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  the angry clown

My 77 Can Am as purchased, in 1999

Welcome to the site devoted to the Pontiac Can Am, a rare special edition of the 1977 LeMans. If you're looking for information on it, you've come to the right place.

As the rarest and most desirable musclecars fetch all-time record prices, the average car guy on a budget is slowly losing hope they'll be able to afford a traditional musclecar, and they're turning to alternatives.

This site specializes in one of the last affordable classic Pontiacs, the 1977 Can Am. Is it a traditional musclecar, with 350 horsepower? No. Is it modern? No. Compared to your average Toyota Corolla, it's big (112" wheelbase) and it's heavy (3800 - 4000 lbs); but it's a LOT more fun to drive, and it has either a W72 Pontiac 400 or an Olds 403 engine that has the torque to push you back in the seat. Best of all, despite the increasing prices it's still an affordable way to get into the classic car hobby.

  • Nice Can Am on eBay: Check out this gorgeous, low mile Can Am located in Grants Pass, Oregon. I'm not affiliated with this seller, but he/she was kind enough to link to this site. Thanks! 1977 Can Am eBay auction
  • Forum: I guess I spend a lot more time on forum boards than I do updating and improving this site, considering how rarely it gets updated. If you're wanting to check out some interesting discussion of the Can Am and the other 1973-77 GM midsize cars, your first stop should be the Poncho Pride Forum, where the specialty is discussion of 1973-77 Pontiacs. If you have a question, these guys have an answer!
  • What's up with the car?: My own Can Am is about half restored. Interior's pretty much done, outside is original, it runs too well to start taking apart. So for 2006, I'm planning to install NOS (original New Old Stock GM) cruise control, and do some minor detailing before getting it out and giving it a run to at least a few show and shines. In other words, restoration should be finished in about 15 years...
  • Navigating this site is LAME!: Yes, the Clown dude knows how to build web pages and things like a links page at the bottom. But he gave up doing it at Angelfire, because their damned banners, ads and popups screw up all that fine work. So that's why every time you now click one of the links here, it pops up a new page. It was a short-term fix. And yes, I already know it's lame.
  • Why do I call myself an "Angry Clown"? Because it doesn't make sense, clowns are supposed to be happy. (Why do I like disco-era 15mpg cars when gas is over $2 a gallon? That doesn't make sense either.) Okay then, why a Clown? Because I don't take myself too seriously, and neither should you. If I wanted to take myself seriously, I'd own a Corvette and worry about the correct chalk marks on the firewall.

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