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 Quiet Heart

Part Five


Author:  Kinkyhobbit  25/5/02

Pairing:  references to EW/DM

Genre:  RPS

Rating:  M

Warnings:  Swearing.

Disclaimer:  I’m not responsible for these people, which is probably good considering what I keep putting them through. Luckily for them, I made it all up.

Summary:  Elijah comes home. (The other lyrics in the story are from The Hummingbirds’ “Tuesday”.)



I’m standing in the push and shove,

And I’m just within the rescue of the labour of your love.

I can’t do anything but fall…




Viggo was gone when Elijah woke. It was still dark. He lay there, and in his mind saw Dom’s face as he’d seen it last time he had come home from working on a film. When the rumours had beaten him home and found their way to Dom’s ear. He knew he’d see that face again when he went home this time, too.


He grabbed a fistful of sheet and curled up in a ball, shutting his eyes tight, but he couldn’t make Dom’s accusing face go away. He was selfish and stupid and he knew it. I didn’t come here for this, he thought to himself. I didn’t.


But if he was really honest, he had to admit he had known the possibility was there, yet he came anyway. That was just as bad, wasn’t it?


He couldn’t sleep. He sat up, his face grim. “Right, you idiot,” he muttered to himself. “Fucking sort yourself out.”


He got out of bed, pulling on boxers and a t-shirt, and went in search of Viggo.


He found him out on the porch in a pair of track pants and a t-shirt. Elijah sat beside him, saying nothing, just staring up at the lightening sky as the stars began to disappear, one by one.


After a while he said, “When you’re in LA, do you ever look at the streetlights and get confused and think they’re actually stars?”


Viggo laughed softly. “No. Would you?”


“If I stared at them long enough.”


“And wished hard enough.”


Viggo reached over and took his hand, smiling at him, a new light in his face. Elijah couldn’t bear it and looked away.


“I’m sorry, Viggo,” he whispered.


Neither of them spoke for a long time. Viggo’s hand was warm and he didn’t want to let it go.


Finally Elijah turned to look at him, his voice small in the breeze. “Viggo, I…I didn’t come here for this.”


Viggo swallowed and kept looking out over the trees so Elijah couldn’t see his eyes. His voice had an edge to it.


“I could love you, you know. I really could. I could really love you, and…and you’d...”


He chewed his lip, tense, still staring out at the trees. Elijah kissed his hand, feeling it warm against his cheek.


“I’m…I’m sorry.”


Viggo just nodded and squeezed his hand.


“I shouldn’t have come, Viggo. I just…I thought talking to you would help. I’m sorry.”


“No, it’s…you came here for my help and support and I’ve probably just made things worse,” said Viggo softly.


They sat quietly, the chill morning air creeping through their clothes. It made the feel of Viggo’s hand in his even warmer, more human.


“So…you’re going back to him?”




“What do you think he’ll say?”


“I don’t know. I should have listened to him in the first place. He said I’d end up sleeping with you.”


Viggo looked at him sharply. “Really?”




Viggo shook his head. “He knows you better than you do.”


The horizon began to change colour with the coming sun.


“I think you should go home.”


Elijah looked at him, but Viggo wouldn’t meet his eyes. “He said he wouldn’t be there when I got back.”


“Do you believe him?”


“He’s said it before. I don’t know. I hope not.”


Viggo sighed and looked at him. “You should ring up and change your flight.”


Their eyes met for a long moment. Viggo was hurt but he wasn’t going to say anything. Elijah stood and moved behind him, putting his arms around him and kissing his cheek.


Viggo patted his arm. “If…if you really believe there’s half a chance of…fixing things…you should go home. Today.”


Elijah hugged him tight, not sure what to say. Finally he kissed him again and went in to make the call.


He got a flight just after noon. At first there were no seats but the receptionist recognised his name and cheerfully went out of her way to find him a seat with another airline.


When he got off the phone Viggo was painting. Elijah stood in the doorway and watched until he almost fell asleep standing up, then went back to bed.



A few hours later Viggo climbed onto the bed and sat beside him, gently shaking him awake.




He mumbled and turned over, throwing an arm across Viggo’s thigh. Viggo stroked his head, watching him thoughtfully.


“Come on, Elijah.”


Elijah could smell coffee and his stomach immediately demanded some. He stirred, sitting up and snuggling against Viggo’s chest. Viggo handed him a cup and took a sip from his own.


