Ch Kubistraum's Kane ROM OFA

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Ch Kubistraum's Kane ROM OFA

Sire Sel Ch Cobert's Reno of Lakeside ROM OFAGrandSire A/CGVCh Lance of Fran-Jo ROMCh Fortune of Arbywood ROMGV, IntCh Troll vom Richterbach SchH3 ROM
Frigga of Silver Lane ROM
Frohlich's Elsa v Grunestahl ROMCh Rikter v Liebestraum
Burgunda v Lindendorf
GrandDam Cobert's Melissa ROMCh Falk of Bihari WonderCh Bernd vom Kallengarten SchH2 ROM
Agnes Gold of Bihari Wonder
Ch Cobert's Ernestine CDCh Bernd vom Kallengarten SchH2 ROM
Ch Cobert's Amber
Dam Falkora's Catalina CD OFAGrandSire GVCh Hollamor's Judd ROMGVCh Yoncalla's Mike ROMYoncalla's Mr America
Yoncalla's Colette
Fanchon of EdgetowneCh Bernd vom Kallengarten SchH2 ROM
Ch Ona of Edgetowne
GrandDam Can Ch Jubilee v Celler SchlossCh Falko v Celler Schloss ROMCh Bismark v Graustein ROM
Holly v Celler Schloss CD
Robin of Nikral ROMCh Fant Wikingerblut
Von Darion's Royal Talle

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