him?”




Casey noted irritably that Willis seemed a stickler for speed limits. And that he wore those damn shorts and polo shirt like a uniform, even with the weather getting colder.


“Must be a real buzz working with Delilah too.”


“What do you mean?”


“Well, come on,” he chuckled, and then lowered his voice. “She’s a very pretty girl.”


Casey said nothing and found himself watching the way Willis casually rested his hand on the gearstick. Willis prodded some more.


“Pity she’s dating Stan. You probably won’t get your chance, huh Casey?”


Casey turned and stared out the window again. He could feel Willis’s eyes watching him.


“So, you got a girlfriend?”




“Really?” Willis raised his eyebrows, nodding without taking his eyes off the road. “I would’ve thought you’d be fighting them off, what with those blue eyes of yours.”


“No.” Casey swallowed, wondering if he’d rather have this conversation with his dad.


“Well, I’m surprised. You’re a good looking boy, Casey.”


Casey kept his gaze firmly out the window and said nothing. He heard Willis take a breath as if to speak, and then pause.


“Couldn’t help noticing that bruise on your cheek is healing up okay.”


Casey looked quickly at Willis then back out the window again. Where, exactly, was this conversation going? And why was the coach so talkative? They’d talked more in these few minutes than they had in the last four years.


“I was thinking the other day, you know…you’re actually a pretty tough little guy. You get beat up all the time and you still come back. I’ve known football players over the years who take one bad hit and that’s it, they quit the team. Puts the frighteners on ’em. But you…,” he was shaking his head, smiling. “You always come back.”


Casey frowned. “I don’t have any choice. I have to go to school.”




Casey watched the rain getting heavier. Willis turned the wipers on faster.


“Really getting dark out there,” he said eventually.


Yeah, thought Casey nervously. It is.


“You know, Casey…why don’t you ever fight back?”


Casey tensed and stared out at the streetlights. He swallowed nervously.


Willis was still rambling, like he was thinking out loud. “I mean, you could do something about all that.”


Casey looked at him. “Like what?”


“Well, you see Casey, life is just like football.”


Casey rolled his eyes and wished there was more to look at outside than traffic and rain.


“It’s all about finding the easiest route to your goal,” Willis said, matter-of-factly. “If you can’t get there the direct way, if there’s an obstacle in your path, you find a way around it, right?”




“Sometimes the way around that obstacle might not be at all what you expect it to be. It might be a little unorthodox,” he said with a smile. “But, if it enables you to reach your goal, you do it.”


Casey was starting to tune out when the coach tugged him sharply back to reality.


“With you, for example, some of the guys on the team get a kick out of beating on you. Now, you don’t do anything. But you could get somebody else to do something for you to make them stop.”


There was silence as Willis let his words hang in the air. Casey looked at him sideways, eyes narrowing suspiciously.


“What do you mean?”


“Well, for instance, I could talk to them and tell them to leave you alone.”


Casey almost laughed. “Why would you do that?”


Willis said nothing.


With winter coming on and the storm clouds coating the sky, it was like night now. Casey’s heart started beating a little faster when he realised the street they were on wasn’t all that familiar to him. All the same, he was grateful for a chance to change the subject.


“Coach, are you sure you know where you’re going?”


“Yeah, sure I do. You think I’ve taken a wrong turn?”


“I think so. We should be there by now.”


“Oh, wait a minute,” Willis said slowly. “You might be right…”


“Where are we?”


“Oh, we can’t be far. How about I pull over and we’ll check the map?”


Willis pulled to the side and Casey realised there weren’t any houses on this stretch of road.


Willis turned on the interior light and grabbed the map from the door pocket. “Hey,” he said suddenly. “What do you think of the car?”


“Oh, it’s…it’s nice.”


“Brand new. Picked it up on the weekend.”


Casey just nodded.


Willis turned his attention to the map, peering at it. “So, anyway,” he said casually. “About what I was saying…I could talk to the guys, especially Gabe. If you want.”


“Yeah, but…why?”


“Well…” Willis seemed suddenly uncomfortable, but it passed in a second. “Don’t you want me to?”


