Going Going Gone

Mack Miller Park

Roof of concession stand

Same roof

Old Cabanna?

Site of old pool

The strange thing about Mack Miller park is that no one remembers it. I remember passing it on the way to Callaway Gardens as a child. I was always told it was a park for black folks before Callaway Gardens was intergrated. If I am incorrect about this please let me know. I know very little else about the park. I will post more when I find out. I remember the park being between Hamilton, GA and Callaway Gardens. There is a new school right outside Hamilton called Park Elementary. I believe this may be where the old park once stood. The above pictures are from taken behind the school. It has really been tough trying to find more info on this, so if anyone knows anything please share it with me.

Well, info is coming in slowly about this park. I talked to a wonderful lady in Hamilton who used to work at the school. She confirmed that the park was at that site. She knows that the park was closed by 1978. She had an old poster advertising the park and pony rides. She also told me the park had a swimming pool, ball fields and concession stand.

The first 2 pictures show the roof of the old concession stand under all the overgrowth. The fourth picture shows the area where the swimming pool had been. There is an old concrete or cinder block building on the site that looks like it might have been a cabanna or changing rooms for the old pool.I hope to have more info soon. I can't believe This very sweet lady could provide me with this much, I was having such a hard time. Thank You Mrs. Culp.

I talked to two gracious ladies who did know about the park. They told me Mack Miller was a man who had an insurance agency, mortuary, and worked as an ambulance driver and chauffeur. He died at a young age and was very highly thought of. The park was named in his honor. Thank You Mrs. Garrett and Mrs. Bo Callaway. Additional thanks goes to Mrs. Brown and the Hamilton City Hall.Gathering this info was truly a group effort.

Three Arts Theatre

The Three arts or Royal Theater, as it was originally known, was built in 1927. It started out as a movie theater and later became home to the Columbus Symphony Orchestra and the Miss Georgia Pageant. It is know being destroyed to make more space for a hospital and Doctor's offices. The Theater is/was located on Talbotton Rd in Columbus.

According to my Mom, who remembers the old theater well, the two side buildings were added on later. Originally, the building opened out onto Talbotton Rd. The first picture shows the original front where the ticket window and entrance would have been. It has now been enclosed and entances and ticket windows are on the sides with the added on structures. The second picture shows the demolition. From the back the building is little more than a shell. It was beautiful in it's day and full of memories. It's always sad to see something like this swallowed up in the name of progress.

Rock Quarry

When I was a teenager the old rock quarry was a place you were not supposed to go but a lot of kids did. This was during the seventies. You cannot tell by this picture, but, this was once a place where people dove off of the cliffs or edge of the quarry into the water below. I don't know how much of what we heard about the place was just horror stories, but word was that many accidents took place from diving and hitting rocks. There were also stories about the place being infested with water moccasins.

This picture shows what the quarry looks like today. It is filled in and the water pumped out. A former employee told me that the quary was about 90 feet deep. She also said there were tunnels running through where shuttles use to run back and forth. where I stood and took the picture was where the water once was.


The above image is the picture of The beautiful old water works building I would have taken, had Mom and I not accidently blown pass the guard hut and been nearly arrested. I have always prided myself on being a decent law abiding, aware of what is going on about me citizen. But, sometimes when I am with Mom all my good qualities just fly out the window. We went to do some research on the old Clapp Factory that once stood on the site of the present day water works. We did not know you had to go downtown to get permission to visit. We honestly did not see the Guard who was running behind the car trying to flag us down! Security was called and as Ricky Ricardo would say we had some splainin' to do. As I am not writing this from jail, you can see it all turned out alright. I am truly sorry for the inconvenience we caused to the water works. It was truly a mistake, and I thank God those people were on their toes.The reason I am putting this under Going, Going, Gone is because mom and I could not get out of there fast enough.If we were cats our tails would still be poofed out!


Chalybeate Springs is a community right outside of Manchester. From the 1870's to around 1924 there was a resort located there. It once had a large hotel, swimming pools, a skating rink and bands that played there. There were also carriage rides around the mountain. People from all over the area would visit, the minerals in the water made it a spa like resort. I visited there and took these pictures. I could see no remains of the resort. Some young boys living nearby said they thought there were remains of a swimming pool and a few ruins, but the owner of the property said there was really nothing left but a spring. The pictures show where the old resort area was located. Very beautiful land. Very nice people in this community. A big Thank You to the Machester Fire Department for their help.


I have just talked to a Great gentleman named Mr. Huff. He just made my day. I was told by several sources that Magic Hill,in Manchester, does not exsist anymore, that the hill has been plowed down. This is not true. The hill is still there, it is covered up by undergrowth. Mr. Huff has been kind enough to agree to let me photograph the hill when the weather changes and the undergrowth and snakes have died down. I will get in touch with him again, I can't wait. Mr. Huff is sending me an article from a newspaper with more info on the hill, and as soon as I get it I will print more on the hill. The picture above show where the area of the hill is located. The old ticket booth was there up until a couple of years or so ago.


