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Super Undiscovered> I Am Never Coming Down

Hah, guess who was here!


my chosen profession: dead bank clerk 2025ad
Mr antibiotic, i am an extrovert, i like to dance
*not a serial killer, kissing in your honey drop hair...
Insert ____mind_____HERE _space_for_it_here<<<__

Here's another crappy introspective into the self absorbed paranoid psyche of Juanita, aged 19 years, 11 months and x days...The millenium is just around the corner...

Everything is fine, my blood is mine. Sleep is good, sleep is bliss. My sun shines, and I walk through the city in a bubble that warps everything, magnifies everything. "We are what we pretend to be, so we must be careful what we pretend to be." Vonnegut.

Thats all folks. Read on of thats what you're into... I dig exposing my life on live bandwidth, why else would you be here, reading about me? Nothing terribly exciting will be told... I look inside myself to find me. Sometimes though, it is easy to be camouflaged. Try not to be found...

Oh, but the words...
The Underlying Crap [My Info]
The Stars and Good Angels[Pix]
I feel great** [More Pix]
Manga Girl [Net Nerding]
Something Permanent [The Real Thing]

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Oh yeah I think this is regarded as a disclaimer: try to remember that most of the stuff here is copyright and we WILL come after you if you should like to steal it away....let me know if you are interested in using anything, and I'm sure something could be worked out... though the Manga pics and Radiohead are free for anyone's use considering that I stole them from somewhere anyway [18/May/1999]