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Great Blue Heron ARDEA HERODIAS This is the largest of the dark herons

Great Blue Herons are a common sight in marshes and waterways throughout the US and Southern Canada. They are the largest of all the New World Herons and Egrets, and are often misidentified as Cranes because of their large size. It stalks for prey on land and in the water. It mates for life and only when one dies will they search for another. When eating they like to be close to the water to catch fish. When the water is low they are resting or feeding there young. They walk in the water to search for small fish. The best time to view them is at sunset and when the water level is low. !!CAUTION!! Approach Slowly when taking Pictures.

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Photo's taken with Sony TRV730 Digital CamCorder and Sony Cybershot Digital Camera

**Moonie Starr and April**

Photo's taken with a Fuji 2700 Digital Camera

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