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Tuesday, August 1, 2000

and you have really (and i mean REALLY baby REALLY) great legs.

[shame about the rest!!!]

(a close friend of mine said that once. about herself. *sigh.)

so it hailed about three times thismorning. i work in an hour and forty minutes. goddamn.

am reading a True Crime book about this guy called Herb Baumeister, who killed all these guys. He got of on auto-asphyxiation-erotica. or whatever it is called. i can't IMAGINE having to be strangulated near to death just so i can get the orgasm of my life. ew.

posted on 8/1/2000 8:40:39 PM

well.... i love lots of people. not JUST jed. but he is one of my number 1. men. Blitzen is also on that list. and probably my dad.

i have a number one dog too- Rinso. he is just gorgeous. .... but then, now that i think about it. everyone is Number One. its great isn't it? being human and being able to share my *head* with lots of interesting people.

thank you thank you thank you.

i love you all.

your hair is nice today!!

posted on 8/1/2000 8:35:51 PM

i love jed.

posted on 8/1/2000 8:32:06 PM

cripes. Blogger wasn't working for ages cos some dope denied my access. and DREW WAS EVEN BLAMING ME for it. (for a change). it is raining and hailing and i am so very cold. going back to the city soon. not much else to say. bit blind.

posted on 8/1/2000 8:26:36 PM

have gained three inches around my waist since summer.

this is not terribly surprising, considering that i eat when i am a) depressed or b) bored. and i have been both of those things throughout most of this year.

isn't is strange how people judge you by your weight? they think you must be lazy or slow or retarded, or have no sex life, are completely boring and don't know what a *joint* is. just cos you are overweight.

oh. im not just judged by my weight, but by my fucking NAME, and my fucking LOOKS. goddamn prejudiced fuckheads that i am surrounded by.


someone said something interesting once- that they used to eat till it hurt, as some weird sort of self mutilation exercise. that kind of rung a bell.

has always been so easy for me to gain weight. takes a LOT of self discipline to lose it. as i guess it is with most people.

last year was good. i didn't eat because i had no food. but was so fucked up i would rip my self open and bleed for fucking days. for a long time there was not a single day went by where i didn't bleed. and i was thinner than i ever remember being.

now, they say that my depression level is in the low twenties, which is a very normal level, even an abnormally HAPPY state of mind.

and i don't cut myself up and i feel like a cork and i eat and cry and eat and cry so much i can barely breathe.

which is the better state of mind?

i ask you that? would you guys prefer to see me thinner and bleeding, or fat and crying?

christ i am crying now.

and i am not even fucking eating.

Do you reckon some boy would dump me because im overweight? as the People In Charge (parents, fucking parents and fucking family who think they are doing you a good turn by telling you how much weight you have gained since you stopped starving yourself and trying to accidentally kill yourself?) keep telling me.

if i post this, it is a large step towards the liberation of Juanita.

AW MY GAWD. I Just Found Out That My DAD Uses Viagra.

heh. good subject change.

AW MY GAWD. laughing my FUCKING ass off. it was an inadvertant discovery, i was looking through the cupboard trying to find the goddamn key. and there you go. little prescription packet. AND ALL THE GODDAMN PILLS HAVE BEEN USED. *shudder* that means, that my parents have actually HAD SEX in the past ten years.

aw my gawd.

think i am going to go and dwell on this newfound knowledge for a little while.

ps. now that my folks are actually internetting, i hope to fucking GOD they don't discover my webpage. HOW EMBARRASSING. i will probably be banned from their house.

posted on 8/1/2000 12:51:57 AM




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