“What’s the point now? This close to the end of high school?” Casey couldn’t keep the scepticism out of his voice. “Why not years ago?”


Willis slowly put the map back in the door pocket and turned to look at him, his eyes glinting in the moonlight. Casey’s pulse went up further. This suddenly felt very, very wrong.


Willis lifted his arm to lean on the steering wheel and Casey jumped, making Willis laugh softly. “You’re very jumpy, Casey,” he said quietly, smiling.


Casey just stared at him. The car suddenly seemed a whole lot smaller, and his heart was pounding.


Willis sighed, looking directly at him. “You want to know why?”


Casey bit his lip and nodded.


Willis leant against his seat and slowly reached over, sliding his hand gently over Casey’s thigh. “You really, really are a very good looking boy, Casey.”


Casey froze in fear, staring at the hand that slowly massaged his leg. He swallowed, his heartbeat throbbing in his ears. Then Willis’s fingers were still and Casey looked at him, and saw something new. Something he didn’t expect.




They stared at each other. Willis leaned towards him. Casey felt like a cornered animal and leaned away until his shoulder was against the door and he could go no further. He closed his eyes and almost grimaced as he felt Willis’s hand grasp his arm, firmly but gently, and easily pull him back from the door. He kept his face turned away, and felt warm lips touch his neck. Then Willis opened his mouth as he finished the kiss and let his tongue just brush over Casey’s skin, and Casey heard his own sharp intake of breath as a shiver ran through him.


He opened his eyes as Willis reached up and brushed the wet hair from his forehead. Their eyes met and Willis suddenly looked down, pulling his hand away, moving back into his seat. Casey stared at him. The man’s normally gruff, aggressive manner was gone. Casey tried hard to believe this was the same man who shouted abuse and obscenities at his players.


Willis swallowed and looked at him, licking his lips nervously. Casey couldn’t speak. He couldn’t think of anything to say. Willis’s hand reached for his leg again and Casey felt a tug deep inside him at the hot touch of those fingers, hot even through the denim, burning heat as they stroked his thigh, closer and closer to his groin.


“Don’t be frightened, Casey.”


He took Casey’s hand and placed it on his own thigh, moving it up until it rested on his groin. Casey tried to pull his hand away but Willis didn’t let him, instead gently squeezing Casey’s fingers around his bulging cock.


He let go of Casey’s hand, fingertips lingering, brushing over Casey’s knuckles. Such a gentle touch, Casey could hardly believe it. His own hand felt glued in place.


Hard cock under fabric, damp heat against his fingers. Casey thought of the last time he’d jerked off. He’d been coming home on the bus and his mind was inexplicably drawn towards sex. He’d had to hold his bag in front of his crotch so no-one saw. As soon as he got inside the house he was leaning against the door, rubbing himself through his jeans before unzipping them and jerking off right there.


It had felt good, that anxious, desperate anticipation before he finally gave in. The feel of his jeans tight against his cock. He knew Willis was feeling it now.


He found himself reaching for Willis’s zip.


“Yes,” Willis whispered.


They were both breathing audibly as Casey trembling fingers unzipped the coach’s shorts. Willis undid the button and took hold of his cock, slowly stroking it, eyes locked on Casey’s.


“Go on,” he whispered. “Touch it. It’s nothing to be scared of.”


Casey had never touched another guy before. Willis put his hand over Casey’s again, closing Casey’s fingers around his cock. It felt weird but again familiar, that same feeling of soft-skin over hot, hard muscle.


The rain on the windows and roof was deafening compared to the silence between them. Casey looked up at Willis and was surprised to see how nervous the man looked. He suddenly felt a little braver and began slowly moving his hand up and down.


Willis swallowed and took a deep, ragged breath, leaning towards Casey, putting one arm around him and resting his hand on his back, reaching down with his other hand to Casey’s groin.


Casey gasped as he felt Willis’s hand gently squeeze him, felt lips brush over his neck, tracing slowly up to his ear, hot breath making him shiver again. Willis kissed his neck again, opening his mouth and sucking gently at Casey’s skin, making him whimper softly. Casey was suddenly aware of how big a man Willis was, especially his arms and hands. He felt like a small child in comparison.


