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The Numbers in Star Wars


1/1,000,000............................chance of destroying Death Star, according to Han
1/3720.................................chances of successfully navigating an astroid field according to C-3PO
1/725..................................chance of Luke and Han's survival on Hoth according to R2-D2
.05....................................where Luke told Red Leader to turn to after Red Leader's attack run
.06....................................where a squad of enemy fighters was at in the Second Death Star Battle
15%....................................intrest that Han and Jabba agree on in the end
20%....................................intrest that Jabba wants Han to pay
.35....................................where Vader and his group were coming after Red Leader and his group
0.5....................................what the Millennium Falcon will do past light speed
50/ the prize money for the pod race should be split, according to Watto much longer Luke had to stay on the farm according to Owen
1....................sand person.......Luke saw before his view was blocked, by a sand person
1....................piece.............Luke was in one piece when Ben came to save his butt
1....................swift strokes.....what it will take to crush the Rebellion, according to Tarkin
1st..................mate..............what Chewbacca is
1......................................the number on something being unlocked
1....................terminal..........required to be shut down so the Millenium Falcon could leave
1....................person............who Han takes orders from kind of fighter that can potentially destroy the Death Star
1....................minute............time it would take Death Star to be in range of the Rebel Base
1st..................marker............Han's tauntaun would freeze before that away from Hoth
1....................more pass.........Wedge wanted to take around the AT-AT
1....................piece.............Artoo was in but Threepio wasn't when they were escaping Cloud City
1....................rescue............what Han said he owed Luke after Luke rescued him from Jabba
1....................member............Han's command crew for the shuttle after Chewie volunteered
1....................guard.............what it takes to sound the alarm at the bunker on Endor
1....................guard.............left after Paploo led the others away from the bunker on Endor
Home sign of the main cruiser in the Second Death Star Battle
1....................Naboo past the Trade Federation Blockade
K-1-0..................................some code used on Hoth
1 or 2...............accidents.........Jar Jar caused that got him banished
2nd..................language..........what Bocce is to C-3PO
2....................droids............Luke had to take to the garage and clean
R2-D2..................................the droid
2....................droids............Luke took with him when he left in the morning, Beru thinks
2....................banthas...........Luke saw when he was looking for sand people
2....................droids............make up the cargo for trip to Alderaan destroyers...that were going to try to cut off the Millenium Falcon
2....................TIE fighters......were still left after Luke and Han shot down two
2....................meters............the size of the target area on the first Death Star
2....................meters............the size of a womp rat
Red 2..................................Wedge's call sign in the Battle of Yavin
Gold 2.................................Tiree's call sign in the Battle of Yavin
Rouge 2................................Zev's call sign on Hoth
2....................rescues...........what Luke owed Han after Han rescued him on Hoth
2....................fighter escorts...for each transport that escaped Hoth
2....................transports........would have to leave Hoth at a time, even though it was risky destroyers...coming right at the Millennium Falcon after it escaped from Hoth
2....................droids............Luke's "gift" to Jabba
2....................scouttroopers.....Leia spotted on speeder bikes on Endor
2....................wrecked speeders..Luke found when he was looking for Leia on Endor
Red 2..................................the call sign of a fighter in the Second Death Star Battle
2....................Jedi Knights......were sent to settle Naboo's trade dispute
2....................Sith..............were telling Nute and Rune what to do
2....................slaves............are worth more than one pod
2....................circles...........what Anakin had to complete in the pod race after one circle
2nd..................apprentice........too many for a Jedi Master to take on Naboo
2....................Sith..............there always are, a Master and his apprentice
2 or 3...............more things.......need to be repaired on the Millennium Falcon before it can leave Bespin
C-3PO..................................the droid
Red 3..................................Biggs' call sign in the Battle of Yavin
3....................marks at 2.10.....whatever that means, where fighters were coming in
3....................minutes...........time it would take the Death Star to be in range of the Rebel Base
Echo 3.................................Luke's call sign on Hoth
3T8....................................echo station on Hoth
Rouge 3................................Wedge's call sign on Hoth
3......................................position number Zev set, right before he died
3x.....................................what Han offered to pay Jabba after he was thawed
3....................TIE fighters......above Wedge in the Second Death Star Battle
Red sign of a fighter in the Second Death Star Battle
3....................squads............sent out to help continue the pursuit of the Rebels in the Battle of Endor
3....................years.............Anakin's age when he came to Tatooine
3rd..................lap...............last one in the pod race, Sebulba was in the lead at the start of it
3 or long Luke has owned the droids, he tells the Stormtrooper
4......................................sector where the Star Destroyers came out of hyperspace near Hoth
