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Bow down before the one you serve...

Monday, 5 January 2004

Oi, haven't written in here lately!
yea, I have been pretty BUSY these past weeks. A lot of shit has happened. well lets see Christmas was a little awkward. I went to Nathans grandmothers house and I had to meet his whole family. =/ god I hate meeting other peoples family. I get so nervous and freaked out and I never know what to say or what to do. But I met them, and I wanted to leave so bad. I could feel my throat choking up and my head was spinning. i said hi to each of them and Nathan took me into their basement. He knew I wasn't feeling real good so we just stayed there playing Pool and Pinball. It was pretty fun. I got to open my gifts from him earlier. he got me those cool Bleeding Edge Goth dolls. I have Lilian and Raven. Raven is sooo fucking cool. I love that doll, Lilian is cool too but Raven She has boots like me, has purple hair, wears a beautiful corset and ooooh god. its awesome. Then he got me a wrist band from hot topic, its col its has red lace on it. like a corset! hahaha. then he got me this cute little heart locket that opens. oh it was so adorable, i was so shocked to see it. its silver. hehehehehheheheheehhehe. I then gave him his gifts and he liked them too. I absolutely love him to death. I have been with him for a long time now. jan 28 will be 9 months. ehehehehhehehehehehehehe. for xmas i got him Slipknot DisasterPieces DVD and eyebrow jewelry and a hella cool Neon Guitar Lamp. My mom got him a Slipknot Welcome DVD. I really liked Christmas EVe cause I spent it with him. we were mostly in the basement making out lol but i enjoyed being with him.

After that I just stood home in Chicago with my momma. She got me lots of gifts too. A dragon lamp that lights up with different colors, the cure cd, 2 ozzy cds, a korn live dvd, and 2 southpark dvds. ahahha south park is my god. fucking hilarious! so i stood home all week like i said earlier. i went to visit my cousins....which was hilarious. my cousin irene cracks me up. she kept calling her mom a lezbo. i got cool necklaces from my aunt lydia. my aunt maria gave me 50 bucks. lydia gave me uhhh.......25 bucks. i spent it all at borders. ehehe. okay this is getting boring. lol

Sunday December 28 I went to go see Mushroomhead. Gerardo never came with me so I HAD TO GO ALONE! ahhh oh well. So i didnt know Dope was opening up for Mushroomhead. It was thefirst time I ever heard dope and I instantly fell in love. the guitarist is what got me. he is soooo fucking fast on those was fucking crazy. the vocalist has a unique voice and i wanted to go buy their cd sooooo bad. then mushroomhead came on and they kicked ass too! they owned just like Dope. they sound so much better live and JMann is soooooooooooooooooooooo hot. God it was awesome. I was up front like before. Oohhh I didnt mention when the first band Burning Down cme out I got the guitarists pick and I got Dopes pick. ahahhaaa. My side started to hurt when i was upfront during mushroomhead so i left. As i was leaving I walked past this guy who looked really familir. Then i was the guitarist of DOPE! I gently patted his back (i touched him...) and told him he kicked ass. he said thank you and smiled like a little boy. i told him this was the first time i ever heard them and I think the bands really good. I also said that he kicked major ass on guitar and hes really fast. he said it took a lot of practice for him to be this good. he thanked me and said that really built up his confidence and glad i enjoyed the show. I talked to him. I touched him. I met him. Oh dear god. All i gotta do is Meet Jon Davis.

new years.......................most amazing FUCKING DAY EVER> i spent all night with my baby nathan. well 12:15 i had to go but I wanted to stay. It was just amazing. I wish I can actually say why but no. We watched this funny homevideos of me when i was real little. we were laughing our asses off. we didnt even make it to all the home videos because SOMEONES hormones went through the roof. lol. we then watched 28 days later. Freaky ass shit. that movie freaked me out royaly. then we watched Finding Nemo!!! ooooh that movies cute! Sharkbait BOOAHAHHA! lol "he touched the butt...." god that movie was soooo cute. we didnt even make it to that movie either. lol. i mean i listened to it..but...ya. fuck we didnt even make it to see 28 days later. well..wait we did...we just stopped it for awhile and took an hour break of fucking dy humping. LMAO. not really. but eh. it was great. finding nemo is soooo funnny. lol. ESCAPE`! lol lmao. ooooh god. then i had to go to lennys. my mom and i were spending the night there. i had to sleep with the next day I went to nathans again, we walked around the park. got some action there too lol. no we didnt fuck. lol. ummm...went to lennys watched this blink 182 shit. god damn all 2 days i was there was nothing but blink 182. i couldnt get away from it. oi. friday i had nathan come over to lennys again lol ( what?! i needed to see him!) we didnt really get fiesty. lol just cuddly. it was good to be with him. and then...hmmmmmmmmmmmoh yea. i went to my dads for the weekend. ah. the only good part was opening my late xmas gifts. i got some pretty necklaces with the moon on it and shit. cool pajamas. SOOOO COMFTY> and then...what i have been waiting for, for SO long. A FUCKING PS2! finally! i got Grand THeft Auto 3 and Vice CIty. FUCKING FINALLY! now im trying to get the sailor moon super ss video game. oi vey. but friday to sunday i was sick as hell. im spose to be in school right now but im too sick and the snow is horrid! i aint walking in no fucking snow! im getting better though. ill probably go 2morrow. so ill go now.

I love Nathan. Is that bad????? im in a weird situation right now....i wish I could say but im gonna have to keep this in and deal with it. Damn him. he always gets in the way of things. hes hot but NO! oh well. ill get over it like i did before.

Posted by vamp/kiakilla420 at 2:35 PM CST
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