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Part Three


Author:  kevswitchau

Pairing:  EW/TM

Genre:  RPS, AU

Rating:  NC-17

Warnings: Sex (as always), language

Notes:  I don’t own either of these boys...dream on girl! *sigh*



Tobey fished around for the last noodle.  His chopsticks were refusing to work properly, or maybe it was the fact that his hands were trembling slightly.  They were sitting on opposite couches, draped in towelling robes, the remains of the Chinese take-out spread across the coffee table.


Food first... 


Fuck later.


They had eaten the food.  It was later.  Later was now.


He felt Elijah’s gaze on him.  Without looking up, he knew that Elijah was watching him.


He captured the errant noodle, raised it to his lips and looked up.  Straight into Elijah’s eyes.  He was right.  Elijah was sitting with his arms stretched out along the back of the couch, smiling.  He looked so confident.  So goddamn edible.  Tobey licked his lips, not conscious of the gesture.


“Want dessert?”  Elijah asked quietly, his eyebrow raised.


Tobey placed the empty container on the table in front of him, and sat back, wiping his mouth on a paper napkin, the nervousness creeping over him again.


“What’s on the menu?” he asked casually, throwing the napkin onto the table.  Hoping he sounded calmer than he felt.


Elijah chuckled.


“What do you want?”


You!  I want you.  I want...


“You.”  Tobey answered, his boldness startling him, but it felt good.  It tasted good in his mouth.


Elijah slowly got to his feet and walked over to stand in front of Tobey.  He moved the coffee table back with his foot as he untied the sash of the robe he wore and let it slide to the floor.  Tobey allowed his eyes to travel slowly up Elijah’s naked body, his breathing coming in little staccato gasps. 




Elijah reached down, slipped his hands in between Tobey’s knees and gently urged them apart, before kneeling between his spread thighs.  His fingers deftly untied the knotted belt of Tobey’s robe, and pushed it open.  Tobey moaned breathlessly as Elijah’s hands ran over his taut stomach and up over his chest, neither of them breaking eye contact.


“You got me,” whispered Elijah, leaning down to place feather-light kisses along the inside of Tobey’s thigh. 


Tobey gasped at the feeling of Elijah’s mouth on his flesh.  The heat of Elijah’s breath tickling along his hardening cock.  Elijah grinned as he watched Tobey’s excitement, before dipping his head and dragging his tongue along the engorged flesh, creating a hot, wet trail from the balls to the tip.  Caught by surprise, Tobey grunted deeply...he hadn’t expected this when he’d picked up the phone.  He’d expected anything but this.  But man, he wanted it.  Oh yeah.  He wanted this so bad.


As Elijah’s lips closed around him, Tobey leaned backwards into the couch, closing his eyes, shutting out everything but the firmness of hands on his thighs, and the feeling of Elijah’s lips and tongue.  The world disappeared as Elijah took Tobey deep into his throat, constricting the head of his cock in the slippery heat, Elijah’s hands moving to rub and squeeze Tobey’s balls, tiny, wet sounds coming from Elijah’s mouth, muffled by flesh.


Tobey felt his hips begin to move slowly with Elijah’s rhythm.  His hands found themselves buried in Elijah’s tangle of hair, pulling and kneading, probably hurting like hell, but he couldn’t stop, he had to do something with his hands, he had to hold onto something otherwise he felt that he’d go flying off the edge of the world in a wild free fall, not knowing where he’d land.


He felt it coming...not yet...not... his thighs tingling and his balls constricting, and he tried to tug Elijah slow him...and he didn’t know if Elijah would...


...but Elijah did.  He felt the change in Tobey’s body, and sucked harder, his tongue kneading Tobey’s shaft from root to tip, his small teeth grazing the sensitive skin, dragging Tobey headlong into a screaming orgasm.  Tobey came hard, his fingers clenching in Elijah’s hair and a cry tearing from his throat, as Elijah swallowed, his hands massaging Tobey’s balls, his lips and tongue coaxing every drop as Tobey shuddered uncontrollably before sagging back onto the couch.


Elijah crept slowly upwards, his tongue trailing over the damp skin of Tobey’s stomach and chest, so that he was lying along Tobey’s body, his mouth hovering inches from Tobey’s mouth, his breath on Tobey’s face.


