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Bow down before the one you serve...

Sunday, 7 December 2003

I was embraced by God when I was at that arena...
I got there with Nathan and we bought some korn shirts and found our seats. The first band to play was AFI. They weren't so bad, I really didn't like them but eh it was okay. After AFI KoRn was suppose to come on but they didn't. I was getting impatient so then after AFI was Dashboard Cofessional. I was bored out of my fucking mind! I literally fell asleep on Nathans shoulder cause it was so fucking boring. I mean the band members just stood there...singing...and that was it. At least the members of AFI moved a lot. Shit. So then after Dashfucks got off it was 311. I never really listened to them before, like REALLY listen to them, although they were really good. I have to admit it they owned. A lot of peope stood up and we're moving to the music. Right when 311 came on, someone even lit a joint. I smelled it and was like ooooooooo. lol. BUT DAMN 311 kept blowing their amps off! The sound would come off when they would get really loud. It was cool though lol.

After 311 got off i waited at least 15 mins for korn to set up...and the lights came off and I jumped up from my seat. My patience was begining to shake and I was I playing with my necklaces. (I only do that when I am nervous or excited..) There I saw walk up was HEAD...all the way to the right of the stage like i thought. Next to him the greatest of all bassists was Feildy. Then to the left of the stage was Munky. his dreads were white and I think he had his makeup on. I really couldnt tell cause he was far from me. I only had a view of head and feildy. Then...David.....and then slowly after anticipation......JON DAVIS SET FOOT ONTO THE STAGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I yelled his name and covered my eyes. I swear I was going to cry, I dont understand why lol I just felt like it. I had my eyes on Jon the whole time. I couldnt stop looking at him.I kept reminding myself that here I am, with KORN, same room with them , same state with them. We were on the same grounds together, not just jon but the whole bands. I was overwhelmed.

ANd The outfit jon was wearing....PRICELESS. He was wearing those scottish skirts with black/white striped tights and I think boots...and his shirt was plain black I think. but the tights were fuckin awesome and so was the skirt.
Once Korn got on they FUCKIN OWNED!!!!!!! EVERYONE STOOD UP FOR KORN AND THEY KICKED ASS!!!!!!!!!! Jon moved a lot and Munky was being..well Munky lol. The first song they played was RightNow, then Got the Life,Freak on a leash, then BLIND!! THE SONG BLIND! Holy shit I screamed when I heard the bass play to blind. They teased the crowd with the bagpipes (JON CAME OUT WITH THE FUCKING BAGPIPES!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BAGPIPES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) playing Shoots and LAdders but then changed it to Let's Do this now (its on their new cd) Then they played Falling Away from me but then right in the middle of falling away from me like at the end of the song I mean, they cut in with ONE which kicked ass! I mean fuck KORN OWNED THAT ARENA! Everyone was feeling it and god Jon Davis sings so fucking good..his voice was like angels whispering in my ear. The whole band sounded awesome, they sound exactly like they do on Cd, only better! Most bands dont even sound that good in concert (evanescence, linkin park...etc etc) but korn...they were the best in that fucking arena. First time seeing korn ever...was the best...and I was blessed with the best!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted by vamp/kiakilla420 at 10:26 PM CST
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