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 And the Oscar goes to…


Author:  Kevswitchau

Pairing:  EW/TM

Genre:  RPS, PWP

Rating:  NC-17

Warnings:  graphic sex, language. Yay! 

Disclaimer:  This is purely a piece of fiction. Thank you to Kinky Hobbit for a great plot bunny – hope I’ve done it justice.  Unfortunately I don’t own rights to either of these lush young men...a girl can dream, can’t she?



“Hey Spiderman.”


He didn’t turn towards the voice, merely lifted his eyes to the mirror. He was used to the greeting from strangers by now, and he had stopped being pissed off by it a long time ago. that was a face he remembered...


“Hey Mikey,” he grinned, knowing that the name would hit a nerve. “Long time no see, what’s up?”


Elijah grimaced. The boy never did disappoint. He shrugged and leaned against the tiled wall, his eyes never leaving Tobey’s face. Damn. Tobey had forgotten how blue Elijah’s eyes they could bore right through you...


“Oh you know....same ol’ same ol’.”


Tobey grinned. Elijah thought he was so cool in that suit. Come to think of it, he didn’t look half bad. Mikey was growing up nicely.


“Yeah, I know what that’s like man.” Tobey studied Elijah, remembering the last time they’d seen each other. He couldn’t remember how old Lij had been, but there was no way he’d been legal. Come to think of it, Tobey didn’t think he’d been legal. Not that it mattered. Not that it had gone that far…but he remembered how he’d loved the look of Elijah’s mouth, it’s softness, it’s innocence, the taste of his tongue...


“So,” probed Elijah. “You and Kirsten are pretty tight, huh. All touchy feely. Anything serious?”


Tobey laughed bitterly. “What do you think?”


Elijah grinned wryly. “Decoy, huh?”


“Good for the image,” sneered Tobey. “Apparently teenyboppers don’t find the thought of Spiderman being sucked off by some young stud appealing. Bad for publicity.”


“Shame,” smirked Elijah, stepping closer. “I didn’t have any plans for the next ten minutes.”


Tobey eyed him suspiciously. “Tease.”


A small smile played around Elijah’s lips. “I never tease, man....I always follow through.”


Tobey was feeling a dull heat creep up his neck. “Slut.”


Elijah took another step forward, his hands thrust into his pockets. “Fag,” he countered.


Tobey’s face registered shock, a well-rehearsed protest rising to his mouth. It died, unvoiced, as Elijah slowly licked his lips and moved closer.


Tobey was feeling slightly light headed. This was different. Different from that last time. Then it had been Elijah who was caught off guard, the shock had been on Elijah’s face. It had been Elijah’s shaking hands betraying his nervousness. Tobey cleared his throat.


“Gotta tell ya man,” he rasped. “Loved Fellowship.”


Elijah cocked his head. “Thanks.”


“Nice looking cast.”


Elijah nodded and smiled that smile, the one few people ever saw. The one that made him look slightly evil. So much for the cherubic child actor, thought Tobey. If only they knew...


The door opened suddenly and they both turned towards the sinks, making a show of washing their hands. They didn’t turn to see who it was. They didn’t care.


“How long is this fucking ceremony?” Hissed Tobey.


Elijah nodded. “It’s an absolute cunt, man. I’m in the goddamn front row, I can’t even catch some Zs!”


Tobey chuckled. “I noticed Ian’s bit o’fluff though. Very tasty.”


Elijah flashed him that slightly predatory grin again. “Oh have no idea.”


Both chuckled softly as the interloper finished his piss, washed his hands and left.


“Where were we?” Elijah turned, resting his ass against the sink.


“Pretty much here,” murmured Tobey, leaning in and pressing his lips against Elijah’s. The movement was smooth and unexpected, catching Elijah unaware. Good, the ball is back in the right court.


He reached his arm around and pulled Elijah close as his tongue invaded the younger man’s willing, slightly smoky flavoured mouth. Elijah made a rough sound deep in his throat and stepped into Tobey’s embrace, his hands unconsciously finding Tobey’s waist and resting there.


When they finally broke apart, both were gasping. This was...they had only been here once before...and this was as far as it had gone. This and a bit of groping in a darkened trailer. Christina had been there too, but somehow it had never been about her. That had always pissed her off.


Blue eyes stared into blue eyes.


“Been a long time, man.”


“Yeah,” breathed Elijah. “Long, long time.”


Tobey’s hand reached down and slowly, deliberately, rubbed across the front of Elijah’s trousers, making him jerk and grunt in response. He was hard, rock hard. Tobey felt his pulse quicken.