Tobey raked his fingers through Elijah’s hair once more and pulled his head forward so that he could kiss him.  His tongue met with no resistance as it plunged past Elijah’s teeth.  He tasted cum and he tasted Elijah, and he thought briefly that kisses should always taste like this. 


He felt Elijah’s cock hard against his thigh.  Elijah’s hands on his body.  All over his body.  And he wanted more, he wanted everything.  The world had washed away in a fluid blur of lips and fingers and he didn’t want it to come back.  Not yet.  Not ever.


“My turn.”  A wet tongue tickled his ear.


He turned his head and looked into Elijah’s eyes.  He cocked his head, unable to speak for the moment, wondering what Elijah’s turn would be...wondering what payment would be demanded, and gladly given.  He was in no state to argue, even if he wanted to.


Holding Tobey’s gaze for a moment, Elijah raised his hand to Tobey’s mouth.  Tobey sucked Elijah’s fingers, closing his eyes, working his tongue over the salty-sweet skin.  Elijah removed his fingers, and replaced them with his mouth and tongue, moving his hands slowly down Tobey’s body.  Tobey didn’t realise what was happening, engrossed in Elijah’s kiss, until Elijah slowly, deliberately, inserted his finger into Tobey’s ass.


Tobey dragged his mouth away from Elijah’s and gasped loudly, feeling himself tense involuntarily.  This was further than they had ever gone...this was new to him.  He wasn’t sure what to do, but he was goddamned sure he wanted to do it.




Elijah smiled at him.  The smile was gentle.  Elijah’s face had lost that predatory look, it was soft and intense and beautiful.  He knew.  He knew that despite their games in the past, this was uncharted territory for Tobey. 


“Any time, Tobe,” he whispered, his eyes serious.  “You can stop me at any time.”


Elijah began to move backwards.  Away.  Tobey reached out and stilled him.  Shaking his head slowly, Tobey licked his bottom lip and returned Elijah’s gaze.  They were silent for a moment, then Elijah pushed forward gently, entering Tobey with two fingers, drawing a low moan.  Slowly and carefully, his eyes fixed on Tobey’s face, Elijah moved his fingers in and out, then pushed a third finger into him, and began to rotate his hand, fucking Tobey with his fingers, gradually stretching him...preparing him.


Tobey’s head lolled back against the couch, his eyes closed, as he experienced this new sensation.  He had fucked girls...plenty of don’t hang with the Pussy Posse without reaping the inevitable rewards, but this was beyond any of that...this was so different.  He stifled a chuckle...what would they say?  What would they say if they saw him lying here being fucked by another guy?  By Elijah of all people?  Lying here and loving it.




He opened his eyes.  Elijah had moved so that he was kneeling between Tobey’s legs again, leaning over him so that his face hovered above Tobey’s.  His mouth was just inches away.


“Yeah?”  Tobey felt as though his body was packed in cotton wool.  His arms were like lead.  His knees bent up, resting against his chest.


“You sure...?”


Tobey reached up and ran a hand across Elijah’s cheek, feeling stubble.  Sure?  He’d never been this sure about anything.  He nodded, whimpering a little as Elijah slowly removed his fingers.  For a moment, Tobey felt cold, empty.  But only for a moment.


Elijah leaned over and picked up his jacket that had been thrown over the arm of the chair.  He rummaged briefly in the pocket, pulling out a tiny foil sachet and throwing the jacket aside.  Tobey looked at him, his eyes glazed, as Elijah raised the pack to his mouth and tore it open with sharp teeth, clear liquid seeping out over his glistening fingers.


“Always be prepared.” He quipped, grinning.  Tobey grinned back and raised his hand to Elijah’s cheek before running his fingertips over Elijah’s chest.


Elijah reached down and gently massaged the now warm lube into Tobey’s asshole before rubbing the rest over his own cock.  He positioned himself and looked up at Tobey again.


“Remember man, any time...just give the word...”


“Will you shut up?”  Tobey slurred, his eyes glazed.  Elijah chuckled.


Tobey felt the head of Elijah’s cock pressed against him.  It felt big...bigger than the fingers Elijah had fucked him with...and he experienced a brief flash of fear as Elijah pushed forward, slowly forcing him open...slowly coaxing Tobey’s muscles to permit entrance.  The pressure moved on to something like pain...but not quite, until Tobey felt something give and the head of Elijah’s cock pushed inside.  Tobey groaned loudly, as he felt his body begin to accommodate Elijah.  There was friction...heat.  The heat of another man, coupled with the heat of his arousal...for a moment it felt as if the whole lower part of his body may burst into flame.  Elijah stopped.


