Volpane In Love

A personal blog with irregular updates.

Wednesday, October 31, 2001

I am suffering from sleep deprivation and insomnia. It starts Friday night. I work until eight thirty and usually I go immediately home. This past week I’ve had a project that I promised a client and I’ve been lacking the motivation to follow through with the project because it entails mostly busy work changing things already in place. I’d already put in a couple of hours, but hadn’t gotten it to a point where it could wait.

This Friday was the Seattle gathering for NaNoWriMo at the NiteLite downtown. I waited for a number ten bus and arrived around nine. At first I couldn’t find the group because they’d been ousted out of the back room they’d reserved from seven until nine and they were hovering around the jukebox, which is right in front of the restrooms. So I was milling about and then I noticed this group of people where some of them were wearing nametags that read, “Hello! My name is NaNoWriMo.” I started chatting and they soon had me writing down my email for a Yahoo! Group that the woman organizing the event here in Seattle was planning setting up. You can visit it here:

Yahoo! Groups : seananowrimo

Walked home with Christine who told me some about her life and ambitions with writing. I was naturally a little stoked from the meeting so I got online and logged into Planet Out’s chat room found my werewolf friend and chatted for a bit before going to bed.

I have to work Saturday morning early. My schedule at City People’s mercantile runs Tuesday through Saturday, but Saturday is the odd day in that I have to come in to work at nine forty-five rather than eleven forty-five. Needless to say, I am usually dragging Saturday morning.

Email is one of the first things I ignore when I am under the pressure of a deadline. That’s why I am posting in my Blog instead. Anyone needing to check up on me can read this and send me an email. Not that the information you are looking for is here. I have to admit I don’t know what anyone would expect from this log outside of myself. I have a tendency to be wordy so I doubt many people read much past the current post.

Turns out Carolyn had wanted to attend the NaNoWriMo gathering and I had just missed her when I called about it Friday. So Saturday night after work I took her out for a cheap Asian dinner and a movie, “Waking Life;” which I do recommend if only for the ideas it contains, difficult watching though. On a side note, Christine from Friday night was working there; she hadn’t mentioned she was doing part-time work.

Sunday did accord me another hours catch up since Daylight savings time occurred. But I still showed up a little early to brunch at Charlie’s. I went home after and tried to rest but found my projects too pressing. Even so, I wasted time doing nothing constructive. Then I got ready for Fetish Night at the Vogue, this time wearing stage makeup that turned out well. I took pictures when I got home which I will post on my main page soon.

Here it is Wednesday after all that. I got the changes I needed done Monday evening and my client wrote back saying they liked my work. There is always a pleasant feeling of satisfaction but I am still sleepy and unfocused.


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