4......................................the camp where Amidala, Bibble and others were to be taken
5......................................the number on something being unlocked
5......................................the level Princess Leia was on in her cell
Red 5..................................Luke's call sign in the Battle of Yavin
Gold 5.................................Pops' call sign in the Battle of Yavin
5....................minutes...........time it would take for the Death Star to be in range on the Rebel Base
5-7....................................echo station on Hoth
Red 6..................................Porkins' call sign in the Battle of Yavin
6th..................planet............of the Hoth system, where the rebels were
mark 6.1...............................where all the fighters would rendezvous during the Battle of Yavin
7......................................the number on something being unlocked
7....................locations.........the tractor beam was coupled to the main reactor
Red 7..................................the call sign of some fighter pilot in the Battle of Yavin
Echo 7.................................Han's call sign on Hoth that would stay behind and fly the speeders on Hoth
MV-7...................................sector the fighters in the Second Death Star Battle had to stay close to
7....................wupei.............the cost of the frog Jar Jar tried to eat
9......................................the number on something being unlocked
Red 9..................................the call sign of some fighter pilot in the Battle of Yavin
Red 10.................................the call sign of some fighter pilot in the Battle of Yavin
Rouge sign of a guy sent to station 38 on Hoth that would stay behind and fly the speeders on Hoth
Red 11.................................the call sign of some fighter pilot in the Battle of Yavin
Rouge sign of a guy sent to station 38 on Hoth
less than long it takes the Millennium Falcon to do the Kessel run Evazan has the death sentence on
12.....................................the number of the sector that the assistant officer would cover on Hoth
12.....................................the sector where the troops would be sent to protect the fighters on Hoth
12.....................................the zone where the probe droid was at on Hoth
TC-14..................................Trade Federation droid
T-14...................................the hyperdrive generator Watto was going to sell Qui-Gon
15...................minutes...........time it would take for the Death Star to be in range of the Rebel Base
T-16...................................a ship Luke had back home
VT-16..................................a ship the stormtroopers are talking about
17.28................meters (?)........distance from AT-AT's to power generators on Hoth
20...................degrees...........where heavy fire was in the Battle of Yavin
about 20.............guns..............on the Death Star, some on the surface, some on the tower
20...................degrees...........where the 3 TIE fighters were at in the Second Death Star Battle
AA- 23.................................the number of Leia's detention block
30...................minutes...........time it would take for the Death Star to be in range of the Rebel Base
30...................rebel the Battle of Yavin accoring to the Imperials
30...................seconds...........time it would take the Death Star to be in range of the Rebel Base
XP-38..................................a landspeeder
38.....................................station number where Rouge 10 and Rouge 11 were sent
T-47...................................a snow speeder
47.....................................sector where the enemy ships were at in the Second Death Star Battle
T-65...................................some incom Luke was suppose to check out on
94.....................................docking bay number where the millennium Falcon was at Mos Eisley
0200.................hours.............when the Millennium Falcon would arrive at Alderaan
271....................................what to set when flying through an astroid field
0300.................hours.............when the squad would meet Han at the shield generator
ST-321.................................some Imperial code
327....................................the Docking Bay the Millennium Falcon Lands on in the Death Star
327....................................the platform the Millennium Falcon lands on in Cloud City
327....................................the Nubian ship Qui-Gon needs parts for
TK-421.................................the call sign of the guy who wasn't at his post
800..................years.............Yoda has trained Jedi
900..................years.............Yoda's age when he died
1,000................generations.......Jedi Knights were the guardians of peace and justice
1,000................ships.............what it would take to destroy a planet, according to Han
1,000................terrible things...were on Naboo, coming this way
over 1, long it takes for the Sarlacc to digest its food
1138...................................the cell block Luke said Chewie was from
2, much money Luke and Ben could give Han now for fare to Alderaan
2187...................................the number of the cell Leia was in
10,000...............credits...........what Han wanted for fare to Alderaan
15, much money Luke and Ben could give Han when they reached Alderaan
17,000...............credits...........2,000 + 15,000
20, much money Qui-Gon had to pay for parts for the ship
over 20,000............................Anakin's midi-chlorian count
25,000...............credits...........what Jabba offered Boushh for capturing Chewbacca
35,000...............credits...........what Jabba and Boushh agreed on for capturing Chewbacca
50,000...............credits...........what Boushh wanted for capturing Chewbacca
1,000,000's..........voices............that cried out in terror when Alderaan blew up
3263827................................the hatch number of the trash compactor
6,000,000............languages.........C-3PO is fluent in

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