Then the coach leaned back in his seat, his hand on the back of Casey’s neck, pulling his head against the man’s chest. Casey felt fingers slide through his hair.


“Suck it, Casey.”


Casey shuffled forward a little in his seat and let Willis push his head down. He recognised the musky smell of Willis’s cock, yet another thing familiar to him, familiar and yet different. His mind demanded a reason why, but he couldn’t think of a reason not to.


He opened his trembling lips and took the man’s cock into his mouth.


Willis took a deep breath as Casey began to suck him. “Slow, Casey. Don’t rush it. Nice and slow, that’s it.”


Casey obeyed, sliding his tongue over Willis’s hot, hard flesh as he sucked, stopping when he felt the head touch the roof of his mouth, drawing it out, and then in again.


Willis reached up and turned off the interior light. He rested one hand on Casey’s head, absentmindedly caressing his back with the other. He started playing with Casey’s hair, sighing, enjoying the wet sounds of the boy sucking on him.


Willis suddenly cried out softly and grasped a handful of his hair. “Oh, that’s it,” he whispered through clenched teeth, eyes shut tight. “That’s it, Casey…”


Casey felt Willis’s hand holding his head still, but he didn’t stop.


Willis kept his fist clenched in Casey’s hair. “Take more,” he breathed. “Take it into your throat.”


Willis pushed down and Casey felt the head of Willis’s cock being forced into his throat. He gagged immediately and resisted, Willis pushing harder. He choked again, fear suddenly rising inside him…but what he expected to happen next didn’t. Willis didn’t force his head down a second time. Instead he just relaxed, keeping only a gentle pressure on the back of Casey’s head. Letting Casey keep control.


Casey could hear Willis’s breath coming in shuddering gasps, could feel his trembling fingers tangled in his hair. He pulled back a little, breathing hard, and Willis slid a hand under his chin and tilted his face up to meet his gaze.


Willis was trembling as his fingers traced the edge of Casey’s jaw up to his mouth, gently wiping away the moisture on his chin. He paused, and then put his fingers to Casey’s lips. Casey blinked and opened his mouth and Willis slipped his fingers in. Casey sucked gently at them, feeling them moving in a circular motion on his wet tongue, spreading the moisture out over his lips.


Willis’s fingers dropped gently to Casey’s throat. They looked at each other. Casey still felt uncertain and frightened, but Willis seemed the same. His hands trembled a little, and he looked at Casey as if he was a fragile thing that could easily break.


They kissed. Later Casey couldn’t remember which of them started it. Maybe neither of them had, maybe it had just happened to them both at the same time.


Willis’s stubble rubbed sharply against Casey’s soft skin, but his mouth was hot and wet, his tongue sliding gently between Casey’s lips. He didn’t taste of anything in particular, but Casey liked it. He liked it so much he forgot to breathe.


He whimpered as Willis pulled him closer, almost into his lap, strong arms up under his coat holding him tight. Casey’s fingers clutched at Willis’s shirt.


They finally stopped, both panting, lips still touching. Casey’s mouth felt hot and raw, his cock ached. He didn’t want to stop.


He made a soft sound as Willis’s hand slid down his back and grasped his butt.


“I could show you something…” Willis breathed, his lips finding Casey’s ear again. “We’d be more comfortable in the back.”


Casey sat back and looked at him, swallowing nervously. “I…I don’t know if I can do that.”


“I’m not going to make you.”


Casey didn’t move. His mind wasn’t sure, but his body was screaming for it.


“If I wanted to rape you, I’d have finished by now.”


Casey swallowed and nodded. He climbed through the gap between the front seats and into the back of the car. By the time he was there Willis had gotten out of the car and climbed in the back beside him, through the back door. Casey saw fresh raindrops glistening on his face.




Casey nodded.


“Don’t be.”


Willis helped him out of his jacket and pulled off his shirt, then pushed him down onto his back, kneeling between his thighs, pushing his knees apart. He leant down and they kissed, Casey groaning at the weight of the man’s body between his legs. He was shocked at how eagerly he pushed up with his hips as they wrapped their arms around each other. He felt Willis’s hard muscles through his shirt and realised how much they turned him on. He’d never look at that damn football team quite the same way again.


