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Heket, in ancient Egypt was said to be a goddess with the head of a frog. Most likely, it was a lovely frog, for she was once known as a goddess of beauty.

Tameress sees Heket as a goddess of rejuvination. She, in Tameress, is a goddess of moisture and dew. This occurs every morning when everything is thought to come alive once again.

Heket is paired with Sobek as a marsh deity. She is guardian of the swamps and the life cycle of which. She is the one who brings life to the wetlands and moist landscapes. Whereas Sobek is more of a god who ends one cycle to allow Heket to begin another.

Heket is a sweet and patient goddess and is also a deity of variety and color. But, don't let her fool you, she is definately a deity who can take care of herself.

Bastet's Place Sekhmet's Den Anubis Shrine Aten's Roses Hatshepsut Back to Red Land; Black Land Back to Tameress Scribes Pharaohs Wadjyt Aten Temys Ka Terri Sobek's Realm


Midi playing: Dr. Jones