Volpane In Love

A personal blog with irregular updates.

Sunday, November 25, 2001

Van Gogh & Gauguin

I came across this installation the other day. It takes a while to load and you have to have a flash viewer downloaded, but it is well worth the wait. Paintings and excerpts from letters of Van Gogh and Gauguin are presented side by side so that you can see the human element between two unique individuals who believed in the purpose of their life's work.

On some other notes:

I stayed in bed most of Wednesday and Thursday due to a cold. I've been miserable since and having to work the busy holiday season is not helping any. More on that later, except to say that I was disappointed not to spend Thanksgiving celebrating with my father and his friends, and with my friend Trent, who'd also invited me to visit. Nonetheless, I was feeling better after two days of rest.

I usually spend Thanksgiving evening with my group of friends whom I refer to affectionately as the brunchites. For the past several Thanksgivings John Pearce has been hosting them at his well appointed condo. This year introduced two new people to the mix, people John knew, Grace, a lady friend of his and Dorothy another friend As well, Purple Mark, myself, Carolyn and Nancy all attended. A good time was had by all.

John out did himself with the turkey and stuffing and cocktails. Carolyn made smashing potatoes, both Grace and Dorothy brought delicious salads, Purple brought his nearly famous chocolate and blackberry pie and I managed to purchase a couple of pies (pumpkin and pecan) from my favorite bakery, North Hill Bakery (next door to soon to be former City People’s Mercantile). All was well received.

While we ate, Nancy read from “The Bluffer’s Guide to Opera”. I wish I could remember everything that was read. Dorothy pulled some intriguing poetry out of her hat. Grace read some moving passages from Farley Mowatt. John read I don’t remember, Mark read I don’t remember. Carolyn, on the other hand read from a book that has intrigued me since she first mentioned it, Perdido Street Station by China Mieville. She gave Ray Clark a copy for his birthday this year and I’ve been thinking that one day I will have to read it soon if only to be inspired for writing my own novel.

Oh, and I read the first chapter of “Teleny”. My friend Jon Macy asked me to create a web site to show off his adaptation of the work and the link, although unfinished at the moment is just to show you what a little perseverance can do (don’t worry, although the work is pornographic the artwork shown is pretty tame, although it doesn’t look right if you are using Netscape). Everyone enjoyed the work and I rather enjoyed the reactions, besides reading such elaborate and exquisite filth aloud.


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