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Lesson 24: Pagan Terms

Writen by Isa Moon

Alter -a table or raised structure used to perform magick and store magickal tools
Athame -a double-edged ritual knife used to cut energy only
Besom -a straw broom used in magickal ceremonies to clean negative energies
Bolline -a white handled knife used to harvest herbs and other plants
Book of Shadows (BOS)-a book containing a witches spells, potions, etc.
Candle Magick -a type of magick where colors are used to represent different things
Cauldron -a pot, traditionally cast iron, used by witches to burn items, create potions, represents the womb of the Goddess
Censer -a fireproof incense burner, represents the element air
Chalice -a cup, goblet, or other water holding container, represents the element water
Charm -a highly magickal object used for protection, to draw love, etc.
Cone of Power -the ritual act of drawing up energy and releasing it for a specific goal or purpose
Consecration -the act of making something sacred
Coven -a group of witches working together
Deosil -a clockwise movement, positive energy flow
The Directions -the four directions, North, South, East, West, each corresponds with an element
Divination -the art of telling the future by interpreting omens or by reading cards, runes, etc.
Drawing Down the Moon -ritual invocation of the Goddess force
Drawing Down the Sun -ritual invocation of the God force
The Elements -the five elements of life, earth, air, fire, water, spirit
Elementals -spirit-creatures that represent the qualities of the elements
Esbat -a regular meeting time of a coven; the four minor sabbats; the full moons
Familiar -a witch’s companion, mainly in the form of a domesticated animal such as a cat or dog
The Goddess -the female aspect of the Divine
Green Witch -someone skilled in the art of herbs and natural healing
Handfasting -a Wiccan wedding ceremony
Handparting -a ceremony dissolving the Handfasting
Horned God -the male aspect of the Divine
Karma -the law of cause-and-effect; all our actions and their consequences in this life or in future incarnations
Love Magick -any form of magick performed to attract, strengthen, or restore love
Magick -the art, science, and practice of producing "supernatural" effects; causing change to occur in conformity; controlling events in Nature with will
Mojo Bag -a small bag containing magickal tools worn to attract or dispel certain influences
Neo-Paganism -the practice of modern day Paganism
Pagan -a term coined by the Church to describe anyone who followed a religion other than Christianity, Moslem, or Judaism
Pentacle -a five-pointed star surrounded by a circle symbolizing the five elements and the never-ending circle of life
Pentagram -any written or drawn pentacle symbol
Practical Magick -witchcraft, folk-magick, and other such magicks that are concerned with things of the Earth, harmony with Nature, seasons, and cycles
Reincarnation -repeated birth of the same soul into different bodies
Ritual -a religious or magickal ceremony performed in a formalized behavior
Sabbat -one of eight Wiccan holidays
Scrying -the art of interpreting images seen in a reflective surface or flame
Skyclad -ritual nudity
Smudging -the burning of incense or herbs to drive away negative forces
Solitary -the name used for someone who practices magick alone
Spell -an incantation formula; prayer Threefold Law -what you put out will come back to you times three
Tools -objects used in ritual for a specific symbolism or purpose
Triple Goddess -three phases of the Goddess, corresponds with the phases of the moon and the seasons: Maiden, Mother, Crone
Visualization -forming mental pictures of goals
Wand -a tool usually made of wood; represents air
Warlock -from the Old English term “waerloga” meaning oath-breaker; used derogatorily by the Church as a name for a male Witch
Watchtowers -represent the four directions, each contain a guardian which can be called upon for rituals
Wheel of the Year -the 8 Sabbats celebrated in a Pagan year,
Wiccan Reed -moral code of Wicca: "Eight words the Wiccan Rede fulfills; An’ it harm non, do what ye will."
Widdershins-counterclockwise movement; the flow of negative energy