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Wednesday, October 11, 2000

11 October, 2000.


haven't written for a long time. i think this is because a) i am lazy. b) my life has been in upheaval for the last month and a half at LEAST c) i am becoming increasingly disillusioned by the internet and choose instead to do something totally non-internet related.... PLAY GAMES. i am up to the fourth act in DIABLO 2 now. just have to defeat Diablo and i am home free. it has taken me about three months to get this far though.

anyway, what was i saying?

oh, asides from the usual pOstmodern blues and surrealist ventures into a non-druginduced state of psychosis slash depression--- i haven't been posting on this darndED blogger dot com thingo because... well, i don't care all that much.

the pointlessness of this communication has proved itself, once and for all. I initially thought writing in here could act as a sort of purging, a spewing forth of all things awful, degrading and humiliating. the darkness, the bleak wanton urges of my neuroses.... instead, being an essentially lazy person, i have chosen not to communicate with ANYONE least of all the faceless nameless out there in the Web.

things change when those moralistic splinters of responsibility start stinging my eyeballs and i feel it necessary to partake in even the smallest effort of social decorum... to update my website.... sick of all that *you haven't updated for SO long, wa!@* bullshit that my friends are giving me.

i really need to shave my legs

so you know, here it is and accept it in the mouth, you bastards.

posted on 10/11/2000 9:50:06 AM




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