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Words, Glorious Words

QOF's Interesting Word of the Day

Cabriolet: A motor car with fixed sides and a folding top; a soft-top, a convertible.
Why it's interesting: Car names are interesting! A cabriolet was originally a light two-wheeled chaise drawn by one horse, having a large hood of wood or leather, and an ample apron to cover the lap and legs of the occupant; the word itself derives from 'cabriole' which is from French, meaning a goat-like leap, and apparently it was appropriate because of the carriage's elastic, bounding motion. 'Cab' is also a contraction of 'cabriolet' - just imagine if all taxis were glamorous convertibles!

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Where did all this come from then?

I studied English Language and Literature at Sheffield University for three years (1999-2002) and during that time I wrote many, many words, some of which were quite good. I thought it would be shame if no-one saw the words anymore, so below are links for some my undergraduate essays. They all received Firsts or 2:1s so you can copy them with equanimity. Speaking of which, here is a note of citation…

A note on citation

It doesn’t bother me much if you ‘borrow’ my ideas or even my words and don’t cite me. If you want to mention it in a footnote, this website will tell you the right way to do it. But remember – if you just cut’n’paste the whole thing then you’re only cheating yourself (not to mention your teachers, professors, fellow students and examining bodies). And more importantly, the frogs will hunt you down and kill you.




Conceptual Metaphors

Chaucer’s ‘Fabliaux’

Text World Theory and Tie-In Novels

The Parable of the Good Samaritan in Bibles throughout the ages

Proto-Feminism in Edna St Vincent Millay

Using Wordsmith to Analyse Budget Statements

The Impact of Words in Ancrene Wisse

Names and Naming in Song of Solomon and Moll Flanders

Scientific Language in the 17th and 20th Centuries

Musical Words in Sir Orfeo

A Study of Renaissance Poetry

The Study of Language and Literature and Concepts of Nation and Race

Jargon and Slang in Indie and Rock Journalism

Astrophil and Stella as a Meditation on the Social Function of Poetry

The Co-operative Principle in A View from the Bridge and Cat on a Hot Tin Roof

Liminality and Hybridity in Creatures of Folklore

Relations between Men and Women in Thomas Middleton’s plays

Language Varieties in Sozaboy by Ken Saro-Wiwa


Meta-theatricality in Endgame, Arcadia and and Angels in America

The Politics of Critical Discourse Analysis


Confrontations with Otherness in Descent Narratives


Dante’s Inferno as a Descent Text


Nature in JM Coetzee’s Disgrace and Elizabeth Bishop’s Poetry


Everything beyond this point was done in my own time, for my own twisted interest, and has never been marked or otherwise assessed as being any good. So watch yourself :-)

Political ramblings

This here is a brief analysis of government spending by department and taking into account GDP and inflation and things like that. It's in the form of a Powerpoint show, which you can download and save or view in your browser. If you do the latter you might want to make it full screen (press F11 now) because some of the graphs are quite fiddly.

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