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Lesson 25: Pantheons

Writen by Isa Moon

Pantheons are the group/family of gods/goddesses for a culture. The following are a list of some of the deities for the cultures listed. If you are interested in learning about different pantheons I suggest visiting /~obsidian/PanIndex.html. It is a wonderful website and I got much of the information for this lesson from it.

God/GoddessWhat they do/are
Agronawarrior Goddess associated with Rivers
BelatucadrosGod of the common soldier
Boudiccavictory Goddess
BrigitGoddess of fire, smith craft, poetry, childbirth, motherhood
MaponusGod of poetry & music
Modronmother Goddess, appears as washerwoman
AedhLord of fire
AengusGod of beauty & perfection of form
AineFaery Goddess of love & desire
BoudiccaGoddess of Victory
BrigitGoddess of fire, smith craft, poetry, childbirth, motherhood
DaghdaGod of water & fertility
DioncechtGod of healing
DonnGod of the underworld & the dead
Eochaid God of the sun & lightening
EtanGoddess of craftsmanship & artisans
FlidaisGoddess of the hunt, forests & wildlife, lust & sex
GoibhniuGod of smith craft & brewing
LerGod of the sea
Libanfemale water spirit
Lughsun God, head of the pantheon
The Morriganguides the fallen soldiers to the afterlife
Nechtainmale water spirit
Nuadawarrior God
OghmaGod of knowledge, magick, eloquence
Scathachwarrior Goddess
Aeronwar God
ArawnGod of the underworld & the dead
ArianrhodGoddess of the night
BeliGod of Gods, head of pantheon
CeridwenGoddess of knowledge
GwydionGod of magicians & tutors
MathGod of magick & knowledge
MabonGod of youth
RhiannonGoddess of horses
TaliesinGod of bards
Taranwar God
Amon-Rasun God, head of Pantheon
AnubisGod of dead & mortuaries
Bastcat Goddess
BesGod of childbirth, protector against evil
HapyGod of the Nile
HathorGoddess of love & sexuality, music & dance
HeketGoddess of childbirth
HorusGod of vengeance
IsisGoddess of motherhood, healing, rebirth & reincarnation
KhnumGod of craftsmen & potters
Khonsumoon God, healing
Ma'atGoddess of law, truth, & order
NephthysGoddess of mortuaries, protector of Pharaohs' spirit
Nutsky Goddess
OnurisGod of war, the hunt, & the chase
OsirusGod of eternal life
Sekhmetwar Goddess
SeshetGoddess of writing, history, libraries, & archives
Seth (Set)brother of Osirus, the darkness in the light
TaurtGoddess of childbirth & women
ThothGod of knowledge, magick, art, & science
Aeblus Lord of winds
Algos God of pain & suffering
AphroditeVenusGoddess of love, sex, & beauty
ApolloGod of the sun, music, & archery
AresMarsGod of warfare & battle
AridneFloraGoddess of vegetation
ArtemisDianaGoddess of the wilderness & all things in it, the hunt, woman, childbirth
AthenaMinervaGoddess of war & government
DemeterCeresGoddess of harvest & cultivated land
DionysiosBaccusGod of wine, fruition, & ecstatic celebration
ErosCupidbringer of passion & love
HadesPluto/DispaterLord(s) of the underworld (Pluto) & dead (Dispater)
HebeJuventasGoddess of domestic virtues & work
HekateGoddess of crossroads & night travel, patroness of witchcraft
HephaestusVulcanGod of craftsmen & smith craft
HeraJunoGoddess of matronly virtues & womankind
HermesMercuriusGod of messages, fertility, fortune & fate, music, dreams, omens, protector of travels
HestiaThe PenatesGoddess(s) of home & family
IrisGoddess of the rainbow
PanFaunusGod of field, grove, & wooded glen
PlutosGod of prosperity & wealth
PoseidonNeptuneGod of the sea
SeleneDianaGoddess of the moon
ZeusJupiterLord of the universe, king of the Gods
EosAuroraGoddess of dawn
BellonaGoddess of frenzied & violent war
JanusGod of space, time & passage
LiberGod of vegetation & husbandry
Luciferthe morning star
Vesperthe evening star
Vestaguardian of the household
FaunaGoddess of animals