These pictures are of the old Meadowbrook Stables. Originally it was a dairy. This is truly a beautiful place, with many happy memories. My Mom and several others in her age group thought that this was the old Shamrock stables, maybe before they moved to Moon Cir. I have been told they were not. if any one remembers a stable that would have been out Macon Rd in the early to mid Fifties please let us know. Thank you Lynda for putting me in touch with Mrs. Strickland the former owner of Meadowbrook. Mrs Strickland is a wonderful lady who truly loved her stables. They are widening Macon Rd and I fear the stables won't be around much longer. I will miss seeing them.


For many years Kinnett Dairies was a popular brand of milk and dairy products. Many of us remember taking field trips here. One of the highlights was getting to visit Kadie, the large plastic or fiberglass cow out front. Kadie has been a point of reference for many a direction given for around town. The dairy was sold then later closed. Kadie still stands but who knows for how long. I hope she will find a permanent local home so future generations will be able to love her as we did. These shots were taken with my first digital camera which explains the bad quality, I will try to get better ones soon. A great big Thank You goes to Gary Dunn, who has been giving me a ton of great ideas and suggestions. He mentioned Kadie and that reminded me I already had these Pics. UPDATE...I just received an e mail from Mrs. Jean Harron Her Grandparents lived where the dairy is now. It was known as the Old Norris farmhouse and was said to be haunted. Mrs. Harron was born right where Kadie now stands.


These pictures are of the old City Mills on First Ave. This building is too historic and beautiful to just rot. I hope someone does something with it soon, maybe offices or loft apts.


These are pictures of the Old underpass on first ave and the site of the old Hardaway Ford. There is a detour sign at the other end of the underpass and the dealership site just kind of blends in with the Total Systems campus.


Columbus will soon be losing one of it's Christmas traditions. When the Barkers turn off the lights at the end of this Christmas season it will be for the last time. For those who are not from here or have never visited Christmas Island, it is a wonderful place in Box Springs that has lights music, a trolley or train like ride, hot chocolate and Santa. This is all free of charge, donations only. The Barkers have been making our Christmas brighter for the past 17 years. I am so sorry this will be the last. I know I will miss it terribly. I would like to thank the Barkers for all the good times they provided me and my family. Christmas Island may be Going, Going, Gone, but it will not be lost or forgotten.

Some day time shots of Christmas Island

My Leebo is the greatest. He bought me out here and insisted not only that I get some pics for the site, he also insisted we have one more walk through. I'm so glad we did. We will both miss this so much.


The Eakle house was located off Macon Rd and Hilton Ave. As you can see by the pictures not much is left, what is left is very difficult to see. The photos show an old chimney, maybe it was part of the house, an out building, a break in the concrete for possibly the driveway, and the last shows a clearing that was once the tennis courts. In it's day the house was large and beautiful. The movie, The Green Berets was filmed there. The marker is right at the property. It is about Fort Benning, not the house. The house was deserted when it caught fire and was destroyed. UPDATE!!!!Myself and some friends of mine noticed this house back in 1976 and drove back there to look at it. We thought at first it was abandoned. However when we went to the door Mrs. Eakles still lived there. She showed us photographs of another movie that was shot there called Tarantulas. Very bad B movie. She even had a dried tarantula under glass as a souvenir. She is actually in the movie as one of the mourners. She showed us what was left of the tree house where John Wayne filmed a scene from The Green beret. The house to was in horrible shape even at that time. I recall meetign Mrs. Eakles very well. She was quite kind, even to a bunch of kids snooping on her property.


The other day my 8 year old neice called and was so upset. She said "the old fishing hole" is gone, and that we must photograph it. The old fishing hole was located on the River Walk, it was behind the Trade Center. She said the place was taken down or made inaccessible because of the expansion now being done on the Trade Center. This is where her daddy took her and her younger brother to fish, she has many happy memories of this place. I am so flattered and honored that at her young age she understands what my site is all about. She too wants to keep alive fond memories. I hope one day to pass down the torch to her. I love you "Laney Belle".


For many years the Casino at Saint Simons Island was around to entertain. Just recently the building was cleared out and demolition has begun. The only thing that makes this loss a little less painful is the fact that it is being torn down due to the decrepit condition of the building. a new casino will be built in its place.


The Peabody Apartments have been around since about 1940. They are, or soon to be were, located off Talbotton Road. The Peabody's are/were a set of apartments for lower income families. They are in the process of being vacated and boarded up waiting for the end of the summer for demolition to start. They will be replaced with what is called town homes, whatever that is, for mixed income families. I will be taking pictures of the complex in the various stages of demolition.



Pilgreens Restaurant in Atlanta has been mine and Leebo's favorite place for years. There are others in Columbus who are also familiar with them. The original location was started in the twenties or thirties and ran by a butcher named Ira Pilgreen and his wife. The original location was near Downtown Atlanta. The Restaurant shown below is the Lee Street location. Renovations were being done when a frire broke out and the restaurant was permanantly closed. There are 2 locations now, Lake Dow and the one Leebo and I frequent in Morrow,Georgia. David, who is a close family friend and longtime employee has been a world of help to me with several things I've put on this site. So next time you are in Atlanta, stop at Pilgreens and say hi to David!


