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Thursday, August 31, 2000

christ almighty. If it wasn't always such a fucken mission with this goddamn computer, i guess i would be updating this page a lot more often. as it is, it takes me fucken half an hour to get in to check my email, so as you can imagine i am PRETTY FUCKED OFF by the time i have finished THAT that i can't be arsed doing anything else. Deepest apologies to anyone who is staying tuned. i will endeavour to be more prolific once i get a decent net connection.

ah yesssss. the big news. Moving to Drew's. Yesth, the drewbie that maintains this page and sends death threats if i don't update. My dad is under the impression that living with drew is going to either a) turn me into a lesbian, or b) we will have raucous licentious sex all over the place, thus c) cheating on jed and d) partaking in acts not *suitable* for a little girl.

he wrote of my *sexual experimentation*. HAHAHAHAHA. jesus christ. you would think that he raised me as the vestal virgin, the way he is carrying on. i mean- its as if moving in with drew is going to have me taking part in mass orgies, taking copious amounts of drugs and representing the lowest debasest form of human being possible. erm.

like that can't happen if i were to move in with a girl.

Oh my Gawd, its like, drew is *stho NAUGHTY*. (yes, that was a lisp).

i don't know. don't care. going to do it. i didn't do it last year because i was still being supported by him. so i was all meek and wanting to be good. but not now. ive grown* up, i support myself by working at *the worst job in the world* AND i think i know what is good for me and what is not.

fingers cold. supposed to be working on something for a friend of mine. its a belated birthday present, a lot of us are taking part. its VERY belated by now. over a month and a half or something. but OH well. it will be great when it is finished. Obviously i can't talk about it because he might read this page and blah blah blah.

i am so fucking bored. should try finishing a story that i was working on called *The Cormorant*. BUT I CAN"T EVEN FUCKING CHECK MY EMAIL. goddamn cunty thing.

i have four earring holes in my left ear. the second one from the bottom HURTS at the moment, because i left it empty for ages and ages, and have been wearing crap quality metals. so its all crusty and gross at the back.

went for a power walk thing today. nearly froze my tits off, so i came back after only about a mile and a half. was wearing a beanie and a scarf, and thick socks and a big jumper. felt like a snowman. looked like a retard.

it hailed on the way home from Jed's this afternoon too. *sigh. got wet. learnt to live with it.

American Psycho is BRILLIANT. Christian Bale is a complete babe. but i decided NOT to tell jed, because its in *bad taste* apparently, to tell your boyfriend the guys that you find attractive... so instead i will go on about the Bale's virtues here.... he is dead gorgeous. and i mean that in the MOST serious way. argh, sorry, if you haven't seen the film, i guess, its hard.

but see it. fully worth your admission.

also saw Hollow Man. have been on a film spree with Jed. two films in two days. AW my Gawd. Hollowman was good. fast and exciting. kind of scary. Very disgusting.

ooh. eleven new emails. Whose your daddy????

work tomorrow from 7pm till 5am. *sigh sigh. long night. LONG night. and on Saturday i work from 9pm-5am. but on sunday i only work from 4-10pm. which is okay. get home in decent time. MIGHT EVEN TAKE THE TRAIN. (its rare for me to even have the option of catching public transport after work. usually have to get taxi's because the buses and trains are closed)

pah. talking films with Michael. Clockwork Orange leaves a bad taste in my mouth.

posted on 8/31/2000 9:52:23 AM




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