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Saturday, July 29, 2000

{drew here Muahaha}

Look here ya silly billy

posted on 7/29/2000 7:18:27 AM

in case anyone is wondering, i have fucked off to the country for a week and a half. enjoying the distinct LACK of sunshine, but the omnipresence of the ultrasuperdooperfresh air.

and drew says: look at my blog. BUT I CAN"T REMEMBER HIS GODDAMN URL THING. i hope he has a link from my main page. yeah.

posted on 7/29/2000 6:49:36 AM

Monday, July 24, 2000

really managed to fuck up today. didn't sleep much (two hours) and ended getting up for 6.30 am.

worked on a letter of application to the Horseland job, and my resume.

called nearly everyone i know. no one was answering.

went to lucy's at 10am and printed out letter and resume. came home and promptly fell asleep on the couch, only to be woken by Drew on the phone at 12.20, asking me where the hell i was... was SUPPOSED to meet him at the cinema to watch The X-Men, along with Jed and Lucy. he decided to watch it by himself because i couldn't make it in time.

also turns out that Jed slept right through until 3.30pm, and lucy was waiting for a call back for a job. *sigh. im SO sorry, drew. wish i had of made it. I feel really bad. am hoping to rectify that soon.

right now it is 2.22am. Jed is coming over soon. i'm going down south in two days, and i won't get to see him for *gasp* a WHOLE WEEK.

my life must seem so terribly dull.

i smell like Lou Lou. my boss gave me a big bottle of it, one of the ones with the cork- not the spray on eau de cologne, but the real stuff. it is kind of -old personish- but i like it. its musky and adult and mature. smells like far off places and expensive clothes. it took me a while before i *really* liked it, but now, along with Givenchy's Amarige, it is one of my favourites. i'd save up to buy a bottle of Calvin Klein's Escape. but it is so hideously expensive. and they say never to change ones scent. hmm. -----even I don't know what i am talking about-----

posted on 7/24/2000 11:32:23 AM




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