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Database Links:

Most downloads work with Pocket Access


Pocket PC Tips:

Create a simple 3 column database on your PC then Sync it into your Pocket PC.  I like this method the best due to the fact you can type rather than tapping, easier to edit and easier to adjust the size of the database.

Pocket PC News: for details.

HP540 series and prior can't be updated with the new 2002 software.  Why you ask very simple the HP 540 series and prior processor speed is less then 206mhz compared to the IPAQ.

Tablet Art:

I purchased a Digital Tablet to design pictures, signatures etc. great fun for all with a creative side.  Submit your creative art for posting to jpeg or gif format.  Recent postings tablet pictures

Download WinZip to view the tablet pictures


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Enjoy your PDA.




Page Last Modified On 01/20/2003 9:37 PM

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