Tobey opened his eyes.  Elijah was kneeling, panting, forcing himself to slow down, watching Tobey’s face for the signal to continue.


“Lij...” Tobey gasped.  “Don’t...don’t fucking stop...”


Elijah leaned into Tobey, his body pressed against Tobey’s bent legs, and shifted his weight.  Then he pushed forward.


Tobey reached down and gripped the couch, digging his fingers into the padded cushion, gritting his teeth against the cry that wanted to come.  Elijah continued to thrust forward, slowly, relentlessly, until he had buried himself completely inside Tobey.  He paused again, panting.  A bead of sweat traced along his cheekbone.  Tobey opened his eyes.  He wanted to see Elijah, he wanted to see his face.  He moved his legs so that his knees were over Elijah’s shoulders and out of the way.  Elijah paused, panting, before turning his head and running his tongue over the tender skin inside Tobey’s thigh.  Tobey felt a tremor run through him and moaned softly.  Elijah looked at him, his eyes bright, his chest rising and falling rapidly.




Tobey nodded breathlessly.  Okay?  More than okay.  Better than okay.  Okay didn’t even begin to...aah...fuck...


Bracing himself, Elijah pulled backwards, almost pulling out, before pushing back into Tobey.  The movement was not as slow as the first and Tobey whimpered.  He felt Elijah withdraw again and force himself forward with a grunt.  Tobey was filled by Elijah again and again, in long, hard strokes.  He felt Elijah’s cock move inside him...inside him. The heat was back, but it was good heat, it was the slick heat of sex and it warmed rather than burned.


He watched as Elijah fucked him.  He watched Elijah’s face, almost solemn in concentration, his brow furrowed, his jaw set.  He watched his eyes, his long lashes, the sky blue turning to cobalt. The sweat sheening his skin as he moved, his motions becoming quicker, more forceful as he felt that Tobey could handle it…and Tobey could handle it...Tobey could handle being fucked by Elijah forever.


Elijah looked up and found Tobey staring at him from beneath lowered eyelids, and grinned.  He drew back and plunged in. He grunted, low in his chest, as he bucked his hips forward. Tobey tightened his muscles around Elijah’s cock, feeling every inch of him deep inside.  He reached forward and ran his hands up Elijah’s arms and shoulders, digging his fingers into the lean muscle, crying out in time with the jerking of his body, with the force of Elijah slamming into him.  Tobey’s cock was rock hard as Elijah reached down, curled his fist around it, and began jerking him off in time with the rhythm of their bodies. 


It was too much…Elijah inside him and around him...the roughness of the couch and the half-discarded robe on his bare skin as he was rocked against them with the force of Elijah’s driving rhythm...the heat from Elijah’s cock and his fingers and the unbearable pressure that mounted and mounted...


Tobey bit his lip as he came, tasting blood as the strangled moan escaped.  He felt the hot spurt against his stomach as his body lurched...spasmed.  He strained back against the couch, his fingernails biting into Elijah’s flesh, unable to stop, as Elijah released his cock, grasped his hips and pushed into Tobey hard and fast, crying out as Tobey felt him cum...felt the liquid heat deep inside...felt his body shudder with a delightful frisson as Elijah collapsed on top of him and lay panting against the sweat slicked skin of his chest.


After a few minutes, Elijah slowly moved backwards, pulling out, leaving Tobey sated and calm and feeling as though he had been well and truly fucked.  Tobey shifted himself on the couch, slipping out of his robe completely, and pulling Elijah to lay with him.  Naked flesh pressed against naked flesh, the room perfumed with the musky scent of sex.


Elijah stirred, stretched and looked up at Tobey.




Tobey raised his head.  “So?”


They were silent for a moment, looking at each other.  Elijah grinned.


“Looks like you need another shower.”


Tobey’s eyes sparkled.  “Looks like.”


“Want company?”




“Man, you’re insatiable,” grinned Elijah, disentangling himself from Tobey’s arms and standing up.  “I do believe I’ve created a monster.”


Tobey stood and stretched, feeling at once drained and enlivened. 


“Shall we?” he asked, his eyebrows raised.


“You’re the boss,” answered Elijah, following him into the bathroom.  “Hey, what’s for supper?”



Kevswitchau 2002



Part 4

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