“Only a few hours, Lij.”


“Yeah,” he sipped the coffee gratefully, and looked up. “Thank you. For everything.”


Viggo kissed the top of his head, closing his eyes and letting his face rest in Elijah’s messed up hair. They stayed there together, drinking their coffee and enjoying the quiet.


“I might try to call him again,” said Elijah eventually.


Viggo nodded, picking up his coffee and walking out onto the porch while Elijah went for the phone.



Dom and Billy were still sitting on the sofa watching cartoons. Billy had suggested going for a walk, going to annoy Deborah for a coffee or going out for brunch, but Dom would not participate in anything that involved leaving the house. He was determined to wait for Elijah to call again. So instead Billy had flicked on the TV and they’d found something mindless and silly to watch.


“You don’t have to stay. I’ll be allright.”


“Yeah, sure you will,” Billy nudged him. “But I’m going to stay with you anyway.”


Dom smiled and briefly laid his head on Billy’s shoulder.


“Don’t go all mushy on me again. There are cartoons to be watched.”


The phone rang. Billy felt Dom tense, looking at it fearfully as it rang again. Billy sighed and was about to pick it up when Dom’s hand suddenly grabbed it.






Dom sighed heavily. “Liji.”


“Jesus Dom, where have you been?”


“I’ve been here, I’ve just…I wasn’t around to answer when you called.”


He heard the strain in Elijah’s voice. “I thought you’d gone. I thought...Sblomie…I thought you’d left. Like you said.”


“I nearly did.” Dom swallowed. “But, I…I really wanted to talk to you because I didn’t want you to do anything foolish.”


Silence. Nothing. Dom could almost hear his own heart sink.


“L-liji? Did you…?”


“I’m sorry, Sblomie. You were right…”


Dom closed his eyes; Elijah’s trembling, fragile words falling into his ear in a torrent.


“…I should have listened to you, I shouldn’t have come here but…but I didn’t know what to do, I love you so much, I just want everything to be right again and…I needed to talk to someone…I want to make it right, Sblomie…I didn’t…I wouldn’t leave you…”


“Shut up,” replied Dom, his voice quivering.


“Sblomie, don’t…”


“Shut up and get your arse home.”



Viggo could hear Elijah on the phone, could hear his voice but not his words. Heard the panic and fear in his voice fall away, and knew. He folded his arms and closed his eyes tight to stop the tears coming. Not yet, he thought. Not until he’s gone.



Not until Elijah’s bag was packed and he’d taken it out to the car did they actually look at each other, and still the words wouldn’t come for either of them. Eventually Viggo just held out his arms and they hugged each other for a long, long time.


“Viggo, I’m so sorry.”


“It’s okay. It was probably just a bad idea to begin with.”


“No. You’re my friend.”


Viggo squeezed him tighter. “And you’re mine, and I love you, and I’m sorry.”


They didn’t talk much on the way to the airport. At one point Viggo stopped the car for the traffic lights and Elijah watched a young couple stroll across the road, holding hands. As they walked in front of the car the young woman laughed brightly, and Elijah felt a sudden surge of sadness. We can never do that, he thought. We can never just walk down the street holding hands.


The lights changed and he found himself wondering how long they’d been together, if they fought the way he and Dom did, if either of them was as foolish as he was. Or if, perhaps, there was none of that and they were just completely happy. That would be nice.


After he had checked in they walked to the departure lounge. Elijah dropped his bag on a seat and turned, putting his arms around Viggo’s waist. They held each other silently, neither of them letting go until the final call for the flight.


“Thank you,” said Elijah softly.


Viggo smiled and kissed his forehead, then turned and walked away without looking back.



It had taken Billy a good fifteen minutes of arguing to convince Dom to stay home and wait while he went and picked up Elijah. “I’m not having you turning into an emotional wreck in the middle of the airport. You’ll create a scene out of fucking ‘Gone With the Wind’.” Finally, thank Christ, Dom had relented, but not without a passing shot about there being no airports during the American Civil War.


Now he paced up and down outside the arrivals gate, trying to think what to say to Elijah. There was no doubt it was the usual situation: Elijah fucks up, Dom cries a lot, Elijah feels guilty, and they make up. Only he was sick of seeing it happen like a film-loop from a really bad, depressing film. This time he was going to do something he’d never done before, he was going to give Elijah an earful. Despite his promise to Dom that he wouldn’t take sides, he had given Dom a talking to and something had to be said to Elijah, once and for all.


