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Monday, 14 June 2004

marky convo - [seringe through the tounge]

mark says:
woah whats with the fucked up picture
sweet ruptured light says:
lol...iunno...looks kinda kool
mark says:
wtf is wrong with you
mark says:
a bleeding tongue is cool?
mark says:
whatever i dont care, whats up?
sweet ruptured light says:
meh...n/m...just bored
sweet ruptured light says:
mark says:
sweet ruptured light says:
sweet ruptured light says:
lol..i love yer display pix
mark says:

sweet ruptured light says: one w/ them cowboyhats or something
mark says:
i made a whole bunch of crazy hat pictures a long time ago
sweet ruptured light says:
mark says:
there probably is one with a cowboy hat
sweet ruptured light says:
sweet ruptured light says:
how ironic
sweet ruptured light says:
i guess...
mark says:
not ironic at all
mark says:
sweet ruptured light says:
aha!...thats the word
sweet ruptured light says:
for some reason i use ironic for everything
mark says:
probably the same reason you like pictures of girls' tongues getting stabbed
sweet ruptured light says:
lol..b/c of my "morbid" ways/
sweet ruptured light says:
mark says:
whats morbid again? liking things to do with death?
sweet ruptured light says:
something like that
mark says:
so you like people dying?
sweet ruptured light says:
no...the way that dead bodies decompose fascinates me...dont ask why
sweet ruptured light says:
im not sure myself
mark says:
i think youre just looking for attention, but thats just me
sweet ruptured light says:
im not ....why the hell would i be looking for attention....thats too much work
sweet ruptured light says:
and besides im not like that...
mark says:
lots of people do, if youre not looking for attention, why put fucked pictures in your display and funky screen names?
sweet ruptured light says:
because i just like that shit...i dont know why i do...i just do...thats a genuine person...i was never and will never be can take my word for it
mark says:
if you say so
mark says:
i guess i jsut find it hard to believe that some people are fascinated with dead bodies
sweet ruptured light says:
i dont blame u
sweet ruptured light says:
it is weird or w/e you want to say about it..
mark says:
it is to me
sweet ruptured light says:
but its not like i would enjoy watching someone get killed or some shit
mark says:
i hope not
sweet ruptured light says:
dont worry i won

Posted by vamp/illusions at 9:15 PM EDT
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