It had been years. He’d been on the publicity bandwagon ever since Pleasantville, ever since becoming the Next Big Thing.  Too many fucking years spent with cameras practically shoved up his ass. He couldn’t even take a crap without some asshole filming him leaving the bathroom. So his manager had made it very clear. If he was ever caught with his tongue down someone’s throat, that someone had better have tits.


So this...this had been a long time coming.


He grabbed Elijah’s tie and gently drew him forward.


“I think,” he breathed, walking backwards towards one of the stalls. “We need more privacy.”


His eyes never left Elijah’s. Elijah smiled, but didn’t speak.


Tobey kept walking until his calves bumped against the toilet. The lid was closed. He sat down. Elijah reached behind himself and closed and locked the door.


“So,” he smiled. “What do we do with all this privacy?”


Tobey raised an eyebrow.  “Any suggestions?”


Reaching forward, Elijah placed a flat hand against Tobey’s chest and pushed him backwards so that his shoulders were resting against the cistern.


Elijah dropped softly to his knees between Tobey’s spread thighs, grasped his hips and tugged him forward.


Damn. Lost the ball again, Tobey thought absently, but as he felt Elijah undo his pants and reach inside, he realised that he just didn’t give a fuck.


He felt Elijah’s fist wrap around his cock and free it from his trousers.




Tobey let his head fall back against the cistern. He’d had girls do this, many times, but there was just something about getting a blow job from another man...the scratch of stubble, the hot smell of sweat and aftershave...


He lifted his head, his eyes finding Elijah’s. That look was back. Hungry. In control. Tobey found it at once chilling and completely horny. Little Mikey was all grown up.


Tobey couldn’t look away as Elijah flicked his tongue around the almost purple head of his cock, licking along the shaft as if it were a candy cane, an ice cream, something to be savoured. Something to be devoured. The softness of Elijah’s hot, wet mouth was electric as he smiled, and closed his lips over the engorged tip of Tobey’s erection.




His hands found themselves in Elijah’s hair. Not pushing. Not forcing. But holding. Keeping rhythm with the movement, and his gently thrusting hips, and the soft, wet noises coming from his lap.


Suddenly, Elijah pulled back slightly, opened his jaws wide, and took Tobey’s cock deep into his throat.


“Aargh...FUCK!” Tobey’s cry was involuntary and very, very loud. They both froze for a moment and listened. Elijah maintained the pressure, sucking firmly, almost painfully. Tobey felt his cock twitch, and twitch again. His hands gently stilled Elijah’s head.


“Oh god...oh man, I’m gonna...not yet...”


Elijah slowly pulled back, his teeth lightly scraping the taut skin along Tobey’s shaft, making him moan.


Elijah sat back on his knees as Tobey concentrated on calming himself down. Pulling himself back. His cock huge and glistening between them.


Reaching forward, he hauled Elijah to his feet, turned and shoved him against the door. He lifted Elijah’s hands and hooked them over the top of the door, nudged Elijah’s feet apart, and leaned into him, his erection trapped between them. He pushed his hips forward and felt Elijah push back, grinding his ass against his cock.




He didn’t even remember undoing Elijah’s trousers, but he knew suddenly that flesh was rubbing against willing flesh and the only sound in the bathroom was rasping breath.


Tobey lifted his hand and sucked wetly on his thumb, lubricating it with the only moisture he had before running it down between Elijah’s trembling ass cheeks and pushing it firmly inside him. He felt Elijah jerk, heard him hiss through his teeth before pushing backwards, coaxing Tobey deeper. Tobey moved his thumb slowly, reaching with the rest of his fingers to caress and stroke Elijah’s balls. He moved deliberately, coaxing tiny whimpers from Elijah as he pushed harder.


Tobey paused and leaned his head forward against Elijah’s shoulder.


“I want to...” he gasped.




“I need to...”


“Do it...fuck...Tobey, do it...”


Elijah mewled as Tobey withdrew his thumb. Tobey spat into his hand and massaged it into Elijah’s asshole, then did it again and rubbed it over the head of his cock.


He braced his legs against the backs of Elijah’s and pushed. The muscle resisted and he pushed forward, harder, gritting his teeth as he felt the resistance falter and the tip of his cock slide in. this happening...?




He reached out and grasped Elijah’s slim hips, held him firm, and pushed. Elijah cried out as Tobey thrust into him in one long, smooth motion. Tobey felt Elijah’s muscles squeeze against the intrusion...tight...tight...Elijah’s knuckles white as he gripped the top of the door.




