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Teen Corner's links
RSDHope Teen Corner

These are some links to other sites on the web.

RSDHope is a wonderful informational site on RSD, as well as being supportive!

PainPals Jr. Kid's Club
This beautiful site was made by my little buddy, Heather. It's a support group for kids whose parents have RSD.

RSDLife Digest
RSDLife digest is a wonderful RSD listserv. Please look at the website, which has subscribing information. I would recommend RSDLife to anyone who is looking for an RSD support group!

RSD Media Campaign
This page is for the RSD Media Campaign. Please help out if you can!

PainPal's RSD support
This is a website run by the listowner of RSDLife digest. Please look at it. There is lots of information about different RSD support events!

Jen A's site
This is a Teen Corner member's site. There are some RSD stories, quotes, and some cool ReBoot (a tv show on the Cartoon Network) pics!

The PaL pLace
This is a project that was started by a Teen Corner member. The hope is to have a nation-wide, if not world-wide, support group for all chronically ill kids!

My Child and RSD
This page is by a mother of a Teen Corner member. Please go and read what she has to say about the frustrations of being the mother of a child with this disease.

Angie's page
A Teen Corner member's page, about teen survivors of rape and abuse.
Read the pain doctor's daily column, find a good pain clinic in your area, and research any painful condition, including RSD.
An online medication reference.

Shakespearean Insulter
This is kinda cute...very weird though! Click the button and it will keep insulting you!

Doctor's names list
This is pretty funny. It's a list of funny doctor's names, and they're all supposed to be real docs. If you have a suggestion you can send it in too.

Saturday Night Live 25th anniversary
This is for no particular reason...just that I like SNL. The site is kinda cool because you can watch clips from the show from the past 25 years.


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