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General Scanner Frequencies
Police FireEmergencyForestryAviationWeatherCitizens Band

ScannerRadio TowerWelcome to my site! If you are looking for scanner frequencies, then you have come to the right place. My site contains many pages of general frequencies (police, fire, emergency, aviation, etc.) If you are new to scanning, then you're definitely at a good place to start.

The frequency groups I have listed on this site are radio frequencies designated by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC). They have been compiled from various sources, both books and internet websites. I will warn, these frequencies were compiled from guidelines a few years back, so some might have changed. However, only a few minor changes would have been made and, overall, most of my listed frequencies are in their correct categories.

I would like to cast a hearty thanks to everyone who has been supporting this site over the last few years. When first put on the web in 1999, the advice of a few helpful people got it to be the best it could be. Now, it averages about 1,000 hits per day, something even I never expected to happen. Again, my sincerest thanks to everyone who has made this site one of their leading resources!

Also, I apologize for the annoying pop-ups and ads. They are an angelfire regulation that is out of my control. Until the day internet becomes free to all, that is something that just cannot be avoided. I also apologize for the loading errors some people have had. One of these days, this site will be running hassle-free. I promise!

But, back on topic, the table below covers the frequency banks I have on this site. Enjoy!  

Here are the subjects to choose from:
Local Activities --PoliceFireEmergencyHighwaysLocal GovernmentPublic Safety
Transportation --TaxicabsRailroadsMaritime VHFGeneral AviationAirports
Information --WeatherSatellitesTV Stations
Other Communications --Citizen Band (CBs)Family Radio ServiceGeneral Mobile Radio ServiceWireless Microphones
Businesses --Business Radio ServiceManufacturers Radio Service Tow Trucks
Forest Rangers --Forestry ConservationNational Park Service
Military --ArmyNavyAir Force

If you have any other frequencies that you think are important and you want to post, refer to my blog information below.

Other Radio Topics   -   APCO "10" Codes  -   How You Can Help

To answer the question everyone seems to ask, this site is a reference site for national frequency allocation in the United States. I keep getting emails for people wanting to know what the police channels in Tampa Bay, Florida, are. I would love to help answer the question, except I've never been to Tampa Bay and would probably take as much time finding those frequencies as it would for the person asking the question. The frequency banks I have on this site are intended to give a good start for someone looking for, say, Taxi Cab frequencies. By using the frequencies I have listed, you should find at least one or two frequencies in your own home town for Taxi Cabs.

For those deadset on finding frequencies for their own city, I would recommend to keep browsing the net. I would ask that if you know of any good sites, please post them in my Guestbook further down this page. It really helps out the guy looking for Tampa Bay frequencies.





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Please take a minute to sign my guestbook. Even if
you don't have a site, it helps me know who comes here. If you have or know of a site referring
frequencies for a specific city (i.e. Tampa Bay), then please leave your information for other interested parties.



Since October 12, 1999
although, it's made a few laps


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Adam Danczyk.

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General Scanner Frequencies created by Adam Danczyk. This site last updated on Thursday, September 17th, 2009.