Willis sat up and took his shirt off, breathing hard. His eyes quickly ran up and down Casey’s body, then he licked his lips and smiled as he pulled Casey’s shoes off his feet and undid his jeans. He pulled them off and dropped them on the floor, along with his own shorts. Casey just lay there, his breath catching in his throat as he looked at the coach’s naked body.


Willis reached into the storage compartment between the front seats and removed a small tube.


“What’s that?” Casey asked, trying not to sound frightened.


Willis smiled. “Just a little something to make things easier.”


Casey stared at the tube, then at Willis, and nodded. He lifted his legs as Willis knelt between them. Willis sat there gently stroking his thighs, watching his face. Casey stared at him, at the shadows of raindrops on his face from the moonlight shining through the window. He looked completely different, and Casey again found himself trying to comprehend that this was Joe Willis. The football coach. Loud, aggressive, abusive and seemingly scathing of anyone who wasn’t a jock.


“What are you smiling at?” Willis asked softly, leaning close to Casey’s face, smiling himself.


“I won’t believe this happened tomorrow.”




Casey shook his head, momentarily closing his eyes and shivering as Willis ran his hands over Casey’s hips, up over his stomach and down again, fingers teasingly close to his cock.


“I’ll think I dreamt it.”


“Maybe you are dreaming.”


Casey’s breathing was rapid and shallow, eyes widening as Willis leant down and sucked gently at his hip. Willis squeezed his butt, lifting him slightly off the seat as he sucked and kissed his way across Casey’s stomach, slowly working his way down. He paused as Casey’s cock touched his cheek, then suddenly drew it into his mouth, all the way to the back of his throat, pushing Casey back down onto the seat. Casey moaned and arched his back, Willis grunting and pushed down on his thighs, holding him down, making him cry out.


Willis paused, sitting up a little and smiling dangerously as he flipped open the tube and squeezed some lube onto his fingers. He kept his eyes locked on Casey’s as he reached down between the boy’s legs and starting massaging his asshole.


Casey moaned as Willis’s fingers probed him, pushing into him. It felt deliciously close to pain, but not quite. He closed his eyes.


“You like that?”


He moaned again, then gasped as Willis pushed a finger in deep and began moving it slowly inside him. It felt incredible, to be touched so deep inside. Willis leant down and kissed him hard, sucking Casey’s whimpers and moans from his mouth. Casey responded passionately, holding Willis tightly as pleasure swept through him. A sharp, hot, almost painful sensation spread through his groin as Willis moved slowly and relentlessly in and out of his ass until Casey thought he was going to explode.


Willis broke off the kiss gently and sat back, pushing Casey’s legs up more. Casey’s head was pushed against the door, wedged beneath the handle with his legs lifted and spread, the backs of his thighs resting on top of Willis’s. It should have been uncomfortable to say the least, but it wasn’t. At least not in a bad way.


He watched as Willis squeezed more lube onto his fingers and began smearing it over his cock, coating it completely. Casey stared at it and felt his mouth start to water.


Willis lifted himself up a little, pushing forward, rubbing the head of his cock against Casey’s asshole, his other hand leaning on the door above Casey’s head. Their eyes locked as Willis massaged Casey with is cock, Casey whimpering and pushing against him in response.


“Push down onto it,” Willis breathed.


Casey obeyed instantly and cried out as he felt his ass start to stretch. He relaxed, hands flat against Willis’s shoulders, and pushed again. Willis didn’t move, letting Casey take his time. Casey squirmed and moaned at how good it felt, being stretched open, wider and wider, then suddenly the head of Willis’s cock slipped into him and he cried out again. Willis hissed softly through his teeth as Casey’s fingers clenched at the flesh of his chest.


Willis pushed forward and Casey arched his back, crying out again as several inches of cock suddenly slid easily into him. He was breathing fast through clenched teeth and looked up to see Willis watching him closely. They both froze, Willis letting Casey’s body get used to it.