He gritted his teeth and continued the forward motion until he felt his pelvis pushed hard up against Elijah’s butt. Sweat tricked between his shoulder blades. He heard Elijah’s fluttering breath, a whimper.


“Y’Okay?” He croaked. His voice was gone.


Elijah answered him by clenching his muscles. Hard. Tobey shouted against Elijah’s back. His voice was there after all.


“That good, huh?” He managed, grinning.


Elijah let his head fall back against Tobey’s shoulder, his eyes hazy and heavy-lidded with that raw ‘come fuck me’ look.  Always happy to oblige, Tobey tightened his grip on Elijah’s hips and pulled slipping through wet silk...almost completely, before pushing forward slightly, teasingly, flexing his hips so that only the first inch or two of cock played in and out of Elijah. Then, without warning, he plunged forward…total emersion...he drove deep.


Fuck,” Elijah moaned through clenched teeth.


Tobey withdrew again, and again, teasing for longer each time before burying himself deep...deep...Elijah swearing and shoving against him.


Tobey pushed inside once more and then reached around, closing his fingers around Elijah’s throbbing, turgid cock, and slowly began to jerk him off. Thrusting, pulling, squeezing, setting up a rhythm that coursed through both bodies.


He felt Elijah’s prick jump inside his clenched fist and grinned wetly, speeding his hand, pushing Elijah relentlessly forward. Elijah’s whole body began to tremble. He voiced thick, throaty moans, alternately bucking his hips forward, into Tobey’s grip, and backwards, grinding against his pelvis, impaling himself over, and over.


With a shudder Elijah came in Tobey’s fist, screaming through gritted teeth, his head falling forward against the door, his legs buckling. Only his grip on the doorframe holding him up.


Tobey released Elijah’s cock and once more grasped his waist, pulling him backwards. Hard.


Tobey felt hot coals igniting in his stomach as he began to thrust firmly, lustily into Elijah, savouring the still-tight clench around his cock, and Elijah’s animalistic grunts.


His jaw was clenched, his head pushed hard against Elijah’s back, between his shoulder blades.


Must hurt like hell...don’t care...


His hips slammed forward, back, forward...then the stark white of the bathroom was replaced with the hot, black starburst behind his eyes as the world imploded.


Elijah made a raw sound in his chest as Tobey came hard, liquid fire pouring from him, his mouth open in a silent scream until all that was left was shuddering and sweating and the primal sounds echoing off the pristine tiles.


There was a slick feeling of falling, and then emptiness, as Tobey finally pulled back and out...and away.


He ripped toilet paper from the dispenser, hand shaking, and cleaned himself up, pulling up his pants and tucking his shirt in before turning back to Elijah, who had just done the same. They looked at each other for a second, and Tobey glanced at his watch.


“Fuck...I’m on in ten...”


Elijah nodded, and unlocked the door. Tobey watched him step out into the washroom.


That was it?


The fuck it was!


He leaned forward, grabbed Elijah’s arm and pulled him back inside the cubicle that smelled of sweat and aftershave and cum.  He slammed the door and pushed Elijah against it, grasped the lapels of his suit and kissed him.


Elijah’s mouth was passive for a moment, simply allowing the invasion, before leaping to life and eagerly, greedily, sucking on Tobey’s lips and tongue. Tobey felt himself propelled backwards, his legs hitting the edge of the toilet, his ass landing on the lid.  Without breaking contact, Elijah climbed forward, onto his lap, his cock pressed hotly against Tobey’s stomach, his thighs gripping Tobey’s hips, his hands in Tobey’s hair.


When they finally came up for air, Tobey gasped.


“Man...I gotta go...”


Elijah nodded again, but this time he spoke.


“What’re you doing after the ceremony?”


Tobey shrugged apologetically as they disentangled from each other and stood up.




“Can you lose her?”


Tobey felt his smile stretch into a Cheshire Cat grin.




“Fuckin’ A...break a leg, man,” Elijah straightened Tobey’s tie, leaned forward and picked a piece of lint off his jacket, opened the door and pushed him out.


Tobey watched him wash his hands, check the mirror and stroll to the door.


“Say hi to Kirsten for me...”


Tobey chuckled. “Bite me, geek.”


Elijah turned . “Maybe next time.” He winked lewdly at Tobey. “Later.”


And he was gone.


Tobey looked at himself in the mirror. His pupils were huge and he had that just-been-fucked grin on his face. Kirsten would be pissed. Who gives a shit.


“Yeah,” he chuckled to himself, washing his hands. “Fuck...yeah!”


He walked to the door and left.


Kevswitchau  2002



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