The whole situation reminded him of a song…you could go if you wanted to, but you know that I know, you’ll be back with your tail between your legs, and a mixed up head…He hummed it, not too loudly, trying not to smile. His own little in-joke.


When Elijah finally walked through the gate he bit his lip and smiled at him, and threw his arms around him. Billy hugged him extra tight, already feeling guilty for being mad at him. Christ, he thought, I’m turning into Dom, ready to forgive Elijah at the mere sight of his smile.


He picked up Elijah’s bag and gazed at him closely. “How are you?”


Elijah smiled, that smile that said “I’m smiling because if I don’t I’ll lose it completely”. “I’m okay,” he said softly, taking a deep breath. “How’s Dom?”


Billy chewed his lip thoughtfully, then turned and began walking towards the car park. “As well as can be expected,” he said finally.


Elijah followed him in silence. Not until they were out of the car park and on the road home did he find the courage to speak again.


“I know I’m an idiot,” he said, speaking Billy’s thoughts.


“Yes, you are. As much as I love you, you’re an idiot at times, and if I thought there was the slightest chance of you breaking his heart once and for all, I’d turn the car around and take you back to the airport and make you walk home.”


They stopped at some traffic lights and Billy knocked the car into neutral. “Still, if you haven’t broken it yet you never will.”


Elijah sighed. “I’m sorry.”


“I’m not the one you should be apologising to.”


Elijah glanced at him, feeling anger rising. “You’ve got no right to be mad at me.”


Billy’s eyes didn’t leave the road. Finally he sighed and shook his head. “No, I know that. But if you saw first hand how much you hurt him, you’d be mad too. I mean…you’re my friend, I love you as a friend, but…Jesus fucking Christ Liji, what are you doing? You hurt him in the worst way possible every time you go away, you come back and patch him up, then you bloody do it again! One day you’ll come home and…” he bit his lip and shook his head. “I…sometimes I just don’t know why he stays. I really don’t.”


There, he’d said it. The memory of his voice was loud and now the silence was thick and uncomfortable.


He stared dead ahead as he drove, trying hard not to look at Elijah. He didn’t want to see him crying and crumble, not now. Elijah had to know, had to learn it was time to grow up. Someone had to say it. Deborah didn’t know enough about their relationship to do that. They’d somehow kept her in the dark about most of the fights and cheating. As far as she knew, they were pretty happy.


As for the rest of the gang, none of them really wanted to get involved either for fear of being seen to be taking sides. Except, perhaps, for Viggo. He made a mental note to call Viggo and see how he was, have a bit of a debrief about it all. Maybe they could vent their frustration together.


“I know what I have to do,” said Elijah in a small voice. “I guess I’ve known all along but…I wanted an easier answer.”


“Well it’s never that fucking easy. You want a serious relationship with someone, you have to work at it. It’s hard work, it’s never always easy.”


“I know, okay, Billy? I’ve got it now.” Elijah’s voice cracked and he quickly wiped the tears from his face, angry and embarrassed.


Billy reached across and took his hand.  “I’m sorry,” he said softly, getting upset. “I’m sorry Liji, I really am, I…I promised Dommie I wouldn’t take sides, but…I’m having a hard time watching you two tear each other apart. I love you both, I want you to sort things out, okay?”


“Okay,” Elijah sniffed and gave Billy’s hand a final squeeze before letting it go.



When they pulled up at the house Elijah leaned over and hugged him.  Billy ruffled his hair and smiled.


“You going to be okay?”


Elijah nodded.


“Okay. I’m sorry I upset you.”


“It’s okay, you were right.”


Billy smiled cheekily. “I know I’m right.”


Elijah hugged him again before getting out of the car.


“Thanks Billy.”


“Anytime,” he nodded, and then paused, glancing towards the house. “He’s waiting for you.”


Elijah sighed. “Yeah.”


Billy smiled. “Go on, then.”


Elijah waved as Billy backed down the driveway and left.


He felt his heart pound faster as he got closer to the house. He hoped his mother was out because he couldn’t really face talking to anyone else right now. All he could think of was Dom.


He paused on the doormat. His mouth was dry and he was trembling. He took a deep, shuddering breath, gripped the handle determinedly, and opened the door.


Kinkyhobbit 2002


Part 6

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