Many of us remember the large neon Coca Cola sign on Peachtree Street in Atlanta. It had been there since the 1930's. It was taken down in the late 1970's and the area was replace with a small in town park named after Margaret Mitchell. No surprise there. Not that I don't appreciate what Margaret Mitchell did for Atlanta, and the signifigance of her book, but Atlanta has so much history and little known facts that just don't seem to make the historic markers, Anyway, this large neon Coke sign is not the original, but a similar reproduction. It is located outside Underground Atlanta. I am including it here because of the chldhood memories it evoked when I saw it. It made me remember the days when I was a little girl when seeing the old sign made me feel like I was in New York or something. Lately when traveling Downtown Atlanta I had wondered what had happened to it. The original may be gone forever, but maybe this new one will one day be a part of the memories of a whole new generation coming along that never saw the original. My Thanks and respect go to Coca Cola for bringing back something that was loved and missed. It was an Atlanta Icon!


For about 30 years the Moving Man Clothing store was a well known establishment on Broadway in Downtown Columbus.


For many years Kravtin's Novelty Shop was also a well known establishment in Columbus. It was also located on Broadway.


This week I received some wonderful e mails from Mr John Gilbert. Mr Gilbert's Dad came to Columbus in 1942 and was the manager of the Bradley Theater. He was also the Manager of the Springer (movie) Theater and the Rexview Drive in. The Rexview was destroyed in a 1953 tornado and rebuilt. Mr Gilbert launched the 1981 campaign to Save The Bradley. This wonderful old theater is still in use today thanks to the efforts of of Mr Gilbert and his group. The Ledger has covered his story and Mr Gilbert has contributed an article to the Drive Ins.com website. The two pictures below were sent in by him. The first is of the Edgewood Drive In and the second is of the Rexview, after the 1953 tornado.


For many years Williams Seafood Restaurant in Savannah was a popular place with visitors and tourists alike. At the end of 2004 Williams had a horrible fire that destroyed the whole place. I along with many others are anxiously awaiting their reopening!



This past weekend, the first weekend of June 2005, the old covered bridge in Salem was destroyed. a large tree fell over onto the bridge. The bridge was built in 1900. No one knows if there will be plans to rebuild the bridge. It is truly a sad loss to the community.


The Cartersville Mill burned pretty much to the ground Sunday Night, October 23, 2005. The mill was over 100 years old and was the anchor of the area of town known as Jordan City. The mill had been closed down for some time. There was talk of turning the old mill into apartments for senior citizens. How sad for our town, that, that plan will never become a reality. The fire is still under investigation and arson cannot be ruled out yet. These pictures were taken October 25th, 2005. Some smoldering can still be seen almost 48 hours later. Not much is left of the old Talbotton Rd/Jordan City area. First the small stores along Talbotton Road, then the Three Arts/Royal Theater, the Peabody Apartments and now the old mill. If I were Veri Best Donuts and the Jordan City shopping Center, I would be a little nervous! They are about all that is left.



Columbus Square Mall opened in 1965 and was one of the first enclosed malls in the state of Georgia. The mall is now demolished and the Library now stands in it's place. I and so many others have fond memories of this mall. The original anchor stores were Penney's and Sears, later in the mid to late seventies, local department store Kirven's put in a store and a new section was added to the mall. I remember at one time there was a Colonial grocery store, The Beverly movie theater, LeMasters Hair Salon, Kiddie Shoppe, Woolworths, and before there were chain music outlets we had Dr Jive. I remember eating at the Harvest House cafeteria after Church on Sundays. I could go on and on!These pictures are courtesy of Mike Dudley. It is people like him that help me keep this site going! Pictures like this are invaluable. I am very grateful to him for taking the time to send them to me and letting me share them!


The Alamo Plaza was a Motel chain started in 1929 in Waco, Texas. It's appearance was modeled after the Alamo. The chain was founded be E. Lee Torrance and his partner Drummond Bartlett. The Alamo appearnce made the Motels very recognizable and memorable to motorists. Columbus had an Alamo Plaza Motel. It stood on the corner of Buena Vista Road and Brown Avenue.Our Alamo Plaza Motel opened in 1941. It had 29 units. Many visitors to Fort Benning stayed there including Admiral Nimmitz. It has been demolished for many years now. A strip mall or small shopping center at one time called Alamo Plaza now stands in it's place. The last four pictures are of the Alamo Plaza Motel in Savannah, GA. I have included them to show what one looks like today. The First three pictures are from Richard Kummerlowe. He was so kind to let me use them. Much more info about the Alamo Plaza can be found on his site.It is called Remember The Alamo Plaza .I am very grateful to him. I also owe a special thanks to Debra Jane and her site Agility Nut.



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