Willis eased back a little, pulling out about an inch before pushing that inch back into Casey. He shut his eyes tight and grunted as Casey’s muscles squeezed his cock painfully hard. He grasped Casey’s thighs and moved slowly inside him.


Casey knew he wouldn’t last long like this, but he didn’t think Willis would either. He felt stretched but only partly filled. This sweet, nasty invasion was almost overwhelming but he desperately wanted more, wanted the coach all the way inside him, but Willis just teased him with short thrusts in and out.


Casey reached down to his own cock and looked up at Willis, his eyes pleading for more. Willis was breathing deeper, mouth open, his eyes locked on Casey’s hands. Suddenly he pulled them away and grasped Casey’s cock with his own hand, stroking slowly in time with his deepening thrusts. Casey whimpered and clutched desperately at Willis’s forearms, fingers digging in as he felt a massive wave suddenly hit him and pulse through him from head to toe. He let out an anguished cry and his entire body went taut as he came all over Willis’s hand. Willis bared his teeth, eyes wide as Casey’s muscles squeezed him even harder.


The wave subsided and all Casey could feel was Willis’s cock moving inside him, suddenly painfully tight. He stared as Willis raised his hand to his mouth and hungrily sucked and licked Casey’s come from his fingers. Willis looked down at him, panting, eyes shining wildly, then suddenly he cried out and thrust hard.


Casey screamed as he felt Willis slide all the way into him, felt that hot explosion deep inside. Willis leant against the door and grunted with each thrust as he came, his voice breaking into a strangled cry when he finished.


He stayed there for a few seconds, getting his breath. Then he leaned back and slowly withdrew from Casey, falling back against the seat. Casey lay there, feeling suddenly empty and full at the same time. He felt warm and wonderful inside. Wow. I’ve just been fucked.


He lay there for a few minutes until he finally noticed the cold. He shivered and sat up, Willis already handing him his shirt and coat. They dressed without speaking, just sat there, and then looked at each other. Casey was buzzing so much he felt an overwhelming urge to climb into Willis’s lap and kiss him.


Instead he just shook his head and smiled. “I still think I might be dreaming.”


“Yeah, well, we’ve all got our secrets. Some of us just keep them better.”


Casey stifled a yawn.


“Come on,” Willis said. “I better get you home before your parents call the cops.”



Casey’s father was going into the house when Willis pulled up in the driveway. Willis wound the window down as Casey’s father approached, mildly surprised.


“Evening Mr Connor.”


“Evening, Coach. Don’t tell me you’ve convinced Casey to join the team.”


Willis laughed and glanced at Casey as he climbed out of the car, suddenly nervous.


“No, nothing like that. Casey was working on the paper and missed the bus. I offered him a ride, seeing as it was raining.”


“Right. This weather’s really hit quick.”


“Yeah. Came across an accident on the way and got stuck in traffic, otherwise he’d have been home sooner.”


“Feel like a drink?”


“No thanks,” said Willis. “Things to do, you know how it is.”


Casey closed the door. “Thanks Coach,” he said softly.


Willis smiled at him. “Hey Casey, anytime it’s raining and you need a ride, let me know. I’m happy to oblige.”


“Thanks,” Casey replied, feeling his father’s eyes on him. He turned and raced into the house.



Things didn’t change much at school. The first time they saw each other in the corridor Casey put his head down and walked quickly past. Willis was never more than curt and polite, if he bothered to speak to Casey at all. Casey was mildly disappointed, but then figured he shouldn’t really have expected anything else. Maybe he did dream it after all.


Nearly two weeks later Casey was standing near his locker when Willis didn’t walk past. Instead the coach stopped, just for a second. Stopped long enough to say three words. Then he kept walking.


“Looks like rain.”


By the time Casey realised what Willis had said the coach was off down the corridor, glancing back long enough for Casey to catch the smile on his face. He turned back to his locker, wide-eyed.


That afternoon Casey sat in English and couldn’t focus on Miss Burke or what she was saying. He was gazing out the window as the dark clouds that had swept over the town during the day finally broke. As the rain hit the ground, he smiled.


Kinkyhobbit 2002



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