Volpane In Love

Decade Archive of my personal blog from 1999 to 2009.

Saturday, December 08, 2001

Volpane the Vamp


This week has flown by already. I've barely had time to breath. Monday was spent indoors at home recuperating from the past month. I put together the page for my NaNoWriMo Novel which now includes everything I�ve written so far. Some people have already been asking me whether I will be finishing it and my answer is I plan to write more on it when I am laid off from CPM, as a break from my current hunt for my next paying job. BTW, anybody reading this who knows of employment opportunities please email me now!

I hope to be posting my updated resume and ideas about where I�m investigating employment in the next week.

Tuesday and Wednesday found me answering email and chatting online.

Lost Luggage

Thursday I went to the Cuff with several CPM employees, my intention being that I only drink one martini�then a friendly local came over to express his condolences for the closing of one of Capital Hill�s institutions and bought us a round of Midori sours. A pleasant thought but it pushed me over the edge and I was well into a second martini before I realized that I should wend my way home.

Friday morning was an ordeal and I had to work very hard not to indulge my nausea for a good part of the day. Still, I was able to attend my friend Nancy�s birthday party held at her new home in North Seattle. Purple Mark, Carolyn and myself were all chauffeured by Jason, a long time friend from Montana who also knows Nancy. Purple mentioned his plans to attend Coffee Messiah�s Saturday Midnight Cabaret because, he said, the theme would be Moulin Rouge and he was wearing one of his �Can-Can� outfits and wondered if I might like to wear the other one.

So tonight, in another hour or so I will be joining him to attend Midnight Cabaret as Moulin Rouge dancers. If you read this before then�well, you should attend to see us perform, of course.


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